Tuesday, June 30, 2009 7:53 PM
School dayys ! ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() yayyy ! Finally i'm back tuhh sk0l ! (: hahas . ONG SHI JIE , bomb mii againn !!! ==. -Its nort the first time !- meet peijun @ house downstairs , 6.15am . she also very cute lurhh , reach ler bo msg mii ! ==. lols . thann went to sk0l . ~ wooo . hahas , reach school , find trevor . knoe whye ?! FIND hym for my pocky ! :xxx hahas . after that , find shijie , wooo , hahas . thann go EL room 1 for dunno what thingy . went in , first thing , MrYong tell mi collect money and stuff ==. wakao ! first day of school jiu got things to do ==. LOLs . sianzzz . ==. after that , phew ~ cher did not knoe i never bring thermometer :x hahas . given a fake temperture .! hahas , after that .. go physics . too high liaoos . lols , ganna call go infront sit . nort only mi :x david , peijun , wesley also . lols . ==. after that , went to english lesson . hiass . MsOng no longer teach us liaoo ==. nort fair ~~ shijie class she teaching ~ ==. english is boring derh lurh , a new cher . ''bunnyy'' ==. whole body purple , even pen ==. somemore make up so ''nice'' lols . thann went for recess .. nothing muchh . all thought no maths , cos ms liza never come . end up ... MrKohh take over ==. damm~ zzZzz . lols . tmd , mi david wesley ganna shoot daoo ~~~ ==. MrKoh keep saying i got H1N1 ==. more details , peijun blog would have , i think . after that , MT , damm ~ ganna change class again ~ SAME class with ONGshijie and CHONGpeijun . ==. lols .. ~ peijun lucky ~ if she get 1 mark lower , she go MdmGoh class =X lols . end up in MsBong class . lols . no longer MsYapp :( watching movie the whole MT lesson , i sleep =X hahas . after that , biology ~ sainzzz . MsLinQW again ==. chatting all the wayy , learning some boys thingy thingy :x LOLs . after that sleep , hahas , than end lesson . went to canteen , slack . wait for shijie end his lesson at 2.15 . hahas . oud of the sudden , MrLiew msg wo , say ATC cancel , no fri training this week also . damm ~ hiias , asked mi to pass msg , lols .==. after shijie end , went to westmall , eat , than shopp =.= go library chat , than went home , at lift saw daddy ~ (: reach home , erjie say wanna go lotone . daddy call us go buy durian also , so going oudd now . bueii , end here ler . (: -HAHAHA , wesley kor kanna suan by mi todae ! he sibei ps . ! :x lols.
Monday, June 29, 2009 1:29 PM
Quarantine . ♥todae , School Re-open . having AYG . but sadd , ganna Quarantine . cant go school . arghh . so dead staying @ home , bored ! . ==. play-ed audition ytd . tsk , i think trevor gonna be in mess . knoe why ? cos , awhile i play , awhile , erjie play , awhile dajie plae . ! LOLS . hmmm , decided to Re-play audition . ==. started from lvl 1 again ~ lols . sleep @ 12 plus AM ytd . todae early in the morning , MsTeng call and ask am i feeling well anot ==. i'm still sleeping , mummy ans the call . :x lols . wake up @ 10 plus , mummy ask wanna go grandma house maa . did not wanted to go ==. lols . coss .. later maybe meeting david&co . to watch movie bahhs . nort sure yet . hiias , simply roting now , i wanna go for AYG ! ==. tomm finally cann go school lerr ! wwooohhoo . ! (: hahas . but i haven done my english homework lehhs ! arghhh . dun understand the story ! ==. ending here liao bahhh , shijie rushing mi to plae audi ==. bueiii ~ come post again tomm then (:
Sunday, June 28, 2009 1:20 PM
Audition . ♥ytd , play-ed audition with trevor , shijie & peijun ! ~ (: zzZz , mi and trevor play till 1plus AM . than i go take test , for lvl 7 go to lvl 8 . :D wooohoo , i pass sio ! :x it has been about 2-3years i'm not playing ! hahas . wake up todae @ 11plus AM bah ? i think .. or maybe later . kekexx . got 10 over miss call from longtat ! :X ps . did not ans ur call . =X sorry !! . after waking up , play-ed audi with shijie they all again ~ slacking @ home todae . hahas , maybe playing audition whole dae bahs .! :x still dunno yet . bueiis . gonna go back audi with trevor&co . think tonight not so early sleep again ! woo . sianz , tomm cant go sk0l . ): ganna Quarantine . hiiazzz .
