Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:59 PM
hiias . never bring key ..! ♥ ![]() FD ' o9 performance . (gib from someone . (: ) todaeee , wake up as normal .. daddy drive mi to school .. reach school revise some english formula .. thann peijun trevor they all come .. went to foyer .. chat for awhile .. assemble .. mr chew nagging .! ~ lame sh!t . than go hall for english MYE paper 1 .. hiias . first tyme at hall exam sioo . hiias . scary .. -__- so many cher .. started at 8.12am-10.14am .. i do finish at 8.50am .. lols. 1hr house for mi to sleep sioo . sleep half way .. Ms Chia wake mi up .. -__- after that i sleep again .. Mdm wong wake mi up .. lols . than fianlly endd lers .. than go canteen .. sain laa . haven eat jiu time up liaoo . go back hall for paper 2 .. 10.34am - 12.14am .. hiias .. sainn . do finish at 11.05am like that .. sleep .. got wake up by 3 teacher .. sain siaa . at hall so many cher .. sleep also cannot . zzzzzz . -__- somemore i sit infont of the hall .! -__- end ler .. go find mr yong .. get nag ! .__. stupidd . hiias . than cabb-ed home with peijun&brian .. hahas . went to sunshine with peijun .. go there take mye skirt .. woo quite short siaa . :PPP nevermindd . nort long can liaoo . hahas . than went home .... haha s. reach home .. sain .. never bring key .. need wait mum come back .. than trevor come mye house here pei mii . :D after that peijun come .. i go home . cos my mummy come back ler . than they wait at mye house there . hiias . mye nephew keep shouting .. '' xiao yi ..! peijun lai liao .! -__-'' dam irritating lurhh . zzzz . -_- hao ler .. meet them took cab to AES .. meet kelvin&jianzhang .. than went to palm garden .. slack at his house . hahas . quite fun ? haha . cos mi and trevor make kelvin :P go down .. buy tibits & drinks .. slack around .. than go playground .. hiias . about 9plus to 10am .. went home .. kelvin&jianzhang after sent mi home . they go home . hahas . i think so .. i not sure .:P reach home .. bath .. nothing much to do ler .. hahas . ending here liaoo . tonite dunno got conference maa . sainn . hahas .
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 4:14 PM
funny ddaee .. ♥ ![]() todaee , wake urp .. go school .. reach school sleep awhile at canteenn .. kekex .. than wake up .. trevor beside miie . -__- lols .. than chat awhile .. go foyer .. than assemble .. freak .. i never bring tie .. hiias . Mr Chew say ...... ''people who never wear tie dun need to go lesson todae ! '' i was like shit .. yiting never come school, zhen wei never bring .. WTH .. than no choice go buy new derhh . hiias . sad-ed. after that .. go for geography .. sain laa . nothing to do . take temperture.. 35.6 .. .__. than i sleep all the way .. lols .. i miss out all things teacher say .. never do correction also .. hahas . :P after that .. go physics .. david, wesley & yuqiang never go sioo .! -__- lucky lao liew dunno :PP i feel so baddd .. coss .. i tell wesley they all cher find them wan scold them!! hahas . :P than finally recess .. sainz .. go down like no ppl de .. cos mr liew let us go early .. hahas .. slowly more and more ppl .. than canteen got TV .. they play a show .. ppl kissing .. LOLs .. hold people at canteen clap siaa . than make the ''woooo'' sound .. hahas . after that .. went to english lesson ..freak siaa . tomm english MYE ler .. so cannot sleep . hiias . but still tired keke . than finally end ler .. music .. for mi free period . :D slack around the school . haha . than later or biology .. keke . got test . but neever bother to do laa . .__. sleep all the wayy . than class inter .. woo . learn about ''sexuality education'' hahas ..!!! wesley david they all gay de siaaa . -__- lols ..~~ dam horny lurh . that peijun also lurhh . lols . wafi go do something to aliff ''thing'' lols .!!! after that .. end lesson .. went to find mr yen .. took from hym $150 ..!! hahas . for PW things .. lols. than went to sunshine .. outher mye skirt again cos too long . scared outher still too long siaaa . -__- when walking home .. something stupid happen lurh .!! lols . i was toking on phone with kelvin .. than peijun sms-ing and looking at mi sms .. than we 2 never see green or red light .. we juz walk .. -__- end up a bus horn at us .. we still blur blur .. than still walk .. than we saw was red man .!! was like .. ohmygosh ?? lols .!! dam funny laaaa . laught all the way till home . hahas. i cant imagin i did that u noe .!! mye very 1st time lurh . haha. reach home .. nothing to do .. now blogging only.. tomm MYE le .. hiias . 12pm end liao . maybe going for geo LSP .. till 1.15pm .. hhias . bytheway , wish everyone good luck fur tomm's english MYE ..! :D
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 8:42 PM
