Friday, July 31, 2009 11:28 PM
NPCC ! :D ♥ todayy , went to sk0l as per normal . sit down at parade square . guess what i do down there ? i'm actually studying ! :P for lit test . haha . Thankks sherman for helping mi , yea ? :DDDDDDDD 1st periodd jiu shi lit ler . sianz , dun really noe how to do =.= (last min study) after that , 2nd period was MT . BOONKEAT , saw his amanda :X hahas . went to MdmGoh class , 1st day started in her class . she say now we her ppl le ==. was actually nort badd . butt ... freaking lots of homework were given ~.~ thann went to english lesson . boohoo ! slacking all the wayy . listening to songs (: after that , went to cafe and slack , eat . :D hahas . thann went to maths lesson . BORED . Thankks wesley for helping mi in my maths homework . maths ended , class , school ended ! :P went to canteen . chat , slack . about 1.45pm , went to change full-u with janelle , peijun , clarissa , claire &co. after changing , went to canteen slack again . hahas . :X training starts . YEAAA . boonkeat , pebbles , alvinKHOO &co take us . soo happy . end up i noe that one idiot take sec 2 also mood DOWN ! ==. -hackcare . at first that idiot take whole sec 2 squard . no one ans , care her . :DDDDDDDDDDD after that boonkeat ask who dunno squard fall oud he teach us . i fall out :X cos i dunwan be in that idiot squard okay ! :XXXXXXXX but something make mi super happy , hahahas ! 1st , pebbles andd boonkeat took my squard ! :DDDD sooo happie & fun . 2ndd , my squard all noe drills !! wooo ! hahas . training was smooth ! :D LOVES pebbles and boonkeat taking squard . V. much . :P went to P.T after that , was indeed bored . cos pebbs not hyper .. boonkeat nort there .. hias . song & cheer with them lead was suX . that period .. i SUPERRR miss CHEWjiahui's badge . was muchmuchmuch better ! :X after P.E , changedd into mufti . parade , ended . :D went to foyer/canteen waited for boonkeat & pebbles . hahas . go coffee shop and had our dinner . :D thann we sent pebbles home . took bus with boonkeat , peijun and shijie . headed home . reach home , audi awhile . hyppieee ! lvl 14 ler . :X hahas . :DDDDDD ending here ler , going audi again ! :D
Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:55 PM
Sueyyy . ♥todaee , went to sk0l as per normal . :D asked peijun pass zhenwei tie to alvin , ask him pass zhenwei . hehe . **thankks zhenwei for lending mi tie over and over again! :D** went to assemble . woosh ! never bring thermomether again ~ no one notice ! :X thann go for lesson . first period , chemistryy , sianz . ==. after that maths lesson . woohoo ! funn sio , play-edd with wesley ! haha . thann art . wooo , hyppieee , draw-ed a birthday cake for singapore using flash :D recess , slack with the same old people . :D hahas . MT , cher never come . but need go Mdm Goh class . zZzz . ==. sianz . once i step in class , she catch my attire ==. my ear stick too ==. having a test . fook , idk how to do . than mdm goh say ... ''from next lesson onwards , u come mye class'' ==.!!! arggghhh . ohmyytiann , cant imagin to be in her class siaaa. die . ==. hiiassss . :( after that , go PAP . slack there onlyy . hahas . quite funn , hahas . thann end ler , go canteen slack . :D tgt with , wesley , david , peijun , shijie . damm , they keep disiao ==. thann about 3.30pm , went to band training . :DDDDDD hahas . playing songs & such . hahas . quite funn ? hahas . after band , went home . with peijun samantha &co . hahas . :D
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 8:33 PM
haha ! ♥ a short post for today , gonna go audi ! :X went late for sk0l . :X 6.45 than wake up from my nightmare of mr yong . :X reachh school , luckkyy no one saw . hahas , somehow so many day nv bring thermometer le . but no one notice . i juz anyhow write a temperture ! :X first period , free , so cher never come . hahas . mr lim thought we pon class . lols , slack at canteen , with wesley&co . hahas . :DDDDDDDDD than went to english , fook , helped wesley , end up my phone confiscated ==. BOTH phone ! went to recess without my phone ): hias . thann went to maths , got test . wahahaha ! THANKS wesley ! :DDDDD after that PE . free period again ! wooo ! mr ho never come . lols . so funn . than MT , sianz . sleeped . :X than go class inter . cher return my phone finally ! haha , 30min early dissmiss . went home . juz wake up from my sweet sleep . :X ganna spamm 50miss call by wesley ~ ==. now going audi ? hahas . bueii ~
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 8:11 PM
