Wednesday, September 30, 2009 8:02 PM
♥ reachh school , wow , the usual place i sit dun have that much people . but suddenly todae got .. AlvinW, Serene, Peijun, HuiJuan, zhux3, trevor &co . lols . Assembleee , jiu lessons . 1st period was Geo . awww , damm boredd eh . than jiu english . boredboredbored , write essay again . -.- Lols . finally recess . thann maths . i DID mye work todae ! woohoo ! :X kekex. than PE . went to find zhux3 , chat all that . kekex . :P cos he free period . Mt after that , wow , mdm goh givee dam lot of homeworks . somemore tomm got oral . :S than jiu class inter . went down study corner find zhux3 , slack awhile . went back class , jiu dissmiss lerh . kekex . go find zhux3 again . slack awhile , waited for alvinKhoo . (: thann went to zhux3 house , quickily complete the project . cos by todae 6pm need hand up to MsTeng . :S lols .went there done . (: headed backk to sk0l . Handed in . than find miss yap . take thailand form thingy . ohwell , so cheap . :X lols . than jiu went off . :D Rachel , HuiJuan , Trevor go take bus , Mi , Zhux3 , AlvinKhoo , Serene & Peijun tgt . at westmall , saw Irene . :S ahemahem . -.- thann took MRT to lotone . took 300 homee . zhux3 pei mi home , Alvin pei serene homee . hahas . :D near mye house there saw JiaHui . :S went homee . than mummy jiu reach home liao . PHEW . damm luckyy . lols . than zhux3 meet alvin , go home tgt . LOL . Hmm , nothing muchh now nahh . ending here . bueiis . :D CheerUp , Dun always give mi that face uh! :S iloveyou ; imissyou <3 It's our 3weeks todaee (:
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 11:31 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() Zhux3 papa draw derh snake , kekex . cutee ehh . (: Zhux3 draw derh 'Q' . LOL ! :X todaee , wake up abit late for sk0l . -.- cabb-ed there againn . :S assemblee , than lessons ~ *nort gonna say things about morning* (:after school , went to hum room there , wait for trevor,Boonkeat &co . headed to zhux3 house with , Trevor,AlvinW,AlvinK,Serene,HuiJuan,Rachel&co. reachh there , slack at first . than HuiJuan leave first , follow by .. Serene, AlvinK, AlvinW, Rachel they all went off . left mi & trevor at zhux3 house . thann after that , 3 of us do that project thingyy ehh . hahas . do till about 11plus than went off homee . -.- cabb-ed with trevor homee . reachh homee , nothing muchhh . mummy say gonna cancel singtel when 2yr is up . gonna continew using M1 . (: hahas . i dunwan 2 number anymore eh . -.- hao nahh , ending here . gonna sleep lerh . (: P/S: i cant find mye USB cable . so cant upload photos . -.- will upload asap .
