Wednesday, December 31, 2008 8:04 PM
quizz. ♥sa-bo fr0m HUIJUAN.C && SERENE.P A. People who have been tagged must write their answer in their blog.B. Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people who they are tagged by and cannot tag the person who they were tagged by.C. Continue this game by sending this to 8 other people: 1. Yiting Jie 2. Peijun Jie 3. Layping Mei 4. Abigail 5. Sherman Di 6. Wesley Kor 7. Trevor Kor 8. Chunyu Jie Qns 1 : What have you been doing recently ? q0inqq back sk0l for BAND&FANCY DRILL. going oudd with jiejie , ota, starstar they all.. Qns 2 : Do you ever turn your cell phone off ? n0pe. unless l0w batt ;DDD Qns 3 : What happen at 10am today ? n0thing happen. ;DD Qns 4 : When did you last cry ? hmm.. f0rget lia0os. Qns 5 : believe in fate/destiny ? dependds bahh. Qns 6 : What do you want in your life now ? everything i wann can c0me true.. ;D Qns 7 : Do you tend to make relationships complicated ? of cause n0rt.. zZz.. =PP Qns 8 : Are you wearing anything you borrowed for someone ? n0pe. Qns 9 : What was the last movie you caught ? forget le.. think is wild child.. Qns 10 : Does the person you like knows that you like him/her ? never like anyone now. currently.. Qns 11 : Who always makes you laugh ? mye gans, frens and family.. hahas. Qns 12 :Do you speak languages other than english ? Obviously . Qns 13 : Favourite website(s) ? blogger.com , friendster.com . facebook.com Qns 14 : What are you doing tommorow ? going to buy sk0l shoes and pack NPCC full-u Qns 15 : What do you think you are like ? a person who likes piggy alot. ;DDD Qns 16 : Who would you choose to die with ? why would i want to die when im alive now ? Qns 17 : Where have you been today ? hmm.. sunshine and lot 1.. Qns 18 : What game do you play often ? hmm.. i seldom plae game derh worr.. =PP Qns 19 : Who you missing right now ? some of mye frens and gans. Qns 20 : If you have to choose between a friend and a lover , who will you choose ? friends. Qns 21 : What are you doing right now ? using com to do this quiz. -.- Qns 22 : Which primary school were you from ? Concord primary sk0l Qns 23 : name 3 colours you like ? purple, sky blue and white Qns 24 : What emotion do you like to show ? ??? wat it means ??? Qns 25 : What is life to you ? staying happy everydaee.. learn to forgive and forgot.. Qns 26 : If you have something troubling you , what would you do ? i would tok to the person i trust.. or maybe otaa. =PPP Qns 27 : Who did you last chat with on msn ? peijun and starstar.. Qns 28 : Who do you admire the most ? no one.. (not sure.. ) Qns 29 : Which month you born in ? MAYYY.. Qns 30 : How you feeling right now ? irritatedd.. what a stupid quiz this is.. zzz Qns 31 : What's the time now ? 8.24pm Qns 32 : Your opinion on the person who tagged you . huijuan and serene.. both are clever.. Qns 33 : What color do you like to dye your hair ? dun nid dye.. mye hair got the colour i wan le.. natural.. =PP Qns 34 : Why you doing this quiz ? actually dunwan do.. but serene ask mi do oso.. so i do lurh Qns 35 : What do you do when you are moody ? listen to music and sms with friends and gans.. Qns 36 : At which stage do you wish to get married ? 20s.. Qns 37 : Who is closer to you ? gans friends and erjie Qns 38 : Who is/are the people/person you trust the most ? the person that i trust. Qns 39 : Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain ? yep. Qns 40 : If you have a dream come true , what would it be ? quickily do finish this stupid quiz. Qns 41 : What is your goal for this year ? get up to lance corporal, get up to sec 3'2010 Qns 42 : Do you believe in eternity love ? maybe . maybe not. Qns 43 : What feeling do you love the most ? when everyone is happy and laughting all the way ;DDDDd Qns 44 : Do you really think it is global warming now ? how would i noe. lame. Qns 45 : Do you like quizzes ? HATE. Qns 46 : do you believe in gods ? sometimes. Qns 47 : Who cares you the most ? family, gans andd friends. Qns 48 : What do you think is the most important thing in your life ? everything Qns 49 : What will you bring when you fight ? i dun fight .. the most qurral.. -.- Qns 50 : What have you regretted doing in your whole life ? some thing. secret. Qns 51 : What do you do if nobody cared for you any longer ? mix news friends. and be more friendly. Qns 52 : What will you do if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you ? i have tired it before. i would juz break and say goodbye no matter how i love hym. Qns 53 : How you feel now ? super happy. this quiz finally finish.. ********PLEASE DUN ASK MI DO ANYMORE QUIZ.! **************