Saturday, June 27, 2009 9:27 PM
Sad . ♥todaee , wake up , receive 5-6 msg ==. saying about monday dun need go school ~ zZzz . thann MsTeng call and say , monday dun need go school . cos andrew sir (dunno spell right ma) tio H1N1 . was quite sad about it . mondae see him still so healtly , now .. hiias . *wish he would recover bahh ! * (: thann conference with trevor & shijie .. they say wanna meet ==. Reason : trevor went OBS the past 5 days . never see him for quite long .. zzz . lol. than tada ~~ peijun shijie trevor all meet at myeh house downstaits :x but i'm the last who reach ! ==. lols . took bus 300 to lotone , went to eat MAC . hahas . Thanks trevor ~ was treat by hym ! (: after eating , went to the top of lotone . dunno rooft garden ? i think . than slack there , blahblahblah ~ chat all that .. ~ went home after that . hahas . quit fun ~~ hahas . tomm maybe going meet david . cos he say wanna go watch movie ==. lols . or maybe meeting otah ! cos he book out from army ler ! teeheee , i wan see him ! dunno how i look like without his hair ! LOLL . botak now ! lols . maybe meeeting hym tomm bah ! hahas . ending here ler . ~ be FORCE by TrevorYeowSiWei to play audition ~ lols . buueeiis ~ come post again tomm then ! (:
Friday, June 26, 2009 11:59 PM
Busy ! ==. ♥ ![]() went to find pebbles jie & boon keat @ Clementi . wakao , look for them at a blk DEEP inside . ==. so hard to find . on the way finding , so dam many cats ! ==. finally found , accompany them sell ice-cream . Woo . manage to sell Everything . hahas . a fun day throught . (: about 10plus go back base . than went to BB , eat MAC for supper ! ==. after that accompany pebbles back home . than mi and peijun took cabby home . is cheap lurhh ! $5.90 nia . ~ reach home at about 12 am plus . :xx at 12 am plus , MdmWong msg mii ==. say tomm go school thingy ! ==. lol . ![]() went to sk0l early in the morning , 9am got to reach . diao , thought got about 10 ppl . end up only 6 ppl come . ==. Mi , Peijun , Shijie , AlvinWee , Zhenwei and mark . started on setting up stage . kao , so many spider .. ==. no choice , continew setting upp ~ hiias , finally done . gonna carry it go parade square . is dam freaking heavy laa ! ==. after done , call ms chia ~ go NP room , take thingy . put , than blahblahblah , so many problem pop oudd . ~ but lucky we settle it at last , hahas . went to change into home clothes , meet pebbles . than go shopshop ~ after that , meet bk . thann go arcade . (: played DDR again~ ==. nice one . haha . after that , headed to jurong east . gonna sell ice cream there todae . did not manage to sell all , but at least if 3 stock . ! haha . sold , 17/20 . ! (: quite good ler laaa ~ hahas . thann went to base at about 10plus . after that slack there awhile . pebbles call us go sentosa the next dayy ~ ==. than 11 plus , took 188 home , than 300 . (: reach home @ 12plus am again ~ ![]() went to meet pebbles early in the morning . at her house near by der MAC . me peijun boonkeat reach first ! ==. boonkeat and junhong go take pebbles(stone) build into a pebbles name ! lol . (: finally pebbles come . than eat MAC . after that , took cab to vivo . than , went to eat ~ or says accompany others eat . haha . but we nv eat . than go senttosa ~ lolxx , quite fun over there la ~ play-ed ''ball'' LOLL . thann slack there ~ play again~ than rain ==. went to bath all that . LOLs . than go eat dinner , after eating , sit down there chat . (: than go plae . (: while playing , -zidan- fall from the car ? LOLL . ==. but he still continew playing . lol . after tht , went home . took 188 with peijun and junhong . fall asleep half way throught ==. LOLL . than went home , reach home at about 11am plus going 12 am again ~ *it has been a busy day throught . (:
