Sunday, May 31, 2009 9:52 AM
♥ HAPPYY BIRTHDAE TUUH ERJIE (: todaee , get wake urp by mummy at 6.45am ..! -_-- so the damm damm damm tiredd . went oudd with mummy , meet ahyi & haohao(cousin) . (: about 9plus , went home first . :P reach home , online MSN , trevor is the 1st one who tok to mi -_--- chatting on MSN with , trevor , joanne&co .. after that , daddy brought home food .. nort really nice ): starstar go Re-Cook . LOL . it become nice ! LOLLL , reallll ! never lie . =X hahas. thann about 2plus PM , went to find mummy againn . (: went to print photos also .. was to ask peijun go acually , end up she P/S mi . ): thann went home , blahblahblah . Trevor asked mi to plae maple with hym . so i play-ed with him . train-ed him .. hahas . After that , alvinWEEEE come join us . (: blahblahblah , keep ganna shoot by alvinWEEEE . -.--- thann after alvin leave awhile , kelvin log in -.- after that , chat at msn .. never plae liaoo . so sainzz . *sorry trevor , ps u , never pei u plae le =X * hiias , tomm also dunno going where . but think comfirm go watch movie. for FiveIdiot celebration . (: but .... think kelvin cant go. he got BBQ with friend ? lol .. neverless , mi peijun trevor and jianzhang would still go de bah . hmm , wondering how would tomm be. (: * heeehee , i noe a BIGBIG secret from alvin.k . :P * but sad , i promise not to say oudd . (:
Saturday, May 30, 2009 10:12 PM
♥Sabo-ed by TREVOR ahKor . 1. Which is your favourite colour out of red , black , blue , green , yellow ? -o.O blue bahh . 2. Your 1st initial? -M ..? 3. Your month of birth? - Mayyy (: 4. Which colour do you like more ? [ black or white ] -white ? 5. Name of a person , same gender as you . - O.o Peijun ? 6. Your favourite no. ? - ehh , Sevenn ? 7. Do you like flying or driving more ? - idkk . 8. Do you like the lake or the ocean more ? - Ocean laa . 9. Write down a wish . (a realistic one) - He could give mi a comfirm ans ASAP . wish it would be a good ans too . When you're done, scroll down (Don't cheat) Q1. Red - you are alert and your life is full of love . Black - you are conservative and aggressive . Green - your soul is relaxed and you're laid back . Blue - you are spontaneous and you love kisses and affection from the ones you love . Yellow - you are a very happy person and give advices to those who are down . Q2. A-K: you have alot of friendships and love in your life . L-R: you try to enjoy life to the maximum and your love life is soon to blossom . S-Z: you like to help others and your future love life looks very good . Q3.Jan-Mar: This year will go very well for you and you'll discover that you'll fall for someonetotally unexpected . Apr-June: you will have a strong relationship that will not last but the memories will last forever. July-Sept: you will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good . Oct-Dec: your love life will not be great , but will eventually fing your soul mate . Q4.Black: your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you and will be glad for the change . White: you will have a friend who's completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you might not realize it . Q5.The person is your best friend . Q6.This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime . Q7. Flying: you like adventure . Driving: you are a laid back person . Q8. Lake: you are very loyal to your friends and your lover are very reserved Ocean: you are spontaneous and like to please people . Q9.This wish will only come true if you send this to 5 people in one hour . -Peijun -Kelvin -JianZhang -AlvinWEE -Jiahui LEE
10:01 PM
♥ytdd , after everyone eat till super full .. rest awhile .. haha , than started playing , drinking & co . blahblahblahh , lazy to say everything .. :P todaee , wake up , dam tiredd . LOLs . was surpose to go oudd with jz , sj & pj . but last min .. i cancel =x change-ed plan to mon . cos i'm really too tireddd .! :P hiias , mummy told mi tomm got to wake up at 6am ..! -.- no choice .. hiias . tomm gonna be a busy daee .. just now , erjie and starstar started playing SIM again ! -_-- LOL , play-ed for almost SIX hour . lol . went to sunshine with mummy and nephew juz now . shop-ed for thingyy . brought a phone. a extraa phone. to be use when our phone spoilt. hahas , brought quite alot things laaaaaaa . went home, played com . been sabo by trevor to do quiz . been told by alvin that he playing back maple . ask mi to plae !! -___-- cos of a stupidd reason ! LOL . ending here ler . hahas , currently , doing quiz , toking to trevor, alvin & shin chen in MSN .
