Sunday, January 31, 2010 10:21 PM
♥ 我我我我我我我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我我我我我我我 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 aww, it;s still ugly..haish..did so long still so ugly..but laopo thats what i wanna tell eu. ♥♥♥laogong (:
Saturday, January 30, 2010 8:34 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() Ytd , yeowyeow come mye house stay over-night . (: . today morning , i wake up at 09.09am duh . LOL . than sleep back . Lols , waken up by yeowyeow after that . Pack , prepare . Slack awhilee , went oudd to JurongEast there , waited for Laogong . he cabb here , we get up cabb , continew to Chinatown point (: . meet Laogong's daddy , Mummy , sister & friends . Eaten MAC . went to walkwalk , Laogong's cousins, Auntie, Uncles camee . programm starts '' my super wonderful granny '' . Lols . Blahblahblah , ohmygodd , half way throw laogong found oud something >< . Lols , Laogong's grandma got into semi-final only . not final . aww , but ohwell , nice try still . hahas . :D . after programm ends , went to resturant & eat . hahas . Craps & Jokes with Laogong&cousins . (: . After eating , Laogong's auntiee drive us to Laogong's housee . went his housee . slackk , went oudd , laogong go cut hairr . hahas . than cabb-ed tuhh lotone with hym , yeowyeow , his mummy , sister & friend . At Lotonee , they go buy theirs things , walk around . hahas . about 7.30pm , they cabb-ed homee . wakaoo ! Yeowyeow ton at laogong's house . arghhhhhhh . Lols , nevermind behhs , yeowyeow come mye house , also no one entertain hym . :X . i wont entertain hym much . :X . mi , bus-ed homee after they left . hehees . Laogong suddenly text mi say his mummy ask mi cabb to his house if wan . -.- . but i did'nt went backk , kekex . cos told mummy i going home le . Sorry ehh Laogong . :X . awww . reachh home , bath-ed & nothing muchh lerhh . hahas . :D . 8Hours todaeee ! hahas , Ohwell . Fun throughtout . Laogong , ! dun think about the thingy juz now le ~ &&&&& Sorry for changing the wallpaper . -.- .
Friday, January 29, 2010 8:11 PM
♥ Joke of the day . (: Hmms , not gonna talk about todae's lessons bahs . End school , slack at canteen , NPCC training . Alot never come . training , at first CLs take . run here run there , my rank keep dropping . -.- thankks pebbles for helping ehh . Cls went promotion test . Jiahui Ma'am take over . ohwell , suey of me . Almost all they way i'm the timer . & weird of jiahui Ma'am suddenly ask mi come oud take over squard . when i'm totally blur . Ohwell , tiring . Throat Pain .-.- . But fun . after NP training , Fall in , chat about Campcraft all that . went to Campcraft . 3 words . It's simply SUX . that's all . -.- . off with Trevor&Peijun , cabb-ed homee , sent vor home first . Reachh home nothing muchh , waiting for Lily , Erjie & Trevor come . Tears has dried , Everything are finee , back to normal . forgive as well as forget . (:
Thursday, January 28, 2010 9:07 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Morning , meet Laogong went to school tgt . (: . Assemblee . Ivan told mi David will be late for school again . wow . -.- .First lesson , damm boredd nahh , Chemistry , give cher $6.50 . for the dunno what book . Lols . Ivan act cute , put the 50cents into projector(?) . stuck theree , LOLL . damm funnyy . :P . i chiong do Eng homework there . :D . Went english lesson , Boredd , pass up mye paper & slack while people doing . kekex . after that D&T , aww , test again . goshh ~ . Hard enought for mi . to simply fail . :X . kekex . Ohwell , than recess , tgt with Laogong . (: . I was late for Maths Class , Gosh , get nagg-ed by MsChia . -.- . went in , Ivan never bring file , cher thought i never bring while ivan took mine . scolded mi . -.- . i told her is ivan take , than she diamdiam . -.- . Lame . went MT after that , copy homework there , kind mdm goh , nv scold . wow , last 15min suddenly got a 15min test . -.- . did it & went off . End school ! hehees , Meet Laogong&Trevor at studycorner . slack , went canteen find Limei to ask for time . hahas . slack till 2.30pm , Laogong went to his Facial appointment . i went Foyer & sit , waited for Friends , went off to NgeeAnn with them . wow , tgt with Mdm hamidah&Mr Lim . Lols . Reachh there , got Lunch , MrLim ask cuteee ! ask mi want eat mah . i haven reply jiu say '' ohyah , i forget u dun eat duh '' . -.- Lols . the food there was similar to wat we eat at HTA . packing the samee . BUT the taste is muchmuchmuch better . Lols . Done eating , went to a theater , sit down there , get a notebook(?) . a cute one . & went off , cos we went there latee , Lols . >< . walk around the school looking at the stuffs , got a calculator & tooth ? LOL . about 5pm went off from theree . hahaas . (: . Reachh school , went band awhile , find trevor . than Msong nag mi . small conflict with her . tsk . haishh . but ohwell went off . Hyppiiieee ! Sat i dunnid tuhh go BAND ! :DDDDD . hahas , went off homee with trevor&peijun . Reachh homee . called Laogong & chat till he tutionn . i went sleep awhile . :X . kekex . tiredd , okokay , ending here le . :D Tomm is a Super Tired daee . Morning TestTest&StillTest ._. Afternoon , NPCC training . Aww . Evening P.T or Campcraft . :S Night , find Laogong See him Lesson :D . MidNight , do thingy with erjie&co . :D . tiredd tiredd tiredd ! >< .