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 4:09 PM
Lack of people ! ♥wake up todaee , pay-ed maple with shijie . (: thann , mdm wong msg mii ~ asked mi to find 5 people ==. and asked jiahuiChew to find 5 people also .. ~ People who are comfirm going back tomm for helping , Mi , JiahuiChew , ZhenWei , AlvinWee , YiTing , PeiJun , ShiJie , WenTing , Mark . Need 3 more people !! ==. Anyone free to come tomm ?!! Sms mi if u are free okay ! 98636858 . THANKYOU ! Details for tomm : 9am , meet @ Foyer . In PE attire . (: hmm , going back play maple soon , go meet peijun later . to find pebbles jie & co . ! (: bueii ~ ending here ler . shorrt post fur todae then . :D
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 11:50 PM
Rotting @ Home . ♥ ![]() todaee , did not went for Band training . Reason : Band training all Cancelled , for this week . -H1N1 . ==. wake up todae , watch-ed show wait erjie . (: watch till about 4plus :x hahas , than play-ed maple . with shijie awhile . play till 5plus , shijie wanna go eat . so we quit . trevor went to OBS , no one pei mi play maple ~ zZZz . after quitted maple , went to MSN chatt ~ :x chatt-ed with quite alot of people . hahas . (: thann , now Rotting @ Home . ==. waiting for shijie . than go play maple aagain ler . (: tonight's dinner is cooked by starstar againn ~ hahas . gosh , i cant imagin starstar can wear my blading shoes ! X.X he wear and went to mye house downstair blade . AhHa ! he fall down once he step oud of the lift ! =XX keke . Currently , helping Hadi to make his blog ! haha . ending here ler , nothing muchh todaee . (:
Monday, June 22, 2009 11:54 PM
CampCraft . ♥wake urp late todaee again !~ :xx Sorry for letting u wait wor , Shijie . :P went to MAC find shijie after waking up ... took MRt ~ went to school after that , went to find MsTeng straight . (: cos shijie wanna comfirm he is running fur 5k youth run . LOLLs . AhHa , MsTeng says she dun have shijie's number ! lol . after that , went to find MdmWong ! :x asked whenn need go back help upp . she says need comfirm first . askedd mii to ask Sec4(s) come back help also .. ==. HAHA , alvinWEE , jiahuiCHEW , yitingCHUA &co. be prepared ! i will call u guys ! :x after asking , CLs say fall in outside NP room . so went ... blahblahblah , ankle socks was been caught again~ ==. frinch was been caught too . gosh , the rules are like FD rules la! :x Finally get our very FIRST badge .! (road safety de) .. hahas , soo happiee , finally got bedge ==. but then mafan la , need put bedge ~ zzZz thann started our campcraft ~ it was hard okay ! same group withh priscillia , yuquan , huiling , layping &co . (: thann went for lunchh . ==. walau , boonkeat&pris really go buy MAC ==. woo , mi boonkeat shijie pris is the LAST one went back canteen eat :x keke . everyone is waiting for us okay ! hahas . eaten lunch with pebbles , shijie , pris , boonkeat , peijun , claire &co .. lalala ~ pebbles and boonkeat is trying to ask mi buy ice-cream again laa ~ ==. after lunch went for cheers ! (: woo , was fuun ~ Joevenn keep changing the song ~ till so funny laaa ~ lol . tsktsk , found oudd that yuquan is @ the same dental clinic as mii ! same doctor somemore okay ! :X after that , start building tent . (: hahas . was succes ! but , got blue-black on my leh ! ==. and injured on my handd loo . zZzzz . ==. after rroundd and roundd of trainings .. End today . (: went to NP room fall in , MsTeng talk to us . says