Monday, November 30, 2009 11:35 PM
♥ Hmms , todaee wake urp at about 7am plus . Thankk eh zhux3 for waking mi up (: . preparee , call-ed peijun . wakaoooo ! she haven even wake upp . -.- . freakk . quickily meet her , took a damm high class cab tuhh school ~ Lols . >< . once get up car .. $5 liao . + peak hour . Lols . >< . normal cab jump by 20cent . that cab 30cent . LOLL . reachh school . damm expensive . lol . but ohwell . zhux3 daddy car infront of us . hahas . we're nort really that latee . hahas . Lucky todae Sir nort there . :P lols . morning went to campcraft . quite okayy bahhs , somehow got abit of nagging . -.- . about 10plus went to Fancy ! :D . went to hall , learn-ed the new foramtion & etc . hahas . lucky was still okay for mi to catch up withh them . (: . Lols . hmms . after that , went back music room . zhux3 teach mi&peijun some solo-ist thingy . (: . ohmyee , is damm hard derh hao mah ? Sorry ehh zhux3 , i very blur . :P . kekez . will try to practise as much as possible bahhs . Aww , i hate being solo-ist . ): . after that , went to lunch at coffee shop ! :D . ohmytiann . MrLim sit behind us . -.- . wakao , he damm anyhow de lurhh . tell zhux3 that i too miss him at sarawak . cant sleep , cant eat , vomit , sick . -.- . say what i got baby . -.- . LAME SIAH ! >< . hmms , went back to school . went to fancy ~ practise & practise . (: . FUN . :D bored , need go campcraft . -.- . Lols . went , quite okay ? Lols . hmmms . KengPeng dunwan realise mi&peijun , 5plus pm liaoo ~ was to end at 4.30 de lurhh . damm dulan , tell MrLiew , he helped us , we went off with zhux3 . cabb-ed to his housee . boohoo . his daddy at homee . Lols. was shock . O>O lols . change-ed clothes , went to Jurong there for sales . (: . hahas . partner with zhux3 todaee ! hahas . :D . took 12 stocks again . lols eh ? :D slack at voiddeck . started sales at 7plus , went to sell ~ sales was okay ? zhux3 went to his cousin house for sales also . Lol . sell 2 . hahas . sell till last 2stock no one wanna buy . ): . a auntie at lift help us buy ! LOL . :P . clear-ed ! meet trevor&andy , went back basee , thann go batok there , zhux3 wanna buy things . but SAD-ed . the shop is close . we andy went homee . mi&vor pei zhux3 home . thann cab-ed homee . trevor eat dinner at mye house . hahas . full enought ?! :P . now nothing muchh lerh bahhs , gonna call zhux3 for chat soon . (: hehes , hao bahhs , tomm going oudd with dajie&trevor again ! hahas . & changing myee 8188 plan to unlimited sms tomm ! :DDDDDD
Sunday, November 29, 2009 10:35 AM
♥ ![]() Just because daddy friend is taking something over to mye house . -.- . Lols eh ? slack , chat at MSN with peijun&trevor . after that , nothing to do , went to sleep . hehee . trevor spamm-ed mye sms&call . wakaooo . 60over sms . -.- . Lols . hmms . i still never wake up , he call mye house to wake mi up -.- wth ehh . hahas . lols . thann they come mye house , eat , slack . walk-ed to blk 416 . hahas . :D todae's ice-cream sales at mye house near by ! Boohooo . soo happy . hahas . :P . reach there , they haven come , we eat King's ice cream . LOLL . :P . after that , victor comee . give us stocks . mi&trevor took 12stocks . Peijun&i took 10 . went to blk 431 . sales there quite good . hahas . kenneth&co . nort at home . ): . thann went to 430 . sales sux . -.