Thursday, April 29, 2010 6:19 PM
♥ Photos of sanjie's ROM . :D Goshh , ytdd evening was sleeping ! bbut baby givee mi a call & ask mi go JurongPoint . >< . No choice , bath-ed & went over . Laughs . Meet baby , his mummy , Raina & Trevorrr . ;D . Shop aroundd , bbuy stuffs for Sanjie's wedding . hahaaas . Babys&Trevor's smart wearing . ;X . Laughs . Todaeee ! School-ed as per normal . English first periodd jiu slackyy lerhh . hehees . PE , same PE with yeowyeow ! Lols , do sit up & shorter run . >< . Chemistry , Chatting with Jianjie throughout . tsktsk . Recess , eat with babyy . Maths , new topic . Get back test paper . Aww , got 20marks onlyy . Phew phew . ;D . MT last period . Boohoo ! From next MT lesson onwarddds . Dunnid bring books . MT lesson can do our own things / self study . heheees . ;D . Ended school . Waited for babyy , after that he basketball , than eat . Cab tuhh westmall with baby , Find his Mummy & Raina . (: . went to eat SakaeSushi . After that , shop aroundd . Babbyy go hair cut . Mi , Raina & their mummy go shop aroundd . blahblahblah , Doneee . go Shop&Save & home-ed . (: . Later going oudd again with Sanjie , meeting Erjie&lily they all . hahaas , buy some Sunday stuffs . :D . Ending here lerhh behhs ! buaiiii ! . (:
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 5:10 PM
♥ Oud in th morninqq with Dajie&Erjie todaeee . Meet Laogong @ BukitBatokInter . School-ed tgt . Went to EL room 6 for MT paper 1 . (: . Nice tryy , sit near PeiJun&David , Ivan suey , sit first row , laughs . MT paper 1 started , 2hours . tskk . Done at about 1hour30mins , sleep for 30mins . :X . Hahas . Break , slack with Laogong . went up for MT paper 2 . 1hours45mins . tskk . Ended exams . MsChiaa calledd mi . Ask mi gather my class at science room 1 . For Maths extra lesson . -.- . Went there , New topicc , abit cant catch it but ohwell , Cher went meeting . Dismiss . went to studycorner wait for Laogong . 2hours pass , finally ended . His daddy come fetch hym . Cabby home with Peijun , Laughs . Home-ed . Nothinqq muchh anymoreee . Quarrels pass-by again .
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 10:16 PM
♥ Sanjie's ROM . :D .
Sunday, April 25, 2010 7:42 PM
Babbyy , imissyou . ♥ Ice-Creamm ! ;D . Morning , Bathh-ed for nephews ! hhahas , went oudd tuhh westmall . ;D . Went swensens for Lunchh , eat till Superrr full . Lols . Walk & Shop around westmall . Bought lots thingyy too . ;D . Cabby tuhh Lotoneee . Shop around with erjie&dajie alsoo . with two idiotic nephews . >< . Homedd after that . Nothing muchh . Gonna prepare thingy for tomm school . hehees . Hao bahhs , Short post todaee onlyy , gonna ends heree . (: . Tomm cann see babyy ! ;D .
Saturday, April 24, 2010 8:07 PM
♥ Hohooo ! Todaee , Mummy went overseas in th morning . ): . Need takecaiire nephews . Wake up at about 9plus am . Slackk @ bedd all th way texting babyy . Afternoon , Helped nephews bathh ! hahaas . :X . Went oudd tuhh Lotone with Dajie & 2nephew . Eat SakaeeSushi withh them . :D . Superrr Full ! ;X . Donne eating , went popular , Buy books&Stufs for Rony&Ryan . (: . Shopping thoughtout ! ;D . Bought quite alot of thingyy . (: . ShopShopShopp , 6plus , walked homeee . (: . Tiring , soo long never walk home lerhh , hahas . Now i'm homeddd ! Texting babyy tooo . Boredd ): Nothing tuhh doooo . Tomm think also nothing muchh . hahas . Mondaee jiu school lerhh . Tues sanjie's ROM :D .