wed no training ler , due to H1N1 , ==. LOLL . thann praised us for todae WELL DONE . (: hahaahss . yaayy , once i get back mye phone , ms low msg-ed miie ~ says .. TOMM & THUR BAND TRAINING WOULD BE CANCELLED ! :D HAHA ! thann , went to coffee shop to eat dinner before going home . reachh home , meet peijun , brought ice-cream from pebbles & boonkeat ! ==. thann reach home , play-ed maple with shijie and yuquan . WALAUU ! MC with temm , damm , at first Shijie DC . end up YuQuan DC .. ==. become i Solo . zZzzz . damm loo ~ lol . than never play cos they 2 very laggyy ~ hahaa . about 11plus started play again ~ woo . nice one haha . ~ thann now talking to alicia ! woo , she still plays maple okay ! haha . missing those time playing with her and DarKsL okay ! haha . **might be going play maple with them ! teehee !** - Was to be most busy this week , but now i'm SUPER free ! woo . (:
Sunday, June 21, 2009 10:40 PM
Time Fly(s) . ♥ ![]() ![]() hMmmm , ytdd play-ed maple with Trevor&YuQuan till about 12am plus ? :x play-ed KoC @ E server t0o . level 20 liao ! :D sofast right ! *AlvinWEE called mi and Trevor to plae derh :x* todae , mom woke mi urp @ 6.30am . ! ==. was to go for a small eveent , but last min , it was cancel-ed ! damm . already woke up , than cancel . zzZzz . Online-ed Ebuddy , as mye MSN is having problem -.- Chatted with yC kor , it has been years i have not been contacting hym ! Reason : He went army . now he is oud ! :D asked hym to plae back maple ! :D cos i wanted '' SnowAngel '' to come back . keke . yayy ! he downloaded maple again! woo , miss the time playing withh hymm ! however , after that , mum asked mi go market with her . ==. so went , it has been sooo long that i have not been going to CCK wet market . blahblahblah ~ thann went home . :D play-ed maple aagain , this time round with , yC kor , trevor kor & shijie di ! (: tsktsk , after that went oudd , meet trevor&shijie ! P/S for letting u guys wait again ! :X went to bukitbatok , trevor wanted to buy camp stuffs . (: after that , went to near boonkeat house there ? find photo printer , end up , dun havee ! ==. went to MAC there , the girl who serve Trevor is a ex-yusoffian ~ lalala , damm trevor , ask hym buy drinks , he ask what size de . i say anything ~ he go buy large . ==. zzZz . after that , went to trevor house then ! hahas . his grandfather saw us sehh ! called us go in sit sit ~~ :D went in , woo , his cousin(s) are all around ! tsktsk. head-ed to his room ! xD soo funnyy ! so muchh fun oudd there la ! teehee , play-ed maple awhile down there . but , damm freaking lagg loo . ==. trevor&shijie suggested to go plae ground !!!! ==. AGAIN ! i hate that playground lots okay ! THANKS to TREVOR YEOW . play-ed like a retartedd la .! zzZzz. after that , went to trevor's house back againn .. eaten dinner there ==. about 9plus went home . about 10pm reachh home .. ~ nothing muchh thenn .
Saturday, June 20, 2009 2:42 PM
99.99% Rotting @ Home . ♥ ![]() hMmm , nothing much fur todae .. just Rotting @ Home . thinking of going oudd later on . :D or maybe playing maple .. hahas . :D This week so free ~ next week busy till like Sh!t laa .! :x 22-28 June . Monday - Preparation For ATC . Tuesday - BAND training . Wednesday - Preparation For ATC . Thursday - BAND training . Friday - Help up with MdmWong . {Setting up Stage For AYG} Saturday - Go oud with Yiting,Trevor&co . :D Sunday - 5km run for youth day . 29June-5July . Mondey - School Reopen , AYG day . Tuesday - BAND training . Wednesday - Dental appointment . Thursday - BAND training . Friday - ATC . Saturday - ATC . Sunday - ATC .
