Saturday, October 31, 2009 10:48 PM
♥ Starstar ! hehe . Cuteee ! :D Hmm , todaee , wake upp , sms withh zhux3 all the way . (: after that , slack awhilee . about 6plus prepare & went oudd at about 7plus . went to lotone , meet erjie , starstar , trevor & lily . hahas . shop around awhile . went to MAC for dinner . Damm cold uhh . :S thankks trevor for lending mi jacket ehh . kekex . :P but dam big . >< . ohwell , after eating , went to shop ~ went in to sanjie's primary school fren's shop . Lols . chat withh her awhile . Lols . hahaha ! she say trevor 18years old !~ lols . they say he lily boyf she dun belive . Lols . keep saying is my boyf . -.- wtf . they say i'm attacted , she say stead nia mah , never married . -.- Lols . Ohwell , sanjie & weiming came . LOL . weiming dun dare go that shop . cos he wear untill very normal . he dunwan throw sanjie's face . hahas . walked homee , at mye house downstairs , saw a snail . bastard trevor , weiming & starstar . went to bully that snail . wtf lahh , damm erxin . >< . thann went homee . (: Now i'm here posting . hahas . gonna play Monopoly tonite. Trevor , Lily , starstar , weiming ton-ing over at mye house . hehe . tomm going for steamboat , if raining , going for movie . hahas . (: * Trevor promise mi , when i'm at sarawak , he will accompany laogong to sms . & also team with hym while working . hehe . ^^ hahas . ohyeaa , if laogong want vor to ton over night , he must ton . :P but the most 2days oud of 5days nia . hahas . :P Trevor ! PROMISE liao worr ! :D . I'm really missing you badly . hoping to see u ASAP . hoping to see you everyday , every minute , every sec . iloveyou .
Friday, October 30, 2009 6:52 PM
♥BooHoo ! I'm backk tuhh mye posting . hehex . wont be posting much recently also , now using weiming's lappy . (: House Comp spoilt . >< . House lappy lagg like hell . >< . 26 Oct 2009 , Mondaee . Ganna caught by MrLim . Just because of ''holding hand'' . -.- suey uhh , sit outside MrLim room with zhux3 all the wayy . so many teacher(s) walk past , asked whye . >< . Hmm , went to see MrEng . chatchat ~ lols . than jiu went off lerh . blahblahh , dun tok to muchh about todaee then . (: 27 Oct 209 , Tuesdaee . Hmm , todaee , inter class games ? Lols . boredd all the way . 12.15pm went to maths room 6 . Get back our report book . hehex . Here's mye results thenn . (: English : 62 - B4 . Chinese : 56 - C5 . Math : 33 - F9 . Science : 51 - C5 . Geo : 53 - C5 . History : 73 - A2 . Lit : 60 - B4 . D&T : 67 - B3 . Art : 72 - A2 . HomeEcon : 77 - A1 . Civics & Moral Education : A . Music : A . Total Percentage : 60.4 . Class Position : 22/40 . Level Position : 76/156 . Promoted Status : Promoted to S3 Normal(A) . Comments : Hui Min makes intelligent and perceptive contributions to a discussion. She accepts new ideas readily. Hui Min has the ability to persuade others to work towards shared goals. She displays an ability to inspire others. 28 Oct 2009 , Wednesdaee . BooHoo , Did nort went to sk0l todaee . bleahhs . actually wanna go derhh , but end upp dunwan . hehex . But still went to sk0l . to hand up mye forms . thann meet zhux3 , hehe . after that , went to westmall , eat . (: after that , went to zhux3 housee . slack ~ went homee . hahas . 29 Oct 2009 , Thursdaee . Hmm , went to school . Morning assemble dam boring . thann recess , before recess got NPCC meeting . >< ATC .. aww . 2dayy1night niaa . hahas . thann went canteen slack ~ go home room . Clean up , hand up form . MrYong talk to me . about D&T thingy . >< . thann blahblahblah~ went to meet zhux3 . slack awhilee . zhux3 daddy come fetch hym . we go caltex . eat , slack ~ went homee . hahas . nothing muchh . 30 Oct 2009 , Fridaee . Boohoo ! todaee , slack at homee only . blahblahblah~ . sanjie come bacckk with her boyf . hmm . now using sanjie's boyf lappy . hehez . ending post ler bahh . maybe going lotone meet trevor , llily they all only . (: buaii ! :D lalalalas ~ Afernoon , Ms Yap called mi , asked mi to go Sarawak-malaysia ? with UG group ehh , i dunwan derhh , but she keep saying . -.