Band ! ♥todayy , went to sk0l .. Almost late again ? lols . but neverr! :D went for bio lessons , was reallyy madd over david&wesley ! ==. thann , went for home econ class . yea ! pratical . :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD cooked with nisa ! stupidd david&wesley sitted same table as us ! ==. keep disiaooo . arghhh . nvm . went to history after that . hias , somehow ms meges changes ? that's what mi , david , wesleyy thinks . ): after history , went to recess , slackk ~ thann maths , freaking funny ! :X thann englishh , boohoo ! Japannnn . grouped with david , wesley , amas , yuqiang and peijun . after that chemistryy . woo ! FIRST time been praised by him ! hahas . than end school ler , went to canteen slack with daivd wesley sherman &co . waiting for band to start . CONgraz david has joined back band ! :DDD went to band practise . once went him . WOO , the floor is soooo damm blue ! lols . thann ms low saw mi , called mi sit beside her , chatted . lols . i thought she wanted to scold mi for not going band . but she did not , she chatted with us and told mi to takecare ! hahas . thann band started , woo , almost forget every notes . :X aft band , go coffee shop eat with sherman trevor&co . hahas . than went home , reach home , play audi . with , trevor , alvin WEE , sherman , jacquelyn &co . :DDDD -joined GS's fam ~ yeaaa . hahas . :DDDDDDDDDDD
Monday, July 27, 2009 9:56 PM
BackToSchool . ♥todaay , went to school . hahas , it has been about 4days i never go sk0l :X reach school , MrYong 1st thingy is take from mi MC . ==. pass-ed to hym mye MC . hahas . he bo wei kong . :X hahas . :DDDDDD thann 1st periodd art . sian . getting fad up with flash . ==. hiiassss . after that chemistry . WOOO ! David and Amas become guai le sehh . do work de ! haha . stupidd peijun so late :X cannot sit with her , sit with DAMM daviddd . ==. lols. thann MT . freaking sian , having test . zzz . anyhow do :X recess .. history , did some work . :D wooo , damm funnyyy , chatting with david and wesley . :D thann physic , zZzz , mr liew . ask david they all put flower pot on head or shouler . LOLL , david put is dammmmm funny & cute de lor ! lols . firman dunwan put , mr liew wan take his bag he quickily run take oud a thingy ***** . hahas . last lesson , englishhh . OHMYGOOODDD .Mskala become NPCC ma'am ! ==. i cant imagin . zzz . she wear full u comfrim very ''nice'' got to do conprehansion . but we never do . ahhahaha ! me david wesley peijun keep playing . than listen song , sent song . :D david and wesley so cute laaa ! :X both so gayyyy ! ahhaa . but sadd , both my kor , cant say bad about them . lols . after sk0l , went to westmall for lunch with boonkeat&co . hahas . wakaoo , boonkeat DAMMM bastard . :X mimi , cant say . lols . thann went home , play-ed audi all the way . with , Trevor , AlvinWEE , chew mei &co . :DDDDDD buying crumpler with peijun and trevor , so not so early . cos they need save money .. zzz maybe on 29.8.09 ! hahas . :DDDDD
Sunday, July 26, 2009 8:08 PM
2nd day of Batam (: ♥wake up at about 7am . went to breakfast . ! (: thann slack in hotel will about 9am . took bus to market . mummy buy alot alot alot fishes siaa ~ lols . 9packet . ! :DDD hahas . thann went to eat durian and snake skin fruit ? lols . eeeyerrr i dun dare eat :X i eat durian niaa . kekez . :DDDDDDDD thann went back to hotel , bath all that , eat lunch . woww , mani food laa~ lols . than slackkk ~ FUNNN . hahas . about 12-1pm went to take ferry . back to singapore . :D reach singapore at about 4pm plus . took private bus back home . wakao , so many things lahhh . zzz . hahaas . -Rony&Ryan sick this few dayyys . Ryan currently having fever . -YAYYYY ! mummy going buy for mi crumpler ! (TOMM) ! hyppieeeeeee ! :X
Saturday, July 25, 2009 7:49 PM
Bintam Trip . (: ♥ ![]() Morning , 6am went dowm , took our private bus to the place to take ferry ! :X woooo . freaking cold while on the way there . hahas . reached at a fast speed okay! took ferry to bintam . about 2hours trip sio ~ listen to song , sleep :X reach there , went to Bintam mall . eat , shop ! hahas . brought shoes , polo-tee & others . hehez . the money there so small .. $1 = there de 7000 ! lols . i brought that shoes for 395000 ! :X so ex ? haha . thann went to market , brought some thingyy also . went hotel , woo , VIP room for us lehh ! got TV somemore . hahas . the room quite small ? but quite high class , not as low class as wat i think (: slack ~ thann chit chat all that . hahas . went down hotel , took private bus to shop for things ~ things there are so cheap laa ~ hahas . brought alot alot biscuits . ! :DDD thann went to see monkeys . ohmytian ! the monkey eat what (u guess) they eat chocolate(s) ~ mye uncle brought sooooo many chocolate for monkeys ==. than see crocodile . uncle ask wo sit on it ==. he help wo take photo . i DIEDIE dunwan . lols . so scary and smelly :X hahas . thann went around bintam . sooo many things to shop . spent about $200 singapore . in one ddayyy ! hahas . on shopping nia worrr . :X than went lunch , woow , seafood & such . still got karaok ! :X blahblahblah , dun really rmb everything . at night karaok again ~ hehes , got massage also ! wooo! so cool . thann sleep at about 12am plus i guess . hahas .
Friday, July 24, 2009 8:20 PM
Absent . ♥woo , short post about this week then ? Monday - nothing much . Tuesday - did not attend band training :X Wednesday - went find julian&co ? Thursday - MC . did not went sk0l :X did not go band too . Friday - MC . did not went sk0l :X did not go npcc too . Saturday - Bintam . :D Sunday - Bintam . :D
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 10:40 PM
BloggerProblem! ♥Sorry , wont be posting recently . Myee blogger is having problem ! Fook ! ending here ler . nothing muchh .