Friday, May 29, 2009 11:00 AM
♥ todaeee , wake upp .. than pack .. went to meet peijun .. than took cab to school . for NPCC training .. (: fall in at about 2.30pm .. started training .. todaee , huiyu , alvin.k &co. take our squard .. end up become don sir .. LOL . (: blahblahblah , go AVA , have a tok conduct by MsTeng . than need do project . school reopen need hand up .. after that , go change mufti . than dismiss liaoo . go foyer wait for dajie . she come .. than slack around.. about 7pm .. go up class room . took report book . (: hahas . (: after that . have a tok conduct by MrYong . end ler .. find shijie . his daddy drive mi and mye dajie home . cos shijie also coming mye house .. haha . *thanks shijie daddy! (:* reach home .. slack around . after that .. started steamboat .. now still steamboat .. tomm than come post more! (: ending here ler . bueiii .. now alot ppl in mye house .. hahas . bye . mye results . (: English - 60 . Chinese - 53 . Maths - 30 . Science - 43 . Geo - 42 . History - 63 . Lit - 60 . D&T - 67 . Art - 61 . Music - 75 . *Fail 3 subjects ): Overall Result , PASSED . (: Attandance , 92/95 :P Remarks , HuiMin collaborates well with others. She can be entrusted / replied upon to use good judgement. HuiMin shows pride in her duties. She gets along well with her classmate.
Thursday, May 28, 2009 9:38 PM
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 7:57 PM
♥wakkeup abit late todaee . cos too tired liaoo =X packed NPCC stuff , went oudd . meet peijun , took cabby to school . (: changed into Full-U at about 6.30am . hahas . 6.45am went to fall in outside NPCC room . blahblahblahhh . went down . fall in . (: parade started at about 15min later (: blahblahblah , MrChew nagged for about almost half an hour ? lol , but okay laaaa . all saying good things about NPCC . hahas . (: than blahblahblah , parade ended . went to basketball court gather . (: hahas . MsTeng talk to us awhile .. than went off to change away Full-U . lucky got AYG , if not need wear Full-U hold daee -__- . after changing .. went to parade square . joined back our class . woo . sec2 todae dam not active .! :x after AYG rehersal , went for breakk . ! (: its a long break man ! haha . after break , went to EL room 6 (: for presentationnnn . MsLow, MrAppleNg & a cher dunno her name . is our judge . (: PHEW , lucky MsLow saw our Poster than diam diam liaooo . never scold us .! keke . think she dunno i nv go band ytd . LOL . =X after presentation , went to find MrJefferyYen . pass him the poster . (: hyppieee ! he got a news from the judge that our group got quite high marks ! =X hahahas, good news yeaaaa ? (: after that , went to canteen , slack awhile . than go hall , for E-Learning thingy ... (: was MrKoh again =X all the way playing with hadii . LOL . after that , MrKoh early let us offf ! (: haha . but 1.15pm than can leave school .__. went to canteen , slack all the wayy . 1.15pm , went off . go find mummy dajie and nephews at lotone. after that , meet peijun , go JZ house . (: was at his living room watching cartoon at first LOL . than went in the room , watched movie (: kelvin, bakhaw, peijun keep fighting ? LOL .. -__-- thann kelvin and bakhaw went off first .. mi and peijun went home at about 7plus PM (: haha . reach home . nothing muchh . tomm gonna be a busy daeee ! (: -Band training . -Celebrate Erjie's Birthdaee Early . (:
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 9:07 PM
♥ ![]() ![]() todaeee, wake up late again ! :x sorry peijunn , for letting u wait .. kekexx . went to westmall MAC . meet jac . (: eaten . went off to school . hahas . reach school . went for assemblee . wooo , was a quick and nice one . haha . went to home class , class inter . slack there . thann went for 2.4 run . PFT . -__-. luckily i pass .! :) phewww . hahas . went for 1hr30min break .. hahahha ! (: than go ISH for 5 stations . quite happy with myee result of PFT . buttt , something badd happen . i fall down :x thanks to claire . ! LOL . ): soo funny , i found we guys lame . we take PFT as gamble .-__- everyone gamble money see who win .. hahaha !! i win peijun once again! =X mi and shijie same same ! clarence ... hahahah ! after 5stations , went to foyer . was to find trevor ... end upp saw MsLow . she nagged mi for dam long ..... -__- keep saying wanted mi to be leader next yr for band . so she soooo strict to mi . pls lurhh . i dun even wan to be laa . how i wish i can quit ! she forced mi to go band . but i never go =X went to find MrYen , for project matahari . went to canteen after that . done some . thann go JZ house , done the poster . hehehe . wakaoo . peijun & co never do anything ! the poster everything i do de . nort fairrr ! =X haha . thann about 5plus leave there . go lotone meet mummy star star nephews and erjie . gonna buy phone tomm (: went to dental with mummy , was to operation . but dental say school dae , so better dun . made-ed appopintment on 17june . got to have a small operation! ): than headed home. (: reachh home about 9plus ler . hiias . tomm NPCC daee . damm . got go wear FULL - U to presentation . argh . dunno what would MsLow do to mi tomm . better not to see her =X keke . -argh , stupidd wesley kor . quit-ed NPCC . ):
