Monday, January 31, 2011 8:15 PM
Yay-ness ♥ ![]() ![]() Didn't went school today , due t mye school shoes are not dried . Early morning wake up by erjie ! ._. Oud with mum , dad , dajie & erjie . Lotone NTUC . Buy th 2nd trolley of newyear stuffs :D . Yesterday buy 1 full trolley , today 2nd-3rd full trolley ! Haha :) . After that , dad drive home put things . Went t dad's friend's garden , Buy orange plant & a plant . LOL . Home put again . Went sunshine , buy a sofa & coffee table . After that , headed t IMM . Shop for stuffs again . Home-ed . Clean up everything :D . Tmrw sofa will be sent t mye house . Hyppieeee . Superb awaiting for CNY . It has been a long time ever since dad are free :) . House are quite clean & tidy now . Yay-ness ! Going school tmrw again . LAST day of school before new year . Heeees .
Sunday, January 30, 2011 2:40 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() OHyeaa . Gonna Clean up mye messon room once again :) . Waiting for Erjie t come home . & will be going out t buy chinese new year stuffs . (Y) , I feel like i hasn't buy enough clothing & shoes xD . Gonna go lotone later if times allow . Rain Rain Rain . how i wish this coming wednesday it would rain non-stop :) . Because , i HATE cross-country . ShoppingQueen this few days . Feels good ! Althought money are just flyingg away :x .
2:14 AM
ShoppingQueen ! ♥ (Y) , Shopping today ! With Erjie , Dajie , Peijun , Chunyu & Leris . Heeh . Shop for whole day , fun like crazy . Alot people go bugis today siah . Jianjie , Joanne , GuoHao & Gang , Mr Ho , Janelle , Charles , Alicia , Titus , Jiayu , Elaine & Junqi Sir . Cool eh ! :D . Brought alot of stuffs :) However , i felt that wans't enough ! Might be going oud & shop again tmrw . Hehees :D . New year is coming near <3 . Slack with Potato&gang downstair just now . Just homed & it's 2.15am :D . Laughter&joy . HAhas . imissyousomehow . butiguessyoudoesn'tneedmymisses:)
Friday, January 28, 2011 8:53 PM
♥ Yay ! It's friday & i'm back on posting :D . Today history test , Ohmygod . First time i so least confident :S . But hopefully i'll still pass . Hahaa . Maths was fun , i LOVE this topic . heheees . English was boring ttm . So does VIP . NPCC training todayyyy . I'm freaking surprise that i manage t teach mye sec3s baton drills by myself . Because me myself not sure of baton drills . Learn one time niah . Hahaa . YAY :) Before PT , Whole sec2,3&4 combine squad . heee . Dam fun ! Sizing command . Andrew sir & Don sir guild . Evil Andrew sir took a photo&video of us . Because , me chunyu & leris is th shortest in CLs which been surrounded by cadets . Laughs , Lots of fun & laughter :) . Debrieft by Andrew sir & went for dinner . :D . Home sweet home , Hahahaa . SHERMAN Babyyyyy , stop crying uh ! :P . LERIS ! LL L LL , LL uh :D .
Monday, January 24, 2011 8:49 PM
♥ Ohyea .. Short posting today :) Yesterday shopping ! Bought 8pair of shoes in a day :/ Today , Tiring day . Gonna clean up my messy room . Hahahs . This week is th week where's everything comes tgt . Gonna be real real real busy ! -NPAP . -Chinese New Year . -House Cleaning . -Shopping . -D&T coursework . -Tests for all subjects !