Monday, July 20, 2009 10:50 PM
Buddy? :X ♥ todaee , wake up late , about 7.30am than waken up :X meet peijun , took cabby to school . ALMOST late okay ! keke . went straight to home room . MrYong CUTE .. yea ? :X ask mi , u and peijun really good buddy hor . 1 never come school another one also never come . 'than i give him a letter for not going school on fri . hahas . 1st period , physics . Got damm test . MrLiew let us off early todae ! hahas . 2nd period , maths , sleep all the way :X hahas . freaking boredd . 3rd period . FREE ! for 1hr 30min ! hahas ! so happyyyy ~ thann 4th , english . sian de lor . but can use handphone and listen to song ! somemore can got free sweet to eat ! haha . than finally last period . sec2 ritual . slacking there nia la . thann julian&co. come trevor house there slacking . than go lan shop . freakkk ~ saw david&co . than saw jianzhang&co. also . suayy de lor ! :X after that , pei them take mrt . than go home . reach home . conference . nothing much end here le . (:
Sunday, July 19, 2009 11:45 PM
PlayGroundd ! ♥todaee , was waken up by mummy at about 6.30am . hahas , went to help up with the event thingy . (: went home early , 10plus went to meet peijun and trevor . hahas . they help me take my BIG piggy ! :X than went to lotone MAC , eat breakfast over there . :D than went to kallang . find julian . at study corner there . (: than go playground there slack ~ about 9plus went off . took MRT and buses . ohmytian . quiet long i guess ? hahas . nothing much ler , ending here . bueii ~
Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:38 PM
Audition ? ♥ todaee , wake up , play audition . hahas . with quite alot of ppl . ? forget :X thann nothing much to do ~went to uploadd the past few days photo ! kekexx . trevor & peijun's face so nicee rite ?! :X Lmao . :DDDDDDDDDD afternoon , sleep :X sleep for dunno how long . lolz . than back to audi . hahas . aiyaaa , audi whole day jiu dui ler . hahas . with , Trevor , Julian , Peijun , Mark , Sherman , AlvinWEE & Julian fren . hahas . (: now going to conference with Julian , trevor andd peijun again ~ hahas . about tomm going oudd dde plann ~ :DDDDDDDDDDDD ending here ler , short short post niaaa ~ :X
Friday, July 17, 2009 11:25 PM
Bowling (: ♥ todaee , never attend sch00l . :X Due to lazyness . hahas . went to bukitbatok and meet trevor .. than headed to find Julian&co . hahas . than headed to bugis ~ shopp ? i guess so . hahas . while shopp-ing , everyone is sending aroundd peijun's funny photo taken by mi , when testing phone . LOL after that , took cabby to vivo . meet claire , aloy & zhixiang . ~ lols . was to watch movie , but no more tickets . so went to kallang for bowling . haha . wooo ~ trevor win claire sio ! :X by 8marks onlyy ~ hahas . sadded . :X thann claire &co . went home first . we went KFC eat . ~ than slack ~ hahas . YC say he wanted to go home ==. than we pei hym to bus stop lurhhh ~ :D hahas . thann Gran also went home , cos his mum/dad come fetch hymm ? lols . after awhile , mi , trevor , peijun & julian slacking at bus stop . they are indeed madd . play UNO all that on chair without cards ==. LOLL . dunno how they plae derh . hahas . thann trevor need go home , is about 8plus PM ler .. so we took 11 to kallang MRT . trevor went home , me peijun julian went to Geylang Methodist Pri ? i guess so . there . slacking over there . found oudd ALOTT of peijun's thing that she lied to mi !!! HUMPPP . nvm . thann about 9plus to 10plus PM -i guess . julian went home . me andd peijun also went home . hahas , took MRT . so fast reach home ler . lol . reach home , dajie playing audi with trevor , alvinWEE and sherman ==. zzz . damm it ~ i conference with peijun julian and grann . haha , after that trevor join in . we went to sleep at about 12plus AM bahh . hahas . -did not expect u're such a person ! ohmytiannn ! ~
Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:21 PM
Kallang -.- ♥ todae , went to sk0l , meet vor @ malay room there . :D thann go home room . hahas , yayyy 8.15am than start lesson for todaee . haha . 1st period CHEMISTY . ==. luckily 30min nia . LOL . :D hahas . thann maths , MsLiza never come , it's free periodd . slack at canteen . :D thann Art . quite funnyyy . hahas . ms angel wear an angel shirt again~ hahas . so cute . after that , recess . thann MT . ohmygodd , super super boredd . cant msg also . zZzzz . damm it . i hate it . hiazzz . than jie PAP . woooo ! MsLow say no PAP ! sooo happy . haha , become 2hour free period . ahaaas . but 1.15pm can leave school ler . YEAHH ! :X thann go Mac slack . wait vor and sj there . *P.S , desiree &co . did'nt watch movie with u guys :S went to kallang there , find Julian&co . ==. lols . :X meet themm , than go bowling ~ hahas , thann they go movie, we go KFC . Reason: we dunwan watch that movie , if not gonna watch 2 times ==. lols ~ ;X thann they come oudd ~ chat ~ all that .. than took bus&mrt home . hahas . the trip home we thought would be soooo long . but is not .. so fast ~ lol . hahas . :D -tomm going bugis ? -tomm going vivo ? -tomm going bugis&vivo ? LOLL . -think so .