woohoo . hahas .. :D ♥ todaee , wake urpp .. went to sk0l .. than peijun trevor they all come .. hahas . chat ..~ after that .. assemble .. nag nag nag .~ woo . sainzz . than 1st period .. maths .. yay ..! i pass mye re-test ..!! {secret!} :P tomm dun need go for 3rd time re-test .. LOLs . after that .. ART .. woo .. continew doing clay .. lols . i'm the first one who finish .. lols . guess what cher say ?! she say .. '' u sure take the example than write ur name rite ? '' lols . i was like .. -_-'' lame .. hahas .. woo . that cost 60% sioo . :D after art .. english .. miss ong dunno whye keep calling my name .! zz. at first ask mi read out the passage .. than ask mi go out write answer ..! zz. i think she noe i wanna sleep .! hahas . what a clever cher she is .. hahas . after that, recess .. finally can rest .. hahas . than went to physics .. boring laaa . slack throughout the lesson lurhh . lols . end ler .. went to lit .. amas &co . group act drama .. cos he absent on fri .. LOLs . than end ler .. go history .. sain siaa . copy alot things .. after that .. sleep .! hahas . soo fast end lesson ler , i still sleeping -X (claire cry , i dunno whye .. lols . ) than went to band room .. meet ms low .. about taiwan's trip . hiias . got taiwan trip .. 12daess sioo . :) 4daes training , 8daes SHOPPING ..!! hahas . :D than went off very quickily .. went to gombak for mye dental .. freak i'm late fur about .. 10mins . hahas . lucky never miss mye turn of appointment .. than change braces .. hmm . hao ler .. went to take cabb .. cabb to palm garden . meet kelvin and jianzhang . slack .. watch movie .. than go buy drinks and tibits .. about 6plus .. peijun went home first .. than 7-8 plus kelvin and jianzhang sent mi home .. after that they go lotone eat dinner .. haha . :DDDDDDD reach home .. nothing much to doo .. gonna conference bahh , i think .. hahas . :D *going ourther skirt soon again . cos too long . :P *going to operation teeth again . ! argh . :( *thursdae gonna be English MYE .. :S *no 2.4 run on thursdae ..!! woo . :DDD
Monday, April 27, 2009 8:42 PM
memories . :D ♥wake up at 7am .. ytd nitez 2-3plus than sleep sioo . .__. than wake up pack .. all that .. go meet peijunn .. took cabb tuhh skol .. go toilet .. than at foyer .. tok to trevor .. hahas .. chat there . go for assemble .. woo . so much things happen laaa . hias . went for lesson .. bored all the way lurh . clear-ed locker . dam heavy lurh mye bag .. trevor help-ed mi to take mye books . :DD so good yea .! :) end sk0l .. trevor even help mi take mye bag lurh . lols . went to took cab with hym . at palm garden meet kelvin they all .. go his house .. slack .. lols .. than wait for PJ .. cos she got re-test .. after that she come meet us .. we watch saw 5 .. dam sain laa .. lols .. than watch 1miss call .. lols . *something happen ;P * than went home about .. 7plus .. kelvin and trevor sent mi and peijun home .. reach home . nothing much laa. later confernce .. hiias . and .. tomm got dental .. :D
Sunday, April 26, 2009 11:08 PM
:DD ♥todaee . wake up .. trevor call mi in the morning .! -__- chat on phone with hym .. than say wanna meet . end up decided to meet . meet hym at 10plus .. lotone .. we go MAC slack .. than about 11plus to 12 went to meet kelvin and jianzhang .. go jianzhang's house slack .. watch moviee .. hahas . i did something bastard over there .. lols . i throw away all my medicine .!! -__- feel so badd lurh . lols . than plae , chat .. all that .. went to fish pond .. slack .. plae around .. after that .. about 6-7 plus . went home .. hahas . reach home .. confernce with themm .. all hang .. left mi trevor and kelvin .. trevor hang at about 12 plus .. left mi and kelvin .. continew chatting .. lols. end here ler . buueii . :)
Saturday, April 25, 2009 10:55 PM
went out .. ♥todaee .. actually n0rt going oudd .. cos peijun go out with cousin , kelvin not free . but end upp , we went out .. hahas .. meet about 11plus at lotone with trevor .. and peijun .. about 12 than meet kelvin and jianzhang . hahas . went to AMK hub . :) walk here and there .. wanted to catch a movie .. butt .. no movie let us watch . lols . after that , wanted go eat .. but end up never .. decided wan to go either westmall or palm garden .. hahas . end up go palm garden .. jianzhang house slack .. than on call MAC .. while waiting .. plae true or dare .. -.- MAC finally come .. but .. missing 1 milo .. lols . call back complaine .. than bring 1 more here . haha . and peijun's burger inside nothing .!! lols .. dam funnyy . lols. first time call MAC so many problem .. lols . after eating .. go back room .. watch show .. till about 8-9plus .. than went home .. reach home nothing much .. end here ler .. bueiis . :D
Friday, April 24, 2009 11:25 PM
:DD ♥went to school as normal .. first period art .. do clay .. so sain .. dirty mye shirt lurh . lols . than maths . bored . test got 1/30 .. peijun got 0/30 .. LOLs .. :DD re-test hahas . after that recess .. than MT .. sain ... listening compre exam .. than english .. do what climate change .. i dun even noe how to do .. haha . than go home change .. than meet peijun .. after that meet at palm garden .. with trevor, peijun, kelvin and jianzhang. 1 more boy i dunno his name . :P than go his house .. slack .. play true or dare .. hahas. ! freak off by their dare .! -__-. (not to been say out) :P than watch movie . hahaas . went home dam late .. about 11plus PM .. :PP reach home dam tired . sleep . ahhas .