Saturday, January 22, 2011 2:05 PM
♥ Ohman , Has been going home late past few weeks . Tired-die-me-already . Guess next week would be muchmuch more tiring loo D: . Today was t go ouddd . But somehow lazy :/ . Might be going oud later behs ! :) Guess i won't be updating blog for some days . Heeheeeeeeeeeeee . Tmrw - SHOPPING with sista ! :D . Monday - School , Max-out (Math) , Shopping . Tuesday - School , Max-out (D&T) , *something* . Wednesday - School , LSP (Chem) , *something* , Dental . Thursday - School , Max-out (History) . Friday - School , NPAP , Dinner . Saturday - Shoppingggg :D . Sunday - Shoppinggg :D . Won't be going down anymore friday NP trainingg . Gonna miss taking mye sec 3s . D: . takecaire guys ! weichong would leads you guys :)
Friday, January 21, 2011 10:30 PM
♥ ![]() Peijun's phone been spam by 3iphones ;D PE today was real fun :D . Laughing throught lah ! Love Mr darren tan's PE . Laughs . History was like not really listening t class :/ Trash talking with david & stuffs . English ! Been disturb till lyke shyt by Jianjie & David . Tsk . But nevermind i revenge on him alr . woops . Last lesson VIP , quite fun :) . Sherman let me disturb till he buay tahan ! hahaha . After school , Went t NP course , so wuliao . I go there chatchat with jiayu niah , Haha , than back school liaos . On bus sit with sherman , share & trash talk stories :) . Back t school , slack . Pei clarence till 7pm . went t west mall mos burger eat . Sherman&Kengyong's treat today :D . Home at about 9plus pm . Poohooo . Tired . (Y) , It's friday ! :D . Stopsayingyouarenotflirtingwhenyouare . Stopsayingsorryeverytime&fakeguitly ? Youwouldonlymakesmehatesyoumorebaby . Yourlife,mylife,weshalljustsaysgoodbye :) .
Thursday, January 20, 2011 7:27 PM
♥ Ohnoo , started t get more&more stress on studies :S . Hmms , But nevermind ! I still have mye fun sidee . Hahaha :D . After school went hall today for hum talk . Max-out cher never come , get worksheet , go home do . woohoo ! :) Kelian de peijun go LSP while me & sherman go slack :P . In school with Sherman , Clarence , Chunyu , Peijun , Leris & Kengyong , till about 5plus . Went home together . So unlucky ! Didn't bring ez-link t school . Reach home , nag by mummy , cos ez-link in washing machine ! :x . Haha . Tmrw NPCC course , sibei sian ! Hopefully it would be a fun one ! Hahahas .
Wednesday, January 19, 2011 6:34 PM
♥ With mye current new group i'm mix-ing with , i feel that everyday of mye life is full of joy & laughter :) . Today after school went t gather with Fancy members . watch all slots of performance of our fancy . YEA BABY , Junior :PPP . Woops . Hahahas , After that , chit-chat , went t westmall . A great day just pass liddat :) . ohyea .. I'm so gonna put relationship wise one side now . i choose t hackcare everyone . i feels that mye friends around , are enought . they made me happy even though without relationship :D . I'm looking forward for next week t come :)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 8:13 PM
Shiny . ♥ Nice one :D , 4hours D&T today . End up Mdm hamidah never come . Laughs . Continue add on , on my midmap & print pictures for mye imagebaord . Xena , Limei & Jianjie all crazy redo midmap dunno how many times . i do one time jiu lazy redo liaos . LOL . :x . After school , max-out . Hahahaaa . Than slack with Chunyu , Leris & Peijun polish boots -.- (Y) Mine is shiny alr , so didnt really polish much :) Sherman & Clarence came , Dinner at westmall . Home sweet home at 7plus . Phewww , Gonna rest early tonight . Ms chia is complaining that i'm like a zombine in class ._. YAYNESS ! I've asked ms chia today , since she's no longer a band teacher . I'll NEVER go for band again . But i'll still get mye 2008 & 2010 SYF CCA point . As well as my attendance for sec1 & 2 de points . Wahahaaha . No need go face that ms ong , KPKB de . :) Originally , I somehow see hope in you . But now , I've decided t give up all th hope :)
Monday, January 17, 2011 8:09 PM
Alright man ! :) ♥ Wahahahahs ! School today was alright man :D . After school went t max-out , group study for maths . Talk with Limei niah , not really doing work lurh ! LOLs . Tmrw will be D&T max-out liaos , stress ttm D: . After that , went t westmall mac for lunch cum dinner :P . with , Clarence , Sherman , Peijun , Potato & Faiz . Dam laughter siah ! Played with sherman's iphone while he played with mine . (Y) , HE OWES ME TWOOOO :D . Wahahahs . *CLEVER ME YEA ?* Really joke of th day , im soooo looking forward t NPAP now :D . Sherman babyyyyyy ! Don't you dare disturb me there . Laughs !