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 8:57 PM
OhMy .. ♥ todae , meet peijunn , went to sk0l ~ reach school , go EL room . slack ~ ==. thann went for lesson , all that , todae's lesson are FUN ! :D not becos of cher okay ! is becos we playing . ahha . :X keke . (: BUT i HATE MT . ==. stupidd cher , catch wo use phonee 2 times . ==. somemore , keep say wo keep saying ''kaopei'' to wesley ==. lols . :XXXX during PE . damm freaking ... ==. lols . play-ed badmition with david&co . haha . after that , went home , sorry pebbles , PS u againn . kekex . :X reach home , conference with Trevor.Peijun.Julian . (: *todae tie day , but i never wear tie . :X i never even wear uniform lahh! :X
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:09 PM
History! ♥ todaee , late for school :X hahas , once reach EL room 1 , MrYong call mi ==. nagg-ed at me outside classroom ==. zZzzz , keep tok crap ~ zZzzz . say mi david , yuqiang &co . never pay attention in class ~ lame horrz . hahas . :X thann , 1st lesson , Biology ~ sianz . eating sweets and sleeping all the wayy . ==. hahas . slacking niaa ~ lols . thann went got F&N more worst , already sian , go F&N more sian ==. hahas . zZzzz . went for history after F&N . Hyppiee ! not sian ler ! hahahahs . Reason : Get full marks for test ! hahas , 4 ppl got full mark ! me , wesley , claire and fadilah :D thann learn about tone &co . hahas . quite funn ~ :DD finally recess ~ slack , than late for maths lesson :X haahs , @ maths lesson playing nia~ :X thann english lesson , sianz , ganna change place , never sit with AhKor(s) ler ): never sit with famous bastaard(amas) and yuqiang also . hiias ~ hahas . finally last lesson , chemistry . SUPER BORED . i sleep :x hahas . & sms-ing in class also :X end school , took cab home with shijie and peijun . hahas . (: now going audi soon bahhs ! hahas . yyayyyy ! mye audi got couple again ler ! :X keke . :DDDDDDDDDDD
Monday, July 13, 2009 7:09 PM
JurongPoint . ♥ ![]() todae , went to school . but meet wesley , david and yuqiang at bus inter . hahas . -Due to david's AHKOR request . ==. hahas . took , bus . ALMOST late , ALMOST need to write lines . lols . so heng ~ hahas . first lesson jie IT , hmm , quite funn , haha , playing around with aqilahh ~ :DD *cutee* thann go got chemistry . zZzz stupiidd , peijun so slow . end up sit with DAVID ==. lols . suey +X thann play around , hmm , wesley they all keep ask wo plae maple ! ==. hahas . but good leh , if i play he spon me at LEAST 2m . :D hahas . not 2meso hor ! +X hahas . thann yuqiang almost get catch to MrLim . cos he scold what the fuck . cher heard . hahas , he suey lurh . hahas . ohya , famous bastard(amas) never come todae . :O after that , go MT , group work . saw wesley drawing . FUNNY DE LOR ! +X hahas . laughted till stomachh pain . hahas . :DDDDDDDD -Recess- went to history , having test . is easy de okay ! :X hahas . watch a show* . hahas . but at there msg with hadi . when he sit beside mi . HAHA ! :X thann go plysics , is BORED de okay ! but plae with wesley&yuqiang somehow . haha . after that finally last period , english . before go eng so madd la . play-ed with yuqiangg . hahas . than go in class . shouted like madd ~ :DD group work once again , grouped with wesley peijun and david . hahas . we very guai okay ! we got do . hahas . :DDDDD lallallallala ~ thanks wesley also . :X thann go canteen slack awhile . toob cab to bus stop ==. cost $3 hahahah ! :X thann go JP . shoppiing ! woohooo ! spent 20 over dollar ! :X hahas . trevor go see phone also . :D than went home . after that , go home . reach home nothing much . think going back plae maple lahh ! wesley andd david keep fan mi to plae ==. -ytd something wont happen , happened ==. * david yong has become mye ahkor ==. lols .
Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:17 PM
MadShopping :D ♥ todaee , wake urp by mummy at 6.30am *yawn* went oudd at 6.50am , went to an event ~ selling items there :D hahas . hmm , sell till about 10plus am , asked shijie help wo buy breakfast . kekex . Reason : he at my house near by also . having tution . :D thann , he help wo buy waffle and SIX packet of coffee for mummy&co . lols . after passing to me , he went home . hahas . i continew selling there ~ till about 3pm ~ went home , bath , prepare and such . mummy bring ryan go oudd with her friends . than me and dajie bring rony oud . about 4plus pm went oud . went to eat KFC for lunch/dinner . lols . than went to krangi . shop for clothes, shorts&co . :DD gosh , spended about 200 over dollar there . than went back to lotone . went to aries . hmm , shop for rubber bands , ear rings & such . hmmmm . guess what ? spended 30 over dollar at there . 1st time ~ hahas . got 2yrs free member ~ thann went to kiddy palace . hmm , brought rony&ryan stuffs . spended 80 over dollar ==. lols . after that , went to lotone's this fashion . :D brought 40 over dollar .! LOLs . hmmm , than dajie help wo buy 1 @cash 10k de . to returnn wesley for his birthdae present (owned) . lols . from april till now =X thann , headed to buy shoes . keke . brought 2 pair ~ spended 20 over dollar . lols . finally , headed home . hahas . hmmm , todae total spended , $350 and over . lols . juz for shopping ONLY . :X if plus eat , drink all that , should be $400 over . hahas . :DD
Saturday, July 11, 2009 6:15 PM