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 11:44 PM
taxi daee.. LOLs. ♥ ![]() ![]() todaee.. wakee urp late.. kekexx. bath-ed than quickly go oudd ler.. went to bus stop.. saw celene..hahas.. MISS HERRR.. ;DDDDDD after that.. bus too many ppl.. mi shijie and peijun decided to share a cab to sk0l... hahas.. so we took cabb.. =PP reach there.. luckily n0rt late..!! hahas.. quickly settle down.. take instrument.. than start pratice.. untill lunch time.... mi yiting, wenting, peijun eat tgt.. cos after that we not going band.. we going for other training.. hiias.. lols.. during training.. FINALLY, i learn somethingy.. hahas.. after training.. jiahui k0l us stay back awhile.. to take full-U.. hahas.. ~~~TIME FLYYY~~~ after that.. geok lan and yiting wanna take cab home.. so anything lurhh.. pei themm.. end up mi yiting, geoklan, peijun, felix share 1 cabb.. geok lan and felix get down first.. than yiting.. than mi and peijun.. LOLs. the cabb uncle quite good worr.. hahas.. reach home.. quite late ler.. hahas.. nothing tuhh doo.. rest awhile.. than chat one phone with otaa.. ;DDD ending here ler.. nitez.!
Monday, December 29, 2008 11:40 PM
training.. ♥todaee.. XX go oversea ler.. >.< thann i got training in the morning till afternoon... went to sk0l at about 8plus.. reach at 9plus.. during training.. alot thingys happen.. hahas.. i ganna alot blue blackk sia.. >.< sadded. ahhas.. after training.. forget tuhh go G.O.. than end up nv go.. kekexx. juz went home straight.. than nothing to do ler..hahas... started tuhh tok on phone with OTA than XX.. =PP ANW.. otaa, take care urself worr.. hahas..(sick) ending here ler.. hahahs.. good nitezzz. byee..;D
Sunday, December 28, 2008 11:27 PM
went to ah ma house.. ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() HAPPIE BIRTHDAEE TUHH GRANDMAA.. ;DD t0daee. wakee urp ler, prepare go ahma house.. took cabb down with mummy, erjie, sanjie.. everytime ahma birthdaee.. we use to be the first 1 to reach.. hahas.. but this time round we are the LAST 1 who reach =X. lols.. cos mi and san jie wake up late.. haha.. at ahma house super sain.. than i went to with erjie.. at staircase there.. awhile later.. mye mum wake towards us.. say.. '' cut finish cake le.. ur still here '' LOLs.. no choice.. went in eat cake.. than nothing to do le.. mi erjie and sanjie went off first.. went to ahma house downstairs sit.. than go meet starstar.. than meet lily...... than meet otaaa.... than meet irene... than meet weiming... after that.. with some reason..sanjie and ming qurrel.. than wanna go eat but cant.. T.T ~~~TIMES FLY~~~ went tuhh MAC and eat.. LOLs. otaa eat MEGA MAC.. dam big.. hahas.. he eat till very funny sioo.. hahas..after eating.. we plae plae plae...than went home.. reach home quite late le bahh.. hahas.. bath-ed, chat on phone with xx.. he tmr going oversea ler.. 5daeees.. hahas.. now ending here ler.. hahas..
Saturday, December 27, 2008 7:41 PM
nothing tuhh do.. ♥ ![]() ytdd.. chatted on withh with XX and starstar.. dunno whye suddenly XX hang.. than chatted withh star star till morning 5plus - 6am.. hiias.. he did not go tuhh work siaa.. XX dun angry ler laa... cheer upp..!! ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD nothing tuhh do todaee.. wakke urp ler..slackk. later maybe meeting starstar and ota.. dun think XX can come.. he gonna pack his things for oversea.. takkecare worr. ;D ending here lerx. byessss. 2nd part of the daee.. went to meet starstar and otaaa. ;DDD lily and irene reach first.. than mi erjie and sanjie went to meet them.. than i went to fetch starstar.. than went to ESSO there tuhh buy B***... after that.. awhile later.. i went to fetch ota.. T.T found him le.. he tell mi h hungry.. LOLS. than i bring him to sunshine and buy foods.. after that go meet back jie they all.. than started drink.. all that.. ~~ alot thingys happen.. haha~~ went home at 5plus am.. hahas..