Friday, April 23, 2010 5:13 PM
♥ ![]() Class photoo 2010 ! ;D . Boohoo ! Todaeee , i didn't wake up latee ! heheees , But waited for Peijun . That's whye i'm late for meeting bbabby @ BatokInter . Lols , Reachh there , Bus-ed tuhh school . Assembleee , First lesson was Chemistry . Total boredness . Slack&Chat down thereee . Historyy . went in class , baby come oudd . hahas . I pass mye History test ! Ohmyy , i thought i would fail . ;X . hehees , althought didn't get very high markks . Funny ehh MrLee , ask who see before HistoryCompanionGuild , i rise mye handd , he say from Boonkeat right ?! -.- . Lameee ehh him , hahas , englishh , sleeep . :X . hahas . (: . boredd . Recess , went study corner complete mye maths homework . (: . Maths , went to class , MsChia go thought , boohoo ! i did myeself & all correct . ;X . hehees . &&&& chiaa say our test we did not badd (: . but mondayy than can get backk . hahas . Ended mathss , Ended school ! ;D . went canteen help mummy buy thingyy & meet babyyy , cabb-ed tuhh mye houseeee . hahaas . Slack at homeee , Mummy bought food home for mi & babyy too . hahaas . slackieee , chat . About 5pm , baby went homeee . hehees . Ohwell , nothing muchh lerhh . hahaas . Babbyy starting to fall sickk , takecaiire ehh (:
Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:30 PM
♥ Aww , ytdd school-ed , First period jiu Maths test lerhh . ): . but ohwell , th test is still alrigthhh ! ;D hehees , went english & slack after that . ;X . Recess samee withh babbyy . D&T 2hours . BOOHOO ! Cher never come school ! 2hours FREE to do COURSEWORK ! ;D . iloveit . :D . Make own keychainnn . Made forr baby alsoo . aww , hurt myee handdd . ;S . haahaas , ended , went to physic . woahh , super slackkyy . hehees . After that , Assembleee . Laughs . Todayyy ! Oudd with dajieee , meet peijun & school-ed . First periodd jiu PE , siann duhh lurhh . Run 2.4 , more siann . Lols , Run lerhh , cher say everyone need re-run next PE lesson . stupidd siahh , 8.5 rounds lehh ! Fooks ! (*&%$*&()* Maths , Cher go thought income tax all that , quite easy tuhh understandd . (: . Englishh , slacky thereee , helped daivdd write lines while playingg . hahaas . Recess , slack with babyy . Chemistryy , Test . Lol , Last periodd , D&T . goshh , doing ''i do'' project already . awww . Ended school , went study corner do maths & slackk . Stooot siahh jianjie ! >< . Bully mi onlyy , takee mye D&T textbook put at boy's toilet . arghh , Lucky babyy just nice end class , he help mi takee . hehees , went canteen buy drinkks . & waited for baby to end class . went to home with peijun duhh , baby went westmall find his mummy , end up he ask mi go find him & his mummy -.- . went swensen , eatenn . His mummy's friendd's treat . hahas , thankiie . walk aroundd westmall all that , homedd after that . (: . nothing muchh , ending here lerhh . Hyppiiieee ! i can wash mye hair alreadyy ! ;X . hhee .
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 8:30 PM
♥ 21st April ! Happyyy Birthdaee tuhhh CharmaineTan ! ;D . May your wishh come trueee ! heheees , Happy birthdae . (: . Lols . :X . 20th April ! Happyyy Birthdaee tuhh WesleyKo Ahkor ! ;D May your wishh come truee too ! ' don't flirt wround lerhh nahhh . :X . heheees . happy birthdaeee (: .
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 9:03 PM
♥ School as per normal todaeee . (: . Lessons started , MT first period . Aww , bborreddness . Cher say Oral soon , Sibei sian . ): . Maths , got quizz , boohoo ! i got 1question wrong onlyy ! ;D , due to reading wrong meaning of that questionn . hahaas , Physic , slacking & going throught test paper . Recess , Slack at study corner . English , sleepp . ;X . Chemistry , Chat with Jianjie&Peijun . hahas . School endedd , todae never wait for babbbyy , sorrry . Went to lotone bankkk do somethingyy , walked homee . Bathh & oudd againn , mummy go fetch Ronyy firstt , i went sunshine meet peijunn , she go cut frinch , i go Reborn hair . Mummy & Rony cameee , cut hair alsoo . They went off first . i Set there for 4hours -.- , i hate it . ;X . After doneee , sanjie cameee , went to eat dinner & buy dinner hhomeee . Meet weiming & went homedd . (: . Now here by posting , 3days cant washh mye hairrr . awww . D; . tomm maths test . tskkkk .
