Monday, August 31, 2009 7:03 PM
:S ♥ ![]() todaee , wake urp , meet peijun . went to sk0l . (: meet Boonkeat , trevor , shijie . headed to MAC . eaten breakfast there . than go back sk0l . --. sit at foyerr . than assemblee . 1st period physic . slack inside classroom niaa . chatting with wesley&co . and also sms-ing zhux3 . :P hahas . than recess . went to find zhux3 at canteen . slack there with hym peijun & pris . (: after that , went to hall . events going on . --. boredd . :P sae Engchee & co . hahas , mye daddy become handsome lerh ehh . hahas . after that , ended . went to foyer there . waited for zhux3 & vor . thann , went to zhux3 house . ==. ! his house got 2DOG ! --. ihateit . :P bobiann , they force wo go in derh . zZzzz . 2scary dog ! ==. went to his room . the dog keep running here and there . zZz . damm it . someone force wo to return hym something ! zZz , neverminddd . i dun OWE u anything , anymore ! kekex . u OWE mi 2 more worr . bleahh . thann went his house downstairs derh bballcourt . than MAC . brought lunch . watch hym play uh . damm him , say wanna stop sports also never . humppp . about 6plus went back homee . at gombak saw alvinKHOO & serene ehh . hahas . went to lotone , eaten ice-cream . at bus 300 saw them again . ==. lols . reachh home , no one at home , only daddy sleeping . lols . sainz . P/S : Jiahui&co. i did nort went back tuhh concord and meet u guys . :S SORRY .
Sunday, August 30, 2009 11:02 PM
SHOPPING . ♥Just now .. went orhorh after trevor they all cant go oudd . sleep till about 4plus , wake urp . bath , prepare , went oudd . with dajie and ronyy to lotone . (: went to wallet shop , dajie brought 2 wallet , one for mi . it's same . (: thann went to courts , dajie brought itouchh . ehh , damm ex ehh . thann went to mini-toon . brought some keychains :P than went to ZINC . dajie brought a small sling bag for mi (: and also brought a 1 for mummyy , 1 for herself and 1 we sharee (: total brought 4 bag at once ehh . hahas . (: thann went to give-a-name . brought a keychain with name . after that , went to look for watchh . hahas . brought a adidas watchh & a casio watchh . (: damm ex also :P thann went to sunshine , go for hair cut . dajie reborn . wahh , waited damm long :P while waiting , conference with vor they all . hahas , went home at about 9plus PM . (: Erjie brought for mi a black jacket forrr mi ! :D tqqq ! :D ohhmyy , spended alot todaeee ! but is dajie pay derh :P thankkkksss(L) . (:
12:08 PM
99.99% Rotting . :P ♥ hmMm , wake urp todae at about 9plus ? hahas . mummy went for RC thingyy , left rony&ryan at home --. sanjie&mi take turn takeecaree themm . but mostly sanjie takecare . keke . thann used com . seen Boonkeat's blog , walann he can upload photo ! so i tired mine . wow , ended up can also ehh ! :P finallyyy . ! (: after that , was planning to meet trevor , peijun and shijie derhh . end urp , shijie cant go oudd ? peijun going oud ? trevor cos raining dunwan go oud ? alright , all of them has a PREFECT reason uh . . . all so busy . --. but nvm , maybe going oudd with dajie later on . going sunshine cut hair . i guess . dajie wanna reborn again .. (maybe) going with her . hahas . atfer mummy come back than go tgt bahh . go eat also . nothing muchh about todaee larhh . Rotting nia . :P *cos without ue uh ? ==. tomm going school earlyy , copy line(s) . thann MAYBE , going back pri school . (: I'm missing them , JiaHui , Alicia , Charlottle , JiaHao , WeeChong & alot more ehh ! :P
Saturday, August 29, 2009 4:34 PM
LOTONE . ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() Hmm , todaee wake urpp at about 10plus . :P Msging with Zhux3 andd some ex-classmate(s) thinking wanna go back on mon ma . Jiahui&Aliciaa they all 12.30 jiu can reachh Concord lerhh sio . ==. myee school 1pm than end ==. wondering should i dun go school on mon . :P thann , online-ed MSN . decided to go lotone with trevor shijie andd peijunn . Meet trevor and peijun 1plus at mye house downtairs . :S I'm once again late . :X thann went to lotone , meet shijie . Shopp at lotone . thann 4 of us brought a HP keychain . It's cutee ehhh . keke . but all different derhh . :X than went to eat . ahem * slackk ~ eatenn , went to walk around lotone . somehow someone call ''aiping msg shijie . woopps , i used shijie phone scold back her :X suddenly someone tag mi ==. i thought it was shijie trevor or peijunn . but end up it was .. ==. EE BOON KEAT . ==. than went oudd of that shop , look at phonee . than realise he sms-ed mi when we were at wallet shop ==. lols . but we did realise eh . after that , went oudd tuhh take buss , shijie went home . trevor , peijun come mye house here . (: slack awhile jiu went home ler . cos peijun wann go oudd with her mama ? and vor wan plae maple ==. reachh home, nothing muchh . come here post . gonna maple soon i guess . (: -Zhux3 , i never say dunwan see worr . :S Xiao qi guii ~~
Friday, August 28, 2009 9:06 PM
NPCC . ♥ Peijun , Janelle , mi , Chunyu & leris . (: todaee , early in the morning wake up zhuzhuzhu at about 5.30am . than prepare , went oudd , meet peijun . went to school . forget bring ez-link cardd . --. reachh school after awhile , zhuzhuzhu jiu come lerh . hahas , than trevor come . sit tgt , chat , zZzzz , keep kanna suan about my voice . damm it . :S assembel , got mye science overall CA2 mark , i got A1 !!! hard to belive ehh ? cos i everytime fail mye science derhh . kekex . :P thann 1st period jiu shi lit . walann , i fail :S but overall pass . lols . damm peijun , never take we de lit book . need write a damm lines . mye fault ? zzz . thann MT , wahh , zhuzhuzhu , chewmei , baoru all surround mi , juz to listen my sound . arghh , why are theyy sooo ! :P hahas . thann MT , :S thann englishh . got test ehh , within 10mins i done liao lerh worr . everyone was surprise about that . kekes , thann went oudd classroom slack with trevor awhile , than zhuzhuzhu came . after that , early dissmiss from english lesson , went to recess . (: thann went to maths lessonn , zhuzhuzhu also having maths ehh . hahas . andd ohhyaa , thankks trevor for helping wo take uniform bag . hahas . maths , slack inside onlyy main while msging zhuzhuzhu also . (: got my maths CA2 marks alsooo ! pass , but nort v. high . it's enought ehh , from sec 1 till now i have never past before . :S thann ended school , go canteen slack awhile . thann change full-U . changed , fall in , went to AVA room for test . quite easy&hardd bahh . :P *zhuzhuzhu will be marking sioo . die le la , he mark . comfirm fail :P jk .