Friday, December 26, 2008 7:31 PM
traning.. ♥ ![]() ![]() todaee. late wake up.. meet shijie and peijun at 8.15am. end up i 8.45am than reachh.. shijie spamm mye msg siia.. 50 msg he spam.. dunno how many k0l he k0l mi also.. lols.. thann went to sk0l tgt.. we are late for training.. =(( but did not get scolded.. so never mindd. =XX hahas. training.. training.. training.. than lunchh.. did not eat.. cos dun feel like to eat.. hahas.. given yiting. geok lan they all present.. they give mi too.. yiting, geok lan and wenting's jelly was nice.. hahas.. THANKKS. ;DD anyway.. wish ur would like the present yea. ;DD after that.. back to training..todaee training ends late.. 5pm plus than ended.. omgg. i got alot blue black siia.. gana hit by alot ppl. sadded. after that.. went home..with shijie and peijun..hahas think geok lann and yiting happily taking home..hahas. ending here ler. bye!
Thursday, December 25, 2008 7:26 PM
viv0.. ♥todaee. went tuhh viv0 withh erjiee, mummy and ryan.. cos erjie wanna go fix her sim cardd.. took bus there.. reach-ed there quite late lerhh. shop awhile.. striaght go tuhh sturhub shop ler.. went there.. the ppl sae.. n0rt sim card spoilt. is never pay bill -.- nv pay for 1 month nia siaa. idiott. -.- went all the way down juz to pay $50.. zZz.. after that.. go shop shop.. nothing shop liaoos.. took bus tuhh lot 1. shop there.. nothing shop oso.. so walked home.. but i never go home.. i went to meet frens.. than go lot 1 again.. go buy present.. hahas.. find something untill very hardd siia.. lols.. now reachh home.. nothing tuhh write ler.. byee..
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 8:25 PM
♥ HAPPIE CHRISTMAS EVEEE ;DDD && A HAPPIE NEW YEARR.~ n0thing tuhh so todaee.;DD at night not sure going meet frens. ma.. ;DD ending here ler.. nothing muchh tuhh post.. hahas.. byees.
3:12 PM
band and fancy drill~ ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ytd sleep at 5am plus.. -.- than todaee wake urp at 7plus.. go for band.. never bring score.. hiias.. than after that.. general office k0l mi..ask mi go.. than i went.. hahas.. they ask mi go back during lunch.. than i went.. they ask mi come back next time.. >.<> after that.. went lunch withh frenss. shijie went off first.. he has something on bahh. after lunchh did not go band ler.. straight go something else.. (did not keep instrument and stand =XX) after that.. wanna go home. but then felix sae ms low wanna see mi and peijun.. i thought she wan catch mye attire again.. lols.. end up ask mi go office.. chat-ed withh her.. than she give mi a keychain. sae that she and mdm wong brought for us at taiwann ;DD (THANKS. ;DD) after that.. went home.. so boredd.. nothing to doo.. ending here ler.. bye.!
