Monday, March 29, 2010 7:31 PM
♥ Happie Birthdae tuhh ♥Dajie . ;D School-ed toddae as per normal , -Maths , Gort quiz , gosh , i'm suz at that topic , reason , i didn't pay attention in class . tskk . -D&T , Having new projects again . ): . aww . -Physics , Stupidd cher keep kpkb -.- . Ohwell , so no more about studies (: . after school , slacked & went to bband as per normal . Ended , laogong's daddy come drive us to his house take things . after that , homed . ;D . Trevor came for dinner . Lily came for celebrations . ;D . havee got a good chat with erjie & lily . Lols . ;X . after celebrating , chat on phone & sleep . (:
Saturday, March 27, 2010 11:53 PM
♥ Ellooo ! ;D I'm back tuhh posting . i knoe i've nort been posting for quite long . hahas . past few days are busy looking for furniture with dajie & bandd also . ;D . hahas , todae never went to banddd , hehes . bbabyy are oudd to malaysiaa till tomm ! D; . Cute of us , ytd chat till 1am . sleep , 4.30am wake up , chat with him . nice try lurh we two , 1hours plus of chatting , half of it we are sleeping . :X . woopps , hehees .;D . backk to sleep , wake up pei baby sms again , all the wayy , babby went to malaysia lerhh , i went orhorhh . wake up text him , althought still can sms with him , but still .. i'm missing hym badlyy . awww , hao bahs , hopee quickily tomm . Todae i'm just rotting whole day at homeee . trevor&chewmei wanna go oudd , but i dunwan . hahaaas . tomm baby is backk ! ;D . quickquickquick ! imissyousomuchh babby ! ): .
Sunday, March 21, 2010 10:31 PM
♥ todaee morning wake urp , takecaire nephew (: . they were superr noisyy . tsk , back to sleep . mummy came home . wake urp , did nothing muchh , slacking at home rotting . aww , have a bbig quarrel with laogong . -.- . ohwell , tsk , dunwanna say anymoreee . sleep after quarreling -.- . Wakee up , bathh & baby last min come mye house -.- . nice try eh hym , 9plus pm le still come mye house , hahas . came in slack , talk in mye room . hmms . ohwell , everything is back to normal behhs . ;D . sent hym down to take cab homeee . i also home . LOL . charging phonee . gonna chat on phonee later behhs . ;D . buaii ~ . school tomm ! hahas .
Saturday, March 20, 2010 2:05 PM
♥ Happiie birthdaee tuhh HuiJuan ;D . Woops , todaee , baby called mye handphone for 47times . smsed 38 sms to mi , but i did't wake up . ;X . knoe what he did ? hahaas , he calledd mye house ! ;D . mummy waked mi up . Lols , nice try eh hym . waken up & meet hym at Lotone , hahas . headed to school with hym , bandd , slack thoughout . ;D . went to Lunch with baby also . (: . back to bandd , slackk . hahas . Formation awhileee . wakaoo , Jiahui ma'am use mye ranks to force mi . humpf . ended bandd , jiahui says sec3s who go camp fall in , drills . LOL , she herself dunno that command ! hahas . ended , went to lotone with baby & trevor . thankks both them for sending mi homeee . ;D . hahas . home-ed & Blister bleeds . --. ohwell , nothing much le , chat , sleep . hahas .