* thann went to nature park , do CIP . group with clarissa , peijun hadi and muhyddin . after that , ended , went to AVA again . Msteng told us when shooting&co . jiu end ler , went to foyer wait for zhuzhuzhu and pebbles . (: after that come , went to coffee shop eat & slack ehh . pebbles leaves earlyy , left mi peijun zhuzhuzhu and shijie . lols . walann , that zhuzhuzhu keep suan wo derhh lahh . :S slack till about 7plus PM , jiu went home ler . took bus with them . reachh home , now need help zhuzhuzhu post his blog & go maple find wesley&co. shall end here then . hahas . FYI , zhuzhuzhu is boonkeat . hahas . :P -Awww , wondering how to go concord on monday , school dissmiss so late .. zZzz . think meeting jiahui&co. late bahhs . hahas .
Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:28 PM
MY VOICE . ): ♥todaee , wake urp , went to school with peijunn . on the wayy , vor call mi , say he ganna car accident . ==. lols . reachh school , sit with boonkeat , trevor & peijunn ehh . as usual . hahas . thann assemblee , chem , freaking boredd de ehh , keep talking with wesley . hahas . Maths after that , wesley&yuqiang talking about ytd their match with boonkeat they all . dammm , funnny , they way yuqiang says . hahas . thann cher ask wo teachh pj a question . wapiang , i gonna no voice liao , explain to her is like wanting my life eh . ==. thann went to Art , damm cold inside lahh . did what i surpose to did . *Wesley copyy myy flash ! ahahas . :P* caught uue ehh . keke . finally recess , thann MT . T.T saw that zhuzhuzhu(boonkeat) damm . keep suan mi . after MT , PAP , sleep inside CD shelter niaa . cant play instrument . slack . thann , ended school . went to canteen , walann , sound change till .. zZzz . after boonkeat eaten , awhile later , went home . took bus with him and peijunn . this 2 bully wo . keep copy mye sound . ==. damm . lols . BULLYYY ! :S thann went home , sound getting WORST ? :S dunno should i eat medi ma . ): reachh home , play-ed maple withh boonkeat&andyy . (: zhuzhu(wo) is being bullied by zhuzhuzhu (boonkeat) ! hump . :P just done help boonkeat with his blogskin ehh , idk nice ma laa . but he say ok de . :X -iie HATE my soundd ehh , damm boonkeat , kee deesiao wo . argh . :S -tomm comfirm ganna deesiao when going natural park , if he is with us . :S D.I.E -David ahKor is sick also eh ? get well soon worr . hahas . (: -Wesley ahKor , P/S ehh , everytyme forget to bring what u wan :P
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 3:43 PM
(: ♥As per normal todae . Did the same thing as what i did the last few days . :P Thankks Hadi for lending mi tiee ehh . :P i think i lost mye tie lerhhh . :S after assemblee , 1st period Geo . got test . (openBooktest) dammm easyy . hahas . thann english , test was postponed . (: slack there , sms-ing and listening to music . recess , mathhs . chat with wesley they all . hahas . MrTohh so good eh . :P thann PE . see Alvin&Boonkeat VS Wesley&Yuqiang :X thann play badmiton . did not really play actually . hahas . :P thann MT . :S mdm goh came todaeee . --. do test once again . after test , somehow one of us made her angry . she nagg-ed for 45mins eh . we're all late for assemble for 30mins . LOLs . went to assemblee , sit at sec1's are . thanks tuhh wesley la ! :X ended school , went down to canteen , slackk with trevor&co . hehe , trevor decided not to go life science ! :P so went home . (: reachh home , nothing muchh , sleep :P till about 7plus than wake urp . :X wake urp , sound suddenly change eh ! ==. mummy ask to go see doctor .. zz . so went lurhh , juz come back from doctor . damm it . 5medicine . 1day MC nia . lol . hao la , ending here . gonna help boonkeat find his blogskin le . (:
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 7:41 PM
FLUU . ♥ ![]() todaee , meet peiijun in the morning at my house downstairs :P headed tuhh school , reach school awhile later trevor come ler . hahas . sit at foyer slack . thann boonkeat come . than sherman come . assemble @ hall . 1st periodd , BIO ! class so hornyy . --. lols . learn about comdom all that . Now than i noe got gals condom ! . :S hahas . after bio was HomeEcom . i never do homework . :P lucky cher bo ask about that . thann history , boredd . did nothing muchh . but got our results . :D iie got 93/100 (: YES ! finally i bet wesley . he got 81/100 . peijun got 68/100 . :P thann recess , jiu mathss . when ending lesson , cher special reminded mi to go for retest . but i tell him see first . hahas . thann Eng . 15min early ended . went to canteen , find that boonkeat --. than go for chemistryy , practical . than jiu ended school ler . meet boonkeat at 2nd floor locker . than went for maths retest , cher so suprise about mi going eh . LOLs . he given us some *hint* before test started . hahas . good eh ? i found hym better than MsLiza .:S thann test . i got 19/25 ~ lols . (: endd ler , meet boonkeat again --. go canteen , eat , drink . jiu go band ler . at band do nothing . read spoilt . cant play . somemore got flu . all the way , sleeping and slacking lols . soo suang ~ :P ended band , went home . woops . someone fall down . ! :P hahas .