Monday, December 22, 2008 1:58 PM
BBQ ends. ;DDD ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() weiming act cutee.. wear mye jackett.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (will upload more if possible) ytd.. went tuhh BBQ... at about 3plus.. xx and friends reach at 2plus 3 siia.. T.T lols.. hmm.. at at first super sain.. after that.. mye jie sae wanna plae true or dare.. so we play lurhh.. T.T i gana.. than do something STUPID lols. (will upload photo of what we dare each other to do) hahas.. thann plae plae plae... BBQ BBQ BBQ.. at about 9plus.. xx, 7-11 and wq went home first.. hahas.. cos of some reason bahh ;DD thann given them 1 present each hahas.. after they went off.. we plae ex-changing ppresent gamme. ;DDD i g0rt long tat (OTA's) present.. hahas..!! after playing that.. we settle down and plae alot of games.. drinked too. ;PP long tat helped mi drink some..!! hahas.. after that.. shijie and irene went off first.. than left mi, erjie, sanjie, ota, starstar, lily, weiming, calvin and peijun.. plae plae plae.. suddenly police come.. sae someone complain us.. T.T than we packed.. went off to mye house downstairs.. hahas.. plae alot game too.. than at about 8am plus.. than went home.. sleep at about 9am todaee.. ;DD have a funn daee withh themm. lots of laughting and jokes. hahas. (will upload photos ASAP) people who went.. (mi, erjie, sanjie, peijun, shijie, weiming, xinxiong(xx), chun ming(starstar), long tat(ota), weiqiang, kok boon(7-11), irene, lily, calvin) ;DD
Sunday, December 21, 2008 10:44 AM
hmm..going bbq ♥hmm.. just wakke urpp n0rt long. later going tuhh *ten mile* buy drinks&suchs* for BBQ.. than striaght go tuhh bbq pit lerh bahs.! c0me and post tmr..~~ cos wont be coming back tonite... think gonna ton. ;DD
Saturday, December 20, 2008 11:31 PM
went tuhh causeway point.. ♥ ![]() ![]() went tuhh causeway point with erjie&peijun.. (look fur christmas presents..) thann at there, meet lily.. she shop with us tgt.. hahas.. untill 9pm plus than go eat dinner? i think.. after eating continew shop.. untill all shop closing.. than went tuhh MRT track there slack awhile.. hahas..than went home.. reach h0me quite late lehh.. ;PP hmm.. TMR would be the BBQ.. thinking how would it be..! hahas.. ;DD ending here ler.. byes.!
Friday, December 19, 2008 3:31 PM
boring daeee. ♥todaee. wake urp mummy ask mii go sunshine.. but i dunwan =PP so did'nt go.. stay at home ROT.. ;DD gona clean up mye house.. cos scared later 21st DEC some ppl coming mye house.. no choice.. BBQ pit most near mye house liaoos. hahas.. dunno where tuhh start clean lehh.. hiias.. think clean the room first bahhs. ;DD **looking forwardd tuhh 21st DEC loo.. hahas.** just now.. trevor tok tuhh mi and mark?? lols.. complain alot things sioo him.. **CHEEHUIJUAN (sorry tuhh write ur full name..if not ppl thought i saying mye real sister LOLs.) dun angry withh trevor ler lahh. he veryy sadd sioo.. ;DDD ** learn tuhh forgive and forget yea.! ;DD hahas. ending here lehhx. nothing muchh tuhh post todaee.. need go clean up room lerhh. ;DD takkecaress.. byes.!
Thursday, December 18, 2008 12:35 PM
quiz (peijun) ♥Been Sabo-ed by PEIJUN to do this quiz.. 1. Who is the person we tagged you? CHONG PEI JUN . 2. The relationship between you and her/him? qodd sisterr.. ;DD 3.Your 5 impression of her/him? cHeerful, give up easily=X, funny?, weird? and out going? LOLs. 4.If she/he become your enemy you will? hmm.. d0n thinkk s0ooo.. ;DD 5.What will you say to the person whom you like very much? anything that iie feel tuhh sae . 6.The characteristic(s) you love yourself is...? out qoinqq ;DDDD 7.The charactieristic(s) you hate yourself is...? stupidddd . 8.For the person whom you hate, you say... can u just stay away from me? o.O iie dun understand this question.. SORRY . 9.What do people feel about you? hmm.. LOVE PIGGYS . hahas. 10.Who you have a crush to? hmm.. no 0ne for n0w. ;DD 11.The most idea person you want to be is...? hmm.. MYESELF. 