Sunday, January 16, 2011 1:16 PM
We're th best :) ♥ ![]() Our effort , didn't gone t waste :D ![]() Enjoyed th laughter with them* ![]() Some secrets in th toliet :PPP . (Y) , Yesterday CCA day performance was great :D . No one drop rifle & everyone did quite well . As SIR says , we're th best fancy drill . Because , our year finally changed segments & soloist . Everything is done by CadetLeaders (: . thumbsup ! Well , Night time went t sakura @ clementi for dinner :D . With Fancy team , SIRs&Ma'ams :) . Laughter & joy all over th place ! hahahaaa . Enjoyed mye day over there . When going home , SIRs&Ma'ams are real funnyy ! Stalker of us ! hahaahaa :D . *THANKS Potato for driving me t school early in th morning ! &&&&&&&&&&& For driving me home late at night ! Hahhaa :)
Thursday, January 13, 2011 10:05 PM
♥ ![]() Schooling is real tiring nowdays . Sec4 compared with sec3 is like x100 more tiringg D: . Rusing mye D&T as well as Math . Haish . i need total of 8-10 ideas for D&T . AHHHHHH (!) . Well , Relax time ! After school , went t westmall , buy ingrediants :D . With , Sherman , Chunyu , Leris , Peijun & Shijie . Hahas . Did somethings for SIR & MA'AMs @ Playground . WOOTS ! I'm th only one finish th most & nicest :P . Wahahaas . Had a great fun time with them . I'm like in a dreamland as what peijun says . LOL . Performance is coming near . Hopefully every single one of us did well for this sat ! JIAYOUS , ESPICALLY ; Sherman , Clarence , Chunyu , Leris & Peijun :D . Lifes goes on no matter what happens . We might be regretting on what we have done . But what's meant t be meant t be . If fates allows , anything is still possible t happen (: . Thinking positive will make your life happier ! *Never give up even there's only 0.01% .
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 8:05 PM
♥ School today was super tiring ! >; . Pe lesson suey ttm , cher diedie want me run for cross-country ! I pon ALL my cross-country for my whole life in secondary ehs ._. iduncare i'm not going t go :/ . I'll just go & take MC :) Well , Training after school :S . (Y) , Fancy everything are all amost done <; . Just need some add oils ! Hahaa . Hopefully saturday performance will go well :D . *I felt so guilty ! Past 3years i'm in fancy th MOST i see is 1rifle break . BUT this year .. we broke almost 5 or more rifle ? HAISH . Going t run out of rifle soon :S . How i wish mdm wong is here again , order new & same ones :X MrLiew did order new rifle , but is not nice t use :/ Today leris broke one more -.- I manage t fix it back , but i gonna use that t perform . PRAY hard i don't drop rifle , or else .. hmm .