- bobian , i say if peijun go i go , end up peijun go . -.- Lols , hmm , so 21-25 nov i will be at oversea liao . sorry eh zhux3 . cant pei ue for those 5 dayys . awww . >< . Ohwell , Trevor , Lily & Irene just went off mye housee . hahas . Just now went to lotone with sanjie , weiming , mummy , rony&ryan . meet erjie , starstar , lily , irene . went to KFC eat . after that , went to NTUC . awhile niaa , went up to outside lotone there chat , slack . go down KFC with sanjie to find trevor . saw alvinK&samantha also worr . :P thann went up ~ find erjie they all . hahas . all looking at vor's report book . LOL , so badd ehh . hahas . slack awhilee , walked homee . before going home , went to 7-11 buy drinks all that . (: Reachh homee , chatting ~ saying about tomm go where all that . hahas , while chatting , using sanjie's phonee tuhh sms-ing zhux3 . (: cos mye HP charging . hahas . Wow , he remember all mye jie's number -.- he even remember mye daddy's number . -.- wthh lurh . >< . Hmm , lastly , all decided to go steamboat tomm . Lols . at bugis . Aww . confirm go untill very late derhh , so , dun think will be posting . Hao bahh , ending here lerhh . going sleep liao . hahas . nitez ! :D imissyouuu ! ><
Sunday, October 25, 2009 8:27 PM
♥ ![]() Ytd , after Lily , Trevor , Irene &co . comee .. they went sunshine again . Lol . buy some stuffs . Woo , starstar cooked supper . NICE . :D lols . 10/10 . :P thann played PlayStation2 awhilee . watch ghost moviee . Lols . thann played Monopoly . i play awhile niaa , ask lily they all help wo play . kekex . went to use lappy . Lols . chatted with alvinWee till 4am .. -.- Lols . tsktsk , soo long never have a long chat with hym liao . hahas . (: they ended their monopoly at about 4am also . Starstar was the winner . :D thann trevor they all continew playing PlayStation2 . hahas . i go orh orh first . :X too tireddd liaoo . bobian . :P Hmm , Ohwell , todaee wake up at about 10plus ? Nort suree . kekex . msg-ing with zhux3 all the wayy . (: about 1pm plus .. went to lotone with Dajie , Erjie , Sanjie , Mummy , Rony , Ryan , weiming & starstar . (: went to MAC & hadd our Lunchh . hahas . (: Chat ~ Eat . (: hmmm . after that , Mi&Dajie went to Krangi . Shop for clothes & etc . hahas . :P Spent about $261 for all those thingy sioo . -.- LoLs . XD . Headed to lotone back , went to BHG , brought some thingyy , spent .. $100+ ? Lol . than go ZINC . BooHoo . brought 4bag ._. spent $100+ also . :S the ZINC person also knoe us liaoo . Lols . everytime go buy .. Lols ehh . thann go buy bubble teaa . hmm . than go shop for shoes . (: brought 3 pair of shoes . :P after that , walked homee withh heavy thingy ! >< awww . hahas . Reachh homee , irene they all at mye house again . Playing Monopoly . LOLS . would starstar be the winner again ? Lols . he's the winner for ytdd ehh ! haahs . HMM , THAT TREVOR NOW TREAT MY HOUSE AS 2ND HOUSE UH ? SUDDENLY APPEAR AT MYE HOUSE DE . -.- WITHOUT I KNOWING . SUDDENLY COME SOMEMORE . AHEM , WITH LILY SOMEMORE ! SNATCH AWAY MYE PART-TYME ! >< . TOMM NO SCHOOL UH ?! NOW STILL AT MYE HOUSE . -.- nothing muchh bahh , going bathh & prepare thingys for tomm ! XD . ending here lerhh . buaiii ! :D kekex . ♥imissyou ; iloveyou . dunworry nahh , i'm having 100% trust on you . (:
Saturday, October 24, 2009 7:19 PM
♥Hmm , dun really feel lyke posting for todaee , but maybe just a short one ? Alright , cousin came mye house just now , mess-up my bedd . -.- Now , waiting for Trevor , Irene , Lily &co. to come mye house . (: as well as sms-ing withh zhux3 . nothing muchh lerhh . might be going lotone later . Aww , currently having Muscle cramp on mye handd . :S having blue-black on myee leg alsoo . Lols . thinkk is cos ytd FancyDrill training . hahas . :P --Things have been Re-moved due to BoonKeat's request-- There are no one , except you in mye world . so , i'll shall just hackcare those rubbish surrounding us eh . am i right to say that ? (:
Friday, October 23, 2009 9:56 PM
♥ Lols , so went to meet peijun , thann go meet hym . (: hahas . took bus to sk0l , slack at foyer awhile . went canteen buy drinks . thann go studycorner awhile , assemblee . 1st period , was lit . but before going , went to AVA room for FAS thingy , also nothing muchh . Lols . thann went to EL room . slack ~ MrLee keep catch mi using HP . -.- go locker , saw zhux3 , exchanged phone with hym , Lols . lame ehh . kekex . after lit , FreePeriod , went to studycorner slack ~ zhux3 came . exchanged back our phonee , went to canteen eat . hahas . after that , he went for lesson . i continew slacking with alvin.k&co . thann go for MT , ohwell , mdm goh was nort there . went to ZhangLaoShi class . awhile niaa , Ms salina come call mi , peijun , claire , weisiang oudd . went to Hum SLC for geo file thingy . -.- Lols . while she go print , zhux3 camee . slack awhilee . thann salina come back , did some file-ing . thann got so many homework -.- Damm it . Lols . Ohwell , was late for assemble . assemblee , nothing muchh but slack ~ sleep ~ hahas . :P ended school , waited zhux3 at foyer , than headed to his house there . mi&peijun did not go up , scared his mama . hehez , went to buy clip . blahblahblah , eat at MAC , went to school , changed . late for NPCC . --. never take dao attendance . Lols . kekezx . thann went to FancyDrill , boohoo , i almnost forget Everything lerh . :S but at last , hai hao nahh , kekeex . Jiahui called us go CampCraft . --. went there , did some thingyy , Rachel let mi back to FancyDrill ! hehez . THANKS! :D blahblahblah , go foyer , Msteng&DonSir toktoktok . hmm . waa diaoo , i wanna go FancyDrill niaa , but zhux3&Jiahui pulled mi to CampCraft . --. bo bian , gonna go for FancyDrill , Band , CampCraft . -.- Wthh ehh . :S ended NPCC training thingy , waited for peijun to get back his phone . Zhux3 left first , he gonna go for class chalet ehh . HaveFunn! :D mi , alvink , trevor , rachel & jiwon went to coffee shop first , slack ~ :D thann went homee , while msg-ing withh zhux3 . hahas . just reach homee nort long ehh ? chatted on phone with zhux3 awhile just now . now sms-ing . kekex . ohwell , nothing muchh . (: Awww , 9nov , got FancyDrill . Ihateit ! ): arghhh . haish . Hmm , ♥imissyousomuch . ♥iloveyou now&forever .
Thursday, October 22, 2009 8:17 PM
♥ Aww , todaee wake urp at about 11plus . kekex . Online-ed , Chatt-ed on MSN with zhux3 . Raina beside hym . -.- he called us go his house uhh ? So slack awhile , eat , bath , prepareee . went to meet peijun , than cabb-ed tuhh his house . kekex . :P Ohwell , Raina open-ed the door for us , zhux3 is playing game @ comp . :S went in to room of his , slack , chat . hahas . blahblahblahh . AlvinKhoo came , as well as pebbles ? haish , alvinkhoo joined us . zhux3 went oud with room , pei-ed pebbles uhh . -.- All mood was abit down(?) haish . i'm bastard enought to disturbb alvinK . kekex . changed alot things on his HP . sent-ed hym someone's photo also . Lalalas . :P Thankks to mi ! :X Peijun&Trevor suddenly wanna go toilet . -.- But .. all dunwanna see someone , sooo , did nort wanted to go oudd . if go oudd jiu straight go home lerrhh , go MAC de toilet . end upp , dunno what zhux3 did , she went homeee . Boohoo . Peijun&trevor finally can go toilet free-ly lehh . (: slack awhile in room . did some cold war at first ? sorry uhh . after that , about 6pm , went off , go MAC eat dinner . thann took 188 home-ed . (: nothing muchh . Jealousy should be alright(?) if i don't love you , whart for i jealous things over you . however , ♥iloveyou ; imissyou still .