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6:45 PM
♥ Hehees ! I'm here posting right now . (: . Laogong&Peijun has just left myee housee . kekex . -Trevor did'nt come , cannot manage to contact hym . Morning , meet Laogong at Inter . Went school tgt . :D . slackk , assemblee , than 1st period English . B.O.R.E.D . Lols . chatting all the way , than Physics . i think so . Lols . cher is once again late & we're chatting once again . he's angry . :X . Recess tgt with Laogong . :D . slack , went to lesson . hmms . History , wow , test . >< . wakaoo , i never study . -.- . dunno how do . finish , slack look around , sleep . MrLee say i look at peijun's work . trying to copy once again . -.- . i remember , last year or maybe when i'm sec 1 . when having Lit test , MrLee said i tried to see peijun ans also . took away mye paper & say if my ans as same peijun i'll get ZERO . funny thing is i did finish first while peijun still doing , but i copied her ? o.o . somemore end up i got 20+/25 . peijun got only 10+/25 eh . -.- Lame . this year again , wanna say i copy . -.- . but sad , i did not . ans all diff hao mah ?! -.- . Ended class , went for MT . Wow , it's not only bored okay . we chat instead of listening & simply playing . hahas . :P . ended MT , went to Maths with Laogong . his room beside mine . :D . Maths , learn new things todae . (: . damm ivan draw mye hand ! >< . but i did draw back ! hehehes . :P . ended class , went assemblee . BORED ! all SLs are soo lamee . -.- . Lols . ended , went fins mdm yap . helped her doing some NP name list stuffs . Laogong came help up . ![]() taken by PeiJun when mi&Laogong helping up . -.- after donee , went off . Cabb-ed tuhh Mye house with Laogong&peijun . slackk ~ play ~ trashtalk with laogong once again ! hahas . :D . they went home already , currently alone at home ler . dajie&sanjie coming homee soon . :D . hao behhs end here . :D . Haiyoyoooo ! i was shock when i knew it . but facts has become the facts . Let's juz face it & get it over . :D . welcome hym/her to this world too ! :D . Loves . (L) . _Daddy dunnoe yet , i wondering what would he react . :S .
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 8:16 PM
♥ ![]() I've got 9/10 . She got 7.5/10 . (: hehes , todaee went to sk0l as per normal eh . Abit late . >< . Assemblee , thankks Laogong for lending mi PE attire . hehees . :D. first lesson was PE liaos . wakaoo , run around the field again . thann jump here jump theree . Lols . ended PE , thanks Ivan for helping mi , buying drinks . (: . went find Laogong awhilee , went to english lesson . bored , nothing muchh . thann jiu recess le . hehees . :D . Lols . after recess was chemistry . hehes , MsLin ask ivan dun sit with us . change-ed his place , end up mi Peijun & david tgt change place . go find Ivan . hahas , than keep asking for going toilet , she dun allow duh . whole class support us . Lols . went toilet 15mins . :X . she's angry . whole class either Sleep , sms or play . LOL . ended class . :D . *Just nice laogong amaths At scienceSLC , i room1 vor room 2 . hahas . next lesson was Maths . Lesson half way , every malay gals went off . cos of funeral . hahas , no lessons . :D . after that , D&T , did a worksheet niah . than jiu went off early , go find laogong slack , later for VIP for 25mins . :X . lesson chat about Relationship with teacher . hahas , Girlf , Boyfs . kekex . ended class , went off to find laogong , slack awhile , he go meeting . i go canteen with desiree(vice-persident!) & peijun . hahas . than with huijuan&weixian . than went find laogong , than Band . :D . laogong might be back for band for Fancy ! hehess . :D . went band i never play , slack sleep . formation i slacking . damm it . kelly chia catch mye skirt , hipster+too short . -.- . say will check on mi . -.- suey siahh , than ending that time , have conflict with serene , rachel & teresa . lame arse . went off homee . vor come mye house also . hehees . :D . hahas , relax relax ~ hahaas , ENding here le behhs . :D . tomm got nothing ! hahaas . & good news , i'm NOT in band for SYF anymore i'm in FANCY ! hehehees . (L) . hahas . haiyoyoo , Always say i moodless . You're the one that also moodless lurh ! ahahs , (: . thank anyway ! :D . ♥iloveyou .
5:01 PM
♥it's been quite some time since i post for this pigpig (: hehes, ohwell, ♥, BK is here posting for her. i good eh, automatically come post for her duh, for my blog still need to ASK HER post for me then she post -.-.. ohwell, nothing do so posting for her lor.. she's now in band... hmms, still need to wait till 6.30pm then can spam sms with her.. lols ! lame eh me.. ohwell, just posting for fun nah, later at night think she will post more le.. buhbye guys ! (:
Monday, January 25, 2010 8:40 PM
♥ ![]() gosh ! todae wake up at about 6.10am . hehes . Late . -.- . packed , went to cab , cant wait till cabb , damm long . tsk , ihateit . reach school , sit down slack , assemblee . nothing muchh . hahas .1st lesson D&T , chat with Limei&Peijun . gosh studying desgin le . -.- . homework is to design something oud . shyt . draw somemore . aww . after D&T is Maths lerh , meet dao Laogong .:D . ohwell . starting of lesson .Cher ask david change place with ivan , dun let mi sit with david . hahas . nice try , let mi sit with ivan . Hahas . Class quiz , suddenly have duh .-.- . Lols .Nice try lurh that ivan , copy mye one ! Lols . tsktsk . ended quiz , cher say mi&ivan also cannot sit tgt duh ! hahas . :P . too badd , no matter who u change , i'll still talk .:X . ended maths , went to recess . slack , than SS .wow , test again , -.- . was hard duh lurh , never study . or says , study wrong thingy . ended SS , mr adam told our class that a gal from 3E2 pass away , wowww . almost all the malay gals in mye class cried . -.- . was to be english lesson , MrYen dunwan teachh . cos everyone crying . no english todaee . hahas . went AVA , i went slack . After that , MT , mdm goh went hospital check up . a cher come take over , Lols . damm funny eh . she get angry-ed by us . hehees , funn to deesiao her . tsk ! :P . ended MT , went find laogong , he go lesson , i go canteen with peijun . sit tgt with shijie&yuquan also . hahas , jokes around . D . went to garden slack with them too , knoe a secret of yuquan ! hahas . went meet laogong , than went for Fancy meeting , ended , went canteen again . slack , changed with chunyu&peijun . went to NPCC room . mr liew give us key , teach peijun&chunyu lashings . Lols . SIR suddenly came in . -.- . shock .Lols . went to take things down to field . training started . today , gals&boys mix tgt ! hahas , nice try lurhh . fun indeed . dam weichong&charles . keep stand beside mi , cos they taller than mi alot . arghh , ending of campcraft , play-ed with grass . LOLs . ended , went homeee . :D . hehehes . Home-ed saw lily at mye housee . hahass . asked whye trevor never come home with mi . Lols . told trevor this , & now he's on the way here . hahas . nice try ? :D . ending here , buais !
Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:23 PM
♥ ![]() tsk , todaee morning wake up quite early ? :P . did nothing muchh , only sms with laogong . & makee milks for nephews . cos mummy nort at home . >< . afternoonn , have a short nap niahhs . -.- . i started to hate M1's network . :S . it's really sux sometimes . Waken up & online order MAC for mi&dajiee . (: . delivery damm fast eh . -.- . within 30mins . Lols . nice try hor . eaten MAC & do nothing muchh le . (: . bored todaee , cant do much things . cant go oudd also . due to nephews . -.- . awww . tomm school starts . & i'm nort done with my homeworks . ): . hao behhs , ending here lerhh . nothing muchh moree . come back post again tomm behhs . :D . buaiis . ! (:
Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:49 PM
♥ ![]() tsktsk , wake up today morning , was shock to see 8msg(s) . -.- call-ed Laogong & chat with phonee with him . (: . Slack awhile . Hmms . asked trevor come mye housee . Suddenlyy Laogong call mi .. ask mi wanna go Movie with his mummy they all at westmall mah . -.- . was to say no duh . but .. errr , okay . hmms . call-ed trevor ask him . he say anythin . than i anythin lurh . Lols . Pack-ed , trevor camee . went oudd with mummy also . headed to lotone . :D . Reachh westmall , go meet Laogong , Raina & their mummy . Somehow dunno whye saw pebbles also ? Lols . went to buy moviee tickets , than went arcadee , Laogong playing . :D . i deesiao trevor . hehees , use his phone sms pris . :P ! nice try eh . heehees . went moviee . ''the spy next door'' . Lols . quite a nicee movie nahh , Laughs&touching . hehees . :D . after moviee , went buy thingy . than eat ice creamms . >< . Lols . went to shop&save , pebbles went homeee . mi&trevor go Laogong's house . slack theree , his mummy cook . (: . wow , suddenly his daddy come back . -.- . his cousin&ahma all that also . diaoos . abit shocking . Lols . eat dinner at his house , his mummy cook . hahaas . :D . done eating , watch TV & slack . (: . hhmmms . went off at about 11pm . laogong sent mi down to take cabb . clever duh him lurh , last min when i get up cab give mi money . -.- . tsk . Home-ed , nothing muchh . going call laogong for chat soon . & thankks Laogong's mummy for all the treats & stuffs . :D . thankss Laogong too ofcos . hahas . 2-11 = 9hours ! . Lols . that time was 12hours , now 9hours . hahas . :P . Tomm cant go oudd . ): . need stay at homee takecare of nephew ! arghhh . saddsaddd . but nevermindddd . will find ways to make mye day . hehees .
Friday, January 22, 2010 8:55 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() Myee 600th post already . :D . wake up latee todaee , damm tired , just feel like sleep . >< . force-ed myeself to wake up & went oud meet peijun to school . assemblee , slack niahh . 1st lesson Physics . chat , see david drawing . hahas , damm nice duh hao mah ? Sorry eh ivan i cant help u draw . hehes , jiayouuus ! :D . went to maths . Peijun get caught use phone in class . again & again . hmms . mi&david us also never get caught . -.- . cher just say Huimin&david cannot sit tgt , hahaas . but too bad ! is register . :P . recess , nothing muchh . sqeezee in with yuquan,trevor&co . hahas . Last Lesson ! 2hours D&T . hehees , funn . :D . did somethingyy , dunno how to say , but was indeed s. fun . ended school , but still feeling like continew doing D&T . hehees . went foyer find laogong&trevor , went to laogong's house . slack there , change to mufti . went back school . chat with janelle they all , than get change-ed to Full-U . :D . Training starts , was a fun&tiring one indeed . ohwell , i've forgotten all mye drills & timing . D.I.E . Lols . lucky at last i remember almost all . hehees . ended training , went to fancy , got a tok . ohwell , performance cancelled . by school . wth lurhh . -.- . go foyer , tok to kengyong . went homee , took bus&MRT , saw EngCheeDadyy ! hahahas . :P . wow , finally he wear other colour shirts than back&white le . kekex . Ohwell , Lastlong with Mummy ! ~ hahas . :D . hom-ed . going meet laogong soon . :D . sorry eh , will be late , i cant go oud so early , need take nephew for mummy . Nothing much le . ending here , dun think going band tomm . buaiis . :D .