12.Pass on to the quiz to 5 person: HuiJuan Jie, Yiting Jie, Amanda Mei, Chunyu Jie and Shijie di ;DD 13. If no. 2 and no.3 were together, what will happen? hmm.. 2&3 dun even n0e each other + not LES. 14.What does no. 5 likes? LITTLE DEVIL bahh .. i thinkks. 15.What colour does no.1 likes? blue..? i thinkk.. =XX 16.Say something about no.3? quite. shy. clever. 17.Who is no.2? mye gann jie.. ;DDD 18.Talk about no.5? hmm.. SUPER small size. hahas.. ;DDD 19.Who is number bestie? o.O?? dun understand ;PP 20.Who is the most sexiest person among the people? YITING JIE ;DD hahas. i thinkk.. =PP 21.Wad does colour no. 4 likes? i not sure worr.. think also so blue bahh. 22.Is no. 4 single? YEP. 23.What is yr relationship with no.1? qodd sisters.. ;DD 24.Is no.1 and no.3 best friend? n0pe. 25.What is no.5 surname? ONGG. 26.What is no.1 nickname? iie dunno w0rr... ;PP 27.What things do you wish to say to no.3? COME BBQ.. ;DD hahas. 28.What you will do to help no.5? grow upp..! =PP 29.Who does no.1 amires? n0rt sureeee.. ;DD 30.Where does no.1 lives at? Bukit batokkk. 31.Does the 5 of them know who you like? nooo. c0s i dun like anyone.. ;DDD 32.What do you wish to say when you saw no.2? ALMOST everydaeee see her.. lols.. 33.Who is no.5 spouse? i not sure.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 5:33 PM
back from camp.. ♥ ![]() ![]() YAY..! finally backk from camp..! hahas.. soo many thingys happen..~ dae1 of the camp.. [15dec] morning at inter-change saw alot of bukit view student.. having their instrument..hahas.. wonder where they wanna go.. cos they take bus 77.. hahas.. after that.. went tuhh sk0l.. thenn realise they cum our sk0l..! hahas.. after that.. fall in, OMG..! check bag..!! >.< no choice.. MP3, wallet, HP-1 all surrender..hahas.. thann went tuhh classroom put bag.. after that.. sectional withh the TAIWAN cher.. T.T ~~~~~~~~times FLYs..~~~~~~~~~~ combine bandd.. @ the SUPER new INDOOR SPORT HALL.. hahas.. than BBQ.. after BBQ.. go bathh.. so unlucky..!!! when walking back to room after bathing.. i BANG on the BBQ pit.. T.T cos was toking tuhh chew mei and peijun they all ... lols.. bahh bahh bahh............ than sleeping time.. dae 2..[16dec] hmm.. wakee up at 7.30am.. than combine bandd again..~~ sectional..~~ all stuff..~ at night.. when we going sleep.. suddenly SIR kol us come out of our room.. all go AVA..!! T.T than come in tell us to surrender all fone.. if let them find out. sure DIE. after that about 10+++++ ppl stand up.. LOLs. than the rest went back to sleepp.. =D dae3..[17dec] wake up.. OMG.. from top to toe all CRAM.. >.< after that eat hao breakfast.. band combine for rehersal.. than keep chair all things and instrument back to band room.. after that.. go back to classroom than take bag go foyer.. awhile later.. BREAK CAMP LE..! ^^ so happie..!! hahas.. after that.. waited for yiting and jiahui plus geoklan.. cos wanna go MAC that near jiahui house.. eat our lunchh.. but they too long liaoos.. mi, trevor, peijun and shijie go first.. thann we waited there soo long sioo.. jiahui got meeting.. T.T (i think) finally come.. eat, chat.............................. suddenly giwon come backk MAC.. tell us her wallet lost.. lols.. she lost her wallet THREE time le.. lols.. somemore inside got alot things and $$$.. hahas.. think think think.. they suspect in the rubbish bin in the MAC. lols.. cos last seen in tray.. hahas.. end up they k0l the MAC ppl to search they bin.. lols.. END UP REALLY FOUND IN THE BIN..!!! lols.. super (throw face sia) everyone looking.. somemore giwon wearing same shirt withh us.. LOLs. NPCC somemore.! >.< than went home.. so tiredd..! hahas.. i really gana alot of injurd siia.. somemore soo many blue-black and cram =((( ending here ler.. BUEII..! ^^
Monday, December 15, 2008 5:04 AM
went to camp.. ♥ AWAY TUHH CAMP TILL 17TH DEC ;DD went to BAND camp.. from 15-17 dec.. ;DD MISS YOUU GUYSS.! bueii.! ^^
Sunday, December 14, 2008 11:58 PM