Monday, August 24, 2009 6:42 PM
:S ♥hmm , todaee , wake urp at about 5plus AM . lols . pack-ed , bath-ed , went oudd , meet peijun , than went tuhh school . reachh school at about 6.25am , meet trevor at about 6.30am ? hahas . :P thann go foyer , boonkeat came . ahemm , his damm phonee . :X assemblee , than went toilet , soo sueyy , come oudd saw boonkeat again ! --. after assemble , art , quite slacking , i done what cher wan mi to do . but some steps i did wronly , but cher dunno ! ahhaa . :P no one notice it also ! :X after art was chem , alright yeaa , iie pass-ed myee chem ! hehez . thann , MT , woooo ! MdmGoh did nort come .! butt .. MsBong take over . T.T test test test test test , everyday test . --. did not really done it . :X thann recess , eat with david they all , as usual . (: History after that , saw trevorr soo moodyy . lols . dunno whyee also . hahas . went to history lesson , do dunno what 9/11 thingyy . than .. Boonkeat ask wo go oudd of class , jiu go oudd lor , at study corner slack awhile . went back class when class is ending soon . :X wesley say ms mages ask where we ! :X thann went for physics lesson , was B.O.R.E.D ! -sleep . hahas . english was our last lesson , got english oral . alright , i pass also . hahas . :D early dissmiss for eng lesson , cos cher got something on . slack at canteen till about 3 plus , wait for a pig . :X thann spamm peijun . LOL . her handphone lag dao siaoo . --. lols . she cant even msg ler . hahas . finally at about 3plus , that pig came . :X thann went to coffee shop cos he wanna eat . nothing muchh there , stupidd trevor sent hym that idiot vedio ! ==. luckyy i deleted it . kekex . thann went to westmall . ahem . did our bet thingy . ALRIGHT . IT'S CLEARED . :D but i still own hym --. not in our bet de , our other thingyyy . --. lols . sianz . thann went home . eat icee-cream at lotone , bus-ed home . reach home , nothing muchh . gonna conference with vor ltr bahh . (:
Sunday, August 23, 2009 9:50 PM
MOVIEE (: ♥ todaee , wake urp at 6am plus . prepare , meet peijunn . went to find mummyy , help with those thingyys . than went home at about 9plus ? went home , continew my sleeping . kekez , while msging people(s) . thann wake up at about 12pm ? bath-ed prepared , went oudd . meet peijun , trevor and shijie , eaten MAC . thann walk around . catch a movie . (: -TheProposal- IT'S FREE ! :P trevor&shijie treat de . keke . thann movie ended at about 5plus PM . went to buy sweets . than go roof gardenn . slack there . (: saw 4 ''ahlians'' LOLs . :P went home at about 5plus-6pm . (: reachh home , dajie asked wanna go sunshine ma . msg-ed erjie , asked her too , she say okayy . so waited for her to be back . thann packed , prepare , went oudd at about 8plus PM . (: went tuhh sunshine , no more selling of nephew(s) milk powder . ~.~ went to lotone then , brought some tibits and milk powder . than headed to MAC , eat dinner . & took my hello kitty 1995 . :P went home at about 9plus PM , walk-ed home . (: *SorryDavidd , i forget ur hotmail . :S cant help u post blog . kekez . *Trevor & Shijie , thanks fur the movieee . (: -Mummy is sick , hope she recovers soon . (: ` -Cant update photos nowdayys . idk whyeee .):
Saturday, August 22, 2009 3:06 PM
FLAG DAY . ♥hmm , wake up at about 6plus AM todaee , spamm-edd BoonKeat sms(s) :P thann lie on bedd till about 8AM ? hahas . went to pack and prepare . (: went oudd , meet peijun at mye house downstairs . thann went to bukitbatok . meet trevor & boonkeat theyy all at MAC . cos they having FlagDay . :P eaten breakfast there . thann headed tuhh westmall oudside there , ask for donation . but it seems that there's no one . --. headed tuhh lotone with BK,AK,TY,PJ . BK & AK eat ice-cream . ~.~ thann after they eat , we went to interchange . where people drop off there . asking for donation over there . saw aliciaaa . (: long time no see . hahas , miss . :P she donated $1 to BK . hahas . thann went to take bus back tuhh sk0l . (: reachhed , slack over the table there . with trevor and peijunn . hahas . than went home . :P reachh home , mummy ask tuhh go sunshine or lotone . but i dunwann . ==. soo , need to takecare either rony or ryan at home ~.~ sianz . later maybe having conference withh trevor & co . (: hahas . BOONKEAT : uue ownn mi 4 thingys ! :P i ownn u 1 nia . hahaas . AND , thankks furr the OBS shirt .(:
Friday, August 21, 2009 8:31 PM