Monday, September 28, 2009 11:59 PM
♥ Hmm , Shall have short post for todae ? i guess so . kekex . morning wen to sk0l as per normal . (: Zhux3 is damm late . :P kekex . than lessons ~ aww , at eng lesson , cher caught mi using phone again . -.- next eng lesson onwards , i need give her my phone , end class than can take back . ): hias , after sk0l , slack with trevor&peijunn . thann andy called trevor take his books to zhux3 house . cos he left at sk0l . -.- so we took there . reach at about 3pm . than 4pm went oud . went to westmall awhile . thann go MAC slack , while zhux3 & andy go tution . about 5plus , they camee . slack at MAC . andy went off first . than we go westmall shopshop , went to arcadee too . -.- in sk0l uniform eh . 7plus ? went to makee my dental appointment . at zhux3 house there . than jiu went up to zhux3 house . ohwell , his family at homee . -.- zhux3 say cannot scared of dog . -.- bobiann , try nort to avoid . :S kekex . went in to his room , waited for alvinkhoo . he never come , cant do anything . cos everything is with himm . lols . he cameee . thann started doing project ehh . kekex . done at about 11plus . -.- cabb-ed homee . reach home at 12am . -.- Lols . did nort get scolded by mama that late go homee . but get scolded by mama cos of peijun mama . -.- damm it . arghh . hao nah , nothing muchh . gonna go sleep lerh . nitez . ! (:
Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:22 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() Hmm , todaee wake up at about 12plus pm . :X ytd sleep at 3plus - 4am . :S saw 11 msg-ed recieve when i'm awake . -.- Lols . thann was actually going bugis with dajie&trevor derhh . but no time , so never go . end upp , went to westmall with trevor , meet zhux3 & alvinkhoo at KouFu . trevor went off home . we went popular , brought project stuffs again (: headed to alvinkhoo's house . (: slack ~ play-ed X-Box . -.- while waiting for trevor . Finally trevor camee . still slacking ! Lols . :X than trevor go eat . after eating , started on somee project thingyy , somehow do half way ~ lazy . than never do liaoo . they planing tomm do ehh . Lols . o slack , trevor went homee earlyy . thann we slacking there . (: hahas . about 6plus leave his house , zhux3 sent wo homee . took MRT&BUS (: reach mye house downstairs , zhux3 went homee . (: Thankks Uh :D Now currently chatting in msn with trevor . & smsing with zhux3 . (: nothing muchh lerh . (: hahas . Bueii ! (: Awww , tomm is school dayy againn ehh . hiassss . ): iloveyou .
12:40 AM
♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Heyy ! (: I'm here posting again :D now currently trevor is at mye house . kekex . currently msging withh zhux3 also . (: hahas . Short post nia nahh , kekex . *Chalet photos has been uploaded . Please drag down to see (: -20sept- hahas , nothing muchh . dunno ton-ing todaee mahh . kekex . tomm going oudd , -.- lols . think got sleep a little bahh . Nah , I'm really missing you badly ):
Saturday, September 26, 2009 8:28 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() Hmm , todaee , wake up quite early , dunno whyee eh . -.- meet zhux3&alvinKhoo there . (: they went for hair cut . than went to popular buy stuffs for project . -.- i become tour guide ? -.- after buying , went to alvinkhoo's house for project derh , end up . become playing monopoly . -.- lols . Wow , Boonkeat is the winner eh . lols . after playing , did some of the project , but end up alvinkhoo lost his paper . so we went to MAC and eat , as well as get from pebbles the paper . thann , went to alvinkhoo house again , did some , but did wrongly . -.- lols . decided to slack than doing , as alvinkhoo going over to zhux3 house and ton to do (: after that , slackslackslack , went to westmall . go popular buy stuffs again . thann go arcade played 1 round of DDR , jiu went homee lerh . peijun&trevor currently at park there with my ffamily , kekex . gonna rush over there liao , if nort confirm ganna scolding . :S told mama i would go there at 5plus , but now 8plus lerh ehh . :P kekex . hao nah , ending here lerh . posting maybe tomm (; -Trevor would be ton-ing overnight at mye house ! kekex . PigsFightBegains (: going bugis with trevor&dajie tomm also :D hahas . iloveyou , imissyou(:
Friday, September 25, 2009 7:49 PM
♥Hmm , todaee went to sk0l as per normal . sit with same old people also . :P Assemblee , than jiu 1st period , Lit . Ohwell . boreddd . Exchanged Handphone with zhux3 . :P took his phone use it . :X kekex . than jiu FreePeriod ! :D So qiao , Mi , zhux3 & trevor class tgt free period . Lol . went to study corner meet , than go canteen slack . (: hahas . wapiang , that zhux3 , say about DogIncident again . -.- wthh . arghh . :S than zhux3 and trevor went for lesson lerh . 30min ltr , i went for MT . Err , fall-asleep . MdmGoh catches mi . -.- ganna punish to stand . awhile nia . :X after MT , english , so qiao again . zhux3 also english ! keekex . thann jiu end lesson lerh . go 2nd floor , change back phone with zhux3 . thann he got physic extra lesson , we meet trevor , at canteen slack . changed venue , went to foyer there slack . chat with jiahui, amanda&co . :S after that , zhux3 came . headed to his house ehh . (: in his room , slack , chat . ohwell keep ganna bully once again . but good that todaee , dog did nort attack mi . :X kekex . about 6pm , wanna went off that tyme , damm it , walk to living room . both dog coming from both different side . -.- wthh . zzz . than jiu leave his house . hahas . went to MAC , eaten dinner ? lols . took 188 homeee . Peijun PS us half way . -.- she went off first , than trevor pei wo walk home . Thankks ehh . kekex . than he went home hymself eh . :S lols . took myee ez-link cardd home ! arghh , dun anyhow show ppl hor ! -.- reachh homee , no one at home again . -.- dunno why recently all so late come home derh . Hias , however , gonna clean up mye bedd liaos . -.- vorvor coming ton tomm again . i dunwan mye pig to get coke again eh . :X ProblemSolved . Understanding&Trust is the best way (: ♥iloveyou , imissyou.
Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:17 PM
♥ -Thankyou , ChristinaChuaQingLing♥- -Thankyou , JoanneCheeHuiJuan♥- Hmm , todaee , wake urp abit latee ? :X kekex . Reachh sk0l , sit at foyer , all seems to be moody&nv talk . -.- hias . Assemble @ classroom due to the weather . Went to homeroom , SLEEP . -.- thann english lesson , did nothing , was juz marking a paper . i got 9.5/10 . so dunnid do correction , So , Sleep again . -.- MsKala keep KP wo . -.- wateva . thann recess , went to canteen slack , nothing much . than freeperiod . than jiu PE lerh , went to ISH see wesley&co. playing bball . (: than Maths , ohwell , finally my mood gets back :D Luckily i msg-ed hymm during PE . if nort dunno wan moody til when . -.- thann after maths jiu ended classes lerh . went to canteen slack , freeperiod . than go EL room 1 for music theory test , -.- anyhow do eh . :S Ganna nag by MsLow over there , wthh , she keep usiing future Leader lai threaten wo . ): as if i wanna be band de leaders like that nah . -.- Lamer . went back to CD shelter . new song . wakao . i solo . shijie cant play . Sick . -.- thann ended PAP , went to canteen . slack with zhux3&co . (: than slack at study corner , zhux3 went off to tution eh ? thann slack there ~ 3plus went to band . NewSong . lucky teresa is there . kekex . 120 people in band , todae attendance was 14 . -.- behind i think got about 20 ? lols , thann very fast jiu end band lerh , went homee with samantha &co . (: Now just reach home nort long . Hiaz . no one at homee , it seems to be sooo quite . :S tomm gonna prepare for Sat event . -.- hahas . -Nah , Trevor coming over mye house and ton on sat eh ! (: Hias , quarrel quarrel . But it still seems to be alright now (: i have never ever lost faith&trust on you eh ! i'll trust you more than suspecting u no matter what happens . dun doubt mi too . (:
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 9:08 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() but i wake up at 6am . -.- Lucky mummy wake mi up :S Reachh sk0l , sit with the same old people eh . (: thann assemblee . 1st period was Geo , FreePeriod ! :D slack at canteen . (: thann jiu Maths , okay , Sleep . :P Sorry uh , while msging zhux3 , fall asleep . :X after that , HomeEcon pratical . than recess . Sit with zhux3&co . :D -slack . than jiu English . damm sian nah . Listen to music , sleep . :X than history , Ohwell , got mock test . -.- quitee easyy . (: hahas . class inter , than jiu ended lerhh . went to canteen cos we early ended . about 2.10pm , went to SLC there . meet zhux3 . (: than go foyer , wait for trevor&alvinKhoo . headed to zhux3 house . arghh , keep ganna scare by that TOTO todae . -.- ganna bully by zhux3 also ! :X lalalas . ~ todae he suan mi like hell . ): hmm , thann about 6pm like that , went to MAC , eat . hahas . took 188 , saw erjieee at bus . (: headed to lotone . she go find starstar . thann mi&trevor go find dajie&ryan . go shopshop awhile . kekex . thann go MAC again . -.- eatt . kekex . after that , trevor took bus homee . mi&dajiee also went home . (: than home-ed . nothing muchh lerhh . hmm , now saying about sat . -.- thinking the plann . lols . and ofcos , currently sms-ing withh zhux3 . (: P/S : TrevorYeow ! damm uue . argh . bewareee , Sat , PIG+COKE fight . :P Sorry , cant upload chalet photos todae , erjie forget to bring camera back -.- Wed again ! (: (L) our dayy eh ! :P
