Monday, May 31, 2010 10:58 PM
♥ /Hope you'll lyke your E72 , white limited edition ! :P . Todaee morning , been wake up by erjieee&dajieee . Bath , prepare , went ouddd t JurongPoint meet Baby , lily & shijieeee . 5 of us went t LongJohnSliver eat , saw aliciaaa . hahas . Than went tuhh Make a cakee for erjieee . Lols . Up to eat ice cream then , the ice creams was , superrr big . LOL . 5 of us cant finish one . hahas . Was t movieee , but too late le . Went to arcadeeee , big sweet landd . won a soft toyy . ;D . &&&&& Baby bought mii one more piglet ! Name-ed Mini piglet . :D . Cos it's small size . hehee . After everything , went t lotone & meet irene , trevor & Ahwu , saw peijunnn . LOL . Take ahwu's car go t dinner placeeee . Eat there & celebrate . Mi&baby bastardddd , hahahaa . pust th cake toward erjie's facee :P . heheee , At last baby hymself tio t cake . hahas . Home-ed with babyy , slackyy & he home too . tomm got school for D&T , wondering t go anot , think lazy go bahhs , 8am ehh . >< . &&&&& 9 more dayyys t myeee 9 months ! ;D . iloveyou .
Saturday, May 29, 2010 6:03 PM
♥ Happiie birthdaee tuhh Celeneee Ng , :D . Rottinqq @ Homee todaee for th wholee dayy uhh ! . Boredd throughtout , tskkk . I can't spent mye whole June Holidays @ Home .! Finding event for myeself then ! :P . heheees . 30th May - Oudd with Dajie {Shoppinqq!} :D . 31st May - Celebrates Erjie Birthdaeee @ NYNY . 1st June - School t poly for D&T competition ._. 2nd June - HTA for 0.22 Shootinqq competition . 3rd June - School Band ? ( i'm nort going , i guess ) . 4th June - Lily's Birthdae celebrations . ( Not sure going anot ) . 5th June / 6th June - Meet up withs Jiahui , Alicia , Layping & Charlottle ? :D . 7th Junee & 8th June - NPCC LMSC course ._. 9th June - 9th monthhh with baby alr ! :D . 9th June & 10th June - PK & Homefront NPCC Course . 11th June , 12th June & 13th June - NPCC Sec 1 camp , CL . th rest , nort sureee yet . :P . hahas . :D . Now house downstairs having an event uhhh , qoodqood , Freeee music t listen . LOL , so loud that mye whole house can hearrr ._. Aww , haoo bahhs , ending here lerhhs . :D
Thursday, May 27, 2010 5:22 PM
♥ Todaeee , baby wakee mi upp . Meet hym @ BatokInter aqain . ;D . School together . Went t hall for assembleee . Was t pass Mdm Hamidah mye form for D&T competition thingyy . End up qet caught wearing more than 1pair of ear rings & wearing ring ._. She bring mi oudd of hall , ask mi take oudd & keep . Suddenly Mdm Goh come Say my skirt too short -.- . Hamidah pull up my shirt , saw is hipster somemore . Gone case , both cher wanted check my attire when school re-opens . wthh ~ Suey ! . Back t hall for lotslots thingyy . Super tiredd . Backk t class for cleaning . Recess for 1 hour . ;D . Back t class see result & write target . Wakaooo , Disturbing with Jianjie -.- . Smsing laogong . Stupiddd Jianjie ! arghhh . >< . After that , went studycorner do maths holiday homework , baby came & teach mi . ;D . Done with that , slackk theree . Found oudd alot new ways t shyt ! LOL . After that , Homee sweet homeee . ;D . Saw Aliciaaa @ Lotonee , hahas . Bus tgt & homee-ed . ;D . Mye Results For Mid-Year . :S . D&T 65.4 B3 English 59.1 C5 Chinese 58.4 C5 Math 51.8 C5 Science 49.1 D7 Combine hum 75.7 A1 Class Position : 13 / 42 . Level Position : 29 / 152 . Total Percentage : 61.6 % . L1B2 : 7 . AHHHH ! Myeee science ! Add moree 0.9 marks & I'll pass ! Myyee English , Add more 0.9 marks jiu get B4 alr ! Chinese add more 1.6 marks jiu B4 alsooo . wakaooo ! ): . Aww .