STUDENT CONFERENCE (: ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() pebbs & mi derhh . (: todaee , went oudd with dajie , than meet peijun . zai go school . (: assemble @ hall . hmm , wellcom-ed Hillgrove sec de cher . hahas . :P thann went to first lesson with trevor pebbles all that , huiyu's class . BALLOON ! learn-ed how to make a doggie balloon . ~.~ wahh , ganna shock , MsKala there also . :S thann go cluadia's lesson . making at keychain thingy ? i guess . hhaahas . 1 hour break , did not eat . went to Find samantha at MT SLC . slack there . hahaas . thann lesson start . (: nothing muchh . :X thann ended . went to hall . got TYZ performance . haihao bahh . kekez . thann SYF dancers . sian , sleep . finally ended . went to canteen , slack . :P thann changed into NP full uniform . (: Raining sio , fall in , in foyer . started training , pebbles and alvin take mi (: haihao bahh , nort as fun as last time . after that , become pebbles and huiyu take . hiass , i HATE today's training . is totally SUX . :P sorry to say that . thann went to AVA for a lesson for crime prevention . got test next fri . zzz . after that , change to mufti . fall in , dissmiss . (: next thursday got dunno what thingy . forget liao . lols . :P next friday .. Master parade , test , CIP . (: alright , shall end here then . :P Shall change blogskin soon , someone complain that myee wording small . :P EE BOON KEAT , okay fine . I VERYY MISS UUE . ~.~
Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:02 PM
TEST . ♥todaee , wakee urp , went oudd with dajie . wow , 1st time , peijun was late . LOL . thann went to lotone MAC , eaten breakfast there . dajie treat . (: hahas . went to school at about 7am . thought i will be late . but , i did nort . hehez . :P 1st period was English . having english oral . :S lols . lucky my turn is on monday . hehez . thann free period for 30 min , having lit test , wow , comfirm fail . (: recess after that . having PE . but , i did not bring PE attire . hahas , went to slackk . talk about last year TYZ thingy with peijun . hahas , quite missing those time (: thann went for maths , test again ==. lols . haihao , but dunno will pass ma . PAP ler . go there do the same old thingy , somehow quite slack . hehez . :P .. ended PAP , went to canteen , slack with trevor , mark , peijun shijie . shijie eat rice , got beetle ? in his rice ! lols . nice one ritez ? lols . lucky he never eat . thann went to band . start band at about 4pm plus . new instructer . MrChen . he sux man . :P i thought he better thaan MrHo , but he was not . ==. WE perfer MrHo than him lurhh . hahas . he keep repaet those rubbish . after that , MrHo take over , all so happy , hahas . manage to complete 2 songs . than ended band , went to coffee shop there buy sweets & coco :D hehez . after that , went home . nothing muchh . Ohhyaaa , having chalet on 18, 19, 20 Sept . (: to celebrates Starstar(choonmeng) 18th birthday & trevor 15th birthday . hahas. hmm , 17th sept oudd for dinner also . (: at plaza sing there . :P tomm ! he'll will be back (:
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 7:07 PM
PASSED . (: ♥ first lesson was Geo . boredd . sleep - kekez . :P thann ended lesson . went to maths . boohoo ! MrToh finally come . Diao . he worst thann MsLiza ==. we sleep , tok , play he dun even give a damm ~.~ at least MsLiza will nag . LOL . after that , went for HomeEcon lesson . was boredd , playing with davidd ==. lols . :P *dunno when than got presentation . zz , keep draging . hias . thann recess , stupidd , got some people snatch our place ): lols . hackcare . after recess , english lesson . cher say 22nd Sept thann eat pizza , got valid reason de . (: thann , can listen to song while doing preparation for oral . hahas . after that , history lesson , yeaa , get back our test paper . hahas . got 14/16 ! :D hahas . my 2 marks gone cos of a word '' more '' lols . so suey ): after that , ended history , go assemble , so sian lahh . ganna stay back by MrLim ==. thann , go canteen slack awhile . thann fall in , go Course . so sian . go there walk one big round jiu go back sk0l ler . hahas . :P reachh school , MsTeng tell us our promotion test result . hyppieeeee . i passed (: hahas . Congraz all who have pass alright (: those who have fail .. dun be sadd bahh , this fri re-test (: hahas . :P after that , went home . nothing muchh . hahas . *i pass ): i never ownn u , but u ownn mi :P hahas . -Lit test tomm . -Geo test tomm . -Maths test tomm . -Band training tomm .