Friday, March 19, 2010 1:36 PM
♥ Hohooo ! Backk from 2D1N CL camppp ! ;D . thankks baby for th msges & post ! hahaas . 18th Marchh . Day1 of CL camp . Early in the morning , chat on phonee with baby . hahas . cabb to pebbles house & lend from her belt . due to the lost of mye belt . LOL , thankks ehhh . headed to school , lended firman filee . changed to full-u . Fall-in & put our bags at science room 3 . hahas . woah , uniform inspectionn , superr lonqqq . LOL . all our ranks become cadet . tskk ! ): after that , went to YOhub , camp opening talk & Lecture oneee . alotalot thingy , hahaas , went to Lunchh , th food nort badd . hahas , better than our sec3 camp duh . LOL . After Lunch , spilt into 2groups , Baton & Rifle drills . woah , get choosen to go Rifle drills , Rudy SIR take . tskk . all i learn before duh , hehee , so is easy for mi . hahas . combine squadd with Jiahui ma'am squadd . duhhhhh ! Jiahui asked mi to take squadd again -.- . lucky i noe the command . hehees . after that , went to Change uniform to P.T . Lecture 2,3,4,5 . wakaooo , copied alotalot thingy down . hahas , done with lectureee , started with sec1 camp plaining . -.- , OIC , charles , Shijie & Fazeera . AIC , Firman , mi , Weichong & claireee . Admin , Peijun , Clarence & Janelle(?) . Logistic , Chunyu , Asyidiq . plan plan plan . LOL , done with day 1 planing . ;D . Dinner , niceee food , LOL . thann Wash upp , have very long time . hahaas . love it . Night activities . wakaoooooo , did not expected . guess what ? it's night drills . -.- . tskkk . Gals socks are all too short , get punished , take oud socks , wear shoes without socks , marching . fook ! Blister -.- . but ohwell , fun drills ! ;D . cos we did very good . todaee really learn alotalotalot of new drills . hehees . (L) . debrief , hohooo , funn . ;D . hahaas . Free & easy for us to polish boots all that , 1hour30mins ehh ! polish & iron . Thanks evon ma'am for helping . haha . 11pm , lights off , thanks huijuan for lending phone to text baby . ;D 19th Marchh , Day 2 ! ;D . Wake up at 5.45am , fall in at 6.15 for P.T ! ;D . a fun & tiring P.T ohh . run 3round around the fieldddd . somemore , all new exercise . hahaas . (: . saw baby ! cos he going HRC . hehees , nicee ehh . went to Lecture 6 ! , copy thingy again . hoho . Finally , BREAKFAST ! niceeeee , hehee , get caught frince -.- . after breakfast 30mins freee & easy , change Half U . Fall in , divided into 3squadd , Don Sir take mii . hahaa , superrr FUN . laughting throughout . learning MOI . hahas . Change of attire again , Lunchh , than sec1 camp plaining as well as POP . lecture 7 , last one ! ;D . than change of attire to full u , Mock promotion test , ayu ma'am & rudy sir take mi . tskkkk . nort badd , hahas . donee , motivational talk ? FAKE ! is a pop test . hahaas , quite easy+hard ? LOL . than area cleaning & change of attire . ;D . CL closing camp speech , got back our ranks . Been promoted to Corpral . :D . 3badges gotten too & cert . Home Sweet Home ! ;D . went foyer find baby , thankks for waiting . cabbed home with babyy & co . homeed chat with baby & orhorh . :D
Thursday, March 18, 2010 10:31 PM
♥Ms Chua HuiMin is out for camp~ Back from camp last week, out for camp this week again. hmms. so she wunt be posting today. Endding here.. biies (: with loves and misses, zhux3 laogong
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 10:11 PM
♥ Hohoo ! I'm bback for postingg , hehes . ytd baby dun let mi come post . lols . ohwell , todaee baby & trevor came mye house early in the morning -.- . after that , peijun cameee , thankks babbyyy . for helping mi do smth . hahas . :D . ohwell morning bandd was superrr slackk duh okay ! due to sec4s go extras lesson , hahaaas . in bandd room play kisskiss with jiayu ~ Lol . nice try eh . Lunch , slack around , nothing muchh . hahaas . back to bandd , formation whole dayy . ohhmyy , stupid ryan take wrong instrument ! LOL , he took mine . wakaooo ! Lols , ohwell , ended bannd look at baby bball . so sueyy sitting down thereee , hahaas . woah , heard that someone wannaa pick on mi during camp . excited tuhh knoe how she gonna pick on mi . ;D . interesting ehh !? hahaaaaas . haoo behhs , ending here , will be off for campp tomm . till fridaeeee . hhaas , buaiiis ! ;D .