Wednesday, May 26, 2010 8:51 PM
♥ ![]() Girls Shooter . :D Boys Shooter :D COMBINE ! :D School with baby todaeee ! NPCC dayy , but i didn't attend th paradee . hehees . :P . Slackkyy ~ Went t hall for Yusoffians Idol , not badd wor ! hahaaa . After that , went to YoHubb , make IC . Fianllyyy ! Lols . Doneee , jiu end lerhh ! haha , cos recess . Than we got permisson to leave class @ 12pm ! :D . FREE . Meet baby , slack together . Change-ed Full-Uniform . Bye tuhh baby , went tuhh bus & Shooting starts . Wakaoo ! This time round's shooting is hardd & pain ! >< . It hurts my handddd . Awww . I that weak ?! Arghh . Ohwell , ended shooting , back t school . MRT , meet baby , Homed with hym . :D . Home-ed . Nothing muchh lerhh . hehees :P . Tomm LAST dayy of school ! Boohoooo . :D .
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 10:03 PM
♥ School todaeee , Went to science discovery center (: . Boredd down there , no mood plae somemore . More worst is .. there's no shopping down there . Aww . Back tuh school , slack with baby . Went to HQ there for NPCC thingyy . Quite funn down there . hehees . :P . Stupid , been bullied by charles & weichong ! >< . After that , back tuhh school , straight cabb home . Bath le than straight go Jurongpoint find laogong . :D . hehes , Aww . Hughugs ! hehees , went to lotone , shop arounddd . bought my DKNY perfumeee ! heehes . :D . Hao bahhs , go pongpong lerhh . buaii ! (:
Monday, May 24, 2010 10:06 PM
♥ Morning , thanks baby & yeowyeow for the choco all that . ;D went to changi for math thingy . stupid , ganna ps , partner grouping with jianjia , david & ivan -.- . MsChia somehow keep follow us dunno for what . still wanna take picture of us slacking -.- . ohwell , end le , back to school . get to check result . English - 55/100 Maths - 54/100 Science - 41/100 D&T - 65/100 Combine hum - 80/100 Chinese - 64/100 Only fail science ! Awww . >< . But got improvement ! :D Ohwell , check lerhh , went off findd babyy . came tuhh mye housee , slack & thrashh . ;D . hehes . About 2plus-3 baby went homee . bath , sms & take a nap till 6plus wake upp . hehee . eat , comp all that . Facebook with baby just now . woahh ! hehesss . alot question quite meaning full wor ! :P . ohwell , quarrel with that stupid kenny also . nonsense , where got people confindment still sleep in aircon duh ._. ohwell , ending here lerhh . Nothing muchh . Aww , tomm got NPCC course . ):. HUGHUGS TODAE ! :D
Sunday, May 23, 2010 6:29 PM
♥ ![]() Happiie birthdaee tuhh Shijie . :D Weeeeee ! Fever no moreee todae ! ;D . hehees . Nothinqq muchh todayy , slacky @ homee R.O.T . Aww , Afternoon watch show with sanjiee . hehes , while SANJIEFU went homee & take stuffs . ;D . After watching , SANJIEFU is backk , chat slack . Went to take a napp after that . hahas . Wakeee up jiu Edit pictures , update pictures & post bloggie . :D . Babyy is sleeping right now ! He's a SUPERB pig ! ;X . hhahas . Hao nahhs . nothing muchh lerhhh . ;D . ending here thenn . buais !
