Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:45 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() went to LongJohnSliver waited for dajie&Trevor to come . started eating . :D . after that , went to shop around Lotone with trevor,dajie&xiang . (: . shop till about 6plus pm , took MRT to CityHall , dajie went homee . hahas . Reachh le , went to MarinaSquare to find erjie&starstar at KFC . than sanjie&weiming came . went to buy tibits all that . Lily&kenny join-ed us . :D . buy thingy , went off . kenny's treat . :D . Trevor taking mye bag all the way . :P ![]() ![]() ![]() Weiming eat Mega MAC . :D ![]() ahemahem . ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() after that , went to a open field , sit down there slack , take picture . :D . Eat MAC for dinner , woo , kenny's treat . hahahas . Lols . 12am sharp , Fireworks ! :D . That fireworks is there for 8mins plus . LOLL . >< . after firework , star&weiming dam high . hahaas . walked around say happy new year . Lols , went off to catch a moviee , but only left 1st role , so dunwan watch . went to Pub . >< . slack theree . Alot fightings there ehh . -.- . zZzz . went off , bought more Drinks* . went to river there drink up . hehees . :P . Gosh , trevor drink abit niahh , face become dam red & he like wanna die . Lols . drink drink drink , slack , went to take cabb to mye house derh . wakaoo , no cab duh , wanna on call also hard ehh . on-called cab for about 1hour . -.- reachh home , went to Mye room for the continewing of drinking . hahas . All play anyhow mix-ing of 3kind of drinks* & coke & 100plus . after playing & drinking finish all thingyy . went to sleep le . hehees . damm tired eh . went off sleep with trevor's music playing . -.- . sleep at about 6am . -.- . nothing much le , ending here . hahass . :D . hmms . *more pictures @ erjie's camera , will upload soon . :D
9:38 PM
♥hmms, my baby laopo is out to countdown with her sister le, and i as her laogong is here to help her post th very last post of th year 2009 ! hehes.. laopo, thanks for this 3months 3weeks of th year 2009 ever since we started eh. (: just thanks for everyth, your love especially (: iloveyou♥ hereby wishing everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR eh ! laopo have fun beh (:
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 7:07 PM
♥ ![]() Given from Serene , Give from HuiJuanCHEE . :D . Hmms , Todae morning , wake up at about 8plus Am . :D . hehees . pack-ed prepare & went oudd to meet peijun , headed to Laogong's house . Ohwell , slack-ed there & chat ~ . After that . went oudd to westmall MAC . (: . Laogong eat his lunch theree . leave MAC at about 12plus pm . hahas . headed to school . wahh nice one lurh . we left andy's bball at MAC . -.- . Lols . Thankks trevor for going back MAC to help us takee . hehees . (: . went to campcraft . Wow , now i'm really no longer in getgad le . hehees . cos kengyong,Chunyu,serene all say i go barshar(?) better . -.- cos the 4corners . hehees , after that , help-ed to train the 3new members for girls team . wakaoo . hmms , raining starts . blahblahblah , went up to NPCC room . packed . the NPCC room . Was playing around with poles with Yuquan&Janelle ! hehee . after that , chat with Laogong , Serene & Rachel awhilee . jiu never join them le . went to play biscuit with Janelle . :X . hehees . after that , slack . thank trevor for helping mi buy drinks ehh ! hehees . blahblahblah , dismiss . went off , took bus&Mrt with laogong&peijun&trevor&shijieee . Laogong went off at JurongEast , mi trevor&peijun stop at CCK . :D . hehes . went in to NTUC buy choco that sanjie wants . than go buy bubble tea . after that , took bus homee . Trevor camee mye house . Lols . He's ton-ing over mye house from todae till friday , abit siao ? Hahas . :D . not as siao as cousin , he ton from christmas till now . -.- . Lols . Hao bahhs , nothing muchh , ending heree . hehees . buaiis . Tomm not going science centre with Huijuan they all le . (: . going oudd for countdown with sanjie,erjie&co . :D .
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 9:33 PM
♥ Aww , Cheebye's 1leg drop out ! ): . Hmms , Just back from dental appointment . hehees . (: . Todae Morning , wake up at about 1plus pm . -.- . Lols . dunno whye so tired . wake up , comp awhile & sms with Laogong . check-ed mye dental appointment . wow , was in the morning but i'm sleeping , miss the appointment , changed . 3plus pm , went to sleep again . >< .wake up at about 5plus pm . So pig eh ? -.- . Lols . sms-ing all the wayy .went oudd at about 7pm , meet peijun&trevor , went to MAC for dinner . hahas .after that , went popular , i go buy stationarys for next year . >< . lame eh . hahas . :D . hmms . somehow suddenly a auntie pass mi a 20% discount thingy . Lols . good eh . hehees , done everything , while going to take MRT , saw sherman&clarence . :D . he's like so shock to see us ? Lols . lame of hym eh . hmms . went to take MRT to gombak . well , last appointment at gombak le . cos mye doctor will no longer go gombak . is either batok or boonlay . -.- so far . after dental , make appointment , choose-ed 11/2/10 . 6.30pm . -.- . zzz . at batok de . hehees . done everything , went to lotone , than walk-ed homee . trevor comne mye house , peijun went homee . now trevor at my room dunno do wat . -.- , he's always like that , LOL . mye house somehow become his house le . -.- . hao bahhs , ending heree . :D . tomm going Campcraft . (: . buais . ♥, imissyousomuch .