- dunwanna go blk 432 . so went to blk 442 !!!! hahas . :P mye own blk . Lols . went home at first . drink up & slack . heheee . dajie brought from mi 1 . neightbour saw mi , total brought 2 from mi . hahas . than go sell ~ go 443 . goshh . a guy took $100 giv us . -.- brought 3 . hhahas . soo good ? Lols . thann zhux3&andy come find us . went back to base . hahas . mi&trevor clear stock . peijun left 1 . hahas . earn quite alot todaee nahh . (: . went to Jurong . accompany zhux3 homeee . it has been so long i'm nort doing that . hahas , after that , sent hym homee . mi , trevor & peijun cab to sunshine placee . meet mummy , dajie , sanjie , weiming&ryan . eat there , slackk . than went homee . now here-by posting . hahas . maybe sleeping quite early todaee . cos tomm got fancy . -.- . hmms , hao bahhs . ending here lerhh . hahas . nothing muchh . ♥Daddy is back from malaysiaaaaaaa ! :D
Saturday, November 28, 2009 1:21 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() comp-ed & uploaded photos of CheeBye&LanJiao liao lerhhs . hmms . after that , Lily&Trevor came mye housee . play-ed wooden stacko . Lols . >< . thann erjiee drive Mi , trevor , lily , sanjie&weiming to Esso . blahblahblahh ~ after that , drive us to petir , blk 118 there . cos is mi&vor working place base blk . hahas . slack over there till about 5.30 . mi&vor went for work , they go town . (: . hahas . took 11stocks . sell @ blk 106-110 . manage to sell all . hahas . hmms . damm funny , at blk 108-12th floor . got a buffet ? Lols . sooo many people . ganna shock . -.- . LOLS . got 3 little gal laught at mi -.- for some reason . ahem . -.- . after that , at blk 110 . a lizard from the lift drop onto trevor's ear !! haha ~ :P . back to base at about 9.30pm . (: . Each of us earn-ed about $27.80 . :D . hahas . Victor sayyys tomm maybe can come mye house here for sales !!! :DDDDD hehes . :P Aww , leg having blisters again . ): . -.- . walking like a lamer as what vor say . -.- was to wait for weiming/erjie come drive us homee derhh . but they damm long eh . -.- . soo cabb-ed home with vor . hehe . now currently vor at mye houseee . (: . lily , weiming &co . coming later on . hahas . hao bahhs . nothing muchh . ending here . (: *Currently chatting on MSN with alvinWee & Yuquan+trevor(?) . Lols . >< . Hmms , it has been 1day we're not talking/sms-ing . how long would it be to resume back to normal eh ? hmms . ♥Tomm daddy will be back from Malaysiaaaaa . (:
Friday, November 27, 2009 10:39 AM
♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Heyyyyyyyy ! i wake urp early todayy ! :D . 9am plus & i'm awakee ! hehee . Now is that zhux3 that are still sleeping like a PIG ! >< . kekeex . Ohwell , he's somehow sick , i guess ? Hmms , Rest well thenn . (: . hahas . GoshGoshh !!~ Just now was boredd , went to Jiahui's blog . & found oudd that she post-ed our PrimarySchools photo ! arghhhhh . >< . looked at it & was like .. er .. ohwell . it's UGLY ! -.- . hahas . :/ Hmms , Just now erjie suddenly say wanna go QianHu . asked vor along . so , bath-ed , packed , erjie drive us to fetch trevor . than go QianHu . hahas . with starstar , mummy , mi & ryan along . (: . hehex . went there for SpaFishing ? Lols . after that , slack there eat ice-cream&etc . hmms , after that , was to go Jurong point shop . but working cancel . mummy wanted go lotone , so went . before going , Erjie took 15mins to leave the car park . -.