Thursday, January 21, 2010 7:44 PM
♥ ![]() meet peijun & went to school todaeee as per normal . (: . assmeblee , 1st lesson was PE ! -.- . ihateit . Lols . change-ed . wow , same PE as rachel . hahaas . RUN 3 round around the field . was to be 2 rounds duh . but the 1st round whole class walking ! hahas . than daniel lead the exerciseee ~ Lols , ended PE . went to English . Eat & slack . :P . hehes . than went to History . good fun . hahas . :D . went to buy file , caught someone bball-ing ! >< . Lols . hmms . Than recess . slack . Physics , at lab , nothing much , sms-ing only . MT , did not copy down corrections . :X . was chatting . hehes . Ended school , chat with qingling&pebbles . *Some JealousySmell mi&qingling smell-ed . :P . kekex . went study corner , laogong camee , slack go eat than band . :D . performance for the oversea peoples . -.- . Lols . band , i'm slacking all the way . hehees , never play . :P . kekex . ended , went straight homee . hehes . :D . Currently going eat dinner , than pack Full-U , than Bath , than chat on phonee , than SLEEP . :D .
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:32 PM
♥ ![]() goshgosh , wakee urp late today , headed to school by cab again . >< . reachh school , todae laogong abit late also . hahas , meet hym at study corner . chat , assmeblee . First period was English . Wow , nice try . we chiong homework . Finish doing mye HistoryEassy&Maths . kekex . slack-ed awhilee . went to Physics . MrGoh was mad . LOls . keep picking on mi , david , peijun&ivan . hehees . but , whocares ~ . went to Maths , i won david's bet ! kekex . lalala ~ Maths , MsChia teach , i never listenn . Cos she ask mi teach daivd . -.- . wth lah . Ended Maths , went down study corner with Laogong , he do his MT homework . than went canteen . MrLim chase us to class . Hahas , Chemistryy ~ woo . Once again . MsLin was mad with us . hahas . Had a stupid topic with peijun&daniel . >< . went to SS , went in , reqested to go toilet , since the class is not back yet also . came back , get scoldings/naggings . -.- . wth lahh ~ say what we own him 10mins . need return 3times . -.- . so i AGREE with him . yaya ~ . Hmms . lesson was bored . due to his naggings spoilt our mood eh . ended , went to Class inter latee . cos talking to MrLiew ~ . than went to class inter , chat play ~ hehees . :P . Ended school , slack at study corner . (: . than laogong go chemistry spa . mi , trevor , rachel &co. went to canteen . eat & did mye homeworks . :D . dunno how to do some questions . laogong camee , teach-ed mi . & thank . went homeee . Laogong sent mi home once again . -.- . i dunwan he diedie want . winliao . Home-ed fall asleep . kekeex . nothing muchh ~ . Tomm having PE & Band performance ~ gonna wear PE attire . -.- . i hate it . & having MT ! arghhh . ): .
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 8:05 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() Happiiee Birthdaee tuhh ♥David AhKor ! :D . todaee wake up , meet peijun than meet Laogong at inter . (: . went to school tgt . hehees . We're not late ! bleahhs . Assemblee . than first lesson was D&T , quite boring . Lols . thann Maths , but free period . Hehees , sent Laogong to his maths . i went canteen slack with HuiJuan , serene & QingLing they all . (: . after that was SS . dun really get it what teacher teaching at first . Behind jiu okokay lerhh . hahas . than recess , slack . :D . Chemistry , BORED ! Play with david&daniel . Lols . hehees . wow , daniel become mye chem teacher . -.- ! Lols . thankthank . David deesiao peijun ! hahas , peijun so blur , dunno anything . Lols . mi , daniel , jianjie , ivan &co. laught till dead . Lols . >< . kekex . English last period . that Laogong cute duh lurhh , he pass mi Amaths book , he thought he lost it . Lols . English , play aroundd also . thann sleep . hahas , tired tiredd . kekes . :P . went to study corner slack with Laogong . he teach mi Maths . :D . thank . hehees . done mye maths . slack ~ than went NPCC meeting . than Band . went band late . :X . kekees , slack , Mr Ho bastatd mi . he say '' wahh whye u so long never come ! without u no one chat w. mi . '' i was like . -.- . band so many people to let u chat with . Lols . '' he keep asking about braces ~ hahas . bleahhs '' clairnet spoilt . :P . MrHo gave mi New arrived duh clarinet . hehees ! but he say '' see , i treat u soo good , u so long never come le , once come back got new clarinet '' . Lols . Serene , Rachel & mi get new ones . :D . kekes . :P . went oud formation . SLACK ! hehes . played around . quarrel with wei xian . lalalaas ~ . he damm angry ! Lols . but i'm damm happy ! :P . the more angry he gets , the more happy i am ! hehehees . homed after that , saw erjie & star at house downstaits home tgt . Wah , Laogong nice try . noe what time i'll be back homee . hahas , okokay , end here . :D .