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:09 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() but did not really did eh ? lols . Sit at foyer with the same oldd peoplees . (: 1st period was mathhs . Indeed bored , sleep throughout . :S thann free periodd , cos MsLin never come ehh . Write lines for David once again . after that , recess . slack at canteen with wesley&co eh . (: thann MT . -.- MdmGoh give damm lot of homeworks aagain . -.- English lesson after that , having a test . Ohwell , it's quite easy ? kekex . Phone was ganna confiscated . -.- Due to msg-ing with huijuan . lols . :P after that , Geo . Nah , teacher sux , went oud of class slack . :X thann jiu physics . woww , peijun damm sueyy , keep let MrLiew caught talking . :S after physics , finally ended , went for Class Surveyy . waited damm long eh . thann went in , wakao , longest survey i ever doo . -.- ended , went to canteen , sit with huijuan , serene , rachel &co nah . :P slack , till 4plus , went to study corner de CSSP thingy with huijuan awhile . bored , went in to bandd . but mi and huijuan never play instrument , slacking . kekez . having break , went oudd . wakaoooooo ! Ms low take trevor's phone & see . Ohmyyyyy !!!!! His wallpaper was mi&hym derh picturee ehh .-.- MsLow directly look at mi . -.- give mi that idiot faceee . -.- She said this '' Huimin , i did't noe ur taste has become worst '' -.- wtfff . comfirm now she suspecting lerh lurhh . -.- zzz . thann went in to bandd , slack againnn . thinking about something eh . finally ended , went homee with peijun&samanthaa . pei samantha go buy something , as well as go buy my Home Econ thing for tomm . after that , headed homeee . nothing muchh , currently toking with trevor @ MSN . Ohwell , after come back chalet , Rony,Shijie,Peijun having fever &sick . -.- Hias , get well soon ehh . (: takkecaiireeeee . P/S : Chalet photo(s) would be uploaded tomm ! Cos camera is now currently at my jie boyf house eh . -.- Hias , jealous ? hmm , i guess i'm gonna hackcare soon .
Monday, September 21, 2009 5:38 PM
trevor birthdae (: ♥ ![]() ![]() Happiee Birthdaee tuhh Trevor Ahkor ! :D Ohwell , i've fall asleep ytd while msging with zhux3 once again . kekex . Ps . :P Hmm , todaee , wakee urp . Bath , prepare , went oudd . Meet peijun at my house downstairs . thann headed to westmall . meet trevor . after that , go arcade , find boonkeat . (: Soon , AlvinWee , rachel & Huijuan came . :D they started DDR -.- Somehow , pebbles came also eh . than they DDR , we chat . kekex . after that , went to 4th floor staircase . argh . they place i ganna trick by zhux3 . Ohwell , trevor , rachel & alvinwee open their present there . given by Huijuan . wow , there's powder&co. inside . yuke . so dirty . :S after that , went to arcade backk . playy DDR again . -.- thann went to sakaeee . mi , zhux3 & pebbles 1 tableee . wakao . all bully . :P thann was to go watch movieee . but .. the movie only got 7plus derh . so all dunwan watch liaoo . than headed home lurhh . Saw Zemin at bus 300 . kekex . Longtimenosee :P now reach homee , nothing muchh . (: Just sms-ing with zhux3 & chatting on msn with Jiahui , weechong , Huijuan&trevor . (: Ohyea , tomm need go sk0l early , meet huijuan . for CSSP thingy -.- You're always mine. You're always in my mind. & I'm always missing you. (:
Sunday, September 20, 2009 2:12 PM