Thursday, April 23, 2009 11:15 PM
never meet up . ♥hmm . after assmeble .. maths .. so boring .. than D&T .. course work .. sainz .. recess . slack around .. than MT .. sainnnn .. after that english .. bored de lurhh . hahahs . than PAP .. play clarinet sain .. Mr Ho teach thing till wan sleep ler .:P than end school bored . went to lotone with peijun .. shop for wesley presents. brught . than go MAC .. slack .. than go home .. hahas . nothing to do .. sain .. bueii . come post tomm . byee ... ;DDDDD
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 11:05 PM
sainzz .. ♥go school as per normal .. assemble .. than Mr Chew nagging ... 2N2 got tio from Mr Lim .. got to stay back at assembly .. nag nag nag .. zzz. go for maths .. sleep . :P than english .. cher teaching a boring lesson laa. but i still listen -__- . lols. give ms ong face . :DD than went to MT .. sain siaaa . finally recess .. than history , geo .. 2 hour hum .. sian laaaa . assembly.. sleep .. they tok alot craps laaa. sainz . end school .. go meet trevor at canteen .. than wait for shijie .. shijie say wanna go AES wait fur kelvin .. zzz. lols . cos he got detention .. -__- saw jiahui they all at bus-stop . hahas . jiahui they all say shijie gay with kelvin .!! lols .. :PP than went to AES .. kelvin come out .. went to wit fur 67 . hell dam slow lurhh . so many ppl somemore . than go palm garden .. slack .. shijie go off early .. plae true or dare .. trevor laught like hell till cry .. lols .. -__- than trevor went home early .. mi and peijun went home quite late .. about 8-9plus.. i think .. :P than went home .. nothing to do .. ending here ler.. lols.. bueii ..
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 10:52 PM
went to meet themm .. ♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAE TUH CHARMAINE.T :) wake up at at 5.15am .. keke . went to school .. reach about 6am liaoo . lols .. than went to assemble .. so boring .. 1st period .. maths .. sain siaa . test . dun even noe how to do .. i leave hold paper blank laaa . only do 1 question .. -__- than went to english .. hell .. test again ..done ler sleep . keke . after that MT . HELL ..!!! listening compre test .. zz. finally recess .. rest-ed . lols .. :DDDDD than history .. freak off . test test test .! like helll . geography.. finally no test. but cher keep nag . zzz. end school . go meet kelvin they all again .. lols. went to palm garden .. slack .. did not attend charmaine's birthdae party .. feel so baddd .. *sorry ..! * after that .. quite late than go home .. haha . reach home nothing to do .. bueii
Monday, April 20, 2009 10:41 PM
slack .. ♥ HAPPYY BIRTHDAEE TUHH WESLEY KOR :) went to sk0l as normal .. first period geo .. boring laa. test again .. sain .. than english .. than recess .. so boring .. maths .. sleeping all the wayy . than PE .. sit-up test .. woo .. 1min - 46 for mi .. 38 for peijun .. hahas . :PP than free game .. than chemistry .. bored laa . dunno wat cher saying .. than finally last period .. history .. quite ok laa . end school . waited for shijie .. took cab to palm garden .. meet kelvin , jianzhang and dunno his name :P after that .. at fitness corner there slack awhile .. than go his house .. slack .. chat .. quite boredd lurhh . hahas . than shijie went home early . mi & peijun they all went home about .. 7plus .. hahas .. reach home .. nothin to do .. haha .. end here ler .. bueiii .. *wesley .. own u a present . :(*
Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:02 PM
first meet up with kelvin .. ♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAEE TUHH RONYY.Y :) went to school as per normal ..
Saturday, April 18, 2009 11:57 PM
performance . ♥ ![]() meet peijun at about 7plus also .. than take cab to school . slack-ed . went to change half U .. than started training .. hahas . after that .. eat medicine .. mygosh . that pebbles .. she siao derh . eat mye medicine say taste like mentos.. i feel like to vomit man! .__. her taste bud have problem ?! lols . :P after that change-ed full-U .. headed to bus .. go HQ .. eat-ed pizza fur lunch .! yeaaa . :D went throught some rehersal .. than performance .. :D sad fur alvinkhoo . he did not managed to change in time . he did not went to perform . hiias . sad .!!! :( nevermind , still have changes .! cheer upp yeaaa .! :D jiaayouuu .! :D <33> after performance.. go take eat der .. LOLs . than went back to school .. change-ed paid for gloves . than wait-ed fur pebbles .. tuh go eat dinner .. she finally come out ler .. we go eat dinner .. with .. peijun, pebbles, shijie, clarence, kelvin, pebbles bro & ''pencil'' lols. than eat finish ler .. went home .. clarence with home first .. with alvin they all .. .__. than alvinkhoo come .. with yu quan .. we an wei him awhile .. hahas. he seems to be sad ..! alvin ..!! bu yao sad .. juz a small performance ! still have change de! hahas .:D than went home . we pei pebbles walk home .. than mi kelvin, peijun, 'pencil' and shijie take 963 to BPP .. take LRT .. than went home tgt . :D reach home .. bath . hahas . now very tired . might be sleeping soon . :D bueiis . :D
Friday, April 17, 2009 4:21 PM
ermm. went out . ♥ ![]() sleep till 9am plus .. kekex. decided to go oudd .. 11plus , meet peijun , go sunshine outher mye skirt . :D than after that , went to lotone . meet jacquelyn,sherman&jiaqi . shop-ed :DDD look fur lots of things.!! :D went to eat sushi again .!! woooo.. fat man .! gonna stop eating those . hahas. than after eating , continew shopping .!! jac brought a piggy pillow. which i keep hugging ..! :DDDDD hahas . went home by taking cab , with them .. chat with peijun at mye house downstairs, for quite awhile . went home .. nothing much to ddooo .. CHUAyiting msg-ed mi , says , she forget to give mye MC to MR yong. -___- i saes, never mind then .__. tomm is the performance for Fancy Drill ler .. MUST give in the best shoot .!!! we prastice for so long, training for so hard . it MUST be prefect .! :D all the best. ! good luck to ALL fancy drill people .! :D 9am got to reach school tomm . hahas. going with peijun .. hahas. todae was mye FIRST time not go NPCC traning. ! D: mye FIRST time MC from school . since ytd .! D: this week dam busy , got mye MC , so lucky . hahas . monday - Fancy Drill traning , Uniform . tuesday - Fancy Drill training , project matahari , Band . wednesday - Fancy Drill traning . thursday - Fancry Drill training . friday - Unit NPCC traning . ( MC, did not go ) saturday - Fancy Drill Actual performance .