Monday, January 18, 2010 8:23 PM
♥ It's simply not mye day todae . althought i never get hurt by mallet . but ohwell . i took mallet & hurt people . -.- . Mallet does not like the gals team today . Todae went oud & meet peijun , headed to school . (: . Reachh school , Assemblee , hehee . First lesson was English . Lols . never do homework , chatting with Ivan&David , alot craps . hehees . :P . Maths , MsChia never come ! :X . Did english as well as MT homework . hehees . after that , SS . Copied alot thingy . hehees , learned new topic also . than recess , after recess jiu History , Mr lee class again . Hahas , Ended class , i was Mix-ed up History&SS , thanks to peijun . -.- . Lols . MrLee explain-ed . kekes , than MT . did test again . -.- . Lols . thanks wesley ~ . Had Lunch with Peijun at canteen . went to study corner , did mye History homework . & Laogong camee , he teachh mi Maths . Done with it . went to canteen pei hym eat , than changed to P.T kit . went to Campcraft training , SIRs camee . hehees . Training was hard . but was fun indeed . wow , Gals team . 4 people injured . HuiJuan , Serene , Janelle & Chunyu . -.- . Lols . Hand hurts too , cos of pulling the flag polee . Last round , accidentally hit dao serene . >< . Sorry ehhh ~ . Cos , when pulling flag pole , serene shouted for mallet , but no one answer her . so , i do mye things half way , helped her takee. was in rush , accidentally throw . hit dao her leg & that's how she injured . Sorry eh serene . Not in purpose . hmms . ended training , was to clear field . wakaooo ! I'm the last onee theree . SIR keep bastard mi . hehee , keep count down . ask mi pick up everything on the field which i cant see , he hit mi . LOL . run up to NP room , wahh tiredtiredd . Ended training , Laogong&Trevor sent mi homee , peijun come mye house also . she taking something from mi . Hahaaas . After that , Eat MAC . hehees . cos sanjie call MAC for mi lerh . hehees , Mummy nort at homee . >< . i SWEAR , i will never ever take mallet again . dun care whos shouting for it le . i do mye job & thats it . later hurt dao people again . -.- . i dunwan anymore incident le . & making myeself in troublee onlyy . Hao Behhs , dunno whye so tiredd . gonna go do things & homework . later chatting with Laogong awhile only behhs ~ .
Sunday, January 17, 2010 8:43 PM
♥tsktsk , todaee wake up at 10plus am . Heheees . Help-ed mummy to takecaiire Nephews . (: . Instead of giving them drinking Milk , i give them Milo ! :X . kekes , i bet they Love it alot okay ! bleahhs . :P . took a nap in the afternoon also . hehees , after mummy is back . Evening , went oudd to Lotone with Mummy , dajie & nephews . Cycle theree , wakaoo , Ryan sit behind miiee . he damm heavy lurhh . -.- . Become so hard to cycle . :S . reachh lotone , went to eat MAC . after that , go buy thingyy ~ Bought mye new Perfume . :D . Bought David's birthday present also . & alot more nahh . hehees , Home-ed . hehes . Nothing muchh now , Looking at new timetable . hehees , It's uploaded at 3N2's blog alreadyy ~ . hahas . Hao behhs , ending here , aww , tomm school starts . Tsktsk , Laogong bought Crumpler le ! heheees , Same as mine duhh ehh . Lols , nice try siah him . hahaas . buaiii ! :D .
Saturday, January 16, 2010 11:08 PM
♥ Early morning Late at night , TREVOR duh AhGua out to fight . Fight at Changi for his fame , Fame in changi , King of Gay ! GO gigolo ! Go gigolo ! {Edit Cheer , Edited by EE BOON KEAT} tsktsk ! Todayy morning waken up by Laogong , hehees . PS nahh , he call i thought was alram . -.- . Lols . :P . waken up , preapre & went oudd , waited for Laogong&Trevor . they cabb down fetch mi , -.- . Lols , than cab to Vor house , than to school . hahas , reachh school , changed to Full U . Fall in outside NP room . (: Tie-ed Hair & pin-ed Pants . Hahas . went to hall for a few round of practice . Take a break outside Hall theree , hehees , wahh nice tryy siahh . Suddenly saw Laogong's Mummy&Daddy&Sister . LOL . okay nevermind . hmms , prepare for performance , went in Hall , Started . hehees . nice tryy siah , not badd eh our performance . hehees . ended , claps . :P . went down to help to ask sec 1s to come join NPCC . heheess . :D . Fancy people do drills only mi & trevor dunnid , hehees , cos KengPeng choosed . after that , blahblahblah , every fall oudd , expect sec4s squard . -.- . dunno whye Jiahui Ma'am call some of sec3s join . -.- . Lols . Tiredd . :P . Done with drills , suddenly Jiahui Ma'am say do Fancy performance at parade square . -.- . Lols , went up take our thingy & prepare to perform , after done perfoming , drills again . most of people go ask sec1s join , only sec4s & some sec3s drills . Diaos hmms . Learned new drills there ! hehees . :D . Ended , went to change & fall in for attendance . went to NP room to help up ? than went off to westmall & eat . heheees . after eating , Laogong&Trevor came mye house slack . Lols . than they went off . i bath-ed & sleep .:X . sleep till 9.09 than wakee up . hehees ! :DDD . Now nothing muchh le behhs , hehees . Finally FancyDrill Performace is OVER ! :D . next will be CampcraftCompetition&BandSYF ! hehes . Sorry Ehh , davidd . did'nt go your birthday BBQ . Will give u your present on tues nahh ! hehees . Happiie advance Birthday ehh ! (: . have funn there . (: .