Monday, May 25, 2009 8:37 PM
NPCC . ♥ ![]() wake up , packed NPCC STUFF , than bath-ed . went oudd . meet peijun . (: went to school .. hair dam f. weirdd . =X thann assemblee , MrLim nagged nagged . -__- when is our class turn to go bck class ..... DAM , class to nosiy & co laaa . MrLim dun let us go . call us stay back . ass . thann when every class go off . he asked us to clean up the whole , parade square ! . damm hym ! lol . went back to class , MrYong came in . temperture taking -_- thann slackk , went back to parade square . started practice on AYG . (: sitting down there listening , looking , laughting . MrAppleNg was sooooo cute & funnyyy . hahas . (: end ler , went to recess . wooo . 1hr 30 min lehh ! hahahhas . went to reading terence . eating half way .. mdm wong walk to mi . -____- sitted down with us , asked , how's ur exam . i did not ans her =X cos it is badd . she suddenly say . '' go oudd with ur kelvin laa , go oudd with him eveyday'' thought i never see ur at MAC that time meh ? hide under the table laaa. -_____- i diam diam , keep smiling . LOL . same goes to peijun . haha . than she ask , when u all see mi de ? i reply her , when u going off . LOL . she told mi , when she walk in , she saw us liaooo ! -_- zZz. nothing to say . LOL .. she say-ed peijun . why lie to kelvin that thur need come school . LOL , she say-ed us bo liaoo . haha . went to Maths SLC after that . for class inter . woo MrDarylKoh . haha . (: seen our results . took a donation form . thann MrKoh started saying about ''pig+bird+human flu'' lol . he tok sooo dam freaking funny LOL . was enjoyeddd . cos in air-con room enjoy his jokes . haha . after that went to hall , was bored . i dunno what has happen , cos i sleep all the way =X keke . end ler . asked ppl help mi donate money! HYPPIEEE , sooo good . soo many ppl helpp-ed mi . hahasss . THANKYOUU . *PEBBLES JIE , horhor , i noe ur mimi =X * went to slack , 2pm fall in . NPCC training . pebbles took our squard again . haha . was quite funn . practice for NPCC dayy . (: end ler , went to find ms teng . for some thingyy . thann go west mall with jac & jiaqi & peijunn . eat ICE-CREAM . went to shopping . brought quite alot of things . went home . chat in msn . damm . stupidd alvin.w . keep shooting mi till i nothing to say . lol , but he did cheered mi up! (: SPECIAL thanks to all . (: - Hadi (: [ mye dearest chairman . LOL ] - Asyidiq . - Davidd Yongg . (: ! - Aravindd . [ 5years of friendd . ] - Peijun . [ ahJie ] - Sherman . [ ahDi ] - Claire . [ ahMei ] - Murni . - MeiYun . [ Birthdaee partner . ] - Wesley . [ ahKor ] - Leris . [ ahMei ] - ShiJie . [ ahDi ] - Chin Hean . [ xiiaowangzi (: ] - Daryl chan . [ gayy .! :x ] - Janelle Soh . [ Loved . ] - Shahir . [ myeee Charger ! ] - Saidah . - Rathini . - Dorcas . (: - AmandaKew . [ ahMei ] - Ryan . [ Clarinet Junior . (: ] - Shafiqa . - ClarissaChing . [ (: ] - ClaudiaLee . - PebblesTan . [ ahJie , Lurved . ] - TrevorYeow . [ ahKor ] - JiaYu . [ Clarinet Junior ] - Huiyu . -_- - Jacquelyn [ ahMei ] - Sinnie . -_- _ for helping mi to donate (: _
Sunday, May 24, 2009 11:10 PM
Bored daee . ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() todaeee , wake up about 11am . :x was to accompany mummy to market @ 7am deee . but i did not wake upp . keke .. maybe next week than pei mummy go down ler .. later going JZ house .. cos he wanted to see mye hair -__- Lmao. packed , when going oudd .. jessica called mi , ask wanna meet. told her i going oudd . so meeting her at night . with cheeming daddy & co .(: went to JZ house , hehe , i'm late =X went up to his house .. watched show&co . somehow they chatting or what i fall asleep =X hahas . when i wake up , it's about 5plus PM . lol . trevor said wanted to go off ler . leave at about 6plus PM . hahas . (: thann took bus 300 to lotone . LOL . the bus only got 3 ppl . which is mi, trevor & peijunnn . haha . reachh lotone , trevor went home . shop-ed with peijun for awhile . waiting for cheeming daddy & co . they reach-ed . peijun went homee . i went to meet cheeming, jessica, lily part type & irene . (: soo long never meet cheeming daddy liaooo . haha . than went to wait for erjie to come (: when erjie come , we chatt-ed for awhile . went in to arcadee . plae some thingyy . thann . wanted to take neo print . but lily sayy we wear till like that , next time bahh . LOL . than anything lurh . haha . went to play BIG SWEET LAND with cheeming daddy . woooo , win a soft toy and a pack of SWEETS . LOL . soo many sweet laaaaa. -_- lol . went to slack , eat sweet , chat all that .. haha s. went home at about 10plus PM .(:
Saturday, May 23, 2009 10:00 PM