ShoppingQueen ! (: ♥todae , wake urp quite early lurhh ! x.x play-ed audition with , trevor , shijie , chewmei and peijunnn . suddenly shinchen msg wo . haha , wanted to plae audition tgt . so he joined us ! :D YAYYYY . we wanted to create our very own fam ! :D !~Retarded~! (: hahas . play-ed till about 1pm plus , never play liaoz . went to prepare .. went to JP with mummy&nephew(s) . go shop for things to go batam ! :D about 2pm plus , headed to JP . :D hahas , took bus 172 . (: reach-ed there , went to buy shorts . brought THREE shorts ! :D spent .. almost $90 .. keke , 1 for $29.9 . hahas . :X thann , went to buy ahem ~ than go shop ~ brought shoes & co . also . hahas . todayy really spent lot(s) of moneyy ! long time never shop ler . X: thann head-ed home , took 172 also . (: hahas . reach hhome , erjie and starstar going oudd , cos , erjie going buy phone ! :D yayyy ! 1 more extra phone . hahas , cos erjie buy new de than old de is extra liaoz ! wahahahha , house so many extra(s) phone now . lolz . HYPPIIEEE ! :D hmmm , nothing moree much about todae . (: going play audition soon again . ohyaa , thanks shijie&trevor for audi 2x exp ! :D TYVM . and thanks them again for helping me train abit . hahas :D
Friday, July 10, 2009 1:26 PM
Fever .? ♥ ![]() in the morning , mye temperture was 37.2 . so was alright yeaa ? (: went to PE then , thought no PE sio . but end upp have .. zZzz . anyway , it's the 1st PE lesson conducted after the june holidaes . :D luckily i pass-ed mye NAFA-test .! woohooo! hahas , quite happy sio ! cos ... mye 2.4 run is use walk derhh . :XX kekex . nice one right ? haha . than high&weight . YAYYY ! i grown taller now ! hyppiee ! hahas . but still short lah ==. now i'm 155 ! :X hmmmm , think peijun dunwan mi say about weight , so i shall not say . :D after that was free games . play-ed badmiton with peijun . gosh ... her badmiton skill was ''GREAT'' ==. lols . play with her is like getting off my life . :X lol . after that , went to english lesson . hmm , did group work . :D HP was been keep by Hadi&co . ==. lols . but get back at last . haha ! so funny . :X thann went to MT , hmm shall thank yuqiang for something ! :D *secret* MT was group work also, but was bored , i'm simply juz copying :X hahas . thann finally recess , nothing muchh ~ hahas , went to maths lesson . hmmmm , take temperture . GOSH , i'm fever ==. 37.6 .. ==. need go down foyer derh , but i never keke . i tell cher i 37.5 nia :X take almost 3 or more times , but still very high ==. dunno whye . did care ~ X: finally endded school , but was raining , so went to canteen , slack . thann went home when rain is abit smaller . :D took cabb . keke . with , shijie , peijun and brian . :D hahas . was funny indeed . i dun need pay ! :X hahas . thann went home , going audition soon . if not SOMEONE gonna nag @ mi . ==. bueii ~ haha , nothing much ler . come post again tomm then . *Relative has just pass away todae . -Sad . {R.I.P}
Thursday, July 9, 2009 4:25 PM
TiredDay . ♥Goshh , ytdd slept from afternoon till todae morning ! x.x wake up at 6am todaeee . hahas . went to school . dunno whye this few day so suey . keep saw-ing DarrenLim . ==. lols . went to school . alomost late againn . lols . hahas . went to maths lesson , cher teach , we chat withh aqilahh . kekee . so so cute ! :X than go for recess . todae's recess so early horz ?! lols . than chemistry . ahem . did not went . ahem . slack @ EL room there . thann history , wooo , MsMeges so good . hahas . :D enjoyy her lesson ! :DDDDD English then , siannn . keep talking and playing only haha ! :X thann go for PAP (band) finally MrHo come . was funnyyy . :D he keep suan mi lahh ! ==. lols . and suan jiwon also ! hahas , HA JI WON . LOL . thann suddenly he angry with percussionnn T.T lolzzz . however end very fast , time goes fast also . yayyyyyyyyyyyy ! next week band will be at Music room . cos CD shelter floor need renovate . :D will be new derhh sooon . ! hahahs , this one so dirty . :X after that end school , go canteen eat . :D than went home. cab-ed with shijie andd peijun . Amas keep calling mi for timetable ==. ! damm . going audi soon . if not someone gonna kill mi yea ? lols . bueii !
Wednesday, July 8, 2009 4:16 PM
♥todaee , go to school as per normal lurhhh . but .. sae MsOng at bus ! :D sit with her lehh . hahas . than peijun sit with elaine . lols . chatt along with her . talk BAD things about chers . Espically Mrs Kala . LOLL . :D reachh school . 1st period , ART . hmmm , cher diff from peijun de sio . mine is Ms Angel . ==. lols . she still wear her Angel shirt . LOLL . quite a nice cher . lesson was alrightt lahh . :D learning how to make ball move and race . ==. LOLL . thann went for English . WOOO ! Ms Kala never come sio ! hahahahas . went to indoor sports hall there slack . tgt with yuqiang&co . hahas . after that F&N . got our coursework . ==. lesson was bored . almost sleep lahhh . lols . thann went to recess . nothing muchhh ~ thann maths . Got back test paper . WOOO ! i got 16/20 sio ! 1 question 4mark de wrong . AND THE ANS IS GIVEN BY WESLEY KO WEI KIAT ==. LOLL . -nvm.- after that , hadi say whole class need see MrAdam ==. suey . end up dunnid , only project matahari his ground need niaaa . hahas . :D free period , so went to canteen slacking there . hahas . thann go class inter . FUNNN . play-ed with david&co like maddd la . ==. lols . end school finally , went home . sleep =X hahas .