hmm.. stay at home rot.. ♥hmm.. todaee wakee up.. nothingg tuhh do... haven even packk campp things fur tmr.. hahass..thann.. went tuhh sunshine.. buy some camp thingyy. withh erjie and mummy plus ryan.. hahas.. go home.. rest awhile.. than packk some camping thingy... but thann never pack finishh.. hahas. cos dunno what tuhh bring.. hiias.. lost the list fur packing.. HIASS.. at night.. finally pack finish.. hahas..!! not badd..never bring lot of thingyys.. only bring a bag and a sleeping bag.. hahaas.. thann nothing tuuhh do liaoos.. started confernce withh shijie and peijun.. than hang ler.. chat one phone withh XX.. ^^ now still chatting =XX byebye.. end here ler..;DD
Saturday, December 13, 2008 11:59 PM
sentosa ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hmm.. backk tuhh post about todaee.. w0nt becos of those idiot(s) in mye tag board and i stop mye posting.. ;D todaee.. went tuhh sentosa.. hahas.. went there butt thenn raining.. soo book(ed) the sun ten sit..!! hahas.. 1 sit $10 siooo. lols.. after that finally not raining.. soo ALL of us apply BANANA BOAT ;DD hmm.. LOLs. at there ten(ed) awhile than go plaee games..~ 2 gurls cum join us..!! hahas.. than ex-changedd number. hahas.. after all daee of funs, went tuhh VIVO and eat.. thann is about 7plus lerrhh.. so went tuhh take bus.. cos jiejie they all wanna go paipai..;D mi, erjie, sanjie, peijun, weiming, shijie, rony, ryan and others went to take 188.. to go CCK.. weixiang, weikang and weishan go take dunno what bus.. back tuhh yishun.. hahas.. than at lot one.. take 172 tuhh FARMARK. ;DD at there paipai.. awhile thann went tuhh CCK.. is about 9plus ler... but never go home.. went tuhh park there chat.. untill 11plus - 12plus than went home..hahas.. (wouldd upload photo tmrr. if free.. hahas.) -cos tmr need pack camp things liaoos.. haven packk.. mondaee campp... [th0se idiots, if u wanna give comments, UP TO U AS U LIKE. ;D] [blog is PUBILC ;DDDDDDDDD ]
Friday, December 12, 2008 4:58 PM
went skul tuhh buy books. ♥hmm.. todae wake urp.. than almost forget need buy books. cos todaee the last dae leh. hahas.. than went tuhh pack.. and on call cabb tuhh sk0l withh dajie and rony.. cos no cabb derhh. thann reach sk0l.. straight go buy books.. than go G.O tuhh submit form... after that, took bus tuhh west mall.. eat KFC liaoos. than went home..
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 4:34 PM
boredd daee.. ♥hmm. todaee wake urpp, mummy ask wanna go cause way ma.. but too lazy ;PP so neever goo.. hahas.. than used com.. nothing tuhh do.!! >.< hmm, later g0rt tuhh go prastice clarinet lia0os.. if n0rt sure ganna scold fromm Mr Ho.. >.< just now.. recivedd a msg from CheeHuiJuan. she sae she delete band blog.! x.X she has spent so much effort in it sioo. just becos some idiots. dun lyke than she delete.! WTH? *huijuan.. you should not care themm ma.. some many band members supporting ur blog sioo..! >.<* anyway.. dun feel lyke tuhh go band tmr siaa.. so cant.. never go on tue liaoos. somemore thurs will be starting on set pieces. sain.. wishh i cann plae well ;PP but i thinks it really takes tyme..! >.< -Brougth home clarinet BUT did not prastice at ALL. =PP
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 12:37 PM
LOLs. ♥ytdd.. chatt on phone withh XX and Haiming.. lols.. at about 11plus bahh (i think) than erjie k0l in t0o.. =PP funniie horrs. same house still k0l in..lols..(diff room) than awhile later erjie hang k0l ler.. cos she g0rt work tmr.. than left we 3 T.T.. than i accidentally hang the k0l =PPP (everytime derhh. n0rt first time liaoos. =P) than haiming never k0l in liaoos.. lols.. so.. chat withh XX till MORNING lurhh..!! >.< 6am plus than hang k0l.. T.T we veryy lame horss..hahas.. thann sleep 1 hr... wake urp.. go bukit gombakk.. for dental appointment.. too LAZY go bandd.. so did'nt go.. =XX thann went home.. which is now.. but dunno whye.. dun feel tiredd lehh.. now i noe ler.. i SLEEP 1 hr enought liaoos.. !! lols.. XX = xin xiong =PP