happy birthdaee, shijie ! (: ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() todaeee, was to meet shijie&co. at mye house downstairs @ 12pm . but i wakeurp lateee :P hahaas . everyone was waiting fur mi =X LOL . sorry guys . meet them at about 12.15pm . took 172 to jurong point . (: went to meet sherman&co. woo , clarence bring his brother along . 12yearsold. (: LOL . quite handsome =X hahas .. (: brought ticket , uninvited . while buying . saw lily part tyme, irene, jessical & co . LOLs . they was shock by seeing mi there . hahas . sooo LAME , all see mi never ask about mi . 1st ask is '' where is ur bf '' -__- than went to buy drinks&co . mi and trevor brought cheese hot dogs . (: went in , watch . quite nice actually . hahas . stupid shijie, scared till like wan cry ! LOLS . thann jianzhang watch movie half way tok on phone -_- everyone looking at hymm . zz . lol. end movieee , went to toilet . come oudd , ChewJiaHui was there -_- giving mi the stupid look . ask mi again. where ur bf -__- WHYE everyone see mi ask about mye bf deeee ! damm than walk oudd. saw jiahui, amanda, geoklan& shermaine. LOLs . went to take neo print. saw lily again!! lol . realise that she got the same bag as mi !! hahahas . (: after taking neoprint , we found out that the neoprint SUX . went to lotone by 172 . reach ler . at inter there , sae AlvinKHOO . LOL . peijun and shijie .. they 2 dam ........ keep calling ''ALVIN KHOO '' -__- throw away all our face . lols . after that .. took neoprint over there (: was much much much more nicer okay ! hahas . than went to buy ice-creamm . niceee . (: than went home (: reach home, dajie asked mi to go cut hair . went with her and nephew . (: arghh , cut till quite short siaaa . mye reborn gone liaoo ! is totally gone! ): hiiassss . went to buy prepaid cardd . dajie brought for mi dee . number was quite easy to rmbb alsoo . haha . head-ed home. (:
Friday, May 22, 2009 8:32 PM
NPCC resume ! (: ♥todaeee, wake urp late =X was to wake up at 5.15am . end up 5.45 than wake up =X quickily bathed and packed . dajie waited for mi to go outt . cos daddy not driving mi to school this few days de. than meet peijunn . actually meeting shijie . damm , ytd i bomb him . todae he bomb mi . LOLs . - fairfair liao hor! went to school , cant find pebbles to pass her present . lol . after assemble , all NPCC sec 2 cadet need find ms teng .. went to findd . asslaaaa . get scolded . cos all sec2 cadet alot ppl dunwan come training . hiias , i go for every training ok! but .. one for all, all for one -__- after meeting , MdmWong find mii .. i noe that she find mi sure no good news .. LOL . she book-ed mi on mye last week of holidaee . LOL . help up in school doing some stuff . asked mi to tell pebb&co. haha . went to art lesson . WOO .! i manage to pass mye art .!! hyppieee ! went to maths after that , took back paper 2 . thought that i would get ZERO . cos i totally anyhow do .. end up i got 8/50 .. lol . peijun got 4/50 .. hahas . quite surprise .. my class marks was nice.. 41 ppl everyone got U .. only a few china ppl got paasss . lol . than went to recess , chatted with joanne&co . went to MT , watch showw . so touch . almost cry :( thann go for english dee . end up cherr never come -__- cant get to see mye english paper 1 !! argh . :( Mr Yong told mi that i pass D&T !! woooohoooo .! hahas . went to canteen slack , sleep .. untill 2pm .. went to change FULL-U .. with janelle&co. hahass . soooo dam funnnyyy . & fun . fall in at about 2.30 . started .. was in alvin.k's squard actuallyy . was dam happy . cos no sotong in mye grounp =X but suddenly pebbles asked mi to go her group . LOL . so i went loo . but was indeed funn! lol . Junhong keep say '' YES , CL '' than pebbles laught like hell . lol , she call us to be serious .. end up she keep laughting . so we cant stop laughting too . haha . MsTeng saw , she laught alsooo . hahahahs. end-ed training , change to P.T . eating pocky with pebb . lol . than change Mufti . trained somethings . than waited for pebbles , than sent her home (: went home after that . (: with shijie&peijun . thanks shijie for helping mi take shoes bag . and thanks peijun for helping mi take uniform bag . haha .(: now vivian&herBF. at mye house . playing majong alsoo . hahas . soo happyy!! i manage to pass geo ? actually fail . but plus CA , i pass .. hyppieee ! hahas . soo happy . fail 3 subject ): but it's okay already . cos i thouhgt i will faill ALL . I'm FULLY book-ed . Saturday - Go oudd celebrate shijie(ahdi) birthdaee . Sunday - Promise-ed mummy to go oudd with her . (: Monday - Extra NPCC practice for NPCC dayyy . Tuesday - HQ, help out for SEC1 uniform , BAND & dental appointment . Wednesday - NPCC daeeee .! (: , 1 month w. hym <3 Thursday - BAND training .. Friday - NPCC training, Parents meeting Section & briefing for SEC 2s . Saturday - Ice-Skating with david,wesley&co. (: Sunday - Go oudd with mummy&jieee . (: First 2 week of holidae - Been book-ed by MsLow. June holidae - Maths LSP ): 12June - NPCC, CD course . Last week of holidae - Been book-ed by MdmWong.