- nice try eh she . hahas . >< . reachh lotone car park . Goshhhh . thought wont see zhux3 derh ehh . end up damm funnyyyy . just nice that erjie parked the car beside zhux3's daddy car . -.- . Ohwell . went to eat at LongJohnSliver (?) . hahas . the auntie there Sux . -.- after that , erjie wanna go buy Handphone strip . so went to the top floor . i have NEVER think of see-ing zhux3 de ehh . -.- . end up soo suay , saw hym at there . errr , ohwell . hmms . lotone is ssooooo ''BIG'' . -.- . lols . after that , shop around . erjie wanna go BHG . look for perfume ? if i'm nort wrong . how i noeee ... just sooo nice that zhux3 are there also . -.- . was damm shock alright ? -.- . kns . after that , when wanna go FairPrice , saw hym again . -.- . hiashhhh . >< . at FairPricee , erjie&starstar wanna playy the thingyy . dunno what's that call also . hahas . after playing & buying rony&ryan's stuffs . erjie was to sent mi&vor to boonlay . but end up went to ShengShiong shop first . hahas . walk around , buy thingys . thann erjie drive us there . at MRT meet them , bus-ed to base blk . partner with trevor todaee . hmms . went to sell 1st blk sold 3box niaa . >< . hahas . slack before going 2nd blk . kekex . but ohwell . 2nd blk sell till 4th floor niaa . clear stock le ! boohooo ! there de people damdamdam good hao mah ? hahas . they just come out & say they wan . -.- . soo good ? hahas . after that , back to base . at about 9.15pm reach base . slack there awhilee . boohoo ! only group that clear . the rest all sell less than 6 . >< . 1 of the group lost their wallet . -.- with $100+ insdie .!~ ohwell . hahas . about 10plus . erjie&starstar come drive us . hmms . went to .. hunt somethingy . hehe . thann go mye house here car parkk . starstar drive . ahemmm ~ no lisence lurhh . lols . but nort badd nahh . hahas . ohwell . hmms . than went home . lily , vor , weiming & starstar at mye house now . hehe . star cooking again . -.- . hmms . hao bahhs . nothing muchh lerhh bahhs . (: Laogong ! cheerupp lahhh . always sooo moodyy derhh eh . >< . hmms . -Heard from Joevenn that MrLeong has pass away ytd ? O.o Ohwell , RIP then . >< .
Thursday, November 26, 2009 11:20 PM
♥ Hmms , todaee wake urp at about 12plus pm . kekex . Zhux3 nag wo again . >< . wakee up , slack awhilee , pack , go oudd meet peiJun . went to zhux3 house . reachh theree . nothing muchh , slack awhilee . chat also . hahas . (: bought cheebye there . take cheebye & lanjiao take photo . >< . LOLS ! after that , go yew tee . hahas . went to base . than go sell ice cream . partner zhux3 todae again . (: . hmms . todae selling , sux . -.- . Thankks Lily ehh ! buy 1 . hahas . (: . Lols . sell awhile niaa , mi&zhux3 slack liaoo . cos there got people go sell before le . Woos , chat-ed with hym alot about last tyme . hehe . damm stupidd nahh . :P lols . hmms , after selling , went took train to lotone . meet lily , sanjie & weiming . hmms . thann walked homee . reachh home , nothing muchh , waiting peijun to come . currently Trevor , Lily , WeiMing & startstar is @ mye housee . hehe . (: haoo bahhs . nothing muchh lerhh , gonna sms&chat with zhux3 . kekex . PS : CheeBye&LanJiao's photo will be uploaded Soon ! . (: .