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 10:02 PM
School . ♥ ![]() phhew ~ almost late . kekex . went to EL room . cheyy , Amas&co. almost tio write lines also ! ahha . Reason : late . but end urp never , only meiyun&co. tio 200lines . LOLs . so lucky ! haha . kao , went to find shijie , he really pass mi 10 mangostin . SIAO derh lurh .. LOLs . i kidding nia he really give wo . ==. somemore bring back from malaysia . lols . after that , went to maths lesson . Having Maths test . Confident will pass okay ! :X Reason: that topic is teach-ed by MrKoh . haha . somemore , can talk in test sio ! First time okay ! talk cher never scold . lol . peijun keep copy sio ! :X keke . ii copy-ed wesley 1 question also ! keke . opps . :X lalala ~ ^^ thann went to englishh lesson . bored . but somemore it's funn , quite alot jokes . haha . than recess , slack around larhh . ==. went to history . okays , here's the funn . ! :X Ms Meges given us worksheet . I'm GUAI okay ! i did that worksheet :X hahas . but play-ed with david&co also . kekee . AhHa ! yuqiang ganna change place . :X thann went for chemistry . bored indeed . chat with peijun . COOLLL ~ Mr Chow say i todae very GUAI okay ! cos i never disturb class . haha . waluaa , he say untill like i everytime disturb class ): lols . than MT . lucky got bring homeworkkk . if nort will be DEAD meat . lols . than physics . hahas , play-ed around also . MrLiew angry sio ! :X hahas . duncare ~ finally end lesson ler . no BAND todae ! CCA are all cancelled . went to home , chiong audition also . hahas . nothing much about todae ler . come post again tomm bah . bueiis ! TC .. ! :DDDDDDDDDDDD
Monday, July 6, 2009 11:35 PM
AuditionFreak ! ♥ ![]() but endd up all i did not went :X stay-ed @ home playing audition with .. Trevor, PeiJun, ChewMei, ShiJie, YuQuan, Mark ? and co. lahh . lols . nothing much about todae lurhh , all the way aaudition . weeee ! so muchh DEN(s) now . ! hyppieee ! :D I'mLovingIt<33333333 OhYea , todae mum and erjie go prayy . when coming home , at bus 300 , Found a Phone . :D SAME with peijun's LOLs . nice one . got 1 more extra phone :X kekexxx . hahas . other than this , nothing muchh ler bahhs ! tomm got sk0l . :( indeed i haven do mye ProjectMatahari Journal & MT JUNE holidae homework . :S play too muchh audi ler la ! :X tomm go school goonnaa DEAD . :S ending here ler , go conference with Trevor&co. liaoz . bueii! TC , pray hardd cher tomm dun come . :X keke . so evil yea ? :S
Sunday, July 5, 2009 7:02 PM
@Cash . ♥todaee , wake urp by mum @ 6.30am . zZzzz . went to find ahyi&co. after that , meet peijun . went to sunshine place awhile . than go find mummy with peijunn , hahas . :D thann slack there . after that , mummy buy for us lunchh , hahas , brought peijun's too . too badd . she got to eat . :X hahas . after that , shijie msg wo . ==. saying he at malaysia , i ask him buy things back . he say buy mangostin(dunnohowtospell) ==. i say OKAY . he tell mi he buy 2 for mi nia ==. lamer ! =X i ask hym buy 20 at LEAST . lols . but is impossible . if not all ants in his bag . LOL . Sorry wor , ask wo help u train audi i never . hahas , cos i also not at home . ps . :X after that , peijun went lotone , asked her help wo buy @cash . :D 10k nia . :X ytd dajie brought 60k of @cash . LOL . i used almost 30k . i think more than that . haha . thann , went to home with auntie . ==. lols . reach home , play-ed audi with trevor & his cousin ! ==. they are madd . :X lols . after that , pplayy with trevor only . than he keep asking mi go cc5 ==. i was like , audi got cc5 meh ? F5 have cc5 is for maple bah . LOLs . than he wanted plae maple , but sadd , idk why i cant log in maple . hahas . now coming post blogg , wanna go plae maple/audi ler . :D P/S: thinking tomm wanna go oudd with who .__. -3choices- -meeting peijun @ audi @ 10pm . IF she is late at 1sec , she own mi 90k of @cash ! :X hahas ! :D (GoodLuck , u Better DUN be late ! :X)
Saturday, July 4, 2009 8:47 PM
♥This survey by Joanne . 1. Peijun . 2. Trevor . 3. Shijie . 4. Pebbles . 5. BoonKeat . 6. Priscillia . 7. Wesley . 8. Amas . 9. YuQiang . 10. David . 11. Hadi . 12. Joanne . 13. Alvin.K . 14. Serene . How did you get to meet 7? (Wesley) - Sec1 , same class . :D What would you do if you and 13 never met?(Alvin.K) - Then he wont become mye AhKor . (: What would you do if 1 and 12 date? (PeiJun, Joanne) - o.O Lesbian ? Have you ever seen 14 cry?(Serene) - hmMm , nope ? Would 4 and 11 be a good couple?(Pebbles, hadi) - Eh, maybe :X hahas . but is impossible . :D Do you think 11 is attractive?(Hadi) - YES . :X What's 2's favourite colour? (Trevor) - Black , white . :D When was the last time you talked to 9?(YuQiang) - ytd , in class .:D What language does 8 speak?(Amas) - Chinese . Who is 13 going out with?(Alvin.K) - ==. how i noe ==. What grade is 12 in?(Joanne) - Sec 2 . Would you ever date with 10?