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 9:58 PM
♥Ms Chua HuiMin will not be posting today. Reason being, she reached home kinda late, so not posting.. (: thank you (: signing off, Zhux3, baby laogong (:
Monday, March 15, 2010 8:20 PM
♥ toddaee , thankks baby for waking mi urp . ;D prepare & went oudd , meet baby at interchanqe . went to school , baby go SS talk , i go canteen slack with yeow &co . Slack aroundd , went oudside hall , find baby . he came oudd , slack aroundd , 10plus , went in for banddd ! woohoo ! i'm guai alrights ?! i played ! ;D . hahaas . tyme fly real fast , lunchh breakk ! ;D , find babby , slackk ` ended lunchh , went to bandd againn , do gimics(?) . went to hall , hahaa , quite slackyy . suddenly stomach superrrr nort feeling well . ruin my mood -.- . went toilet with peijun , slack there . freak siahhh ` went back bandd , MrHo asked mi oudd of hall , talk . LOLL . consult mi ! lols . keep praise mi worrr ! lol . heeee ! i wonnnn . he gave mi back mye E1 placeeee . ;D . SOOO SADDD FOR UUU ! (: . Back from Mrho 30mins talk . LOLLL . have funn chatting with hymm . hahaas , he keep saying mi dote mi lots . lols , back to banddd , stomach not pain le ! LOL . laugh too muchh . hahaas , soon , band ended early todae . :D went to indoor sports hall see baby bball . thann went homeee with babyyy . ;D . waited dajie at lotone . home sweet homeee . tomm banddd . haha .
Sunday, March 14, 2010 9:45 PM
♥ Hmms , todaee morning help mummy takecaire nephew in th morning . was ssuperr boreddd ! >< . afternoon , went oudd alonee . ): . go jurongpoint findd mummy , thankks yeow for sms-ing . reachh there shop with mummy , bought some thingyy , wait for sanjie & weiming's family . they rreachh lerhh , say about wedding thingy . blahblahblahh ~ went shop around again , went for hair cut . fook ! cut till so short . awww . ): . haaishhhh . after hair cut , home-ed . went oudd again with dajie . shop shop shop ! bbought alot thingy ! hahas . home sweet homeeeee . ;D tomm school for bandddd ! cann see baby lerhh ! ohyeaaa , this baby harrr . just now almost lost his ring . hahaa . lucky never . LOLL . hao behhs , end here lerhh . :D .
Saturday, March 13, 2010 6:02 PM
♥ Qin & Juan & Bing & Min . (: Hmms , Nothinqq muchh todaee . bboredd , stay @ homee whole dae sleepinqq & rottinqq . (: . Tomm , cant go oudd in th morninqq . need help tuhh takecaiire nephew . aww . boredd . afternoon going oudd with mummy to meet weiminqq's parents (?) . Hao behhs , nothinqq muchh todaeee . Endinqq here lerhhs , buaiiis . ---------------------------------------------- th three cheers that make us won for campinqq ! ;D . - Turn on the ra-di-o & listen to mye heartbeat , boom boomboom boomboom boom boomboom boomboom . Now that youu knoe the bbeat , Let mi see uue clapp ur handdd . clap x10 . Now that we are the best , let mi see u shake ur ass , ting x10 , {shake ur ass} . Now that uue knoe all three , let mi see u do all three , boomx10 , clapx10 , tingx10 . 3N2 ! - We will we will crush uue like a hum che peng , never let uue rise again , Roti prata x2 Burn ah x3 , Muthu curry x2 Eat ah x3 , stomach ache x2 We will we will slap u like a ginger bread , never let u slap us back , slap uue oohh~ slap uue ahh ~ slap uue slap uue ooohh~lalaaa ~ ! - 3N2 oii ! - Oii ..! 3N2 3N2 oii ! - Sub sub oiii ..! 3N2 3N2 , what are we ? - 3N2 3N2 so sexy so sexy ! so Sexy ? - H.O.T . H.O.T ? - So Sexy ! sa sa sa sa , see sua sua see sua sua , see sua sua oot oot , see sua sua see sua sua , see sua sua 3N2 ! ;D
Friday, March 12, 2010 3:15 PM
♥ Happpiie 50th Birthdaee tuhh ♥Daddy ! ;D -------
3:03 PM