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 9:00 PM
COMPETITION . ♥todaee , wake up , meet peijun , took MRT & bus(s) to sk0l .. ahemm , almost late agiann :P but never , reachh sk0l , assemblee . thann 1st period , mathhs , nothing tuhh do sleepp- . MrToh still not here . he extended his MC for 2dayys . ==. dragged for 2weeks lia0 . ==. after that , was Bio , but free periodd . (: go canteen , do MT homework . thankks david for helping , charmaine bastard , come and say us .. ''wahh , ur doing homework ? wow , hard to belive :P lols . '' thann recess , after that MT , MdmGohh lucky never ask wo write ans on board :P she ask peijun write , she go write so the ... LOLs . MdmGoh say she indian ppl . lol . after that , english lesson . went to hall and practise . hmm , sae MsLow T.T thann was having free periodd for Geo . but MsKala wants us to practise for competition . so stayed back 30mins pratices . (: thann 30 min free periodd . hahas . after that was to be Physic , but MsLin wan teach us Bio ==. so went to have Bio lesson . sleep - lol . super boring larhhs . :P hahas . ended school , slack . changed shirt , went to hall , ready for competition . (: hahas . ohmyyy . our class broke down half wayy :P after that we restart was haihao . hahas . but quite soft , no matter what MsKala say she will still treat us PIZZA (: hahas . thann went to bandd , jiu go canteen slack till 4 plus :P than go back bandd , hahas , awhile jiu go off , went to dental . hahas . changed braces . thann headed home , saw samanth at MRT (: reacchh homee , nothing muchh . WE are Missing YOU the 2ndd daee . hahas . :P
Monday, August 17, 2009 8:47 PM
(: ♥todaaeee , went school early , chat with trevor they all . thann boonkeat come , chat with himm , damm him , keep shooting wo ==. after that , MsTeng come , BoonKeat,Serene&Rachel go for OBS (NPCC) bueeiii ! see ya on fri . thann went to canteen slack . after that go for assembleee . hehez . at hall . saying about student conference ? hahas . thann go for lesson . first periodd was Physic , wooo ! MrLiew say wwo clever lehh :P i say i lan . he say if i lan than what is peijun :X ! lols , woo , he so kan de qi wo . hahas . asked hym about wo de promotion test , he say i cannt say , lets keep is as a sceret . BUT , i think u wont fail de la . ==. he is giving mi a big clue yea ? :P after that , went to maths lesson , sleep all the wayy . hahas . thann recess , than free periodd . than english . slack nia lurhh . lols . after that sec 2 ritual . aiyaa , playing around with david that dummb ==. lols . ended school , went to canteen , found oudd that i lost $60 in my wallet T.T called wesley ask , he say when he saw my wallet , money still in de . thann i asked hadi he say he never take , bobian , report to MrYong . MrYong ask wo report to MrLim , i msged hadi they all , sure never take ? i reporting to MrLim , than he tell wo he found money in his bag . ==. but sadd , idc , i juz report to MrLim , they return wo wo de money . Mr Lim settle . i go off , go canteen eat , slack , than go westmall watch movie . watched where got ghost , hahas . quite nice ? haihaobah . :P after finish movie , went off home . (: hMmmm , todayy TYZ de people come our school ! :D hahas , once went to china & their school before . :P still stay at their house . so miss that time , hahas , (: EE BOON KEAT : dun worry , i will sent u 100msg (: HADI : i really hope is not u who took the money , i belive u (:
Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:51 PM
REPAIRED (: ♥todaee , wakee urpp , msg withh trevor . (: thann use com .. chat withh peijun and trevorr . :D hahas . after that , cousin come .. so noisyy . Rony&Ryan play with qiqi&tingting till madd . so decided to go oudd with dajie to JurongPoint . go repair my phone , thann awhile jiu hao ler , taken backk . after that , go eat KFC .. * i eat BoonKeat tofu yea ? :P hahas . :D * thann went to walk walk . shopping . saw pamarler and jackie ==. lols . hahs . after that , went to coffee bean , slack there . eat & drink (: when going home , saw mummy and ahyi with tingting they all . hahas . thann went home ourself first , took 172 home . hahas . reachh home , bath , cos walk in rain juz now . kekez .:P going pack thingys for tomm , thann sleep ler . i guess ? lols . ending here , bueiiii . :D WAHHHAHAHHA , EE BOON KEAT OWN MI 3-4 THINGYS ! :D
Saturday, August 15, 2009 8:38 PM
OWNNNNN ! ): ♥todaee , wake up at about 12plus PM i thinkk ? :P thann use com , blahblahblah . thann go slackk . clean up room awhile . Finally mye room not messy ler . :P hahas , went to IMM . shopping , slack . went homee , bath . thann now coming blogging . Errr , BoonKeat ask wo see his blog . wthhh ~ he write a freaking big word . i noe i own uue laaa ! i will return , if i can :P hahas . DunWorry i will sent u 100msg at least . REASON , i DUNWAN to own u 10 more .. ==. arrrghhh , dunno how to return u . ==. stupidd vor , if i pass i own him something , if i fail own him something ==. ohhmyytiannn ! i dunwan to noe result ! ): NEVERMINDD , if pj pass or fail u will also DIE ! :DDDD HEHEHHEHEHEHHEHE ! nothing muchh lerr , ending here . maybe going oudd tomm . hahas .
Friday, August 14, 2009 8:37 PM
PROMOTION TEST (: ♥todaee , waken up , went oudd with dajie . meet peijunn . went to school , dajie went to work . hahas . reach school . assemble . my MT worksheet left in CD shelter . asked ms low to open door . hahas . *thank* (: thankks trevor for helping mi take my thingy too . :D first period , lit . wooohoo ! i pass my test :D wesley, peijun all fail . hehez . thann MT , T.T mdm goh give oudd 2 more homework again .. arghhh . D.I.E ==. after that , english lesson , at media hubb . hehez . aircon again alright :D so cool . done our thingy for the competition . mon stay back , pratise . got PIZZA ! :D after that recess , slack . chat , play :D hahas . :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD thann maths , play with wesley and davidd . lol . thann end school ler . hahas . went to canteen eat , than go study corner slack . after that , go toilet , polish shoes tgt with priscillia pebbles peijun and huiyu (: thankks , pris . (: after that , changedd to full-U . :D went to fall in . boohooo , prepare for promotion test at first . :D divided into 2 squard . thann practise dao half wayy , bk ask who dunno . dunno de go pebbles teach . end up all go . only left mi , shijie , peijun & janelle ==. lols , nice lor 4 ppl de squardd . lols . hehez , good , bk teach us new comman :D after that , promotion test . wahh , some of them timing so fast laaa ==. wan make mi D.I.E izzit ? zz lols . but think wo shijie and peijun will pass bahh . base on someone tell wo de thing . but dunno real maa .:P so dun belive too muchh . hahas . after promotion test , got TD presentation . hahas . presented . got our TD bedge ! :D finally got our 2nd badge . hahas . given oud by BK and miss yap . thann change go mufti , fall in , dismisser parade . (: ended . go basketball court , meeting ? lol. next wed got course ==. lols . sian . thann dissmiss , went to coffee shop with peijun , trevor , boonkeat and shijie . slack there awhile , trevor they all so bastard ==. zZzzzz . hias . thann went home , at bus stop saw ms teng and ms yap ==. lols . reach lotone , saw ms yap again ! ==. lols . so lucky horr . hahas . :P thann went home , bath . now gonna slack ! :D BOONKEAT , DAMM YOUU ! argghhhhh . ): i dunwan own YOU ! zZzzz . TREVOR , DAMM YOUU ! arghhhhhhh . PEIJUN , I DUNWANNN :P SHIJIE , u CY la , stop saying him lahh . ==. NEXT WEEK , Monday - Stay back for coural speaking preparation (PIZZA!) :D Tuesday - Coural specking competition ! Wednesday - NPCC course , Police Heritage Centre Visit . & Dental . Thursday - Lit test & BAND . Friday - NPCC ! Re-test promotion test for ppl who fail .. Within MON-FRI - sent BOONKEAT at least 100msgg ==.