Thursday, April 16, 2009 10:20 PM
tired day . got mye MC . :D ♥ ![]() morning 10+ wake up , packed NP stuff . than go 253 see doctor . take MC . 2 daes . :DDD meet peijun . go school . office called mye dad . ask why i never go sk0l. dad dunno .. -__- he call my mum , my mum tell him hahas. than i go G.O .. tell them .. HAHAs .. :DDDDDDDD after that change Full-U . fall in outside NP room . went to foyer awhile. than up bus . go HQ . prastice ..~ :D accidentally hit ONGshijie's head . SWEAR , very light only . but he cry sia. wt&*&$^%#(*^% . than pebble tell mi , dun care him . last yr i hit him gentally only.. he cry . lamer. than hack care him. trevor say he went to ward B room 3 LOLs . cos he sitting at 2nd row, 3rd sit.! LOLssss. :DDDDD he fall out . we continew.. wooohooo . without him , we are better man! :P yu quan keep joking, ''must leaves space hor, later all go ''hospital'' ' LOLs. than fun fun fun .. he come back formation . lamer. ass. than i accidentally hit pebbles head dam hard .!!!!!!!!! lols. but she never cry or go ''hospital'' wor ..!! hahas. she still laught like hell .! lols. than end ler .. go take bus back . eat medicine at bus.. ahhas. cos half an hour before food. than changed attire . went to coffee shop and eat dinnner .. woo :D pei pebbles walk home .. funny things happen . :P a bicycle come.. peijun shout like what.. mi and pebbles ganna shock like hell! LOLs. -___- lame de laaaa. zzz. LOLs. went home. saw calvin they all .. lolss. funny siaa. than at lotone. walk-ed home with peijun. than now at home. going sleep soon . *not going school tomm* *never go school todae too* *not going tomm's NP training*
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 10:44 PM
freak. e-link lost again .. ♥went to school todae, as per normal .. assemble , bored .. went to lesson . than during recess and onwards . never go lesson . cos biology&classinter no need go .. cos got to go Fancy Drill HQ ..~ :DDDDDDD saw yunni zhu they all !! hahahs. sooo funnyy . LOLs. hmm . went to change full - U .. than fall in .. prepare . go HQ .. prastice.. wooo . dam funn! :D but tiring .. hahas. 7plus PM .. went back to school . HAHAs. than went to change back to school uniform . after that .. went home .. ma'am ask mi to bing shijie home .. cos he sick -.- LOLs. but end up never .. kekex. bring him till CCk niaa. :P went home. tired. bath . find e-link cardss. FREAk sia.. LOST .. -____- dunno go where liaooo . forget where i put alsooo .!! GRRRRRRRR .. fXXk . ending here ler laa. need go find liaooo . wiish can found . praying very very hard . D: *might not go school tomm*
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 8:40 PM
sales was success ..! :D ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() wait-ed fur peijun , went to homec room . do jellys ..!! :D done on tyme yeaa .! :D went for assemble .. first period maths .. i simply sleep ma.. so bored laaa . =.= than ART ..~ cher never come .. so free period .. started pack PW things. after that english , did not went. cos selling things . :D recess still selling .. than physic also never go !! hahahas. sell things . by that time we earn-ed $100++ :DDD (L) went for LIT .. cher say MUST go .. so went .. go throught dramaaaa .. woohooo .. hahas. quite funny yea? :D after that .. never go history.. went to sell alsooo :DDD history got test .. ms meges say next time go find her.. re-take . than keep selling ..~ hahas. till afternoon, went around the school . asking teachers to buyy . :DDD alottttt brought . :D went to find mr yen .. he call us go meeting room ask cher buy!! hahas. we really went sioooo .. end up mr chew brought all .!! :D Mr Alvin Ho also brought 10 cheese cake from us .!! hahas. soo happieee . finally done. went to FD .. left with sweet only lehh . ! :D never bring P.T kit. -.='' give $2 .. cos i wear ankle socks also.. plus never clip finch ..~ zzz. -.='' lols. training..~ hahas. funnnn . than went home w/ peijun. took cabb :D went home .. reach home .. bath-ed . packed. than count the amount of money .. total got ...... $498.75 !!! woooooo .! now blogging . going to pack NPCC stuff soonnn. shit siaa. tomm wearing boys full-u again .. zzzzzz.!!! -.- friday selling things also.. (maybe) byeee .!