Monday, April 19, 2010 8:05 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() Hohoo , back tuhh post ! ;D Saturday , went to HTA for our Last bband performance . hehees , Ohwell , reachh there quite slackyy loo . hahaas . ;D . Perform-ed . Hohooo , Our best performance , Everyone said we did better over there than at our SYF . Lols , heheees , ended performance , slack at HTA for quite awhileee . Saw LeeJiahui . :D Longtymenosee , hahaas . she came to look at his brother , so qiao saw her . hahaas , meet up soon behhs . ;D . ohwell , backk tuhh school , baby sent mi homee . Homed @ about 11pm . (: . Todayy ! Wake up Superrrr Late . hehees , thankks laogong for waking mi up also . hahas . School-ed as per normal , first lesson was Mathh , goshgosh , cher teaching new topic every lesson -.- . i don't even knoe i understand anot . Ohwell , tomm maths quiz , wedd test . fook siahhh ! -.- . after maths , went to SS , took back our test paper , woahh , i passed . ;X . i thought i would fail de ehh . hehees , Recess , find laogong slack & eat with hym , D&T . See classmates presentations . Die , i owe cher alot more homeworks . Woah , peijun sms in class , get caught , confirscate handphone for 1 day , i sms-ed too , but never get caught , heng . ;X . English , was total boredness , physic , bored too . ;X . hahas . Ended school , find MrLiew for Keyy & went in to NPCC room . Slack there & went to canteen buy drinks . Go Study corner , hoho , peijun tio Maths LSP . i dun have ! hahahhaha . ;X . first time . hehee . waited laogong to ends his LSP , went to westmall with hym to find his mummy . >< . eat , walk , shop all that , hahas . homed after that . Nothing muchh lerhh . heheees . Tomm after school maybe going Reborn hair with mummy ;D . hahas . Ending here lerh bahhs , i'm good to post today cos laogong handphone his mummy take from 7-10pm . hahas , he gonna study ! ;X . Jiayouus ehh .:D .
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 9:36 PM
♥ Wakenn up superr latee todae ! >< , went oudd house at about 7am . tskk , cabbed tuhh school , woahhhh ! Meet dao th samee uncle that drives us 3times beforee , hahas . was our ex neighbour somemore . hehees . schooledd & went to assembleeee . Lesson time ! . Frist lesson was English , did mye situational writing . (: . I'm guai okayy , i did finish within 20mins time . hehees . After that , went to MT . Continew doing compre . thann Thrash talk at chem lesson . :X . totally never hear what cher talking . Thankks Zhijie for helping mi do Chem . hahas . Recess , went to canteen . History , Test , goshhhh ! totally do wrong . ;X . Not Reliable , i go write Reliable . Lols . hehees . SS , at th same room . wakaoo . Colddd , lucky got bring jacket . ;D , Assemble changed to ClassInter . Seen our class photo , yuck , it's ugly . :S . Shijie looks like crying . hahas . ;D . went off early . After school , went canteen slack . After that , Sec3 CL meeting for th campp . By todae proposal must handd up liaoos . ;D . i did nothing muchh , slack & draw th board onlyy . hehees . ;P . Training head quite slackyy eh . ;X . went off homedd Woahh , almost got into car acident >< . ohwell , no one cares . Peijun&Trevor give mi th shocking faceee . hahas , homeddd , Saw MsTeng oppsite bus stop . hahas .Reachh homee , Bath , talk with mummy & sleep . wake urp now , nothing muchh , watching TV onlyy . (: . Hao bahhs , not going continew anything , shall ends heree . (: .
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 4:30 PM
♥ ♥iloveyouuu . 090909 ; 0909pm . Wake urp lateee todaeee . >< . school-ed & lessons wents off , tymes flys . slept at physics lesson , went oudd slack at english lessonn . ended school , handd up mye MT that i owe mdm gohh . went homeee , laogong sent mi to CCK inter , thanks behhs . ;D . Goshh , tomm History test , i knew nothinqq . No maths todae & tomm . Gonna been deadddddd , i'm mess up with that topic & indeed cher kept on MC . -.- . Painting House soonnn aqainn . ;D .
Saturday, April 10, 2010 7:23 PM
♥ bandd todaee , SYF competition lerhh . Quite slacking , went over to indoor stadium , slack . Everyone was hyper for SYF ? hahaas . no stress till th last minute . LOL . went in performance , we know , we didn't did well . but , at least we have an experience . ;D . Result was oudd , Bronze , everyone criedd . ohwell , we still played the one last time for our school . ;D . backk to school , MrChen saidd , althougt we got Bronze . but how long did we train ? *100days of training only ehh . we can get this result is good already (: . Next week HTA NPAP performance , we'll show people that , We're a Sliver^ banddd . ;D . hao bahhs , ending here lerhh . cheer upp everyoneee . (: . Clarinetist of us . ;D |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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