Saturday, May 22, 2010 1:24 PM
♥ ![]() Happiee Chinese Birthdaee tuhh myself & baby's mummy !~ Morning wake up , felt so sick . Aww . ;S . Slack all that , about afternoon , went to baby's house there wait for hym . Gosh , i was lost at the car park . went to 1st floor , super coldd . went to swimming pool wait . ;D . He camee , went up t his housee . slack chat all that , baby force mi t take temperture . -.- . Really fever ._. Ohwell . errrr . hmms . After that went down t basement with baby , baby's mummy & trevorr . Find his daddy , drive us to zheng hua theree . Reachh lerhh , waited down thereee . Eaten dinner there . idk what's that call . >< . about 11plus pm , cabb with baby , baby's mummy & trevor . To my house first than baby's house . (: . Home-ed , nothing much . (: .
Friday, May 21, 2010 11:50 PM
♥ ![]() I'm sick & baby made this . woops . :P -- Happiie Birthdaee tuhh Babyy's Mummy . Happiie Birthdaee tuhh Pebbles . Morning wakee up , Prepare all that , cabb-ed tuhh school find Baby & Andy . Headed tuhh baby's houseee . Went oudd tuhh IMM with his family all that . Eat @ Balithai (?) . After eating , backk tuhh his housee . (: . Slack watch show etc . Goshh , i caught flu down thereeee ._. Baby make milo for mi . :D . First tyme ehhh . Very sweet . ;X . he adds too much powder . hahas . Homee at about 11.30pm . ;D . hahas , went to esso with baby they all first than zai cab homee . (: . The Indian driver drive veryyy fast . LOL . Home-ed & chat with baby awhile jiu sleep lerhh . Nothing muchh , tomm going baby's house againnn .
Thursday, May 20, 2010 12:35 PM
♥ ![]() that's what laogong buyy . hahas . ;D Heheeee ! Now currently @ school havinqq D&T lesson . Hehees , Mdm Hamidah never comeee , Free&Easy for comp all that .;D . Todaeee , Get backk mye English paper 1 , SS , History , Chemistry , physics & MT ! ;D . English paper 1 didn't did well , aww , Just pass onlyyy . SS cher give backk was 30/50 marks . But counting error ! ;D. Actually is 40/50 marks . ;D. Same for History , Get 40/50 also . ;D . Total for Combine hum 80/100 . Chemistry & Physic don't say lerhhhh . Fail ~ . MT better , get 64/100 . hehees . Awww . Haoo bahhs , nothing muchh elso t post lerhh . Later going Shooting again .(: . Ending here lerhh bahhs . Buaiii ! ~ . *Currently fail Combine Science .):
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 10:48 AM
♥ ![]() Hmms , postinqq now in th morning lerhh . ;D . Later might be going oudd withh mummy . heheees . Gonna pack NP Full-Uniform also siohh . ): . Tomm shooting trainings starts lerhh ! Goshgoshhh . ;S . Early morning MrLiew jiu call mi remindd mi ._. Aww , Just now accidentally broke th bottle of wineeee ! . ): . Hurt dao myee handd & leqq . tsktskk . It bleeds ! It hurts ! . Aww . D: thankks mummy for helping mi clear upp . :S . Aww . PS ehh weiming . ;X . tsktsk . Haoo bahhs , ending here lerhhh . D;
Monday, May 17, 2010 2:52 PM
♥ Teeheee ! Ytdd morning Sanjie finally give birth lerhhh ! ;D . Was planned not t go down hospital duhh , but since she give birth lerhh jiu go down nor . (: . Aww , went t see th baby . O.m.g >< . Dunno how t say but . ohwell RIP . went up t see sanjieee . Bring her go see baby also . >< . Blahblahblahh , @ hospital all th way . Homed at about 8plus . (: . Chiong D&T ! >< . hahaas . Todaeee , oudd with Erjieee . School as per normal , Exammm ! D&T , not having at EL room . went t MT room , Join 3E4 people for 'O' level D&T . PHEW ! superrr hardd , setter is Mr Lim --. Donee paper , went to chiong D&T with peijun&limei . ;D . Doneee , handded in & slack @ study corner . SLEEP , LISTEN tuh songs , ChAT . Nothing to do . ): . Waited for baby for HOURS ! ;X . He cameee , play basketball , waited againnn . Home-ed tgt . ;D . Sanjie is back homee alr . (: . Finally uhh , hehees , Aww , babyy 1month cant comeee mye houseee . Lol . Yeapp that's all . ;D . Now going rest lerhh behhs , tireddddddd !