11:34 AM
♥Zhuzhu laopo ! its 11.35pm ! and you're still sleeping like a PIG !!! argh ~!! grr WAKE UP.. th sun burning your backside liao !~!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 11:22 PM
♥Heyy guys ! I'm back from Sarawak ! :D hahas . Finally ehh ? (: . Haoo bahhs , here myee post for Past Few Days ! hehez . 21st November (: Fall-in , blahblahblah , give us wisper & a band ? Lols . >< . Went up bus . Headed to ChangiAirport . (: . Check-ed in our thingys . hahas . thann 1hour free time at Airport . Mummy , Dajie , Trevor , Rony&Ryan came ! :D Eat , than 12pm , Fall in backk . Say BYE ! & went in to plane . hahas . Ohwell , sit with } 19B-YuQuan 19C-PeiJun 19D-Mi 19E-KengPeng 19F-MrLim . >< . hahas , KengPeng , talk , MrLim scold ! Lols . >< . lalalaas ~ Reachh lerhh . took 1hour trip de bus inside to our CampSite ? Lols . went there , go cabinn . hmms . was in same cabin with } PeiJun , HuiYu , Sharmilla , Yani & Syahidah . (: bath-ed , went to SwimmingPool there Fall in . go for Dinner ! :DD hahas . Dinner was alright ? Lols . hmms , thann go back cabin , slack ~ chat ~ PLAY ! Played } TrueOrDare , oo7 , Concentration & BomBom ChuckieChunkie . :D hahas . after that , sleep . HuiYu keep nagging us to sleep when i'm sms-ing zhux3 . >< . i cant sleep the first night , Vomit in the middle of the night for 4-5 times . -.- . sms-ed zhux3 . cos he is ton-ing also mahh . hmms . haishhhhhh ! ): . 22ndNovember (: they go High Rope , Me&Joevenn sit there chat&slack . hahas , cos i'm too sick . Joevenn leg also injured . hahas . after that , wanting to go back for lunchh . i look sick ? lols . Yuquan say he piggyback mi , damm funnyy ~ . MrLim shouted ''Later BoonKeat Kill You !'' . -.- . all teachers look at mi , -.- MrLim says ''Who is BoonKeat ? It's Her Boyf !'' . -.- . Lame ? Lols . after that , thann went for Lunchh . i did'nt want to eat at all . MrLim & other teacher ~Special~ order for mi porridge+milo . but , i did not eat also . :X . after that , was to go Obstacles . but i'm still sick ? MsYap want wo follow her . so , went to High Rope there slack again . WOOPS ! saw all Shijie's HP msg(s) . hehe . after that , went to cabin , bath-ed & slacked awhile . went to swimming pool fall in . thann go for Dinner . Aww , i still never eat . -.- . mye food was ~Special~ ordered again . -.- after that , go for a briefing for tomm's climbing . hmms . boredddd ~ -.- . back to cabinn , chat , play , sms , slack . Huiyu force mi to sleep again . wtf eh ? lols . 2nd night sleep was still alright . was feeling muchmuchmuch better than before . (: 23rdNovember (: wake up by HUIYU NANNY again ! -.- . not as sick as 2nd day le . but abit having hard to breath problem . wondering should go climbing mahh de . MsYap asked wo to go along . Just try . Ohwell . went to Breakfast . eat alittle ? Really been FORCE by teachers , espically MRLIM . -.- . ohwell . hmms . taken our packed lunch , went to take a van to Santobong(?) . Lols . hmms . started climbing . dam hardd . climb about an hour , getting hard in breathing . -.- . feeling sick again . MsMeges&MrLim came to help wo . >< . MrLim keep saying i never eat that's whye no energy . -.- , force wo eat Yogurt bar . i keep dropping on floor . kekex . :X . climb till CP1 , cant liao . DIE-ING ! -.- stopped there , with MsYap , cos she also cant go on le ! hahas . :P . Thankks YuQuan for your water ehh . (: . slacked there with ms yap . continew to CP2~3 . thann while waiting chat alotalotalot thingy with Msyap ! hahas . >< . thann too long liao . we getting bored . so went down back to CP1 . there de view is muchmuchmuch nicer okay ! hahas . (: taken pictureees . while going down , MsYap fall down & injured . >< . Awwww . :S . thann everyone came down , went down tgt . Huiyu .! Thanks ! hahahah ! . almost fall but Huiyu is there ! woops . :X . thann went down ~ damdam tired okay ! went back cabin , bath , come oud for dinner , eat alittle also . back to cabin again , sleep quite early . damm tiredd & sick . ): . AWW . 