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 11:59 PM
♥Tadaa ~ Coming here to havee a add on for ytd ! :D Hahas , Let mi upload somee pic bahh . (: -----------
9:07 PM
♥ ![]() Happiiee 20th Birthdaee tuhh ♥ChuaHuiBing^Sanjie♥ hmm , todaee wake up late again . -.- meet peijun , went to sk0l . reachh sk0l , used zhux3's tie , cos trevor never bring mine . --. lols eh . assemblee , thann 1st periodd geo . Got back mye result , 45/100 . -.- Lols . thann went to take history result , 72/100 ! arghhh . A2 again . --. 3 more marks to A1 . ): haish , went to Maths , got back paper1&2 . Boohoo , 14/100 . -.- hahas . thann HomeEcon . Overall , 71/100 . Lols . thann went oud studycorner slack ~ Recess , slack ~ went to Hall for assemblee ? MdmAng&co . Nagged . :S thann ClassInter , Overall , i pass ALL excpet Maths&Geo . --. haish . MrLee came , given back Lit paper , 70/100 . Peijun ganna DM . --. Reason , scolded ''FuckYou'' . Lols . went to DM officceee . BooHoo , Zhux3 also ganna DM , also by MrLee . Lols . Reason , scolded ''WaLanEh'' Lols ? Lamerr nahh . Haishhh . Nice one lurhh , now then noe that KellyChia knoe we stead . --. blahblahblah ~ chat with serene while waiting for both of them . 3plus leave school , went to zhxu3 house , her meimei friend at house also . slack ~ sleep . :X went to coffee shop eat awhile till 6plus . thann went to lotone to meet erjie , irene , lily , trevor , brought cake . headed homee , now all eating Pizza&FriedsFood to celebrate . -.- Hmm , going prepare things to Sabo . hehehehhez . Buaiiii ! Busy ! :P come post again tomm bahh . :D missing & loving, always & forever . (:
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 10:04 PM
♥ Hmm , todaee , wake up latee . :X kekez . 6.10am than wake up . meet peijunn , than headed to BukitBatokBusInterchange to meet zhux3 . :D after meet dao lerh , went to sk0l together . (: reachh sk0l , go foyer . slack ~ assemblee . thann 1st periodd was maths . -.- Ohwell . i Failed mye maths paper 1 , i bet i'll fail paper 2 also . Haishh . ~ ): after that , Biology , Wow , i expect i will Fail , but i Passed . :D hahas . thann jiu recess , Saw MrLee , BooHoo ! He told mi i passed mye lit ! :DD after that , MT . Aww , Passed paper 1 , Fail paper2 , Passed overall . (: After MT was english , Ohwell , got back paper 2 only . i Passed . (: MrChow came , given us our chemistry paper , i Failed . -.- haish . thann Geo , went to find MrAdam , need to write essay . --. Diao . Jiu free le . Saw MsMages , BooHoo ! she told mi i Passed mye history ! :D . thann last period , Physic , i knew i will fail , cos i leave all Blanks . :X hahas . Overall for Science Failed . -.- Lols . Mrliew leave early , ended class early 30mins . went oppsite findd zhux3 , he came oudd slack awhilee ~ thann helped hym buy drinks ~ Waited for hym end his class , went down . NPCC meeting , wow , ATC , 2day1night niaa . 12-13Dec . hhahas . Fri training dunnid wear Full-Uniform ! hYppiieee , Campcraft&FancyDrill . :D after that , headed to zhux3 house with Huijuan , trevor , serene , alvinK , rachel , peijun . reachh lerhh , slack awhilee . they are sooo madd . :S thann huijuan , serene , rachel leave . 4 of us continew slacking , zhux3 & alvinK playing chinese chest . I Sleep . :X i thought i sleep 2-3hours , but zhux3 say i sleep 30mins niaa , Lols . wakee upp , rest awhilee , leave his house , went coffee shop makan . :D thann took 188 to lotone , meet dajie&rony . went to buy sanjie's present . ahahs . shop around , brought ice creamm , rony go play ~ we eat ice cream . hahas . went homee after that , nothing muchh lerhh . :D Currently , Oud of 10subject , i Failed 2 . Haishhhh ~ . Haoo Bahh ending here ler .. (: Never let you go . ♥iloveyou ; imissyou .