(David) - NO . ==. Where does 5 lives? (BoonKeat) - BukitBatok . What's the best thing about 3?(ShiJie) - ehh , result better than mi ? lols . What would you want to tell 10 now?(David) - why pon school .! ==. lols . Whats the best thing about 8?(Amas) - Lot(s) of jokes , a funny guy . :X Have you ever kissed 5?(BoonKeat) -NOPE . ==. What was the best memory you have with 7?(Wesley) - During Geo , sitting with hym , keep disiao him :X hahas . When's the last time you're going to see 6?(Priscillia) -how would i noe ==. lols . How is 14 and 12 different?(Serene, Joanne) - sec 3 and sec 2 . (: Is 6 pretty?(Priscillia) -Ofcos . :D How did you meet 5?(BoonKeat) - NPCC ? when we sell ice-cream ? LOLs . Is 1 your best friend?(Peijun) - Nope , but is more than that , mye AhJie . :X Do you hate 12?(Joanne) - No , ==. Have you seen 4 on the last month? (Pebbles) - DUH , ofcos la . ==. When was the last time you said to 3?(ShiJie) -ytd . Have you been to 5's house?(BoonKeat) - Nope . When's the next time you gonna see 10?(David) - Next Tues . :D Are you close to 13?(Alvin.K) - Somehow ? okayokay lahh . Have you ever been to a movie with 4 before?(Pebbles) - DUH , ofcos ! :X Have you ever gotten into trouble with 8?(Amas) - YES ! more than 1 time . :X lols . Would you give 2 a hug?(Trevor) - ehhhhhh, dun think so ? lolz . When have you lied to 3?(ShiJie) - ehhh , forget already . lols . Is 1 good with socializing?(PeiJun) - SomeHow , yes . Do you know secrets about 9?(YuQiang) - YES . Describe the relationship between 12 and 14?(Joanne, Serene) - They dunnoe each other bahh ? lols . Best thing about your friendship with 9?(YuQiang) - hmm , everytime disiao each other i class :X lols . What's the worst thing about 6?(Priscillia) - hmmm , nothing . lols . Have you ever had a crush on 12?(Joanne) - ehhh , ? Does 14 has a girlfriend or boyfriend?(Serene) - Yeap . Have you ever wanted to punch 1's face?(PeiJun) - YES ! :X hahas. Has 2 met your mother?(Trevor) - DUH , alot of times liao . lols . How did you get to meet 3? (ShiJie) - Sec 1 / BAND . Did you ever physically hurt 3?(ShiJie) - YES , =X mye finger nails . hahas . Do you live close to 7?(Wesley) - haihao bahhs . :D What's 8's favourite food?(Amas) - idk . :X What kind of car does 1 has?(PeiJun) - idk . :X Have you travelled anywhere with 9 before? (YuQiang) - Nope . Singapore nia . If you give 14 $100, what will he/she spend it on? (Serene) - hmmmm , idk , maybe save it . hahas .
4:28 PM
EveryoneHasIt'sOwnWayOfThinking . ♥Okayys , after so much of quarrel , decided to let this matter rest . Everyone has it's own way of thinking , u might think i'm in the wrong . You might also think i'm in the right . so , i'm not gonna give a dam on what u think . (: ALVIN WEE . You might not be FULLY in the wrong , for the view of urself . However , in the view of u , i'm in the wrong right ? So , Shall say Sorry for giving u so many *&%&$#$^@# . BUT . this does NOT mean , i think i'm in the wrong okay . that's all i wanna say to u . Okays , shall start posting about todae . :D wake urp , recieve a msg from Trevor . asked to play audition again ==. but however , starstar is playing . so asked start go find them . tsk , now than i noe otah is Pro in audi sio ! ==. kns :X after that , star let wo play , went in to my account . play-ed with them . awhile later , Trevor go do english project . so mi and peijun play nia . ofcos there's still other Unknown people lahs . :D Sad lurh , shijie cant play . cos his com/lappy having problem . need wait his sis re-format from hym . for he also dunno how . hahas . Shijie told us he going malaysia tomm worx .! dun bring back H1N1 hor ! :X -touchwood- BUT .. MUST bring back present for us worrr . :X heheeez . lols . :D hyppie ! mondae no school , hahas , but been book-ed by Pebbles . ==. lols . might be going audition ler bahhs . so shall end here , :D going out later also . (maybe) hahas . TC! -Happy 2nd Month , FiveIdiot . Althought i don't think it's still alive . :D
Friday, July 3, 2009 5:22 PM
B!tchFuckOff . ♥late todae , took cabby to school with peijun . lucky never late fur school okay ! 1st two period free . Reason : English&Art cher never come . physic , 30min only . than recess , history . jiu end lesson lers . waited for cher to make stage thingy . chat with BoonKeat , PeiJun , ShiJie , HUIYU , BITCH , pebbles and co . cher come at about 2plus pm . started moving thingys . *STORY STARTS FROM HERE . after moving back in the stage , Alvin&Clarence went to wash hands ? dunno . than WE decided to take their bag , tgt with us . me and peijun did not take , shijie&huiyu take niaaz . while walking , HuiYu say dun tell them , go caltex all that . F . than they went , mi and peijun wait at gate there for pebbles de . Clarence call-ed mi , i ans . he ask about bag , than i toldd him dunno @ 3.01pm . at 3.03pm , i msged