♥ Heyyyyy ! I'm backk from campp ! :D . Finally ehh . hehees . Ohwell , Thankks Laogong for postings . (L) . Shall post some thingy about camping behhs ! :D . FIRST daee ! ;D . School at 7.15am . Briefing awhileee . 15mins break . baby free period , went find him slack before leaving . hehees . back to class , went to foyer , up to bus . ; D . Listen song , sms , sleep , day dream lots . hahaas . Reachh campsite . put things , go our room , all that . Cool ~ the bedd is damm big for us . hahas , enjoyed ! :D . Breakfast , S.U.X . --. was same group with David , Ivan & JianJie also . all of us did'nt really eat , so nan chi . -.- . diaos . went to first activities , write down our objective thingyy ~ . play-ed with JianJie,David&Ivan , shoes were dirty thanks to JianJie ! -.- . Ivan bleed . woops . heheee . after that , went to have some cheer all that , blablahblah , Play-ed Flying Fox all that too ! (: at Night , Night walk after bathing , wooo ~ dammmm funn . hahas . was really in a dark , forest . scary but fun . hheees . enjoyed . supper & went off to bedd , chat with baby awhile . :D . SECOND daeee ! ;D . wake up at 6.45am , wash up , fall in at 7.15am . Breakfast ;D . Quite okay lahh (: . went for Station by station activities , total of 6station . wooo ! we break the recorddd ! ;D . Fun , cheers all around us . ;D . Lunchh , changed & went for wet activities . helped to make a boat(?) LOL , did'nt went down water . after that , song&cheers again ! ;D , played some challenging games too . went to high ropee . wooo ~ Funnn ! ;D . i completed all ! :D . after high rope , went to gather , than take camp tee , wakaoo ! order S they give u M , order M they give u L . all diff size -.- . after that , gals go dinner first , boys bathh ~ ;D . donee dinner , went to bathh , camp tee is BIG ! -.- . dammit . Gather & ready for campfire !! Thanks Jianjie for ur torchlight lots . campfire started , nice tryy , damm funny . hahaas . i was been scared by MrYen -.- he suddenly behind mi wearing black wth -.- . Lol , cheers started , well done 3N2 ! hahaaa ~ . :D . Ended campfire , briefing , supper & sleep ! hahas , chat with baby awhile niah . THIRD daeee ! ;D . wake up at 7.15am , fall in at 7.45am . (: . Breakfast first cos our cheer is loud ! hahaaas . area cleaning , nice try we clean toilet ! -.- . mi david & jianjie hide in boy's room . LOLL , slack in there never wash , Joel come find us call us oudd . slack outside toilet never was , heehees , take come pictures --. gather ~ prize giving ouddd . wooo , 3N2 won ! ;D . nice tryy . hahaas . up to bus , went back schoool . meet baby , went oud hall went down canteen slack . ;D up to hall again , took back report book . stupidd siahhh ! Because of mye ZERO marks for talking in maths i failed mye Maths . Combine hum ONE more marks to A1 ! -.-- . phew ~ lucky D&T got B3 ;D . after taken , went canteen wait for laogong , he come oud . slackk ~ his daddy&mummy came for parents meeting ;D . went home after that , nothing muchh . thankks baby ehh , u really sent mi 100msg while i'm in camp . heheees , iloveyou ; imissyouu .
Thursday, March 11, 2010 10:43 PM
♥Chua HuiMin ! IMISSYOU! you'll be back tmr..yippe (:
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 5:37 PM
♥hmms, ♥BK here posting..ohwell, help her post nor..somehow promise her..(: today was th first day of her camp..hope she enjoys there.. aww... need wait till friday before she's back.. ): missher...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 10:32 PM
♥ Happiie ♥6th monthhh ! (: aww , todae was mye unluckyy dayy . ): . but ohwell , lets just dun talk about it le . since it's my 6th month , hehee . thankks babyy for posting for mi . (: . tomm off for campp lerhh , hahaas . 3days without you , dun anyhow ehh ! bleahhs . will takeecairee duhh nahh . hahas . (: . iloveyou imissyouu , happiie 6th month still . (: . away for camp for 3days ! :D .