10:34 PM
♥Hey ♥, BK here posting (: cos i promised laopo I'll help her post a short post today so here posting nor.. nothing much nah, this morning spam call her to wake her up she actually tought its her alarm ringing.. nice try sia she.. ask her prepare le jiu wait, me and trevor cab-ed down fetch this lil baby zhuzhu of mine ~! hehes.. cab-ed to trevor house* cos he wanna take smth* then to school again.. slacked awhile jiu change.. CCA recruitment day today.. WOW ! fancy performance ROCKS man! hehes... okays nah, after NPCC everyth went to laopo house slack awhile * thats when i promise to post for her, cos she say lappy spoiil, when she had more than one lappy to post* ohwell, promised her, then slack jiu went off le.. ohwell, now done my job posting for her.. the rest is up to her to post le (; laopo ! i kept my promises to you le.. loves♥~
Friday, January 15, 2010 10:53 PM
♥Morning , meet Laogong&trevor at BukitBatokBusInter . hehees . with peijun . Bus-ed to school . wow , nice tryy ! we're late for school . hahas . mye veryvery first time being late . Lols . cher collect our bus cardd . -.- . diaos . went to lessons . English first , was to do compo but i never do .. hehes , slacking . :X . than Maths , was to do class test , but MsChia ask mi after school find her do . -.- . Learn-ed new topic , i was totally Blur ! Lols , after maths , SS . hehees , copied thingy . & that's all . -.- . Recess !~ Last lesson , MT . Hehees , Mdm Goh was LATE ! & that's whye mi , peijun , adam , david , ivan &co . is playing till so crazy ~ Lols . :P . Ended school . Nothing muchh . hahas . :D . went to DM room , explain whye late & take back bus card . (: . how cute of Adam , say he overslept , need write compo . LOL ! :P . after taken , went to find MsChia , take mye Maths test . quite easy ? -.- . Lols . changed to P.T kit , Fall in for Fancy Last day Training ! :D . Quite fun ? Lols . nothing muchh , ended , Laogong&Trevor sent mi homee . (: . hahas . Haoo behhs , ending here . hahas . come post again tomm ! . Goodluck everyone ! hahaas . (:
Thursday, January 14, 2010 5:56 PM
♥ ![]() Teeeheee ! Todaee never went school , heheees . Just too tireed . >< . wakke up in the morning , Msg-ed MrYen tell him i'm nort going school . & clean-ed up some parts of myeee room . Aww , now Kitchen Damm messy . -.- . Gonna clean up soon behhs , Mummy saying starting clean whole house liao . Hmms , after doneee , sanjie ordered MAC for herself, mi & dajieee . (: After donee eating MAC , Laogong&Trevor camee . (: . slack at myee room&erjie's room . hahass . Laogong has been bulliedd by mi todaee ! Lalalass . kelian . hehees . went off tgt with laogong , he went homeee . Mi&Trevor went sunshinee , buy some thingy to drink&eat . was to help laogong alter pants but the shop never open . -.- . Lols . went to Fetch Rony , wahh , he got alot girlfs siahh . Flirt . :P . He was damm close with a gal name Fiona ! hahas . after Fetching nephew . went to sunshine again . heheees . helped daddy&mummy to buy their food . Lols . hmms . than help mummy buy her things also . Buy some sweets for rony . -.- . & headed homeee . hahaas , after that , Trevor went homeee . I'm doing nothing muchh . hahas . sleeping&taking nap behs . :X . kekes . Tonight Laogong having tution .. Hmms , gonna be bored for those hours again . todayy trevor going laogong's house ton also . hahas , tomm i'll be back to school ! hehes (: Add-on(s) . Ohmyegodd , never went to school todae eh . asked peijun help mi copy down homework all that . wow , she really did & did till very detail-ed . LOL . Thankss Lots worr . (: . hahas . -Aww , miss-es a class maths test . -.- . sian . wakaooo ! so many homework . arghhh . got english , MT , SS & History homework . ): .
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 9:50 PM
♥ ![]() Reach school , Hoho . Laogong is back to school . :D . hehees . :D . Assmeblee nothing muchh behs , boredd . Sing school song . hahas . Chemistry was first lesson , have a quarrel with ms lin . -.- . she so stupidd , i never bring workbook but never stand she also dunno . LOL . thankks daniel for the entertainment lurh ! kekes . went to find trevor , than go for SS , never bring books . Phew , Lucky todaee was the so call-ed ''first'' lesson for SS . hahas . MrLee mix up SS&History . LOL . almost get punish without reason . >< . went to find Trevor , than headed to English lesson , half way , went oud class go find laogong slack . Hmms . back to class . RECESS ! slackyy ~ hahas . No physics todaee wooo ! Photo taking . -.- . wahh , so good eh , i dun need pay , i FAS ! hahas . (not FakeFAS okay ! is real dduhhh ! hehees) . photo taking le jiu slack , than went to MT lesson , hhaas . ended , went to assembleee . wahh damm boring . -.- . idiot david dee siao . -.- . ended school , find laogong&trevor , slack at canteen . Went to FancyDrill , did'nt wear full U todaee , hehee . some problems . :P . so does trevor , never wear also . Lols . Practice ~ blahblahblahhh . training training & still training . ended training , have briefing . OHWELL . nice try siahh , JiahuiMA'AM&MrLiewSIR . -.- . keep saying things to suan mi&laogong . Lols , waited for CLs briefing to end . went jurong , than went lotone to eat . & headed homeee . nothing muchh le . heheeee . :D . Aww , forgortten to wear ring todae , cos after i wash upp forget wear back . :S . Lucky thankks Mummy&Sanjie to keep for mi . Tomm might not be going tuhh school eh , Depends . Most slightly not going , cos tell mama le . (: SMILEEE ! CHEERUPP EH ! hehees . (: . I'm saying to YOU ! I guess you noe the ''you'' is you behs . :P .