Friday, June 19, 2009 7:19 PM
Maple Day . ♥ hmMm , Read-ed erjie's blog ytd . found out alotalotalot of thingy . think not gonna go oud so often ? dunno ~ hiias , see how bahhs . (: Dajie , Sanjie .. Go see Erjie's blog, there's something written for u guys !! ~ ** http://www.forever-ch3erful.blogspot.com/ ** Play-ed maple ytd , with trevor .. till about 4am ? (: Wake up todae at about 11plus AM . keke . play-ed maple again , with shijie . trevor did'nt plae . cos he went to see doctor .. For his OBS next week . (: *GRATZ wor , comfirm going ler. hahas . no longer a reserve(: playplayplay , about 3plus (i think) Shijie's com outo shut -_- cos too hot ? LOLL . than stop playing maple ler . (: dad call-ed home , ask us go down take things . zZzz .. is durian again ! >.< ~ EVERYDAE . wondering when my dad will stop buying durian . LOLL . after that , eaten starstar cook de lunch ! :x hahas ! thann , now waiting for trevor come back . than plae maple with hym again! (: hahas . (: think gonna chiong maple tonite again! :D ending here ler , nothing much , rotting @ home . ~LALALA , mummy did not notice i did'nt take medicine ! :x shhhh . :D
Thursday, June 18, 2009 8:58 PM
crumpler. (: ♥ Todae , wake up at 11 plus :x see phone , gosh , i got 6miss call & 3 new message ! :D ALL from trevor , MsTeng and Shijie .! Lol . msg-ed back ms teng , asked why she call mi :x guess what she reply , ! she replyed , ''It's ok , wanted to ask you ur t-shirt size . I have ordered S for you'' =.= than went to pack , mum FORCE mi to eat medicine ! :x yuke ! eaten that before leaving myee house . went to meet peijun & trevor .. headed to Paragon & WheelLockPlace . look for crumpler , gonna buy tgt with trevor derh .(: but SAD ! no purple anymore , SAD! no black anymore ! hahas . we noe singapore got 3 shop , went 2 nia . called huijuan&shijie , asked them help to check . where is the third place hahas . than headed to RafflesCity . went to crumpler shop again ~ WOO , nice one loo. no purple again ): BUT got black siaa ! not fair la ! :x end up decided , ask pj buy tgt with us . sain . trevor got his black . ): LOLL . gonna go buy before trevor's birthdae loo ~ :x after that , went to eat MAC . (: trevor&peijun SUPER boliao loo , keep looking @ ppl . knoe why ? cos ppl using crumpler bag ~ LAMEEE ! :X after that , went to take MRT . go lotone , pasarmalan (dunno how to spell) .. :x thann , gonna plae games there . SUDDENLY , peijun mum appear -.-'' peijun run like hell ! ~~ lol . than she gone , peijun come back . we play-ed games ~ woo ~ peijun ar .. this u dunneed get marksman (dunno how to spell) ler . :x thann went home , in bus feel like to vomit sia . till now , still feeling so unwel la . :x
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 8:53 PM
Dental Operation ): ♥ ![]() ![]() photos edited by TREVOR&MI ! :x meet trevor & peijun at lotone todae . (: went to eat MAC for breakfast ! was to watch movie after that , but change of plan . took MRT all around again -.='' about 2plus PM , reached gombak . went to Alvin house downstairs . (: sitted down there , chat & eat sweets :x went to dental @ 2.50pm . the Nurse to cute laa ~ Say-ed Trevor never eat medicine !! cos he so high laa !! LOL . than nurse asked mi go toilet . Cos the operation would be quite long ! ): so went to toilet . hahas . back to clinic . Nurse straight ask mi go in . ==. went in , doctor asked mi eaten ler ma . Actually haven =X but i told hym yes . kekex . operation started .! they blind mye eyes .! ): blahblahblah , operation tooks mi 35mins ! haha . Was quit painful! :x Mouth totally numb . -.--'' went oud , Nurse given mi 2 medicine and 1 bottle de . (: gonna eat medicine again ! ): after operation , went to bukitbatok . Eat ice-cream! :x so dam freaking hard to eat , cos ... HIAS . eaten it dam slow laa ! =X haha . than went arcade , (: saw boonkeat,pebbles they all ! :x they play-ed DDR so good la ! so pro . :x after that , went to shop ~ actually was to go with pebbles they all to buy ice-cream -.- but never , went to lotone , find mummy&sanjie . eaten dinner with them . gosh , is so dam hard to eat :x after that , went home . (: now my teeth dam freaking pain la ! 1July still need go back , for check up and stuff . lucky is before ATC la ! :x gonna plae maple soon .! (: bueii ~ *ShitShit ! haven do English homework , never go comfirm let MrAppleNg kill :x damm , need to read the whole dam book ! ):
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 10:05 PM
Maple daee . ♥
- tomm gonna be mye LAST operation . ):
Monday, June 15, 2009 11:38 PM
Whole dae trip :x ♥ woke up at about 10.30am todae .