Monday, April 13, 2009 9:42 PM
FD todaeee . ♥morning, brought alot things to school .. daddy drive mi tuh school meet peijun . put things inside Homec roomm .. elaine brought cheese cake too . :D quite niceee . :DDD tomm start selling ler.. !! woohoo .. assemble started . lesson started . bored all the way .. sleep . last period MT .. leave class early.. never go for class inter . :DDD went to canteen tok to ms ong.. woo hoo . hahas. fun!! have alot of chat siaa. stupid jac and peijun brought up a horny topic . LOLs . say till like wat siaaa .. hahaas.. chang-ed into half U .. mygosh .. the boots soo hard to wear .. somemore sooo loose . LOLs . fall in outside NPCC room .. huiying ma'am help-ed mi with my hair. :D quite pain siaaa .!!! >.<> than headed to HQ .. start-ed training .. woo .. learn alot moreee . hiias. tiredddd .!!! yayyy . i'm with yiting and pebbles again!! hahas. ending .. about 7plus .. went back to school . changed. than go coffee shop eat with pebbles and alot moreee . hahas. :D accompany pebbles walk home .. than we took cab home . went to shop and save help mummy buy carrot . :D tomm , having PW .. selling things in school canteen . COME SUPPORT .!! :D after that still got to go FD .. zzz. tiredd siaaaa . in the morning still need go school do jelly siaaa . LOLs. veri tired. now going bath and sleep ler.. got to do alot of things sia.
Sunday, April 12, 2009 9:08 PM
wahaha.. sushi ? lols. ♥ytd night, do cookie untill 2am w/ mummy .. wahaha . it taste nice okkay . nort rojak case .! :P went to lotone w/ mummy&dajie&nephews .. brought lots of things .!! brought a pair of shoes too :D went home .. packed things , asked peijun cum take some .. cos i cant bring so much thingys tuh school tomm . hahas . she came, without calling mi and tell mi -__-'' she came up to mye house . zz . lols. soo dam messy lurh . hahas. than i went to take a nap =P too tired .. wake up, start-ed doing coco . hahas. starstar cook dinner !:D not bad, can been eaten hahas.!!! erjie do sushi .. hmmmMmmm it taste ...... okay laa . can eat, but difference from other sushi =X now waiting for erjie done with her sushi -.= than start doing cookie again ler.. if not tomm no time . hahas. dam it, juz now wanted pack NPCC thingy.. realise that shoes bag gone .. noe why? erjie took it. at star star house .! dam it laaa. zzz. lending from janelle tomm . -.=.. thx tuh erjie yea.! -.= so tired. haven pack NPCC thing. gonna sleep late todae . got to do lots of cookie. tomm no time do ler.. NPCC thing till dam late. somemore tues need sell lerx. hiias. end here ler bahhh . starting to pack things.
Saturday, April 11, 2009 8:56 PM
hias.!` ♥ ![]() ![]() todaee, wake urp .. do cookie with mummy ..! hahas . quite nice :DD trevor call miie tuhh meet hym .. he&peijun at westmall .. they come mye house here meet mi :D hahas .. when they reach .. i brought down some cookies .. woohoo .. trevor eat alot sioooo .!! hahas .. peijun went home .. take money .. than , trevor ask mi go home take more -.='' went home, take more cookies and jelly ..!! hahas.. he tasted the jelly .. hahas. !! he say nice ...!! :DDD i've sucess .!! hahas. than peijun come .. tested the jelly nice also .!! woohoo . :DD went to west mall . cab-ed there .. find yiting&zhengwei .. they tasted the cookie .. all say NICE .!! hahas. than yiting keep eating .. lolS..!! go west mall shop.. brought things .. than went to MAC .. wenting & jiahui tasted . says nice too . abit too sweet hahas. than tok tok tok .. went to Jurong .. shop for things.. rain-ed .. walked in rain .. trevor pee .!! LOLs. {jk} is rain water .. than took train to CCk .. too 300 , went home.. all my cookie gone ..~ LOLs .. now at home .. eating jelly too .! hahas.. but going to do cookie again .!! hahas .. :DDDD
Friday, April 10, 2009 8:35 PM
ermm . went to ahma house. ♥hmm .. todae wake up .. mummy ask weather wan go grandma house maa .. it has been a long time i'm not going there okayy . hahas. so i say okayy lurhh . :DDDD meet ahyi, qiqi and tingting at lotone .. than go yishun. meet cousins. shop for things to make cookie :D went to grandma house . make cookie .!! wahaha .. the mashine spoilt -__- .. use hand !! hao ler .. start making shape. ! it's fun okayy .! hahas. than start make ~ DONE .! test .. hmmm .. look okay only .. but.. it taste .... NICE .! :D make alot .~~ than about 6plus ler.. eat dinner .. than went tuh lotone again.. shop for things to make cookie again.. this time round is for ..... tues selling in school de. haha . so got to do on sun ..! :DD after that .. walk-ed home . :DD reach home . prepare things . mygosh . got to bring lots of things on mon .. *cookie is nice okayy . not like that rojak case .! hahas.*