hym . tell him . '' u guys bag is with shijie. he @ caltex '' but he did not reply mi shijie they all first . called shijie call back alvin they all . he called , alvin . wait-ed for pebbles every long also . so went to caltex findcall us go back to find mdm wong . so huiyu and shijie went . me and peijun never go cos , we told them we not with them . after awhile , shijie calledd and say mdm wong call mi and peijun go also . so i went with peijun and pebbles . mdm wong talk to us . okay , quite funny . after that , can go off ler , shijie told mi , HUIYU tell mdm wong i'm the masterhead . WTF la , when i become masterhead ?? fucker ccb . nbb . kaopei la , YOU URSELF ALSO GOT WANT TO DO DE RIGHT ? WHO IS THE ONE WHO KEEP CALLING US WALK FASTER ? STILL SAY WHAT CAN BRING HOME , LET THEM GO UR HOUSE ? WTF ? NOW BACKSTABB MI LA ? FUCKER . ASS . NB . PEBBLES , U ARE RIGHT , REGRETT NOT LISTENING TO U . ALVIN WEE . -pls lurh , are u trying to tell mi is my fault for scolding her backstab mi ? u ask mi i like ppl scold mi if i backstab ppl anot ? WTF ? can u think ? than i like ppl to backstab mi la ? knn . fucker . say until like everything my fault to scold her ? my fault to blame her ? MY FAULT ? ass.h PEBBLES JIE . really regrett not listening to u that HUIYU is a FUCKING BITCH . sorry . i will rmb from now on .
Thursday, July 2, 2009 8:04 PM
Transformer . ♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAE TUH JOANNE NG ZHEN RONG(L) . (: ![]() hmm , wake up todae , wake up late ! ==. lols . went to school , go EL room 1 . As usual , take temperture . Now dae keep getting 37.1 degree ==. dunno whye also . hahas . after that , went to english lesson , woo . MsBunny todae wear all YELLOW . hmmm , become MsBanana ? :X lols. after that , went to canteen . BoonKeat&pebbles call us go watch movie ==. lols . so went loo , go with , BoonKeat , Pebbles , Peijun , Shijie , Chewmei , Priscillia & Andy ? lols . before movie , BoonKeat and Pebbles telling us about ATC thingy . lols . after that , watch-ed transformer . quite nice laa . hahas , after movie , go KFC . (: funny sio , BoonKeat take pebbles jacket home pebbles still dunno . hahas . till he went off i tell her than she noe ==. lols . slow hor :x at KFC pebbles say alot alot of cold jokes . lols . than went home . At MRT , saw EngChee Daddy ! (: hahas , more andd more handsome ler wor ! hahas . miss miss . :X last long with mummy wor ! hahaas . (:
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 7:12 PM
Playgroundd . ♥ ![]() todaee , wake up at 5.45am :x abit later tha usually i wake up . hahas . meet peijun , than headed to school . (: reach school , went to EL room 1 . settle down , starting to be madd , but haven started . hahas . after that , end class , gonna greet cher before going off ritezz ? have u ever seen ppl greeting cher , SITTING down . LOLs .. ~ (: that's mye class ! LOL . MrYong never scold sio ~ hahas . than went off to HomeC lesson . Gosh , mye first lesson in this year . so suay . 1day lesson niaa , cher k0l wo go take lappy liaoz . ==. mafan . thann the lesson was SUPER BORING okay ! ==. whole class sleeping ==. Lols . finally end lesson . hmm . went to Math class . sian , this whole week MrKoh .. zZzzz . but better lahh , at least we learn something . lols . gonna have test next week . (: after maths lesson , went to MT , hmm . lols . chatting all the way with shijie and peijunn . Reason : free time . :x after that , went to recess . thann Geo . lols . by right geo is a class for us to sleep , but todaeee . hmmm . Wesley ganna suan till ... lols . ehhh , ''AngHuiMin'' his gf . :x lols . after geo , is english , super funny . lols . david , wesley , peijun , yuqiang , sasi and mi keep talking ~ ''fighting'' thann cher change mi and peijun sit to behind hadii . hmm , more funny lols . playing with hadi and muhyddin . lols ~~~ cher angry ~ wanna scold us , she say '' one more time i .. '' david shouted , '' Call Police ! '' LOLs . whole class laught like mad ~ cher damm p.s . hahas . continew her teaching . after that , was assemble , but due to H1N1 ==. no assemble ==. lols . thann went to find trevor . (: after that .. went to westmall , popular , help erjie buy pen . thann go shop ~ saw alvinWee and clarence . something happen ==. i almost see wrong ppl ! ==. i thought alvin is trevor . zZzzz . lols . than went to Gombak . lols . for mye dental . went to alvin house nearby playground , slack . about 3.15 went to dental . gosh , is pain derh =X ==. lols . 15.7.09 still got appointment sio . zZzz . thann went to vor house playing , ==. SUPER .... zZzzz . almost vomit laaa. lols . than go westmall. than went home . walk-ed home . hahas ! (: lols . reach home, gonna do MT project later bahs ! bueiis , end here ler .. |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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