24thNovember (: } Most Fun Oud Of ALL ! :D wake up , go for Breakfast . went for Low Ropes . Quite funny down there . mye energy & everything was back to normal . (: . hahas . thann went back cabin , change shoes , went to Beachhh ! wooops ! . took picturess . thann go play with water&etc . hehes . saw crabs . Leddin catch it .-.- lols , after that , went to play with sandddd ! LOLLLL . Peijun cover-ed KengPeng . I covered YuQuan . HuiYu covered Leddin with Sand . Lols . damdamdam funnnyyy . hahas . was funn indeedddd . :D thann started ranining , went back to cabin , bath , changed . went for lunchh . after that , headed to town ! SHOPPING ! hehez . must go by group at least 3ppl . NPCC as a group went ! :D . 10 of us . Lols . Bus trip was sooo long . >< . Reach the 1st place , took pictures , eatenn ice creams . :D 2nd place , shop abit niaa . hahas . but was funn with Jokes . hahas . Finally went to the 1st shopping mall ! brought some thingyy tooo ! hahas . thann go to 2nd shopping mall . shop more thingys there alright ! . lols . went for Dinner with the NPCC peoples too . hahas . soooo sueyyyyy ! Sit with YuQuan&KengPeng . wakaoo , their Jokes are reallyyyyy . ahem . -.- . Joevenn Jokes was more wat lahh . Lols . Shijie is the mad one , keep laughting . after that , went up for shopping again . Shijie brought somethingy for ahem . :D Mi&YuQuan Helped him to find gifts ! hahas . JIAYOUU WOR . :P after that , went back to bus , chat-ed while going backk . wakaoooo . they suddenly pop up us with a Family Tree -.- . Lols . idiot ehh . hahas chatchatchat , so fast reach the camp site le . go like so long , back like so fast . Lols . Full of Jokes lahh them . went back cabin , bath-ed & slacked . hahas . sleep damm early ? Lols . too tiredd le . hahasss . :P . 25thNovember (: } Back To Singapore ! WOOS ! morning wakee up at about 7.15am . bath-ed , pack-ed . took everything to go for breakfast . went to take bus , headed to airport there . (:Ohmyyy , sit with same people again ! >< . before go up to plane , went shop around . brought some thingyy ! hahas . Famous Amas COOKIE ! :DD . hehez . thann went up to planeee . hmms . KengPeng Rubbish so muchh ! >< . bleahhs . reach singapore , finally okay ! hahas . thankks KengPeng for keeping mye passport nah ! (: . thankks hym for helping mi to keep some of mye stuffs too . (: . hahaaas . at changi , took bus back to school , than cabb-ed homee . hmmss . unpack some thingy , went oudd , meet peijun le . cab to zhux3's house , meet hym . Given him some thingy , hehe . thann slack awhilee , went to work ! -.- partner with zhux3 todaee . hmms , did not feel like working . damm tiredd . so asked zhux3 to solo . i just pei him . hmms . end-ed workk . nort badd eh . clear-ed . :D go back base , victor let us see something funny in facebook . -.- . Lols . thann took MRT to CCK . went to pasar malam . saw celene & co . hehe . :D thann walk-ed homee . nothing muchh . here by posting nor . hahas . Last but nort least ; Thankks to themm , for helping mi ehh . hehez . PeiJun , HuiYu , MsYap , MsMeges & Vavarely . (: YuQuan , KengPeng , Joevenn , ShiJie , Clarence , Leddin , MrLim . (: & ofcause all those people for having the concern on mi when i'm sick ! hahas . (: PS : The rest of the picture will be uploaded soon . (: some are with MsYap&ShiJie . I'm backk , hahas . & , wow , u really post-ed . thankks ehh ! imissyouuu . (: . |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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