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 7:56 PM
♥ Trevor&Mine Yoghurt(?) . Lols . Todae went oud with Dajie once again , meet peijun headed to school meet vor . Laogong never go school todaee , aww . Hmms . Foyer slack , went studycorner . Awhile niahh , went to assemblee , Thankks Adam&Wesley ehh . hehees . 1st period Physics wanna late , so went StudyCorner find Trevor,Yuquan , chat . saw huiJuan , hehees . Thankks eh , for helping mi in mye Maths ! :D . hehees . Thankks Yuquan for calculator also . hahas . ChiamYuQuan,1N1 . LOL ! Physics Lesson ; Cher was also late . -.- . Lols . damm slacky , sit with david , full of nonsence . Okay ! -.- . Cher damm angry with Mi, David, Peijun & Ivan & ofcos the class . Hahas . :D . MT Lesson ; MdmGoh never scold for not doing Homework wor . so good of her , hahas . Copied answer there . hehes . Maths Lesson ; KellyChia Nagged about Band once again . -.- . totally slackie todae & all thanks to Yuquan's calculator . Hahaas ! :D . Lotlots of homeworks she given . -.- . Aww . hmms . Recess , English Lesson ; Wow , slack all the way playing . hahas ~ sms-ing Laogong also . hehees . jiu end class le . Chemistry . Wow , teach ask mi write down & copy the thingy , i write a word ''write'' at the paper & handed in . :X . VIP , was boredd . Chatting playing all the wayy , hehees . Ended class , went to find MdmGoh for MT thingy . Hehees . than went canteen eat slack awhilee , KellyChia nagnagnag again & again . -.- . cannot tahan her , went to study corner , peijun&trevor do MT . i do mye Maths , wwahh , do till i going become siao liao eh . -.- . Lols . went to Fancy at 4plus , slack there . hehe i wear skirt , cant run & do punishment . so , i'm excuse-ed . :D . saded trevor&peijun still need do LOL ! bleahhs . ended Fancy , homed nothing muchh . hehes , Laogong will be back to school tomm ! :D . Wed ; FancyFullUniform . Thur ; BandBORED . Fri ; FancyLastTraining . Sat ; Fancy&Band CCA day performance & David's BBQ . Sun ; FREEEEEEE ! :DDDD .
Monday, January 11, 2010 10:24 PM
♥Todae went oudd house withh dajie & meet peijun , headed to school . (: . reachh school , just nice laogong reach school also . hehes . :D . hmms . Assemble , than went to lessons . first period English . Boredd , chat&play only . Lols . than went to Maths , laogong pass mi mye Maths textbook . hehees . thanks . :D . wakaoo ! i never bring Calculator . -.- . thankks peijun&daniel for lending . after maths , went to Recess . thann D&T . woo , coursework todaee . hehees . was Fun indeed . :D . Chatted with Limei&co . :D . hmms , ended so fast . went to Physics after that , wow . Damm bored , slack heheee . Peijun ganna deesiao . lucky david sit beside mi , not behind mi . LOL . kelian peijun . hahas . :D . went to MT , sian do worksheet . >< . thankks wesley&yuqiang ehh . hehees . ended MT , went to hall find laogong , he take 'O' level result for MT . hahaas . nort badd eh A2 , but he still unhappy . Lols . Hmms , cheer-ed him upp , hehees . :D . went to campcraft , quite funn eh , hehes . cos Don Sir all that cam down . hmms . girls team not badd le . :D . Aww , claudia is back ! hahas . Lols . & somehow now become help up in flag thingy liao , thanks to peijun . -.- . after Campcraft , went batok with laogong they all , laogong go alter . than went to lotone , help jie buy thingy & buy sweet for nephew . (: . hahas . home-ed & nothing else le behhs . :D . hahas . Aww , Laogong tomm not going school , cos he sick . >< . hmms , sian tomm got Fancy somemore . hmms , hao behhs . nothing much . Hope laogong recover soon behhs . :D . hehes . takkecaiire . :D .
Sunday, January 10, 2010 1:12 PM
♥ ![]() Found @ Facebook . :D tsktsk , ytd fall-asleep while waiting for Laogong to be donee . hehes . Having flu all the way ytd night , cos sleeping at mummy's room , air con . >< . Todaee wake up , text laogong all the way . hehees . Alone at home . Aww . Whole family got their own event . I'm only going oudd at about 2plus pm . go meet lily&trevor . hehees . Finally there's something to let mi do later on . :D . ♥Loves going oudd with Trevor&Lily , cos they confirm pei mi home ! . LOL . so later go oud with them , confirm no need go home alone duh . bleahhs . good ehh . hehes , if not how to become mye part tyme & ahkor . lols . Hao behhs , nothing muchh le , hehees . Going prepare go oudd soon . :D .
Saturday, January 9, 2010 4:56 PM
♥ tsktsk .. ytd was to go Fetch nephew derhh . but went to sleep . Lols . so never . >< . todaee , wake up at about 7plus , slack on bedd . -.- , bathh-ed . &Laogong,Trevor,Peijun camee mye housee . Slackk . Laogong having flag dayy . but he never go ask people donate . Lol . slack at mye house till 11plus ? Lols .went oudd to Lotonee , Arcadee . Lols . Play,Slack,Chat .. Nothing muchh . After arcadee , went took bus back to school . (: . waited for Laogong . Wow , saw MsKellyChiaa , hidee from her ofcos . -.- . Cos did'nt go band todaee . Ohwell . :S . Hmms . went to Laogong's house after that . (: . hehees . he bath&change-ed , Jiu went to Westmall . he went find his mummy&sister . Trevor&Peijun came myee housee . i go orhorh awhilee . they go sunshinee . hehes . Now Peijun just left . Trevor still at mye housee , at night going sunshine . to ask for the alter-ing of Laogong's pants & NPCC pants . Lols . (: . Nothing muchh lerhh . bahhs , ending heree . :D . Once again , happiiie 4th monthh tuhh Laogong ehh . hehes .