Monday, December 8, 2008 10:51 PM
went tuhh ahma house.. ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hmm.. toddaee wake urpp lerhh went tuhh sunshine.. c0s shan(cousin) wanna cut hair..LOLs. after that went back home.. raining sioo.. dam freaking cold... hahas.. reachh home liaoos bathh.. than erjie and miie help shan tuhh reborn!! ^^ cos i brought from china a reborn hair derh thingy ma.. hahas.. hmm.. got straight awhile sioo..!! hahas.. thann.. went tuhh ahma house..(yishun) at there SUPER boredd sioo.. so went down tuhh the temple and pray.. hmm.. after pray liiaoss. went tuhh north point and shopp. hahas..all the way till 9pm plus.. =PP than went h0me.. lols.. took some photos.. got time than upload bahhs.! =PP
Sunday, December 7, 2008 11:17 PM
swimming.. ♥ todaee.. wentt tuhh swimming withh cousin and sis.. at about 1pm plus went oudd.. goo jurong there for swimming.. hahas.. at first went tuhh lazy river.. HMM..noe a few guys..!! hahas.. at first we playing at lazy river.. than accidentally bang on themm.(i think) thann they come splash water on us.. T.T than cousin started playing withh themm.. than mi and jie also gana..T.T after that got wave.. so went tuhh the pool.. they also follow us..!! zZz.. after wave went backk tuhh the lazy river.. they also follow.. zZz.. than plae plae plae withh themm.. end up a guy gana PS from his frenn than we 6 ppl went tuhh splash water at hym!! lols.. when going tuhh go bathh.. we went tuhh the pool awhile.. those guy come with us.. asked us for our number.. T.T than erjie give a guy her number.. i give a guy mye number. than went tuh bathh.. bathh ler.. went tuhh jurong point and eat dinner.. after that went tuhh shopping awhile.. than went tuhh there derhh night market.. after there..bus(ed) home.. than now reachh home liaoos.. asking those guys tuhh come for BBQ.. hahas..!! ^^ ending here ler.! nite.x!
Saturday, December 6, 2008 5:14 PM
hmm.. sain at home.. ♥hmm.. todaee in the morning.. when using com.. mye daa nepheww went tuhh lock mummy's room door.. without anyone inside.. T.T end up i got tuhh k0l the door open people come open door. T.T and it cost $30 !! hump. lols.
Friday, December 5, 2008 11:33 PM
wild wild wet ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() trevor and shijie silly look.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hmm.. todaee went tuhh wildd wildd wet with yiting,trevor,peijun and shijie.. meet them at 11am plus.. than took MRT there.. soo funny.. we all sit down on the FLOOR in the MRT.. than alot ppl follow us sit down! lols. after that reach ler.. took bus in.. went tuhh buy ticket.. just nice.. when we reach, the wild wild wet just open.. hahas..than went in.. hmm.. wanna go change clothes.. you noe what shijie say?!! he say '' i only need tuhh take oud mye clothes '' mi and yiting is like T.T?? lolss.. afther changing.. when tuh shoick river tuhh warm upp.. quite fun.. but then the floor make our leg dam pain..hahas.. after warm up.. went tuhh plae alot alot of others game.. went tuh baby pool.. that shijie.. funny siia.. can sit down he dunwan.. he stand up to plae the slide.. end up he fall down..!! lols..somemore bleed..! >.< plae plae plae plae plae.. whenn is about 6pm.. we went tuh go 2 round of shoick river.. than start playing ular lar all the way..!! lols.. we got ALOT of post.!! haha.. after that went tuh bathh.. than went home..at about 7.30pm.. hmm... in the MRT..shijie plae PSP.. a guy went in at bugis stop(i think).. he keep looking at shijie.. cos his PSP is totally same as him.. HAHA.. after that.. reach CCK at about 8plus - 9pm.. than went tuh take 300 home. when reach home.. eat dinner liao then very very very tiredd.. hahas.. now going sleep ler.. AND MYE LEG DAM DAM PAIN..!! >.< but i really enjoy the dayy..!! hahas. THANK, yt, ty, sj and pj for the GREAT moment.! hahas. nitezx...! ^^ |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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