Friday, May 14, 2010 5:27 PM
♥ Hapiie Birthdaee tuhh Aliciaaa ! ;D . Todaee , school as per normal . Morning without dajie , erjie or weiming , feels weirds . hehee . Having Physics exam . The paper , okayy lahh . haihao onlyy . (: . After exam , waited for babyyy . Donee lerhh , went tuhh his housee . After that his daddy come drive us tuhh westmall . Eat there with hym , his mummy & rainaa . (: . backk tuhh his housee , cos i forget take myee phonee . :X . Lols , backk tuhh school for his remedial . waited for him at YoHubb , got Rachel , claudiaa they all peii mi . hehes . ;D . Babyy end lerhh , sent mi homeee . Now here by posting , going prepare tuhh go hospital visit sanjie again lerh . (: . Has been going to hospital from monday till now . >< . Ytd went there whole dayy , hahas . Haoo bahhs , ending here lerhh . buaii ! ;D .
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 10:27 PM
♥ ![]() BIG carebearrr . ;D . From Boonkeat , Trevor , Peijun & Shjie tuh sanjie . (: . Todaeee , school as per normal for exam , meet baby at bukitbatokbusinter . Hahas , 1st paper , Chemistry , quite okay ? tskk . Break for 45mins , Studied for Historyy , went for exam . Wakao ! Soure base is a killer for mi . Arghh . But SEQ haihaoo . :D . Donee with exam , went studycorner wait for laogong . (: . Homed tgt , soooo long never sent baby home lerh , todae sent him home . Went to westmall than Lotone , find dajie & mummy . Shop & buy stuffs . Back homeee , Bathh prepare , went oudd tuhh KK hospital again , findd sanjie there . Pei her till weiming comes . Babby , trevor , peijun & shijie bought this BIG carebear for her . (: . She wanted say THANKs tuhh u guys . (: . Thanks baby for the ipodd tooo . hehees , went home at about 9.30 . Now just homeee . hahas . Hao bahhs , ending here , sleeping early tonightt , scaredd tomm cant wake upp , baby dunhav exam tomm he dun nid go sk0l ! arghh . jealous . ): . Hopeee Sanjie recover sooon ! XD . GET WELL > :D
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 5:47 PM
♥ ![]() Morning went MAC findd Jianjie , David , Ivan &co . Woah , MAC is like my whole class there .-.- . Lols , Studyed Maths onlyy . With Jianjie , thankks for teaching that idiotic chapter . hahaas . School-ed , Maths Exam . Wakaoooo ! Killer question , alot . -.- . But lucky got ask jianjie teachh , if not fail dao siao . End math , go Studycorner study SS . SS exam , Woah , quite similar tuhh mock exam . Lol , but i somehow forgotten -.- . Ohwell , ended at about 5pm . Raining SUPER heavy -.- . Walk in rain , bobian . On-call cabb with Peijun & Shije . Home-ed bathh . Went tuhh KK hospital , Visit sanjieee . Ohhmyy , She gonna stay there for weeks/months , need wait dead duh baby tuhh come oudd from stomachh . )': . Painfull !~ . After visit , home-edd . now here by posting & uploading pictures . -Hope sanjie's get well soon & Babbyy quickquick comee ouddd , RIP . GOSHHH ! babyy is dead @ myee birthdae that night . ):
Monday, May 10, 2010 7:08 PM
♥ School as per normal , After school go NewYorkNewYork @ Lotone eat with Baby , Baby's mummy , Raina & Coral Auntie ? . Lol , after eaten , go shop arounddd . Went IMM . Home-eddd . Takee a napp in th afternoonn . Suddenly dajie ask mi wake upp . Go hospital find sanjieeee . blahblahh .. Tomm than contienew bahhhhhh . *Sanjie's baby Heart beat stop lerhhh . Haishhh .