10:15 PM
♥♥ Happy 6th Month♥ hey, ♥, BK here helping my baby laopo post..she's just too busy to post cos she's packing her camp stuff for tmr's camp.. half a year together le baby..muack! take care while you're in camp wor.. withloves(: ♥, laogong.. iloveyou.muacks♥
Monday, March 8, 2010 8:11 PM
♥ todaee , wake up abit late for school ._. first period was D&T , continew-ing our courseworkk . but still haven finish till now , so tomm , contiew-ing again . hehees . went to maths , ms chia never come . hohooo . went study corner & canteen slack . hehees , after that , SS , Mr Lee class today was alright . (: . Englishh , boredd as per normal . tskkkkk . Lol . MT last perioddd . test & sleeep . hahas . Ended school , waited for babby . went to canteen & he went for extra lesson , waited for him again . when he's donee , he went homeee . & i went to causeway with peijun & trevor . heheees . after that , went to lotonee , than home-ed . have a short nap just now . tireddtiredd . heheee . Aww , mye braces makes mi wanna die ._. damm pain ehh , espically th stupidd rubber bandd . Tomm ! It's our 6th Monthhhh . (: .
Sunday, March 7, 2010 10:36 PM
♥ hhhahhhaaaa , xiaoqiguiiiii ! :X . Happiie Birthdae tuhh Baby (!) Hohooo , todaee wake up at 7plus am . prepare & went oudd tuhh westmall , meet baby , trevor , andy & kevin . went buy moviie ticket & slack oudsite cinema . (: . In to watch movieee , a bored moviee . LOL . but ohwell , Jokes inside the cinema -.- . TSK ! >< . movie haven end we went oud first , left andy he wanna watch . haha . went arcadee playing . blahblahblahh ~ baby diedie want neoprint . LOL . went neoprint after andy comes oud . hahas . headed to baby's housee , helped with things . & went down to function room . thingy starts at 1plus pm ? . Hahas . went pebbles they all came , went down for bowling ._. lousy machines down there . hahaas , slack around , play , chat ~ . Alvin&Trevor has been thought down to the swimming pool . wow , trevor wear total WHITE & it's transparent . LOLL . 4plus , cut cakeeee (: . MagicCandles ! :P . hohhoo . after playing around with candles , helped oud to give oud cake -.- . eat , thann cleared up with it . went up to his house . slack inside his room , one by one left , only left mi , trevor , pebbles , jianjie & peijun at his house . hahas , open-ed all presents of his . heeehees (: . went off at 7plus (?) . pebbles requested for dinner tgt (: . only peijun never go . mi , trevor , pebbles & jianjie went to westmall MAC . slack there eat & chat . wow , secrets (?) -.- . Lol . about 9plus , went to help baby buy his cray . than cab home with them . stupid cabb uncle go one big round to pebbles house . than trevor house , drive damm slow , jianjie's house , big round plus slow -.- . mye house , still okayy , hahaas . home-ed . chattedd on phone with babyyy (: . Once again , happiie bbirthdaee tuhh uue ! :D . Hope you'll have enjoyed . iloveyou ; imssyou .
10:26 PM
♥hey! her laogong, ♥, BK is here! she said i havent post for her for a long time.. so i just post, since using comp now lor.. hehes.. nothing much nah.. just wanna say : thanks wor baby, for your present and celebrating birthday with me.. hehes! thanks for your birthday kisses (: muacks. loves ~ 2more days! iloveyou ♥♥
Saturday, March 6, 2010 8:58 PM
♥ wake urp early todaee ! hahas , first tyme . :X . but ohwell , it does not go smoothly . hmms . i just cant understand somethingy , but i cant do anything . peijun wake up late , waited for her , went to school . once reachh school , chia nagged on us . tsk . -.- . went in band room , played along with janelle & weilyn they all . Lols . nice try siahh , janelle's skirt , i wear till DAMM high -.- . superr lonqqq ! hahaaas . went to slackk ~ stupid chiaa , nag on mi once againn . asked mi learn one song . play let her listen , if not cant get back mye phone . used 10mins , learn-ed power station . hehe , easy . :P . kekes . slack oudsite with trevor , stupid zhang come kpkb . keep want shoot mi , conflict with her . :LOLL . chiachia come & help mi . hehees . Jiahui came & help thann jiu went off for Lunch . chewmei say everything is soo damm er xin duh lahh ~ Lol . slack ~ went to batok there for dental . waited quite long , cos i'm there too early . LOLs . idiot , it has been so long i'm not inside so long lerh lurhh . soo damm painful . ): . tighten & put rubber . damm it . arghh . ohwell , done , went to mac with vor . than back to outside school wait for them . slack there , get 5 mosqito bites . -.- . back of mye body duh freaking big . trevor was shock when he see . LOL . they camee , went to westmall , mi&co . bought something . (: . hahahaahhahaaa , went off early with peijun . cos sanjie ask mi go home takecare nephew she going oudd -.- . now i'm alone with 2 monkey . LOL . tsk . hao bahhs , endin here le . tomm baby's birthdaeee ! ~ (: . 3more days to 6th months . :D . *Sorry ehh jies , cant go for that thingy tomm . hmms . No matter how much quarrel have , try nort to spoilt anythin tomm behhs , it's your birthdae , your day , i want u to be happy , & nort a black face ofcause . happiie advance birthdae behhs . forget everythin of this week , for tomm . you want think , think on monday onwards . :X . hehees , bleahhs , lalalalalas ~ BUT tues also must forget leh . woops . :X . cos , tues you also must be happiiieeee .