Chalet ♥BooHooo ! Hello guys . I'm just back from Chalet ! :D Gonna post thingys about this 3days then ! :D kekex . Enjoy ! (: 180909 , Friday . ![]() ![]() ![]() Happiee Birthdaee tuhh ChoonMeng(starstar) . Ohwell , thankks weiming for going down mye house eh . tuhh sent mi tuhh chalet . kekex . Thankks !! :D reach Chalet , slack . Played Poker cards . :D kekex . than Started on BBQ . (: hmm , after that .. Todae is Starstar birthdae eh ! kekex . Played water Bomb & powder ! :P He is totally DIRTY . :X As well as trevor . Cos he is the tester . Lols . Dammmm , funn . (: Taken alot of picturees . those picture are weird . we dunnoe whyee , but , it's really weird . i'll upload and u'll see . (: after playing , everyone wash up . Eaten cakee . Headed to RedHouse . :S Was nort as scary as what we think nahh . but was dark :S went back chalet . slack . chat . sleep . Lols . quite bored in the 1st night . 190909 , Saturday . Happy Advance Birthdae tuh Trevor . Ohwell , all of us were been waken up by Holy water&ice . Knoe whye ? That starstar & otahh . Siao derh . pour water&ice to wake us up -.- waken up early in the morning . arghhh . eaten breakfast . slack . They play-ed poker . Some Lose alot Some win alot Lols . while i fall - asleep . kekex . :P Thann wake up , BBQ started again . Somehow mi and sanjie locked ourself in chalet while they BBQ (: Prepared the cakee that wanna Sabo trevor without hym knowing ! :P went oudd , sing happy birthdaee song . BooHoo , alot people looking . -.- after that , asked hym to take oud the candle using mouth .! :X he really did sio . And sad-ed , we smack the whole cake into his face :X after that , he BuShuang , take those left over wanna make us . BUT , saded , we take , chilli sauce , satay sauce , sweet drink(s) , soap &co . all pour on hym :X Ohwell , damm starstar ask hym come hug mi . End up i tio . -.- freaking dirty nah ! arghh . Lily most kelian&innocent :X she never sabo us , all attack her . LOLS . Sorry eh . kekex . :P after that , washh upp . LOls . damdamdam dirty nah ! :S thann , took group photos . (: thann drink champain (dunno how to spell :P) . after that played GuessingNumber . people Lose . Eat&drink something .. Which is damdamdam erxin nah ! -.- Chill suace , Curry sauce , biscuit , sweet drinks . Plus tgt . wapiang . :S BUT , thankss trevor helping mi eh ! kekex . End up mi and vor is the WINNER :D we're the 2 that did not really tio ! kekex . after playing , slack awhile . Went to Old Changi Hospital . -.- WALK there . wapiang damm long okay ? about 2hr of walk to there . Ohwell , I bet can see that is damm scary . :S However , nort saying much . walked back to chalet . 7am plus than reach back chalet . spent most of the tyme in walking . -.- LOLs . 200909 , Sunday . Happiee birthdae tuhh KelvinOng . Ohwell , todaee . wake urp . nothing muchh . BBQ - ed . But our Butter went out of stock . :X AhemAhem , taken people's de . :X after that , Eaten BBQ , slack awhileee . pack up , went off . Hmm , in that chalet i've eaten about 10+ ice cream ?! :P i bet so eh . kekex . All of us took MRT home-ed . went to lotone eat breakfast/lunch . headed homee . now i'm right here posting ehh . kekex People who went to Chalet : Huimin(Mi) , Huijuan(erjie) , Huiqin(dajie) , Huibing(sanjie) , Rony&ryan(nephew) Trevor(ahkor) , Shijie(ahdi) , Peijun(ahjie) , Irene , Lily(part-tyme) , weiming(sanjieBoyf) Longtat(otah) , Choonmeng(starstar , erjieBoyf) , Weixiang(cousin) & Erjie jie fren . P/S : Picture(s) will be Uploaded ASAP . (: Visit trevor&co. blog , they might have something morree (: |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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