Monday, December 28, 2009 8:01 PM
♥ ![]() Weiming's army look ! heheeee . so oldd . :P ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() JIAHUI MA'AM abit madd while looking at mi&laogong's phonee . hahas . Heheee ! Just back from homee after Trainings&Stuffs . (: . hahas . Laogong da-ren ! 12moreee days , Tyme really flys . hahas . :D . Ytd , trevor ton at mye house ehh . Hmms , he dun let mi sleep ! ): . 3plus am than sleep . Ohwell , damm him . dunno about what time , i wake up , cos DAM COLD . Reason : that idiot trevor took mye blanket & go hug . wtf . -.- . damm hym . lols . asked him to wake mi up at about 6plus am . end up , 8AM alreadyy . hmms . i dunno whye i woke up , saw the sky is WHITE . & i look at mye watch . wow . it's 8plus AM liao . that idiot trevor still sleeping . nice try siahh hym . >< . cabb-ed with trevor&peijun to trevor house , he take school shoes & went to school . woo , he wear mye PE&TrackPants . hahas ! reachh school , late for 5mins niah . Fancy training at hall . wakaooo ! damm tiredd , spining that time .. damm idiot . hit dao mye own head -.- . a bum . some steps change-ed . (: . hahaas . after that , went to Lunchhh at coffee shop . Thanks HuiJuan&Serene for the present eh . Thanks Laogong for the keychain too . haahaas . (: . after that , go back . Campcraft started . woo ! manage to do in 9mins plus ! heheee . :D . well done . :P . ended campcraft , went to foyer slack awhilee . with Jiahui&co . haha . wakaooo , JiahuiMa'am abit siao ? keep deesiao mi&laogong . Lols . >< . changed our displayPic&screenSaver . Lols . damm cute derh lurhh she . hahas . after that , went to westmall . Laogong go find his mummy , mi trevor&peijun , went to MOS Burger & slack , sae laogong & his mnumy they all . -.- . blahblahblah , went homeee . chat at downstairs with peijun ahwile . hhehees . ;D LASTLONG LAHH , CHONG PEI JUN - VICTORIA . Lols . ShytShytShytShytShyt ! dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! ): . 16thJan is Fancy performance eh , SHYT ! . i've promise-ed David to go his birthdae party le . :S . dieeee . Sorry eh Daviddd , maybe night than go le . SORRY . >< .
Sunday, December 27, 2009 11:48 PM
♥ Bowling , Ohmy , i got 2strike ! behind still got 2more , but nv take pic , 1st time . hehe . Starstar spike Ryan's hair . hahas . Starstar&Ryan | Ahdi korkor & jasper . :D Weiming&sanjie . :D Sanjie&mi . :D Dajie , erjie , sanjie & me . :D 88s candles .! :D Woops , i'm cutting the cakee . >< . -Actual day on 01 01 10 . Hmms , todae was sleeping till so shuang , suddenly wake up from cousin(xiang) . >< . cos mummy nagging i still dunwan wake up . hehees . quickily wake up , preapre&bathed . went oudd & headed to Ahma house for her birthdae celebration . :D . hehees . wakaoo , ahyi all ask whye mye boyf never go , cos star&weiming got go . hahas . :D . stupid starstar keep saying BurgerKing , all that . LOLL . act cute ! >< . bleahhs . Finally saw cousins again . LOLL . hmms . eat , slack take pic & BYE . :P . went off early . headed to yishun SAFRA for bowling but was full , went to gombak . waited for space & started playing . hehees . 1st round i was last . ): . BUt .. 2nd roundd i was first wor ! heheees . bleahhs . playplayplay , play-ed 5 rounds . :D . pay & went off , headed to lotone for dinner . & went home straight . hehees . weiming went back to Army (: . GOODLUCK hor botak ! hehees . after whole day thingy , just now have a small quarrel with zhux3 ? but ohwell . now everything is fine le bahhs . :D . hahas . ending heree le . (: Currently Dajie teaching trevor mathhs homework ! LOLs . & i'm helping hym doing Geo homework ehh ! hahas . so easyy ! :P . But need so muchh of drawing . >< . heheee s. :P . bleahhs . tomm having fancy drill training again . hehees . but good nah , can see laogong . (: . trevor ton-ing over at mye house todaee (maybe) , if have .. he gonna wear mye trackpants&PEshirt ! hahaas . Goodluck man , boy . -Ytd xiangxiang(cousin) sleep below mye bed , damm kelian hao mah ? cos middle of the night , alot of mye soft toys dropped down . HAHA . he was hit lotlotlotlot of hyms . :P. todae will be trevor ? :P . |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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