Friday, March 5, 2010 9:00 PM
♥ Todae , is totally nort mye day . (: . hmms . Morning , went school w. peijun . Quite late than reachh . Physic was 1st period . MrGoh changed mye place again . -.- . talking .. & talking .. MrGoh look @ mi . talked back . hhe chase mi oud of class , ohwell . went oudd . play-ed hide&seek w. damm funny . woops . :X . tskk . he came oudd 3tymes to look fur mi . Lol . 4th tyme , he asked mi go in back class , changed my place once again . nice try , become peijun infront of mi , shijie&zena beside mi . -.- . Maths , KellyChia asked whye never go bandd on wed&thur . told her reasons . confiscated my handphonee -.- . tsk . do file-ing . messyy ~ Lols . ended lesson , talk with chia . nice try lahh ms lin go complain ms chia about mye chem test thingy . get back mye phone & went to recess with trevor &co . D&T , went in , get scolded cos dunno what reason also -.- . do electonics this time round , was fun . but did something wrong -.- . & also burn dao mye own hand . tskkk . ended , cher say next mon&tue also doing coursework . hehee (L) . Went meet laogong&trevor . headed to mye housee . slack , take mye full-uniform . went to trevor housee , take his uniform . back to school , slack at canteen with sherman they all also . changed & went to fall in for NPCC . stand down there so long under sun . nevermind , went to hall , stand down there again . cant talk , cant move or wat-so-ever . bored but tahan thought getting badges . BUT , master paradee , did NOT get any things . Fuck siahh , was mye energy . somemore sec2s get campcraft badges , we did'nt . they now same ranks as us somemore . -.- . Hate-ed it , went to change PT . but mi peijun & janelle fall oudd . went to slack with laogong , kengyong & trevor . back to hall , slack . after that , change to mufti . ended parade . waited for laogong , but he went home hymself . ohwell . slack at house downstairs awhilee , than home . nothing muchh , tomm leaving band early for dental . (: . Un-Luckyness of mine todae . (!) . #1 , Get chase oud of class . #2 , Get nagg-ed & confiscated phone . #3 , Get scolded & Burn hao hand . #4 , NPCC stand down there so long , end up get nothing . #5 , Campcraft work so hard , but never get badge while sec2s get . #6 , Did not went in for finals for Boy&Girls tream for campcraft . #7 , Home-ed that time , get attitude without reason .
Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:49 PM
♥ todaee thankks baby for waking mi up . (: . went oudd with dajie , meet baby at batok inter . :D . headed to school . first lesson , PE . -.- . woohoo , dunnid run 2rounds todae . hahas , doing ''pip run'' . mi&rachel's class combinee . Lols . but i never run . went to meet baby at study corner slack , cos he free period . (: . after PE was english , wahh we bang door , end up .. ms clarissa ng sitting down there . :S . suey . she sit beside us . tsk . 1st time i so good complete eng work in time . hahas . went to SS , idiot peijun , go locker take file never take books . end up i ganna reflective letter 2pages . fuckk siah . idiot ass hole . dunno who many times le , that time also like that . ohwell , recess , spent mye time writting & chatting with rachel . baby come out find mi awhile , than went to physic . idiot goh , keep picking on us . tsk . thanks ivan for helping . went to MT , wakaoo , super boring , a china guy new come duh , damm suey . first day to our school get scolded by mdm goh . hahas . ended school , went canteen with rachel , chat with kengyong & co . went study corner meet babby , went sports heats with baby they all . (: . have fun down there . hehes . nort badd ehh baby . Run 1st . hahaas . after everything , took 188 with baby & vor . thankks baby & trevor for sending mi homeee . :D . home-ed & watch TV with daddy mummy jies and that's it . (: . gonna go prepare things & chat with baby ltr . tomm ♥hughugs ! :D .