Thursday, May 21, 2009 9:18 AM
did not went to school todae .. ♥ Happiieee Birthdaeeee tuhh Annabel !! (: Happiieee Birthdaeeee Tuhhh Pebbles Jie (: [ the snail princess! :x ] ytdd .. happen soooo many things .. ): suddenly peiun called mi , asked mi to conference .. than jiu conference lurh (: idunwan to watch movie todaeee , but they force mi -_- pebbles told mi to go , if not she also dunwan go le . hiias . no choices her birthdaee , dun dissapoint her . she said only we 4 go , trevor,peijun,mi and her . but i say dunwann , wan go tgt go (: so end up tgt going ! (: meeting at west mall , 2++pm . pris & trevor will be meeting us at 4++pm . cos they having shooting !! -__- hahas . chatted at msn with alvin.w and co . (thankyou alvin , actually u cheered mi up (: ) hmm , did not went to school todaee . was actually meeting shijie at lotone inter de .. but ... SORRY , i swear fri i meet you okay ? ): wake up, sms-ed wesley . asked for mye marks . he told mi i fail mye bio&chemm . (: i'm not sad , cos i noe i sure fail =X i dun even understand those question . at least i'm happy that i pass my physic !!! i thouhgt i will fail siaaa . !! wooo . hahas . (: asked wesley to help mi go correction&stuff . (: thankyou!! about 1pm . meet peijun . went to bukitbatok. was to go school meet pebbles . but it was too early. saw david and wesley at inter . david asked us to go eat mac tgt . so we went with him . (: he and wesley eat. he eat burger dam funny lurhh . hahas . soo cute (: than stupid wesley . keep bluffing mi -__- say what band close down le . say till so real . i sooo fucking happy than he say lie to u de . stupidd lurh . YAYYY , wesley told mi i pass mye D&T & ENG ! woooo ! got 36 for paper 1 !!! hyppieee .! (: got A for D&T also . hahahahas . after that about 1.55 wanted to went off . go meet pebbles . stupid wesley say i stupid . bluff mi again . took mye wallet i still dunno -___- dammm . went off to school . meet pebbles .mygodd . so many classmate saw mi .. dia liaoo . lol. thann all ask why i never go school -_- haha . went to MAC , slackk . wait for JZ&kelvin . they come , chatted . (: eated (: went to westmall . booked tickets . wait for trevor&pris . they come , went in to watch night at the musuem 2 . (: quite nice ? i did not really watch actually . juz dun have the feeling to watch . keep on thinking of alot of things. went to lotone after watching movie . help mummy to buy things . than took bus home . (: -NPCC training starts tomm . ): Labels: whart should i do now then ?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 7:56 PM
Happy birthdae to otah (: ♥ Happiiee biithdaee tuuh LongTat (otahh) (: todaee, went to school myself . daddy did not drive mi , cos he went our for work at 4am ! -__- thann went oudd with dajie . meet pj . head-ed to school . saw alot of FD ppl . (: hahas . assemble . first lesson was maths . wesley give-ed mi mye present (: ! thankyou! (but is sooo the belated lurhh . haha) thann got back maths paper . nice one .! 5/50 for paper 1 ! ): bo mood , asked yuqiang to copy . than sleep. went to english class . miss ong went for course .! ): MISS herr sooo muchh .! ): but nevermindd , mr apple ng take over ! haha . he was quite funny alsooo . when giving oudd of paper . when he call 'peijun, she will sure say SHUTUP' LOL . dam dam dam funny. ! hahas . got 31 for english actually . end up 32 ! (: cos of cher marking wrongly.! wooo . 1 more mark added . thann for paper 1 tomm than can see ): went for MT . done it bady . got 48/100 !! argh . 2 more marks.! than went to recess , slacked . thinking of mye history mark all the wayy ! went for historyy .. wooooooo .! IWINPEIJUN .! (: haha, i won the bet .! i got 71 . she got 61 .!! hahas . diff by 10 marksss .! (: thann after see mye marks , i sleep hold class =X than free period . no geo . cos cher never come . went to canteen slackk . than go for assemble .. was bored , sleep all the way . after ending . go for NPCC meeting. ms teng told us , fri resume training . -__- hiias . thann went to maths room 7 . find mr liew .. HYPPIEE . i pass mye physic ! omg.. i cant belive it . got 23. hahahha . (: peijun got 21 .. lol . but still pass yea ! (: went to cantenn , wait-ed for trevor . he is having his CLs meeting .__. lols .. finally he come .. than we go off to take MRT&BUS . went to palm garden . wait for JZ . reach-ed . chat awhile was fine at first . chatting about exams . hiias . went to fish pondd . they dunwan tell mi anything. F la . the main thing i wan meet them is to understand . end up all go other side say . P/S mi . thann dunwan tell mi anything somemore . was really angry , went off without toking to them . walked out of palm garden , too bus home-ed . reach home, bath-ed . off-ed home since juz now . dun feel like to open mye phone . cos of juz some reasons. ending here . bye . *to all NPCC BAND members , ms low ask to pass msg . there will be no BAND training till next tues . (: *sorry pebbles , i dun think tomm i'm going for movie . there's no reason behind . dunworry i will pass trevor $3 .