Thursday, April 9, 2009 9:12 PM
happiie + bad daaee . -.- ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() todaeee, wakeup, go school .. assemble boredd .. nothing much .. lesson. ~~ play play play . MT test . quite okay .. english test .. quite okay too . :D than lesson lesson lesson .~~ PAP .. slack ..~ play awhile of light of dawn .. :DDD miss the past. end ler .. go prepare for later fancy drill .~~ woooo .. :DD fall-in, formation .. learn new things (alot) lols. :D than prastice prastice .. mdm wong say learn, a hard thing =.= learn-ed :DD haha. quite easy laa actually :P than end ler .. go take full-U . help -ed geoklan&co. take . after tha go foyer.. clarence say his father can drive us back. while waiting, peijun pebbles they all force mi to tok to HYM .! -.= xxx. argh. dunno what to do at that time. blank on my mind , end up say-ed hi and bye .! lols. than clarence father finally come.. with his HOLD family .=.= mdm noe that.. end up.. mdm wong sent us home. hahas. good yea? lols. at car, say about taiwan's trip.. ms low keep saying miee.. say she worry i cant go.. she say i die die must go.. mdm wong says that too . =.= hiias.! freak. last year told my mum and sis ler.. this year going taiwan. $2000++ they say okayy. -.= cos school wont deduct anymore for mi.. i last year went to china liaoo . =.= hiias . sad-ed messsy in mind now. dunnno what to do . alot trouble in mind. -Fancy Drill Performance (next sat) -Taiwan's trip (june holidaes. 11-12daes) -About hymmmm .!! -.= -Mid year exam .. (start at 30.4) HIASSSS . nothing more ler laaa. byeee.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 9:26 PM
FD fun! :D ♥morning wake up dam early laaaa . reach school , school haven even open .. hahas. than went open ler . go in, do chinese homework :PP last minute. hahas. assemble, bored . than 1st period, maths . bored. chatt-ed and play-ed hahas.!! than english. bored too. woo hooo. same with trevor for 4-5 period lols. after that MT, feel like to sleep man.! zzz. recess, than history. sleep all the wayy kekex. after that. geography .. bored .. play-ed with wesley lols.!! :DDDDDDDD than assemble, bored sleep. cos got wat sun wu kong performance. zz. end ler, go find mr lee, for lit thingy .. zzz. group-ed with david, wesley, peijun and weisiang . hahas. than went to find mr yen. for PW . :D after that , go canteen change. than find mr koh. wait for him 1hr plus.. mr lim help us call him lols. he never pick up. than planned to leave a letter to him. but he come back le lols. take from him. than run go FD . lols. ma'am call mi alvin and yiting do make thing zzz. than went. after that formation..~ woo hoo. new steps again lols. trained trained trained.. than end ler. ''special'' people stay back prastice more . lols. 7plus PM than leave school zzz. than go west mall.. brought something. than home-ed. so bored now. thinking how am i going to complete my dare-ing. zz. wiish tomm no band, can go for FD. ;DDDDDDDDD
Tuesday, April 7, 2009 5:47 PM
ohmygosh. ♥wake up late todaee , :P dad waiting fur mi for 10-15min =X went to school leg dam painful .. zZz .. morning assemble, sit veryy infront :DDD *i soo guaii :P* than geography test, mygosh, so hard >.< end lesson went tuhh english lesson .. slack all the way yea . :D than recess ler .. hahas .. after that maths, take time go up hahas. reach there played with yuqiang amas and co./ myohgosh .. tok tok tok .. suddenly i saw yuqiang pants got hold ..! i shoccked and told david and peijun LOLs. we laught-ed like madd mann .!! hahas. hold lesson laughter and funs .! :D after that PE . did not attend . wrote a parents letter :P lucky never go for PE , run like mad hold lesson -.='' than went tuh chemistry, saw trevor's class. play-ed with hym, rui quan and mark .!! hahas. suddenly alvin KHOO come .. lols. he say he most 'handsome wor' lols. than at that point of time than i noe he same class with trevor . hahas. during chemistry.. took from trevor alvinKHOO's number. msg hym .. played with hymmm .!! hahas. :DDDD end lesson . bored . ruiquan scold peijun like hell .!! lols. than went to history, dam tired . sleep all the way. kekexx. end lesson ler, went to canteen. than go band room. than go eat. than leave school . went to west mall .. at west mall brought alot alot alot of things for next tues thingy.! hahas. shop for awhile. sitted down. chatted. mygosh. becos wanted to show peijun something.. my hand ganna =X now plaster are all over my hand zzz. tomm FD die ler .. -.='' hiias . took cabbby home . shijie and peijun help to take home too .