Sunday, May 9, 2010 10:43 PM
♥ ![]() Happiie Birthdaee tuhh Geoklan . (: Happiie Birthdaee tuhh Fazeere . (: Happiie Mothers' say ! :D . Happiie Birthdaee tuhh Huda . (: Happiie Birthdaee tuhh YongXin . (: Todaeee , Morning & afternoon did nothing muchh . Went oudd at evening , go lotone shop aroundd . went sohboon's shop buy things . hahas . Headed to westmall , buy myee phonnee ! ;D . hahas . thann went swensen for mother's dayy . hehes . donee eating , went to shop aroundd westmall , than went jurongpoint shop . Homed after that . short post todaeee . (: Will update pictures tomm ! :D .
12:50 AM
♥♥Happie 8th month!♥ hehes, ♥B.K posting here. hehes, this zhuzhu say i very long never post for her le.. so hereby posting for her.. yea indeed long time never post for her le.. hehes just happy 8th month baby.. withloves.
Saturday, May 8, 2010 9:41 PM
♥ Happiie Birthdaee tuhh MeiYun . Happiie Birthdaee tuhh Africa . Happiie Birthdaee tuhh myself ! :D . Hohoo ! posting now lerhh , whilee waiting for erjie&co. come homee . ;D . Morning wake up veryy early . hehees . Boredd indeed , woahh , stupidd babyy ! >< . Liedd tuhh mi :@ . Suddenlyy appear @ mye houseee . He got myee house keyy ! wakaaoo . Came in myee room w. a cakke . nice tryy ehh hym . hahas , pongpong prepareee , went oudd tuhh causeway point . At MRT saw Chewmei , Trevor & PeiJun . hahas , go there togetherr . ;D . Waited for Erjie , mummy , dajie theyy all . went seoul gardennn . hehees , Eat dinner there (: . Suddenlyy they come oudd withh cakee . :D . hahahs , celebrateee . After that blahblahblahh , shop aroundd . Irene they all drive us homee . (: . after that , babyy went homeee . hahaas . :D . Awaiting for jie they all back . (: . Thankks all for your wishes through sms ! :D . Babyy Laogong . Trevor . Raina . Chewmei . JianJie . David . Ivan . Shijie . Pebbles . -The rest i've forgotten . :X . SOrry . && Through Facebook , woahh , lots people wished . Shock . hahas . (: . Lily . Irene . Szeching . VivianTan . GengSheng . Yuanling . Eran . Andy . LiMei . Shuwee . Janelle . HuiLing . AmandaChing . Geoklan . ChewMei . SamuelWong . SamuelChua . Jiayu . &&&&& Alots moree nahh , lazy list down . :X . Thanks for thosee presents tooo . Babyy & His Family . :D . Erjie . Sanjie . Sanjiefu . Mummy . Trevor . Chewmei . Peijun . Amanda ching . Geoklan . Alvin wee . Yiting . && moreeee . >< . Celebrate with ; BoonKeat {Babbyy} . Joanne {Erjie} . Janie {Dajie} . Ice {Sanjie} . Mummy ! . Lily {Part-tyme} . Trevor {AhKor} . Peijun - Half way go off le . Irene . AhWu . Kenny . Weiming {Sanjiefu} . ROny {Nephew} . Ryan {Nephew} . ChewMei . Haoo bahhs , ending here lerhhh ! Buaii . :D *BaBY sayy he wont celebrate myee birthdaee withh mi ! end up he did ! hahas . :X . |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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