Thursday, August 13, 2009 8:34 PM
BAND (: ♥todaee , wake urp , took cabby to school once again . :P reachh school , lucky not late ~ lols . hahas . thann first period , chemistry . boohoo ! MrChow 2nd time praise mi :P cos i pass-ed mye test :DDDDDDD hahas . thann maths , boring , play , chat , sleep . lols . than jiu end ler . go for digital art . funnN~ :D david so cuteeee . hahas . than recess , (: after that , MT , zZzzz , so mani homework again ): hahas . thann jiu PAP le , time go so fast horz . PAP , slack , chat , play . (: after PAP , stay back , MsLow talked to us . suddenly , i feel the happiness that when we get sliver last year . i think .. we are the only badge that sec1 go SYF . that's w chhyer&instruter giv us alot hope . lols , hias . thann go canteen eat , slack awhile , back to band . at band play dancing queen and others . hahas , time pass quite fast (: than jiu end ler , went home . bath , eat . now blogging & smsing . hahas . later gonna pack NPCC thingyy (: hao bahh , ending here then (: -shijie , goodluckk (: -boonkeat , i'm praying very hard that u wont guess dao :P
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:44 PM
SLACK . (: ♥todaee , almost late for school , therefore , took cabby :P reachh school , trevor lend wo tie . cos i never bring again . hahas . after assemble , geo test . ohmytiannnnn , i dun even noe how to do larhhh . thann MsKala come in say , english lesson would be at AVA room . :D hyppiee aIrcon . :D hahas . done some formation ! boohooo , my formation works ! :D stupidd MsKala say what todae's teacher is HuiMin ==. juz becos i planned the formation =.= english was quite funn , haha . than recess . slack . thann mathhs . was freaking bored .. lols . chatting all the way alright :D hahas . cher quite angry :P thann PE . slacking also . walking around the school and sitting at canteen chat . LOLL . hahas . thann MT , zzZZZz , about new paper thingy . need go letter writing . lols . after that , assemble . about S.E.X thingy ==. lols . quite lame . hahas . -sleep- ended school , go canteen slack . thann went to study corner there slack . waited for pebbles , trevor and boonkeat for them to end their NP meeting . :D thann they came down , went to basket ballcourt slackk . all so horny :P yuquan , alvinKHOO 1 more i dunno how to spell the name lol , bully vor . lols . kelian . thann play with boonkeat his wallet all that . lol . :P about 6plus PM . went home . boonkeat papa mama come drive him than we sent pebbles home . after that we went home . reach home , pass peijun my NPCC skrit . thann mummy ask wo go sunshine later . zZzzz , still thinking should i go ma . haha .
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 8:50 PM
CYCYCY .! (: ♥todaee , wakke urp , foundd oudd that my F480 phone sound system spoilt ? hiias , get not till very long spoilt liao . :S lols . saded . gonna sent for repair ! went to sk0l , so sueyyy ! in bus300 saw darrenLIM again . zzz . reach sk0l , chat with shijie trevor and peijun before going assemble . than went to assemble , Given MrYong my MC for last thurs . hahas . :DDDDDD first periodd free periodd cos MsLin never come . woohoo ! so suang . haha . canteen , slack . went to HomeEcon then , boring . but chatting with david and wesley . but cher dunno :P after that , history lesson , got back our test paper marks . boohoo ! got 14/16 win wesley and peijun ! hahaa . :P thann wentt to recess . with the same old ppl . after that , went to maths lesson . sian , was MsLiza again . cos MrToh got 1week MC . sianz . maths ended , went to englishh , quite fun ? haha , chatted NPCC thing with MsKala . :D thann went for chemistry , TEST . ==. sure fail bah ? ohhyaaa . MrChow bastardd . he sayy alot badd things about 4N3 class :X he call us dun be like them ! lols . after lesson , find MsKala . boohooo ! i got extra point . :D *secret :P thann go canteen slack with pebbles&co . :D thann went for band . chat with MsLow . cannot zai dun go band ler , MsLow gonna kill mi . lols . :P after chatting with MsLow , mi trevor shijie peijun go wash mouthpiece . become go slack at canteen with pebbles and boonkeat ! LOLL . walking back to bandd roomm , got catch by MsLow we go canteen slack ! LOL . went to band , SUPER sleepy , lols . finally sectional . :D slackk . we keep saying about .. CYCYCY ! :D hahas . after that , endd bandd . :D went to find pebbles . went to coffee shop . eat dinner . than sent pebbles and her didi home . :D after that , took cabby home . :D reach home , nothing muchh . :D *SHIJIE , CYCYCY ! :D *HADI , cheerupp ! she dunnoe how to treasure u is her lost . i bet u can find a much much much more better girl than her :D *TREVOR , thanks for helping mi in shooting back that hum ji kia :P *UNKNOWN(in mye tagboard) , whatever you wan say , PLEASE , write ur name (:
Monday, August 10, 2009 11:38 AM
(: ♥ HappyBirthdaeTuhh , GOHweiming (: Alright , shall start posting now then . (: hmm , GoodNews for trevor&boonkeat , i'm back tuhh maple . :D ytd play-ed maple for awhile , with trevor , hahas . almost forget all my skills :S wesley ask wo tuhh play audi also :S Now got to play 2 games ==. lols . hmmMm , todaee , gonna Rot @ home . was to go for movie , but pebbs cant go oudd . :S however , plan has change to wed . :D hahas . *hope they dun have NP meeting ): ohyaaa , stupidd bloggerr ==. the bold all that de bottom gone once again :S so mafann , hias . somehow sometimes i H.A.T.E bloggerr . hias . Gonna endd here lerh bahhs , juz a short post fur todae . Might be playing maple/audi later on . hahas . (: AHHHHHHHH ! Congrats shijie di , finally grown up to like someone ! :D shall not say he like who laa , later he shall kill mi :P hahas . althought u does not really have a good taste , but GOODLUCKK ! :D -but u so baddd never tell mi , still need i find oudd . haiyo ! :(
Sunday, August 9, 2009 3:31 PM
MAPLE ? o.O ♥ HappyBirthdaee SINGAPORE ! :D hMmm , todaee , once wake up , help-ed to takecare nephew(s) . haha . boohoo ! help-ed them bathh leh . LOLs . quite funny :P hahas . they're CUTE . :D after that , mummy came back , dunnid takkecare ler . hehez . used lappy , tried to audi with trevor juz now , still can la , but quite hard to play . wondering should i play maple later on anot . cos boonkeat ask wo go back maple ~.~ . diao , asked mi to start from lvl 1 again ! wondering how much time i need start from lvl 1 . hahas , maybe or maybe not playing bahs , cos lappy no maple . if wan , need to DL . hias . sianz . lols . stopping mye post here le bah . for today . cos , gonna go help trevor change his blogskin again ! :D OHYAA ! i think i have already win the bet with trevor ! hehez . :D ohmytiann , tomm is weiming's birthdaeee . i almost forgortten . :P haven buy presents or anything leh . woops . :X
Saturday, August 8, 2009 10:36 PM
hyppieee ! (: ♥ Ytd , changedd mye blogskin . (: but .. dunno izzit right or wrong to change ==. after done mine , helped on trevor's too . he same with mi , dunno which one nicer . lol . thann done all ler , off com , sms-ed trevor . have a bet with him . lols . but is *secret . :P todaee , wake upp , cant use com . ==. sanjie and weiming dunno did what to it . somehow cant open , it's spoilt ? hias , dunno la . everytime make spoilt things . fook ==. so watch show , till 3plus , forgotten meet shijie they all :P indeed no one call mi tell mi . lol . quickily went to bath and prepare , went oudd , saw shijie . lol . thann peijun . :D walk-ed to lotone . took MRT . than go bukitbatok there for national day celebration (: was to skip tgt with wesley peijun and davidd derhh , but ms kala caught us ==. she noe what' we gonna do T.T so sueyy . so bo bian , went back . chat (: than after that , end ler , boonkeat k0l us for dinner , so went with him lurh . went back sk0l first . cos they need change away full uniform . lols . after that , went to west mall eat , with pj , sj , bk , hy and pris . :D hahas . after eating , hy and pris went off . than 4 of us chat chat chat till about 9plus PM . went off , go lotone meet mummy , go buy things than went home . reachh home , used lappy now . hard to play audi . hias . sad . zzz . lols . ending here ler , nothing much . Thankk AlvinWEE for telling mi the truth, althought things has past so long ago. Part of it thanks YiTing too . (: think nort becos of you , he wont tell mi also bahh . hahas . Really thanks to you guys . THANKS . :D
Friday, August 7, 2009 7:12 PM
Moviee , UP . ♥ ![]() todaee , wake up at about 9.30am . packed and went oudd , find trevor . at lotone . (: eat breakfast , Peijun's wearing , ROX . she went home change clothes LOL . waited for her , headed to bukitbatok . meet pebbles & boonkeat . (: went up to arcade , playyyed . :D hahas . went to buy movie tickets .. :D UP , 2.30pm . lols , still have time , continew arcade ==. lols . top-ed up $40 . hahas . went to movie , quite nice . hahas . boohoo ! i sit beside trevor , die le .. he got h1n1 , later i ganna :X lols , joking .. hahas . :D *somemore share food with hym ~.~ after movieee , boonkeat wantedd to go sakae ~ LOLLs . so we went .. hahas , eat quite less ? LOL , FIRST time not i force ppl . is ppl FORCE mi . T.T lols . i swear it would be 1st and last time . keke . :XX after eating , is about 6plus ler . boonkeat got lesson at 8pm ? so need go home . than peijun need go meet online' frens . so need go off . so all went home . hahas . :D reachh home , mummy ask wo go down for BBQ ==. but sad , i dunwann :X going audi soon , i guess . lols . ending here le bahh . nothing muchh . P/S : thinking should i go celebrate national day tomm ? :X or should i pon againn ? hmmm .