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 8:31 PM
♥ 2ndMarch2010 , Happiie Birthdaee tuhh ChunYu . (: . nothing muchh , dun wish to post too much about todae . but , MrChen , want kick mi oud of formation , feel free to do so . (: . i'll LOVE it . :D . 3rdMarchh2010 , wake up late todaee , thankks baby&dajie for waking mi up . school as per normal . assemblee was boredd . first lesson jiu english , slack only , cos ppl doing class deco . (: . physic , damm cher , keep on pick on mi . -.- . chat with jianjie , make cher angry . LOLL . bastard . maths , got back result . haish , 19/30 . -.- . althought never fail . but was bad . 15people in class failed . almost all get 18-21 . hmms . half way through , went to hall for photo taking . stupid davidd , photo taking half way deesiao . -.- . idiot . tsk . recess , was to be canteen with laogong , but see her , i better go studycorner . -.- . Chem , slack for 30mins , cher photo taking ? Lol . play-ed with ivan , david & jianjie . test when cher is back . whole class bastard her , ohwell , we cheated . hahas . answer all around the class . last period , SS , boredd nothing muchh , went throught new topic . which i dun understand somemore tired+cold i there . Lols . Assemblee , see people cheering , bored . stupid david , adam & yuqiang . bully (!) . arghhh . >< . after school was to pei laogong , but he's too busy so i went home first . home-ed , slack bath & wait . trevor & baby camee . soon , peijun camee . trash talk with baby in room . hmms . thanks&sorry . i dunnoe what to say elso more . but just , iloveyou . hmms . sent baby home after that . went to casueway . bought somethingy . :D . & went to eat burger king . hahas . home-ed after that , nothing muchh . : D. hao bahhs , ending here . will try to upload photo asap . (: iloveyou ; imissyou . 4more days to your birthdae. 6more days to 6th monthh . (:
Monday, March 1, 2010 8:42 PM
♥ Happiie Birthdaee tuhh ♥Mummy . (: . todaee wake up , i'm Nort late . but this time round , baby is latee . hahas . bleahhs . pack & went to school . wakao i thought i will reach eariler than baby . but he still reach eariler than mi . damm bus so slow . :X . First lesson was english , chatting & copying some stuffs . Maths , hhalf way through , peijun cried -.- . chiaa ask mi bring her outt . LOL . chat with her slack . went in back , end class liaos . Lols . damm nice try . hahas . SS , get back test paper , happiie with mye marks (?) .17/20 . when i though i will just pass cos i took 15minutes to do a 45minutes paper . Ohwell , Recess . History , back to SLC again . took back history paper , got 14/20 . damm unhappy with mye result . ): . Aww , but lucky , last minute MrLee mark wrongly . got 15/20 . at least a resonable marks . >< . ohwell . overall . ihateit . was to get A1 - 75 . but miscount . was 73.85 . ARGH . it's just the few marks that i'll get to A1 . tsk . -.- . went to MT , sleep . wakaoo . get scolded . -.- . ended school . went canteen with shijie &co . slack & eat . back to study corner wait for baby . ended . went to canteen pei him eat . than he went extra lessons . i went westmall . with shijie , trevor &co . shop around . helping shijie .. :D . went lotone . meet rachel & weichong . shop . (: . Half way throught found oudd i lost something . wakkaooooo ! ohwell , nevermindd le bahhs . think positive as what babyy says . happiie for you , finally your confident are back . (: . ♥iloveyou ; imissyou . BACK homeee . waiting jies coming back swith cakke & co . celebrating mummy's birthdae leerhhh . buaiis . :D . |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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