Monday, April 6, 2009 8:54 PM
FUN.! FD todaee. :D ♥ english group work .. pink pen are what i write . :D went to school in the morning .. wear the new shoes brought with pebbles jieee . :D found that the colour black very obvious.!! LOLS. zZz. than first period, PW .. decided not to go old fork home. found it bored. so decided tuh sell things at school maybe on next TUEs . *MUZ COME SUPPORT, school canteen .. :D* after that mr yen early let us off :D than went to maths . so bored .. chat all the wayy .. :P found out firman secret.! :DDD than D&T, went to G.O and take cardbored . :P after that, go D&T .. draw flying piggs.!! hahas. cut derh lurhh ;P after D&T, recess, shijie accidentally bang till a gur.. holding with curry .!! lols. that gur hold shirt curry siaa .. so ke lian .!! lols.. -.='' the hold floor curry too .. LOLs. than went to MT .. bored bored bored .. need to re-do compo =X cos that one anyhow write derhh .!! lols. than end ler.. finally english ..!~ wooo .!! i'm top of the class yea..!! ;DDDDD got 20/25 ;DD than do some group work.. finally...... end lesson.!! hahas. went to coffee shop tuhh eat with sherman,shijie,peijun.! :D come back , change , packed . fall in . went to take things tuh undergound .. training start .. pratise spinning ..!! wooohooo ..!! :DDD thann 10 people choosen tuh be at infornt of the formation .. which will learn advance drills .!!! ;DDDDDD pebbles, mi, peijun, huiyu, alvin, trevor, claudia, yiting, jiahui, priscilla .. :D than we started learing .. my gosh so hard .. after learing still okayy .. hahas. learn waves .. priscilla hit mye head ..!! :0 accidentally .. lols. but pain man.! lols. after that prastice.. woo.. fun mann ..! :DDD end training, mi peijun alvin take back to NPCC room the rest take others. than go try our uniform.. hahas.. after that.. wait for sherman's mum, come fetch us to west mall :D at his mum car.. chat alot about K9 unit.. HAHAs. reach-ed west mall , went to eat MAC .. lols. weiming call mi .. ask where mi .. lols.. you noe why?! cos he beside mi.. zzz. he at MAC too lols. than after eating i leave first, go lot one.. shijie cut hair, accompany hym .. lols .. than done ler.. we go take 300 home-d. than walk home .. reach home. bath-ed . nothing tuh do.. so tired.. :( *shijie dare mi to tok to someone , $10 bet!* *peijun dare mi to tok to someone , secret bet :D*
Sunday, April 5, 2009 5:22 PM
west mall.. ♥ ytd, i do grass jelly ..! :DD nice, abit too sweet :P went tuh westmall just now .. with mummy&nephews . actually going grandma house .. but raining, ahyi can't go, so never go .. than go westmall shop with mummy&nephews lorr . :D actually ahyi sae she meet us at westmall later derh .. but end up cancel :( at westmall shop furr shoes .. :D brought the shoes that pebbles jiee ask mi to buy .. same as her .. hahas . and a slipper .. :D mummy brought 2 shoes too . :D than go drink some drinks .. hahas .. after that go in shop, saw ONGshijie's father .. lols. mye mummy ask mi go saw harlow .. but i never =X cos his father never saw mi lols. (i think) than go in shop, go converse look for shoes .. but .. dun have.. saddd.. go SHOP&SAVE, brought tibits&shower&some other things. :D after that .. on the way go home .. nephew say wanna buy tibits =.='' at BUZZ .. so brought, after paying .. heard CHUAyiting call mi.. lols. saw yiting,amanda,zhenwei&co. lols .. than that zhenwei ask miie remind sherman bring socks on mon .. -.-'' after that .. took MRT home .. :D at lotone, walk-ed in the rain home .. :DDD reach home, bored .. i'm simple wet , yea .. gonna bath again ..! >.< bueii bueii end here lerx.! -mondaee , fancy drill training :D -tuesdaee , band practise :D -wednesdae , fancy drill training :D -thursdae , band practise :D -fridaee , NPCC training :D
Saturday, April 4, 2009 7:00 PM
boring daee. ♥ went to sunshine just now .. to outher NPCC skirt .. saw LEEjiahui ;D it has been a very long time not seeing her. lols. (congraz for getting bronze for ur band .. ;D) went to shop with mum&cousins. bored. nephew was noisy. =.= went home after everything. brought at lot of tibits . yea. ;D reach-ed home, nothing tuh do. started washing school shoes. and packed some NPCC stuff .. ;D i bet i would miss those sec 4's NCO, they had been great through out the years. neverless, congraz CHEWjiahui&felixNAI .. for being the best cadet.. ;D ytd had been a great dae after all .. hope tuh see most of the NCOs to cum back. ;D tomm will starts the new timetable .. oh mye gosh , hated tuh change timetable everytime . it is nort the 1st time for this year .. it has been 3rd-4th time .! wish school dun change anymoreee.