Thursday, August 6, 2009 5:03 PM
:D ♥WOOOO ! Blogger finally hao le ! :D hMmm , did not went to sk0l todaeee . :P wakee urp by the sms spammed by TrevorYeow(KING) :X asked wo play audi ==. lols . play-ed with himm . thann alvin join .. zzz . lols . playplayplayy , thann mummy ask wan go ahma house ma . i dunwan . :X after that , about 1plus pm , so tired went to take a nap :X wake up , going audi soon . cos the KING wan play :X LOLL . hahas . goingg oudd tomm . watch movie & SAKAE ! :D ** boonkeat , will found oudd about SAKAE . :D hahas . (: going audi le , nothing muchh todayy (:
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 3:52 PM
NothingMuchh . ♥ wake urp at 7am . :P was SUPER late for sk0l todayy . hmm . *Sorry worrr , pj ~ for letting u wait fur so long , keke . oversleep . ps . ccabbyy to sk0l . :P die le laaa , now days got habit of taking cabb ==. **TRYING to change ! dunwan waste money on cabby anymoreee . awwww . ): reachh sk0l , okayy i'm late . but without taking yellow form . :D hias . but still consider late ? i guess bahh . hias . FIRST time okkayyy ! zzZzz . went to canteen for 1st period , cos free period . MsSalina never come . boohoo ! so sueyy , mdm wong over there , asked mi and peijun go over . guess what ? caught us not going band ytd ~.~ lols . and asked alot about the ''position thingy . hias . **SORRY for boom-ing ur guyys oudd , i was been FORCE by KellyChia and SandyWong . ==. went to maths after the chat with Chers . ~.~ hias . Ms liza last dayy with us , gonna change maths cher to MrToh liao . wonder how would it be , he firece bo ? my class scared hym maa ? can he handle my class ? so many question in my mind . lol . Reason : MsKala scolded us , and say our class is MOST naughty among sec 2's . hias , MOST of the cher cant handle us , that why we keep changing cher . T.T . lols . after that , went to HomeEcon . SOOOO SUEYYY ! noe why ? normally HomeEcon i DUN sit with wesley and davidd de lurhh . than very good de . TODAYY , i sit with them , cher keep looking at us ==. SOMEMORE , punished mi david wesley for keep talking all that . damm it . lols . so sueyyyyy . after HomeEcon , went to canteen , recess . :D slackking yea ? haha . than go for englihs lesson . we are so guai today . Reason : we made Ms Kala cried ytd . all feel so sorry for her . +( done some bunny song with class ! :D so funyy , hahas . :D history lesson after that , having test . ohmyytian . i cant really understand ''tone and purpose . HOPE than i will pass . :D after that , class inter was cancel and was surpose to go hall . finally , ended sk0l . went home straight by cabby also . ==. lols . hias . reach home , playing audi later . now patching . :D
Monday, August 3, 2009 5:25 PM
BooHoo .! :P ♥todayy , morning , wake up , took cabby with peijun . to west mall . BOOHOOO the uncle SUPER nagging . is like nagging us . alot alot thingy ==. reach ler , go MAC findd davidd&wesley . :D *i NEVER bomb uue hor* lols . eaten breakfast , slack . lols . went to sk0l tgt . help-ed david take his heavyy bag . cos he got something on ? zz . went to canteen with wwesley andd peijun . hahas . slackk ~ than go assemble . thann go physic lesson . playing around :P thann go mathhs , cher SUX lahh . ==. keep talking , she keep scolding :X lols . after thatt , recess , eat tgt with david&co . :D hahas . :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD thann free periodd 1 hour . :D done myee chinese homework leh ! i so guai :P david pass mi his levi's wacth to keep sio ~.~ lols . :P went to english lesson , OHMYYYYYY , david watch spoilt ==. LOLL . THANKS TO WHO ? WESLEYYYYY ! :X hahas . jk la . :X hahas . by right was to do English project derh , but end up never do . :P hahas . in fact , we made spoilt ms kala's card board . :P too bored ? hahas . she sooooo angryy lahh . lols . ~ :DDDDDDDDD she angry , we happy . :X bleahh . after that , went to ritual . boohoo ! eat lolipop . MrYong angry :P hackcare , continew eating . hahas . thann slack , went off . go west mall with shijie and peijun , go do something , *secret* . :P went home , due to WESLEYY . ==. keep calling wo go home audi .. zzz mafan ren .:P reachh home , audi awhile , bath , now blogging . going back audi soon . Audition , THANKKS trevor for helping mi train ! :D -YAYYYY , trevor AhKor going buy monkey for mi ! wooo :DDDDDDDDDD -YAYYYY , sherman AhDi going buy shirt for mi ! wooo :DDDDDDDDDD -YAYYYY , wesley AhKor going buy pants for mi ! woo :DDDDDDDDDD THANKS , THANKS , THANKKKKKKKKKS ! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Sunday, August 2, 2009 8:08 PM
Dead Bored . ♥todayy , wake urp , audition with trevor . somehow he siao le . :P early in the morning ask wo audi . LOL . :P hahas . went to audi withh hymm , soon peijun , alvinWEE , sherman joined . (: *thankks vor , for helping wo wor . ! :DDDD* about afternoon ? help-ed alvinWEE for DENs . played UBP . with vin and vor . (: but mi and vor is so totally drained laa . ==. only vin not . zz . play till alvinWEE tgt . thann we never play le . went to take a nap :P wake up , went to sunshine place with mummy and nephew(s) . saw ex-classmate ~.~ lols . brought 10k @cash also . mummy pay :P hahas . thann went back home , shin chen say wanna plae wo de account ~.~ so given him ~ went going play when he not playing le bahh . thinking , want to go breakfast tomm with david , wesley & wild boar anot . cos tomm lesson start at 8.45am . Hias . maybe see i can wake up anot bahh . :X hahas .
Saturday, August 1, 2009 7:59 PM
HmmMm . ♥todae , audi whole daee ? hahas . nothing muchh . except that . ohyeaa , lvl 15 ler ! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Concordd Primary School ' o7 Gradated students gathering . :D on o8o8o9 ! :DDDDDD anyone wanted to go find ShereenHiew or JoesphHoo ? hahas . :D cyaaaa . maybe going . maybe nort . :D wishh MOST 6F'o7 ppl got go . miss ya ! :P hmm , bill come le wor , $27.95 . so cheap :P used 2162 sms , but is unlimited >.< hahas . ohya , vorvor sick worr , takkecaiire , recover soon yea ? :DDDDDDD haha . he got 7days MC sio . ~.~ Good , can help wo train audi :P wahaha . :X ending here le , nothing muchh . going back audi :P |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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