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 7:19 PM
♥ ![]() (Y) Went t watch ''th ghost must be crazy'' . With Sherman , Peijun , Claire , Leris , Shijie & KengYong . Quite a nice show , not scary but funny somehow :D . Well , shall start on doing D&T now ): . Thursday is th due date t hand up my idea , midmaps & sketchings . Feel quite stress uhs , 2nd week of school niah , started doing liaos . Haish . Tmrw , there might be training . Gonna be really tired . Today think can't sleep early ? Becuase gonna chiong my D&T research etc . Hopefully i won't because of D&T , forget about all mye other subjects . Currently Maths i'm still able t catch up , Just that abit forget somethings about sec3 . Which i think is not a problem . :/ SCIENCE i really cannot make it -.- . Just feel like sleeping in class . Well , Ms chia talk t us today . It somehow change th midset of mine . I wanted aim & go Sec5 actually , but now.. I think maybe if i get 16-19 for 'N' level , i gonna go higher nitec (: . After that than work hard for poly . Since it's th same that it will takes 4 years in total . Cos higher nitec go poly 2years only :)
Monday, January 10, 2011 11:06 PM
♥ 'N' level - Storage ; 'O' level - Collections . Both theme is like simlilar ? Haahs , decided t give it a try on 'O' level . Since Limei & Xena is taking 'O' too :D . Guess what ? I alr have ideas ! Hahhaaa :/ . Because i've been thinking ever since i know th theme . :P . Well , last year 'O' level theme was selection & they did pretty well . Hmms (: . Shall work hard on it , althought there's alot t do :S . Mdm Hamidah says ''Every year , standard is going higher & higher'' D: . Jiayous bahhhhhhhhhhhhh ! (: Saw your parents i STUN -.- How idiot was i stare at them for first few sec :/ RETARDED . Felt so rude that i didn't call them auntie & uncles :S . BUT NO CHOICE , i can't face them -.- Surprisingly i can face you . HAhahahha , no sense of avoid (: Well , hahahahas . What has past has past (: . Happy ever after .
Sunday, January 9, 2011 7:11 PM
♥ Hahahhaha , It's 9th today :) . Well , this date has become meaningless alr . Went Lotone do maths today with Shijie & Peijun . Giveup ! Everything i learn in sec3 i've returned t Mschia . LOL . Potato came & meet us :) . Laughter . Mervyn joined us . Hahhaaaa , Jokes etc :) . I believe , YI will not lose t SC for Fancy drill ! :D . Hhahahaa . Well , after that Potato & Peijun walk me home . How kind uhs ! Laughs . :) . Shall prepare for tmrw , Full dress rehearsal for Fancy . Tired day , will rest early tonight i guess . **Sorry for those people i've sent nonsense msges ! ._. Because that was a dare , i've got no choice . :S .
Saturday, January 8, 2011 8:43 PM
AIMs (: ♥ Saw sherman's blog . Aim-ing for 'N' level results like what Ms ng , Ms lin & Ms Chia says (: . Term ONE . English , Currently at C5 . Aim for B4 , Can do it ! Cos i doesn't sleep in english class anymore :D . Maths , Currently at B4 . Ms chia aim for me B3 , so yea . Go for it :D . Science , Currently is U :x . Aim-ing for a pass first . (: . MT , Currently B4 . Aim-ing for B3 . Hums . Currently A1 , Maintain ! D&T currently B3/4 . Aim for A2 ! :D . But it's 'O' D: . Actual 'N' Level Aim ! English ; B3 . Maths ; A2 / B3 . Science ; B3 / B4 . MT ; B3 / B4 . Hum ; A1 . D&T ; B3 ('O' level) convert A1 ('N' level) Can do it derh ! :D . Study Study Study ! Hahahahaa . **Most no confident de still is MT ! :x .
1:27 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 3lessons&yups , ended school ! Hhahahaa . Stayed back for NPCC training as well as FancyDrills training :) Quite slacky for me at NP training :/ . All th way weichong take squad . i check out for mistakes only , Hahaaaaa :x . Get scolded due t my sec3s half of them not wearing Full-Uniform ._. Well , but still enjoyed th trainingggg . Haahs . Don , Andrew , Rudy Sir came down . Stressed . LOL . NPAP , Me , Sherman , Peijun , Chunyu , Leris & Claire . GOODLUCKs . Lol . Fancy training , changed somethingy , next monday full dress rehersal . Siannn , performance is just next week . tskkkkk . After training , dinner with Sherman , Peijun , Leris , Kengyong , Shijie & Clarence . Laughter , Joy @ Mcdonal . Dammmmm laughter . LOL . Homeeeeeeeeee , WELL , Yesterday my relationship status was Fake . We're doing something only . Hahahaas . So peeps , dun wuhui :D .