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 9:34 PM
ice skating .. -__- ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ytdd , chat on phone with trevor&co ... about todae's plann .. hahas . was bored . hiias . plan change here change there . zZzz . kelvin's phone no more bat, hang . i went to watch TV awhile&play with ryann . than went to room . lie on bed till fall asleep -_- about 2am wake up =X msg-ed with trevorr . hahas . dunno where the hell they going . -_- end up, in the morning wake upp . kelvin say go ice-skating first .-_- we 4 ppl only . (lame) than went to lotone meet trevor at about 8.30am .. peijun come at about 9++am .. than kelvin come . (: head-ed to kallang .. suddenly kelvin say pebbs wan go for skating -_- than wait her at leisure park . hiias . was bored thought out . ): went in skate . was funnn! (: was playing around with pebbs (: than she go plae with kelvin .. i played with pris&co . hahahhaha . was freakinggg funnn! (: haha . trevor fall down alot alot of time.haaha . he wan competition with mi .. see who faster . end up he fall -_- LOL after skating .. they say wanna go pasir ris parkk -_- everyone dun even have mood lurh . hiias . than go there . cycle .. (: but was bored indeed . that places is full of memories .. cos of steven,yongming and AMAS ! :P there's bad memories & good memories (: while cycling .. was msging was alvin.k . cos i'm really boreddd . -_- after cyclingg . went to eeat KFC .. than took new print -_- cos pebbles wants to -____- '' after that took MRT home . (: chat with peijun&trevor . lots lots lots of craps . and was quite funnie =P went home , before going take bus .. eaten ice-cream . (: cos i juz feel like to do so ): *will upload photos ASAP (: BET with PEIJUN , $2 .__. see who's HISTORY get higher marks ! (: -mye mood indeed nort very good todaeee . might be due to tiredness bah ? idk toooooooooo .
Monday, May 18, 2009 10:36 AM
JP (: ♥no school for todae (: ytd went to JP at afternoon .. (: w. mummy & nephew(s) . hhahas . shop quite lonqq . brought quite alot of things too .! (: spent $100 over dollar if i'm nort wrong =x took cabby home at about 11pm (: reach home , bath-ed rest awhile . play-ed maple . with kelvin , trevor & dajie (: wooo , finally i lvl 30 , kelvin help-ed mi with changing jobb . cos i forget everythingyy liaoo . hahas . thann slack @ maple . we are nort training at all ! lols . i went to sleep early .. :P about 1 am plus i off com ler .. they still playing . hahas . (: todaeee , wake up about 10am plus .. (: went to lotone with peijun juz now .. woo , saw alot of ppl .. like huiyu,serene,edwin,phyllis&more =X so sueyy .! haha . lucky nort with kelvin =X haha . after awhile , trevor come meet us .. hahas. thann we go buy present & cake .. after that .. pei mi went home , take mye jacket and put the present . hao le , went to take cabby to fajar . meet kelvin .. LOLs . chat at MAC . (: hahas . than he went home , took the cake home too . hahas . come down find us again . wearing MAC shirt =X cos he working at 5.30pm . hahas . at 5.30 plus .. he went to work . LOL . trevor bastard . wanted to disiaooo . hahas . thann we went off .. took LRT . stupidd peijunn MRT card no money -__- waited her to buy card . hahas . than took MRT .. saw yi ru againn .. lols .. (: went home .. reach hoe ler .. mummy cook curry -__- hahas . eatenn . later going lotone with peijun . (: *looking forward tuhh tomm! (: *StarStar has been having fever since fri . wish he will recover ASAP (:
Sunday, May 17, 2009 7:10 PM
HIIAS . ): ♥ ![]() I'M BACK TUHH MAPLE SEA .! (: ytd nitez , play-ed maplesea with kelvin ... play play play .. did not notic the time . =X hahas . 2am plus le we still dunno . haha . went to sleep at 3am . (: lvl 24 ler (: hahas . (we started playing from the beginging again =X) morning , mummy wake mi up at 7am .. ): go market with her .. zZz .. thann she at there till quite late .. i told her i wanna go home first =X went home at about 12plus , 1 plus reach home . daddy asked mi to go his car with him , to take something .. i went with him , end up juz take food -__- for mye lunch . LOL . went home again , played maple awhile with kelvin.. (: finally lvl 29 ler .! (: hahas . 1 more lvl to change jobb . keke .. trevor coming plae too . he juz DL only . haha . MI - xIaopockyy KELVIN - iRockyy TREVOR - iBaiiChii LOLs , we are cutee yeaa ? lol ..... hmm , going oudd to JP later , with mum. (: tomm might be going JP again .. going bugis also .. hahas . (: but it still not comfirm yet . PEBBLES JIE : sorry , i cant make it todaeeee .. sorry , i did not answer ur 10+ call . -_- sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry ! -dun angry ler ! ): SORRY ..