Friday, April 3, 2009 10:38 PM
wat a tired daee. ♥ ![]() todaee. wake up late. =X than go pack.. suddenly NP skirt got problem..zz. than wear PT.. =.= after that..meet shijie and peijun at mye house here. we took cab to clemiti stadium. lols... oh my gosh. we are late.! for 10 mins.! zzz. lols. after that.. we help up with mr fong.. soo slacking laa. lols. than he call us go give result.. we go give. than miss chia saw us.. call us go help to buyy candy fross and snow ball lols.! we go back.. ask mr fong buy.! hahas.. he got buy! he buy 7 candy flross and 4 ice ball.! hahas. ;DDDDDDDD for us to eat niaa. ;D sooo good yea. ;D after that end ler.. we go back school . helped mdm wong with her stuff. lols. than take school bus back tgt. after that, sit at foyer.. ;D slack. ma'am say she lend mi her NP skirt. lols. she went home help mi take sioo. lols.;D than after that, 3.30 fall in.. started POP parade. congraz to those who has been promoted.! ;DDDDDDD after that end ler.. go change PT.. than got songs and cheers. actually dam funn. but SOMEONE lorr. complain queen. ass la fxck off. ok laa. complain so much still wan ask us sing. sing ur mother fxcker la. CL very hao lian meh. got rank so wat? highter rank so wat? than go for BBQ.~ ;DD eat. ;D than we go complain to ma'am. they keep using RANK to call us do things.! fXck off la. than after bbq got games.. the games not fun.. BUT the punishment dam fun.!! hahas. ;DDDDDDDDDD after that.. can go home ler.!! ;DDD went to english SLC take bag.. but no pass. than wait.. when waiting.. we tricked sherman!! lols. his pants has been PULL OFF.!! LOLs.!!!!!! (sorry. we are not purpose. ;P was playing keke) than say byebye to trevor. lols. cos went home. than waited for sherman's mum for very long.. at foyer.. after that his mum bring us home. ;D than reach home dam tiredd. ;(( going sleep soon. hahas. byeeeeeeeeeee.
Thursday, April 2, 2009 9:23 PM
yayy. no band. ;D ♥ than assemble..YAY.. no band todae..!! ;D but got FD.. hahas. than got meeting for tomm's sport dae. with mr ho. and meeting with ms teng. ;DDDDDD after assemble, go find them.. than after that.. go history class. than end ler.. go MT.. dam sain laaa. zz. write compo. stupidd yu qiang.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. than recess.! after thatt, chemistry.. most bored laaa. =.= than geo.. haha. i change place teacher dunno.! ;D sooo funny lols. but keep copy noted so boring. hiias. than PAP.!! yaay. mr ho never come. ;( than only mr ng ;D he let mi see his marriage photo.!! sooo cute.! haha.s after that sit down play instrument, 15min. than went off ler.. go eat.. than go HQ. hahas. take uniform. at HQ..i am in the first 10 to go in and take uniform.. lols. oh my gosh. need to wear boys boots.! >.<> the size.. lols.. dun have small de.. ;( no choice juz take. lols. than after that.. 10 by 10 go take.. suddenly.. geok lan come find mi.. bring alvin along.. says. huimin, trevor and alvin same size right? i say yaaa. peijun say no trevor fatter =.= lols.! than they call trevor.. ask.. YAY i winnn. they same size! lols.;D after that. go back school, FD training.. omg.. new instruter.. okok laa.. ==.=='' than end ler... take uniform go hall.. lols. than i help trevor , alvin and shijie they all make their uniform=.= cos ma'am ask mi to go so. zzz. sainz. after that done.~ than go put at NPCC room.. after that go home.!! wooo. we took cab home. =P hahas. than reach home. sooo tired. ending here ler. tomm full day NPCC siaa. =.= byeee.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 8:58 PM
april fool daeee. ;D ♥ ![]() ![]() todaeee. wake up a bit late.. lols. than go school. sit at foyer.. shijie told mi is april fool daee. i started tricks people.. LOLs... miss teng walk pass mi.. i say.. '' miss teng, ur hair very messy! '' than she touch her hair lols..!!! i say.. '' april fool! '' she tell mi go there. than say.. your rank no need take de. fly away liao. i was like =.=! oh mye gosh.! lols..... than wanted to trick miss mages.. but she very clever LOLs. mi, peijun and shijie got a plan.. i msg alvin, peijun msg mark, shijie msg charmaine.. say we fall in love with them.. wanna stead. LOLs. end up.. charmaine ask shijie go jump and die.. alvin dunno reply wat laa. forget liaoo. mark i also forget liaoo. lols.. dam funnyy.. hahas. idiot thing is i wan trick alvin become he trick mi. !! >.< 3 times in a row somemore.! freak.! than lesson.~~ after that english.! oh my gosh. i got to say speech siaaa. idiot cher choose mi.=.= than go up sayy. dam scary lols.. ;DDDDDDDDDDD than after that class inter.. ganna write lines again.. cos morning never sit down. at parade square fast. =.= lamer siaaaa. mr yong.. than after that.. go canteen eat, change.. fall in.. fancy drill training.. than chestnut drive and assumption english school come.. join us. than go NPCC room take things to undergound.!! wooooo. thats our first time going in.. hahahas. ;DDDDDDDDDDDDD dam big. got air con somemore. hahas.. than we teach the sec one de chestnut plus assumption de people.. all dunno blur blur de siaa. so hard to teach.. after that.. end ler.. finally can take out socks. cos i wear duoble layer of socks. ;PP i wear ankle socks. go buy school socks. wear duoble =.= lols. than go coffee shop eat.. cab-ed home. ;D ending here ler.. very tired.. keke. byeeeeeee. yay tomm only got 30min band.!! ;D somemore i cant play instrument.! ;D |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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