Thursday, January 6, 2011 4:36 PM
♥ School today seems alrights ! (: . First lesson Physics , Ohgosh totally bored die me . English Lesson , Wrote letter writting . How guai of me ! Hahaha :P . MT , ihatethisteacher . i want MsYap t come back ASAP ._. Recess , went t find MrLiew for NPAP stuff . SHOULD I GO -.- . Saw Ms chia , WOOPs , got nag by her for disturbing th indian math cher :x . Saw Ms ong , Chase me t so band . tskkkkk . D&T , admin stuff ! Ohmyyyy so many coursework t do D: . Mdm hamidah offer me t go 'O' level D&T this year . But should i take ? ._. Peijun & Jianjie only can take 'N' level D&T leys :S , somemore David & Ivan art also 'N' level . if i take 'O' level , sec 5 free period who pei me ! LOL . maybe Limei ! Haha :P . Well , History , falling asleep but trying t keep awake :/ . Last lesson , MATHS . Ms chia chase us for math holiday homework . one word , DIE . Laughs , gonna hand in on monday :S . End school , Lunch with them . I'M NOT GOING T BAND :) . Skip band today , only leris & sherman went . Hahas . went t fetch ryan from school , how cute of him ! Hahaha <3 . Home sweet home , gonna take a nap . Prepare for NP full uniform & PT kit etc for tmrw training . TIRED DIE ME . Yesterday ! Went dental at 9plus . Meet sanjie & peijun . Tskk , remove mye upper braces & put in on again . PAIN ._. Well , after that suppose t be potato come drive us home . LAUGH ! something happen ! hahahahaa . Tired t solve till 12plus AM ! -.- Finally , desmond sir came down & help . Hahah . Dam funny , home at about 1am loo !
Wednesday, January 5, 2011 7:35 PM
♥ ![]() MoguMogu , i use t drink everyday :P . <3 2day of school , Almost get caught skirt , lucky i escape :P . SS lesson , Long time no see MrLee ! Hahaaa <; . Sit with david again ._. Should i say it's suey ? LOL . Hahas . English , Wrote an essay <; . Ms claisse Ng is still good so far <; . RECESS ! Eat with stupid leris , chunyu & peijune etc , jokes . Maths Lesson dam that indian cher , she sux -.- .Kpkp , i sleep don't give a dam on her . Laughs . Idiotic ! Last lesson , Chem , woooo . Decided t settle down , jiayous on science .Ms Lin ask me sit with Jianjie , Laughs . Cos his chem is good . A1 student siah ! Hahahaaa :P . VIP @ Hall , bored die me . Lucky sit with Sherman , Jianjie , David they all . (: End of school ! Rush home , know whye ? I'm lack of sleep seriously . LOL . Home le sleep for 3-4hours , Hahaa , Gonna have my dinner . & Go for dental . Tsk , sun burn at my back starting t get itchy ! D: .
Tuesday, January 4, 2011 9:27 PM
Schooling ! ♥ ![]() Back t school ! <; . ![]() My clean shoes & Her dirty shoes :D . ![]() ME & PEIJUN , Fancy me without PT Kit :/ ![]() Banner (: NPCC . (Y) , Back t school today ! Morning prepare w/ erjie :D , waited for her looo ! Haha . School , almost late :/ . Sueyyyyy ! Attire check . Peijun ganna dye hair , went t DM after that went home . Tsk . Me , suey till kns ! Mr adam diedie say i dye hair T.T . Asked Ms Lin help me since she see me from sec 1 till now . END UP , she also say i dye her . *&%^!#$@!* . Lucky Ms Claisse Ng help me :D . Class inter , YAYYY ! 3years of treasurer ! Finally i'm nort liaos :P . Slack & Play with David & Ivan , Jianjie join half way . Hahaha , hair ganna cut till quite funny :/ . Well , Maths lesson , Sit with GOMBAK ._. Chia never come ! YAY . Bastard loo , Indian cher take over , all disturb her till mad . Hahaha . Recess , without peijun , Lucky Jianjie & Gang pei me (: . MT class ! Booo ! I'm still at band 1 ohs , not badd uhs ! Hahhaa . Ms Yap's class . but she didn't come , a china cher take over . - SLEEP . Very last lesson , English ! Claisse ng is a good teacher ! :D . (L) . End School , No LSP for this week . Boohooo (: . Lunch , than headed t Fancy training , ZAI ! I never bring PT kit -.- . Lucky jiahui ma'am didnt scold me for this ! :D . Training as per normal , quite somehow having fun , hahaa . End training , help up put up banner , Me & Sherman slacker ! Sit a parade square help see straight anot only :P . Dinner with sherman & peijun :D . Had fun chatting ! LOLL . Jokes ! . Tmrw school again ! Althought is tiring , but at least not rotting at home :D . My study mood hasn't been back yet D: . Trying t get back soon bahs !