Saturday, May 16, 2009 12:34 PM
nothing tuhh do.. ♥ MISS ! (: todaeee , wake urp .. mummy ask mi weather want to go out with her maa .. i say dunwan :X keke . lazyy to go oudd todae laa . thann eated donut fur breakfast . hahas . dajie brought home de. mummy asked mi weather want to go Batan during june holidaeee . (: with cousins . i told her dunno . lols . might or might not be going also ... hahas .. hmm.. thinking weather should i play back maple maaa . (kelvin asked mi) maybe playing back , maybe nort playing back .. haha . he wanted to play private server lehh . cheat deee .! :P hahas . still not sure going play ma laaa . also nothing to do at home . maybe playing lurh.\ depends bah ! hahas . yaaaayyyyy , tues going ice-skating ..! (: to celebrate pebbles jie birthdaeee . hahas . (: hope that it would be funn! long time never go ice-skate ler .. lol . btw , sorry pebbles jieeee . i cant go watch movie with you tomm .! ): sorry .! juz now , went to most of friendster photo .. Most of it i delete is photo when i'm in primary school . hahas . changed-ed the skin tooo . (: nothing much to dooo . haha . 11 more daees ! (: [L][1 month with hym] o3 more daees ! (: [ice-skate for pebbles birthdae celebrations]
Friday, May 15, 2009 3:45 PM
Last paper ..(: ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() at the morning, pebbles come school .. tell mi about what mdm wong & ms low asked her .. hahas . dam dam dam funny . but i think i better dun sayy . hahas . having the last paper.. (: which is lit .. thought that i would sure fail.. cos i never study .. never even read the story. in the morning asked chunyu to explain some for mi =X hahas , went to assemble . than go hall .. seat down , paper started . was happie at first . thought that it would be easy . cos there's only five printed pages . while doing .. first few page is about romoe and juliet .. quite easyy :p juz that some 2-3 question i dunno . haha.. at the last pages .. abit harder.... about poem thingy .. hiias .-__- end paper at about 9am plus .. (: SLs and some people are to meet cher . lucky i dun need =X after end everything .. went to took cabb .. cabb-ed to JZ house .. watch show .. a lame and H* show .. LOLs .. =X than slack awhile .. do nothing .. lol .. they play games all that .. haha ... juz eaten food . cooked by JZ .. haha . now he and kelvin cooking .. dunno can eat de maa =X haha . ending here ler .. nothing much .. now at his house .. nothing to do .. so come and post .. haha . waiting for kelvin and JZ finish cooking . hahas . (: **dajie told mi that mye bill brust till very lihai .! hahas . =X (i knew that, that would happen .. cos msg =X haha .)
Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:55 PM
Happy Birthdae ALICIAAA (: ♥ ![]() HAPPIEE BIRTHDAEE TUHH ALICIA (: todaaee , having maths paper 2 & geo . (: did not have any assemble , cos of bad weather . but Mr Chew did nag alot ! hahas . went to hall for exam .. paper starts early than the actual time . maths paper was freaking hard . did not actually do . done the hold paper in 20mins time . the rest of the time was sleeping . =X get call wake up by 3 teachers , dunno how many time -_- went for 30mins break . back to hall for geo. mye godd . got 16 pages . is freaking hard too . maybe cos i never study .. hahas . used 25mins to complete hold paper . all anyhow do . i question dun have over 3-4 words =X end everything at about 11plus .. went to do survey .. at com lab 1 . dam it . thanthanhan poor water on floor . hold class never help her . i also =X than ... Ms kelly chia scold mi .. cos i never help up =.= she say at band i be leader de . than now show bad example =.- so the freaking ass laaaa .! -__- than went in the labb done they survey , it was dam lame . -__- i was the first one to complete . keke cos trevor is spamming mye phone liaoo . lol . went out of labb , trevor was there . headed to take cabby , to palm garden . meet JZ and kelvin . slack there . they went to swimming for dam long . haha . amas suddenly call mi , asked mi about chalet thingy . lol . he is so lame . than went up back to his house . which is now . haha s. i'm using his lappy to post. (: cos might be going home late todae , hahas . geo & maths comfirm fail . no need see . but history comfirm pass . cos ms meges told mi todae =) ending here ler . bueiiii . (: *left with lit exam & MT oral , :)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 5:31 PM