Sunday, June 14, 2009 5:31 PM
Changed Blogskin , Msn & URL . :D ♥ ![]() hmMmm , decided to change blogskin , MSN & URL . everything has changed . :D New Msn , unexpected-lurve@hotmail.com . Do ReAdd mi . (: ytd , mummy help-ed mi wash 3 of mye bag ! (: Finally my bag are washed :x Help-ed shijie made his blog too . ! (: todae , mummy waked mi up at 6.30am . ): helped her to bring things down to find ahyi . than went home sleep again :x keke . woke up , played maple aawhilee , with trevor & shijie . :D Thanks Peijun for helping mi with blogskin yea .! while making blog&stuff . Trevor asked mi to plae with him MSN games . -.- so played , with hym .. haha . Win him , MinesweeperFlags . Lose him , Checkers&TicTacToe3D . After playing , went to maple again .. ~ hahas , gonna plae KOC le .. due to trevor&shijie request :x Help-ed trevor to change his blogskin juz now .. :D Feel that four of us (trevor,shijie&peijun) so united :x change blogskin & phone tgt .! hahas . within FewDays ! :D New Blog Of Ours , Trevor - http://trevor-baichi.blogspot.com/ Shijie - http://evil-devil-shijie.blogspot.com/ Peijun - http://the-fud-up-blog.blogspot.com/ Mi - http://www.unexpected-lurve.blogspot.com/ *Looking forward to ATC ! (:
Saturday, June 13, 2009 11:16 AM
Three New Phones =X ♥ todaee, wake up at 9plus .. woo , meet at lotone mac . saw peijun's new phone . To: Shijie ahDi . wiishh u recover from ur sickness ASAP bah ! (: hehe , think u breaking voice le laa~ haha .
Friday, June 12, 2009 8:54 PM
♥ todaee , wake urp at about 6am . bath-ed and pack-ed . went to find peijun . head-ed to school .. reach school , meet shijie . than go find MsLow . (: pass her samantha's OBS form . than saw MsTeng .. she call us go in , pass us our thingy . than call us help to mark attendance and take ATC forms . (: after that , fall in . MsTeng ask-ed mi to ex-change number with MrLiew-.- i already have his dam number laa ~ =X he got my number now ..~ -.--'' lala ~ head-ed to CD course de venue .. (: sitted down in a room , with 3 other school . ~ lala , the 1st&2nd course we really enjoy okay ! FUN~ (: laughted like hell also . hahahs . (: went for lunch .. eeyerrr . the food SUX okay ! throw away , did not eat . =X keke . thann go in back for 3rd.4th&5th course . okok la .. quite bored . chatting with janelle &co . (: blahblahblah , woo , good siaa . test got 60 MCQ & 5 short question de .. but we behave well .. become 15 MCQ niaa .! (: damdamdam easy laaa ! =X after that , waited for bus .. woo , YI the 1st one go .. head-ed back to school . than go westmall .. eat lunch .. (: trevor&alvinWEE come findd us .. -.--'' than they go watch movie .. we continew eating . till 6plus .. go walk walk .~ thann trevor come find us again .. chat ~ till about 8plus . went home . ! (: took MRT to jurong than cck . haha . walk-ed home todae . it has been so long i never walk home laa . haha . woo~ tomm , maybe going changi with yiting,trevor&co . (:
Thursday, June 11, 2009 6:57 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() hmm , todae morning .. trevor spamm-ed mye calls&sms ~ -.--'' LOL . spamm-ed mye 2 number somemore .. lol .. anyway , thanks for the ''Morining Calls'' haha .. wake up at about 6.20am . pack-ed . went oud , meet peijun&shijie , eat @ CCK MAC . (: HAHA , at MAC shijie own mi 10 watever ~~! lol . =XX than we head-ed to school for band .. somehow longtat(otah) msg mi say he going army tomm le . was so shock :x so fast go in lol . but nevermind la , his camp site near my house . hheehe . (: *meet urp soon yeaa . (: * after that , reach school , go in for band .. (: woo , so less ppl in band siaa . all sec 3 NPCC cadet went for course ~ hahas . sain , 10 over clarinetist become 4 nia .~ somemore mi and shijie clarinet 1 only .. ARGHH . morning training was alright . (: quite alot of fun~ (:: somehow the door keep coming oudd song . we suspect is .. ahem ahem ..:x suddenly the sound VERY loud .. we all look there .. was MS LOW ~ lol . --.-- all laughted like hell laaaaa ~ =XX went for lunch , with desiree and peijun &co ..~ than back to band room , desiree play-ed volin ~ niceee ! (: after that , band combine training .. haha .. tmd , MrHo keep suan mi -.