Monday, January 3, 2011 8:44 PM
♥ Oud t study today @ Lotone Mac (: . Chiong homeworks ! Hahahaha , with Peijun , Shijie & Potato ! Saw melvin over there , stare stare stare ! Hahaa :P . Laughter & Joys :D . ♥ (Y) , Bought mye ipod i wanted always (: . Home sweet home after that ! Iron uniform , pack bag etc . Finally school reopen tmrw <; . Went sunshine with dajieeeee , buy stuffs . Tmrw , prepare t wake up early . I need morning calls ! Thankyou uh , PEIJUN/SHIJIE/POTATO ! Hahahaa :p . Well , excited for school <; . Long tyme no see David , Ivan , Jianjie & many more . Shall ends here , sleeping early tonight ! Ohgoshh , Having swollen eyes since ytd ._. i hope it'll recover by tmrw <; .
Sunday, January 2, 2011 11:14 PM
SILOSO BEACH ! ♥ ![]() ![]() Meet Shijie & Peijun , went t take bus t vivo in order t go sentosa :D .Saw Rudy Sir at sentosa ticket counter there . LAUGHS ! Peijun & Shijie machiam crazy seeing him . LOL . Both of them laugh so loudly in th public . Lol . (How i wish t dig a hole , hide in & say idk them) . Hahahahah . Buy BreadPapa at vivo , then headed in Sentosa . Siloso beach yay ! Meet with Choon , Ahwu , Erjie & Irene . Play like crazy , alot injuries for Shijie ! hahahah . While we're playing in th sea , Oud of sudden a BIG thingy jump up & down 3 times .. wonder what izzit Oo . It's NOT human , we're sure . But wow , Haah , could it be fish ? Hahas . After playingggg , Went t batheee ! Ohgoshh , I'm so badly sun-burned . LOL . nice (: Dinner at vivo (: , Carls Junior , haha .
Saturday, January 1, 2011 4:20 PM
♥ Homeworks are not done yet ! Ahhhhhhh . Tmrw ; SENTOSA - Enjoyyyy <; . Monday ; Shijie&Peijun come mye house - HOMEWORK :D . Tuesday ; School Re-open (: - i'm looking forward . Hahahahaha . :DD . Well , dude , it's obvious who's typing th msg fyi . i want nothing but a cut off relationship with a kind of peep maybe know as 'bastard' ? Haaah , well . Life is your's what you choose , don't ever regret . YAY ! Starting anew for 2011 , forget all those jerks :D . Enjoy mye studys & happiness with those real Lovely firends . (Y) , outing with you soon , looking forward t it :D . <3 .
3:04 PM
New Year Eve ! <; ♥ ![]() ![]() Went Jurongpoint again , Buy new school shoes ! Hahahahaa . Changing brand t everlast :P . Out t count down with ; Erjie , ChoonMeng , Shijie , Peijun , Lily & Kenny ! Wooo , So long didn't play Bigsweetland <: . & Finally we played , won Doreamon , Donalduck & 2 little dogs :D . School days are coming near . Seen timetable & totally saded ! >: . End schools at 3.45 everyday except friday .!!! Gonna face th facts bah ! Hope timetable would change sooonnnnnn . |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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