Monday, October 19, 2009 12:38 AM
♥ Hmm , todaee wake up at 8plus am bahh . Thankks zhux3 for the morning call . Ohwell , packed and went oudd , meet peijun . than go westmall . meet trevor . went to MAC and take salt . Lols . brought coke . :D hahas . thann headed to zhux3 house . asked his mei to help us open door . ThanksUh . went in slack ~ alvinKhoo came . they order MAC ? Lols . everytime derh . slack ~ went in room slack&chat also . suddenly his daddy come backk . -.- Lols . all of us was suprise . Lols . went off to his house downstairs . meet erjie , lily & irene . hahas . slack at bball court awhilee . thann go MAC . after that , mi , erjie & trevor took cabb to meet starstar . :D thann go cdans play bowling . hahas . taken 2 lane . mi , erjie , trevor 1 lane , irene , weiming , sanjie 1 lane . (: hahas . BooHoo , damm funn . Lily , peijun never play , starstar team with erjie . :D after playing , was about 7plus lerhh . Peijun went off first . we slack at bus stop awhile , trevor&irene go take bus tgt go home . ^^ lily , took bus home too . mi , starstar&erjie , weiming&sanjie go eat . at house near-by coffee shop . :D slack ~ eat ~ chat ~ hahas . saying about alot of topic . Wow , tyme flys . 11plus walked homee . reach homee , just bathed . :D now posting blog . Gonna slepp soon bahh , having school tomm . hahas . :D Nothing , but just iloveyou ; imissyou (:
Sunday, October 18, 2009 6:58 PM
♥ Mye messy thingys beside mye bed . kekex . Ohwell , ytd nitez , while waiting for erjie , sanjie , lily , weiming & starstar to come back .. Irene was watching TV . Trevor was sleeping . --. i was comp-ing . hahas . they came back at about 3plus am . Knoe whye ? they went to hunt . --. Lols eh ? actually when all come back bath-ed . wanna go hunt again derhh . but change of plan . all stay at mye house play PlayStation2 . --. Lols ehh . hahas . i sleep at about 5am plus . :X cos i'm too tiredd uhh . they rest all tahan till 7am plus if i'm nort wrong . --. Weiming/Erjie , drive lily , irene homee . hahas . that's all uhh . :P todaee , Ahem . i wake up at 3plus pm . :X Lols . lalalas . :P wakee up , slack awhile . went to sunhine for Lunch with dajie & trevor . Hmm , that meal for mi is ytd's Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner & todae's Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner .(: hahas , after eating , went to shop around sunshine . :D hahas . headed homee , now here posting & sms-ing with zhux3 . :D tomm going zhux3 house in the morning ehh . ahahs . Hao Bahh , ending here lerhhs . :D buaiis , takkecairee guys! no school tomm !~ hheeheez . go laogong's house slack . :D ahhas . tomm ! :D iloveyou ; imissyou !
Saturday, October 17, 2009 11:17 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() --------- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() the 4big bag , people throw there , they never fine them . we throw 2box of sparkle box beside that , we ganna fine $300 . --. Aww , todaee wakee urpp at 11plus am . kekex . :P Trevor siao derhh , i just wake urp , he at mye house downstairs . -.- Bobiann , he came up mye house . i go pack&prepare . Sanjie came backk . went off home with sanjie , weiming & trevor . headed to lotone , meet lily . thann go eat KFC . (: hahas . took MRT to bukitbatok , meet irene . than headed to paya lebar . chit-chat in MRT . :D ahemahem . reachh lerh , went coffee shop , drinks , chat (: thann headed to eastcoast . waited for erjie&starstar at bowling place . they came , went to rent bicycle . (: buy 1hour free 1hour , Lols . :D rent-ed , weiming&sanjie couple bike , erjie&starstar also . :D hahas . :D cycling half way ~ Slack at a side , OHWELL . we litter-ed . Kns , 2gay came and FINE us $300 . wtf . -.- just because of the box uh ? nonsense . spoilt all our mood ehh . but hiash , hackcare , $300 , throw and let them go fuck lahh . continew cycle ~ hahas , till a place , slack there , chat , scold that 2idiot . thann ride back lerhh . Competition see who first , last treat drink water . :D hahas . Ohwell, 1st ,Mi , 2nd ,Vor , 3rd ,erjie&starstar , 4th ,sanjie&weiming , 5th ,irene , 6th ,lily . Hahas , rest awhileee . slack ~ dammm tiredd . than headed to BurgerKing . -.- all says that's mye Fav. place . cos it's named BK . -.- Lols . eaten dinner there . slack ~ hahas . thann headed to take bus . wow , in bus derh topic was Super intersting to ALL of us . :X kekex . reachh ler , headed to mye house . all help mye papa wash carr . LOLS . cos he's overseaa , WOW , 8ppl helping my papa washing car ehh . hahas . after washing , EIGHT of us , was inside the car ~ LOLS ! it was just a 5sitter car eh . thann drove mi irene & trevor to mye house first . than erjie drive them home to take things . now waiting for them to come back ~ and funn tthings would continew~ :D hao bahh , ending here lerhh . :D currently smsing with laogong . trevor&irene currently at mye house also . lily , weiming , starstar , erjie , sanjie coming back soon! :D imissyou ! 1day has just pass . 1more day ! & i'll get to see you . :D |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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