-- . ''PigShit'' so mounth piece smelly~ -.-- LAME LORRR . than keep saying i dunwan junhong . wtff ! ~ thann blahblahblah , everything was smooth . than MrHo call us use ''smoking paper'' to put on our teeth . so our lip wont be hurt from mouthpiece . LOLL . weird feeling . but it really helps . haha . thann , every song was settle . LAST song , washington post . mygodd , damdamdam hard laa~ so suey , clarinet 1 is the only main sound . zzz . mr hold asked for sectional . he handed clarinet ppl . WOO , finally i learn-ed . now i noe how to plae liaoo . keke . but somehow sometime abit slow =X keke . blahblahblah , end band .. went up heading to lotone . saw 1 miss call . FROM YISS -.--'' wondering something .. why school got my new number .. i did not infrom anyone in school siaa ~ zz . went to G.O . the auntie pass mi my ez-link card . was so freaking shock laa ! lost sooo long le still found T.T woo , i got 2 ez-link liaoo . LOLLL . head-ed to lotone with , shijie , samantha , peijun , junhong & mark . go shop shop .. than blahblahblah ..~ (: all of us wanna grab somthing to eat . but bo money ~ suddenly i think i can refund the money .. from ez-link cardd . haha , cos i do new de liao ma . old de no use liaoo . hahass . ~ (: thann go to counter , they refund mi !!! $16.55 LOLL .! got money loo ~ haha , went to mac , eat . than head-ed home with samantha and peijun . (: later maybe going meet samantha . (: *Trevor* -ehh , DunwOrry laaa . nort angry anymoreee ~ (:
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 6:12 PM
♥ ![]() ytd , found out that my psp memorie card is ... STUCK inside -.-'' not lost .. ~ lol .. sleep quite late ytd , cos cant fall asleep . hiias . no idea why .. ): ~~ todae , wake urpp .. played maple awhile , with alvin ~ tmd , own hym 1 more watevaa . ZzzZzz . now total 12 liao sia .! -.--'' argh . rot at home todae , nothing much tuhh do . maybe going lotone find dajie with mummy&nephew(s) ltr .. hiias , boredd now.. ~ arghhh . ROT liao laaa .! tomm got band .. zZzz . sain , hard song is going to ruin my mood . ): i hate washington post ! is soo fucking hardd laaa ! zzz. gonna learn 10 song for performance . done with 7-8songs le . 2-3more songs .. ): Congraz tuhh shijie wor , tomm getting new phone ler . (: ending here ler . gonna go bath , than go oudd . (: bueii~ Labels: Facing the facts, life gets better . (:
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 6:56 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() todaee , wake up SUPER late okay . actually 5plus wake up ler , msg trevor he bo reply .. jiu go back sleep . LOL , wake up, 8.40am . zZz . quickily pack , about 9am go downstairs . meet peijun , than took cab to school ~ . -.--'' . reach school , DIAO , need to take temperture . woo . so high class , use forehead de . LOLL . 1st time see before~ thann go band , started .. blahblahblahh ~ go for 1hour break , so call ''lunch'' . went to coffee shop eat , than go see got sell ''anything&watever'' anot . WOO , end up really got .. LOLL . -Geo remedial is CANCEL todae ! (: thann go back to band .. after awhile . sectional .. about 2plus PM . JP , singtel shop ppl call mi , say my phone is there liao LOL . hyppiee ~ finallyy laa . LOL . went in back for combine band . that song is SO hard laa ! after band , go JP .. (: 3 ppl pei wo wor ! =X went there , on the way going take phone , saw yiting and abi .. LOL . ganna say by yiting , now i got 3 number ~ lol . go take , than go kopitiam sit down chat all that~ went to west mall , than go home . haha . at house downstairs saw papa .. LOL . so go home with hym , juz nice house no ppl . and i never bring key . =X so lucky hor . hahas .~ *Touch screen is so hard to use .. =X i'm still nort use to it ~ *I've changed my number again =X but will still be using old number la ~
Monday, June 8, 2009 6:46 PM