Friday, January 8, 2010 2:00 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Overdue-ed picuters . >< . Went oud with Jie todae , meet peijun , went school tgt . (: . Reachh school , just nicee Laogong reach school also . hehees . ThankksTREVOR for helping mi buy thingy , LOLs . >< . Sit at Foyer slack , than went toilet there slack also . hehees . went back to class for assemblee . Nothing muchh also . hahas . 1st Lesson was Maths ehh . Aww , stress early in the morning . -.- . Today Learn duhh abit complicated ehh , mi&daniel dunno what cher talking . but manage to noe how to do by looking at the examplee . Lols . &&&& ! Laogong just nice maths also . Hahas , Just beside mye class . (: . after that , went for English lesson . Quite boring , but chat abit . hehees . slack . Recess , nothing muchh . went to D&T . Damm cold . but lucky that .. i bring along Laogong's jacket . hehees . (: . D&T quite boring todaee , chatting . (: . Last lesson was Physics , wow , the worst&boring subject i hatee . -.- . Somehow actually need sit by index number , but no one give a damm le . Lols . All changed placee . But aww , peijun never sit with mi . -.- . she sit infront mi . hahas . david sit beside mi . keep dee-siao . -.- . That Ivan also . arghhh ! >< . ended lessons , went to find Laogong . than Laogong went westmall . Trevor&peijun came mye housee . Later going fetch nephew at his school . HEHE . than going sunshine , helping Laogong alter his pants & asking for NPCC pants thingy . Haoo bahhs , that's all lerhh . Maybe coming add on things later . (: . Buaii , & it's simply just tomm ! :D . heheees . Flag day also . :D .
Thursday, January 7, 2010 7:39 PM
♥ See didi's headd . Lols . Hmms , todae morning , wake up realise never set alarm . -.- . Lols , quickily packed . went oudd , meet peijun , cabb-ed to school . wakaoo the cab uncle damm idiot lahh . -.- . Drive us 2Big rounds , thought we dunno . i call trevor complain about the uncle infront of him . than reach school $9 plus . straight throw $10 at him , say keep the changee . he like money so much than take lah , what for cheat on children's money . -.- . stupidd . waited for Laogong , but he damm late eh . pass to Priscilla Minichoco , ask her help mi pass . than went to assemblee . 1st period was Chem derh , but dunhav , all go homeroom . temperture taking . Thankks trevor for lending mi eh . but i never use , lol . anyhow bomb . Lols . slack at home room . chat . Hmms . Went to Recess , Laogong got PE . hahas . But at ISH . -.- . hmms , after Recess was D&T . Hehees , quite Bored lahh , todae's lesson . Lols . almost fall asleep . Lols . than jiu english lesson . went there chat , slack , no lesson . -.- . after that Maths . woo , actually very tired duh , went to Maths jiu damm awake . Lols . That daniel , keep bluff-ing mi say i did wrong that question . Lols . i abit stupid , go belive him .>< went to history , did 5pages of history workbook thingy , quite easy & slack lahh . School ended , went to canteen , slack , wait for Laogong , than he go Poly . i went to band with rachel they all . hehees . ErAn came todae ! hahas . :D . Hmms . Longtimenosee . Lols . slack at band , i never play . hehees . sleep . :X . went off early , waited for laogong , than jiu headed homee . nothing muchh lerh . Haoobahhhs , ending here liao . Hahas . Buaii . (: . ♥It's Just 2more dayys ! (:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 9:14 PM
♥ Trevor , Mi , Peijun . Lols , Hmms . Post a little about ytd bahhs . (: . heheees . :D . -ClassInter with MrYen . {Joke all around with Ivan&David&Peijun . } . :D . -FreePeriod&Recess , 1&half hour . {Get nag by MsKellyChia for not going band . } -.- . -PE lesson , Height&weight . {Height-155 -.- . Weight-45kg . PEIJUN 164 ! ): . 48.5kg . } >< . -FreePeriod , Laogong's recess . :D . {Slack with Laogong . } . :D . -English , writting of Compo . {Chat&jokes with David&Ivan&Peijun while writing } . :D . *Ivan was been TOUCH during english lesson , touch-ed by Peijun . Lols ! Aww . -Chemistry , Bored . {Sleep&Chat . Never listen to wat cher talking . } . -.- . -End of lesson , went for BAND . {See , i so guai , hahas . } . Nothing much for school le . -went homee , Trevor&peijun come mye house also , bath-ed cab to westmall , dajie tag along . -went to arcade find Laogong , slack , MRT home-ed with dajie . :D . Nothing much . (: . Today ! :D . went to school as per normal , wow .. Finally can wear uniform ! hehees . :D . Reachh school quite early . Laogong damm late ! Lols . Assemblee . David never come school . His leg injured . -.- . Haiyoyo .. do takecare eh . (: . cya soon in class . hahas . :D . Lesson , -D&T , cher late came , Hand-ed in Homework & teach abit . {Damm cold . } . >< . -MT , Mdm Goh is once again mye MT teacher . Lols {She typed mye name as CHONGhuimin .} -.- -Recess , slack aroundd eat , Aww . Chat with ChewMei&co. also . (: . -History , wah , dunno whye go HumSLC i always feel like sleeping . Sec1 till now also like that . *MrLee teaching without reason i feel like sleeping , eye wanna close . -.- Lols . -Maths , wow , MsKellyChia teach maths nort badd eh , at least i understand . :D. Fun . :D . -Physics , teacher SUX . -.- . {went to find laogong . hehe . slack . } class ended . -Assemblee , Chatting with Ivan&Adam&YuQiang&Wesley . All dam funny&cute lah . Lols . Ended school , went to Find laogong , slack , went to Fancydrill . blahbblahblah . ended , went to sent laogong homeee than headed homee too . :D . nothing muchh . hao bahhs , dunwanna post so long lerh . buaii . update tomm then . (: . I'm GUAI ! tomm going bandd , Rachel as wo go derhh , Owner as mi go i cant dun go . hehes . 5pm leaving Band lerhh . hehes . cos some reason . bleahhs ! :D . |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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