♥in the moring , waited for yiting .. lend tie from her . keke . (: thanks! haha . she return mi mye calculator also .. and pass mi mye present .! haha . than todae's having plysics, chemistry & biology .. it was quite easy , but i did not study and listen in class .. sooo . (: after ending all exams , went to find trevor . *sorry for let u waiting so long (:* head-ed to MRT station . than go yewtee . meet JZ & kelvin . bak haw was there too . went to MAC . slack there . all of us get PS by someone -__- . thann . chat chat chat , say wan study alsso never . haha . was simply juz so bored over there . i think i will NEVER go MAC w. them to slack .__. went off at about 4plus . took MRT . kelvin&JZ took LRT at lotone . mi trevor, peijun went to lotone popular .. shop awhile . brought mye pen (: all mye pen are lost or no link -_- than went home , saw zemin . (: longtimenosee . haha . (: reach home , mummy say going lotone eat dinner . juz nice , i wanna go there walk walk . dunwan rot at home , but need wait rony wakeup . (: nothing much about today .. everything did't really go smoothly . ): mood are not that good too . *think nort gonna meet up till we can go JZ house .(:* Exam that are OVER (: -English Paper 1&2 . -Mother Tongue Paper 1&2. -Maths Paper 1. -History. -Chemistry. -Biology. -Physics. -D&T. -ART. Up-coming Exams ): -Maths Paper 2. -Mother Tongue Oral. -Lit. -Geography.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 8:52 PM
CheerUp , trevor (: ♥todaeeee , went to school dam early .. study for history .. hahas . i MUST pass okay ! (: went to assemble , brought thermomether .. -__- .. cos i never bring . hiias . cos mi $4 !! lols. so expensive =X went to hall , sit for Maths paper 1.. -_- so hard . zz . must work hard for paper 2 liaoo . than went for a break , come back . mygodd i'm late . hahaa . everyone settle-ed down , going give out paper than i sit down . keke . history paper starts -.- cool .. quite easy .. but got 6 source base question siaaa . dam , hand veri pain . end exam , mye class last to go off again -__- wait-ed for trevor at foyer .. tit was raining , we walk in rain to fetch for cab -_- took cab , we are dam wet okay! reach CCK , the weather is dry de lurh . lol . than go palm garden , meet JZ & kelvin . (: hahas . went to swim for awhile .. lol . slack , watch movie, all that .. than eat dinner . at JZ house , hahaha .. most of mye rice are given to kelvin =X kekex. than about 8plus , went home. (: trevor went home early, due to something. sainzz , mye ez-link has lost for sooo long .. gonna to make a new one . :( *kelvin* zhu la youuu , dammm ! i dun belive i will lose you . ! keke . watch out on next meet up haaha , ((: *trevor* dun be so sadd laaa .. nort worth it okay! think of happiee moment instead of badd moment , than u would be much much more happier .! (: i noe you nort sooo xiaoqi de bah! haha . smile ! cheers ! i dunwan see u moody okay! hahas .. (: *peijun* i noe nort ur fault also laaa , juz that u brought up the pastt .. juz dun do that again .. i think that really hurts him .. u noe urself , how it hurt . think of him too , he feel the same way .! (: he is not so xiaoqi de . wiish ur be friend back ASAP okay! (:
Monday, May 11, 2009 8:22 PM
mye first time going oud study =X ♥ ![]() todaeee , dunno whye .. wake up at about 4am plus .. than sleep back .. till 8plus .. wake up , turn on computer .. plae awhile .. than started packing .. going oud STUDY =X haha , first time i so guai okay ! hahaahs . guys , stop saying i never study .! i got okay .!! (: 10.15 am meet peijun at mye house downstairs . about 10.35am meet kelvin&jianzhang at MRT station .. actually was to go BB MAC , but change of plan .. went to yew tee MAC .. :( reach there .. kelvin asked a lame question !! lol .. he askk ... how to go up ! -____- lol s.. i lead the way up , cos all dunno ! lol . dam funny hahaa . went up , started study history . (: see i so guaii .!!! (: haahaas . about 1plus .. i saw a cousin at MAC .. =X lucky he never see mi .. hahass . (: than trevor come .. when in hiding from mye cousin .... i saw MDM WONG .! myegodddd .! -___- i hide more worst ! -__- trevor look to mdm wong there.. she saw us ! -__- die liaoooo . think she noe mi and kelvin le .. lols . hope nothing will happen . hhahha . when she's trying to look at us more .. her husband drag her off .! lol . (: lucky ! haha . kelvin , JZ , trevor and PJ started eating MAC . (: i never eat ... i continew studying history for tomm . haha . after eating , studying awhile .. went to take MRT , go palm garden(JZ house) .. than at his house .. kelvin say wanna go swimming .. lol . went down to swim . lol .. (: actually only JZ and kelvin swim .. they come up , pull trevor down ! haha .. he is dam f. wet ! lol . he wear jeans , the guard come .. haha . say-ed him . than we hack care =X after awhile .. went back to JZ house . i'm wet tooo , thanks to kelvin =X at his housse , study abit of maths .. than went down swimming pool slack awhile .. went back his house again .. (: started to slack .. than after awhile . kelvin watch his hongkong show .. trevor . pj and jz chatting . all PS mi :( lol .. buttttt .. neverminddd . alvin.k and er an zhu pei mi msgg ! hahass . *thanks alvin.k and eran .. for entertaining mi when i'm bored* (: after awhile .. about 6plus going 7pm .. went home . i feel bored , so i did not took bus . mi and peijun walk-ed home . (: chat alot of things too . haha . than at house downstairs chat awhile .. saw jingfeng and his father .. damm , he keep looking at mi . hahah . :P went home about 8 PM (: now nothing much to dooo . maybe going sleep early . tomm meet pj early .. go study more on history .. cos .... IDUNWANTOFAILHISTORY .! (: bueii . |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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