♥ ![]() Becos of this phone , in M1 shop , trevor own mi 10 more pocky! todaee , wake up quite early .. Reason is becos i dun wan be late =X if not i will lose the bet with trevor ! LOLL . (: went to meet pj & vor .. at lotone . somehow some reason peijun went home . . thann , ~last min meet kelvin bakhaw and shijie . went to sakae sushi ~~ (:: I'm gladd that we really can face the facts ~ (: eated . trevor was to vomit ~~ :X due to some reason LOLL . blahblahblahh ~ after eating .. kelvin&bakhaw went to school .. vor mi sj go eat ice-cream . thann go mye house . LOL , rony saw trevor . wave to him sehh ~ now become ryan keep lookin at him . haha .. than , went to JP ~ TMD . mye phone haven come =X go shop shop awhile .. yayy , recived my 5 pocky from vor . thann , took cab to IMM . shopped . wahhahahah . saw popcorn machine . i wan eat . thann saw inside go $2 stuck . i use my key . PUSH~ yayy ! we got free $2 .. LLOLLLL . (::::: thann go walk walk ~ than took 188 , to lotone .. shop again . vor say , '' if lotone got kelvin's phone, he will buy&own mi 10 pocky '' WOOO , end up really have wahahhaha (: thann , shijie went home .. meet peijun awhile .. while waiting . mi and vor chatting ~ imisschina!!! ): lol, thann she came , chat awhile . go home liao . lol so lamme . *todae , is the FIRST time i go oud with guy ONLY . -.--'' * will upload photo soon . when i get to use com. now using lappy~ *thank everyone who tired to cheer mi up . *dunworry i'm fine ~ (: I cant imagin i can face u.. Althought we does not talk much . but at least we did talk (: I think thats enought . I dun expect much . keep in contact !!!!! (:
Sunday, June 7, 2009 7:43 PM
♥ ![]() play-ed maple with the same old ppl ytd . (: half way throught , something happen ): *i really dunno did i went to the wrong path .* SORRY . after that , continew mapling . try-ed to make my mood back . THANKS , for the ppl who tried to entertain mi (: TYVM. sleep at about 12 plus am .. thinking and thinking .. hiias . morning , wake up at 6am plus . ): accompany mummy oudd . find ahyi .. than went home , rest awhile .. than packed . went oud . before going oud , vor msg mi , say about my tagboard . and so . i msg-ed *him , found oud some misunderstanding .! WTHHH , -.- things are getting complicated now.~ however , went oudd . find mummy erjie and star again .~ after that , mi , dajie & rony head-ed to singtel ~ was to sign plan .. BUT 3 things cop up . -.- 1st ) mye student pass with trevor -.-!! 2nd) need parents ~ sister cannot ~~~ 3rd) no more the colour 1 wann ~ thann k0l-ed trevor , hehe , P/S for disturbing u maple ~ than kol-ed mummy . (: went to KFC . soon , trevor & shijie came . LOLLL . (: THANKK! so funny lor , rony scared trevor ! HAHA . *more detail think trevor blog will post LOL * than headed to shop arounddd . trevor bet with mi SOMETHING ~ end up i WIN ! haha . he own mi 45+5 pocky noww !!! means is 50 !!! (::: after that , trevor and shijie went home . TMD , rony went missing ~ cos he go find ''KORKOR'' *refer to trevor ! -.- * find find find , finally found~ . than go singtel shop . find mummy and erjie , starstar .. sign-ed plan . (: took F480 . but dun have to colour . so need wait , but given money and stuff le . they say latest by wed will get ! (: sain , now i got 3 number T.T thann went to eat dinner ~ than NTUC . woo , the NTUC dam dam dam BIG laa .~ lol .. (: head-ed home after that .. ~ reach home , talk in msn with trevor&kelvin juz now . TMD , everything is cleared now . I NOE WHYE LE . fuck , I WILL SURE HATE U FOR LIFE . ASS . H . SO GOOD IN MAKING UP STORY . GO BE A STORY TELLER LA . NOW HAPPY LE RITE ? I HAVE FALL INTO UR TRAP . ASS HOLE . TMD . I WILL NEVER EVER BELIVE YOU! FUCKOFF . *ToYou* (u should noe who are u) -Sorry . i should not belive that person and did such thing to u . but since i have already done . there's no way to go back . i'm really very SORRYYY ! no matter what , wish we could still keep in contact . still go oud tgt . and be a good friend . really SORRY . To Trevor . thanks for being the person listening to mye story . thanks for being the one beside mi . cheering mi up . AND thanks for being the one replacing HER . ToAlvinWee . thanks for being the one helping mi for somethingy . thanks for those ''entertaining . ToShiJie . Somehow i'm abit regretted . |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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