Sunday, November 30, 2008 4:32 PM
♥hmm.. come and have a short andd sweet postt ;DD going tuhh expo find erjie san jie and weiming.. hahas.. dun think coming home soo early.. soo... tmr thann post lerr. ;DD takkecaiires. byebye. ;D
Saturday, November 29, 2008 9:46 PM
went tuhh meet william daddy ♥ ![]() ![]() some of the boys with william daddy hmm.. todaee wakke urpp @ 9plus AM.. ytd sleep at about 3plus sioo.. no choice.. going meet william daddy they all.. at about 11am.. than i meet peijun go.. when we are at bukit gombakk.. we saw brian.. than went tuh west mall and meet others there.. thann wheen we reachh west mall.. saw ruiquan and xiao wang zi..(chin hean) thann waited for others.. WILLIAM DADDY suddenly come oudd. T.T scare mii.. zZzz.. than vivian and shahir came.. after that zhen xin and annabel finally come.. william daddy give us a keychain..that he brought from australia..;DD sooo cutee. hahas.. after thatt went tuhh watch movie.. william daddy promise us tuhh bring us go eat chilli crabb!! >.< thann went tuhh watch movieee..(wild child) hahas.. quite nice.. ^^ thann we went tuhh coffee shop and eat.. after eating.. chit-chat awhile.. got to go ler..cos annabel got tuhh workk at 3pm.. mi, vivian, annabel and peijun went tuhh take mrt. than annabel go work.. mi and peijun follow vivian.. went tuhh church =XX (qin,juan,bing,ming if u saw this, DUN tell mummy =XX) hmm.. actually pei vivian go niia laa.. also never pray all that.. go there watch watch niia.. nothing liaoos.. hmm..church is really different..!! IT'S funn..!! =XX actually still okae okae laa.. friendds there are very friendly.. all come tok tuhh us.. very good alsoo.. they even hab events and singing..;DD this was mye FIRST time going church.. =X (**thankks vivian.. for mye first lesson in church..**) that was mye life time experience.. ;DD than went home at about 9plus.. cos went tuhh eat MAC after going tuhh church.. actually wanna go find annabel.. but cant.. cos vivian need go lot 1 meet yiru... thann we went home.. now at homee.. going continew watch mye show.. hahas.. good bueii..!! ^^
Friday, November 28, 2008 2:45 PM
♥ now got time upload some pic ;DD ![]() ![]() nephew.. kekex. miie and erjie playing ytd watch show till veryy late..
Thursday, November 27, 2008 5:22 PM
went tuhh band. ♥juz come backk from bandd.. shooo..~ er an, yunni andd sze qin come BAND..!! >.< cool..~ when sectional.. zhuzhu(eran) come mye section..! hahas.. chit-chat with him till never train the song. =X thann Mr Ho choose those people who comfirm going SYF.. HE CHOOSE ME..! zZz.. i ask cann i dun go anot.. cos go or nv go CCA point also comfirm A liao.. as long as i go all military band de SYF..=XX than no choice..clarinet not enought ppl.. is enought ppl de lorr.. but he dunwan choose them T.T just get the news that.. SYF would not be in april liaoos. will be @ marchh..(i think) zZz.. somemore performance coming..!! for sec 1 thingy.. hiias.. sain.. miss mye saxophone when they playing this yr SYF song.. OMGG.. i a little bit regret going clarinet.. saxophone more easy.!!! dun hab so muchh dam key.. somemore saxophone de song sooo easy tuhh plae.. clarinet de lyke hell lor..!! soo many key.. somemore join tgt de.. FREAK..! >.< maybe skipping band next week.. =X but still NOT sure.. kekexx. hmm.. gona continew watching mye 命中注定,我爱你 part 2.. ytd watch finish part 1 ler.. ;DD the show dam nice..;DD tmr jiejie all go ah di korkor there workk.. mii one person at home.. NVM..! got 命中注定,我爱你 this show i can watch..! kekex..
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 6:09 PM
nice show yea!? hahas.. ♥juz now went tuhh lot one.. brought 2 CD.. 命中注定,我爱你 andd the other show..;DD but dunno what english name.. kekexx. now got time got tuhh quickly post.. cos later wanna watch the show withh jiejie..;DD hahaas. cant watch now.. got tuhh wait jiejie.. thann noww.. while waiting.. go chit-chat @ MSN fiirst.. andd prepare tmr gort bandd.. ARHHH.. dun feel lyke tuhh go bandd..>.<
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 7:12 PM
went tuhh bandd..~ ♥ HAPPIIE BIITHDAEE TUHH VIVIAN JIE..!! ^^ GOOD LUCK TUHH UUE.. WIISH TUHH SEE UUE SOON.. WITHH WILLIAM DADDY..>.<. ytdd set alarm clock @ 6.30am wake urpp.. endd up thiss morning.. iie 8AM than wakke urpp. =XX actually meeting peijunn and shijie @ 8AM de.. hahas.. than meet trevor at 8.30am at wm... after that that.. quick bathh.. than went oudd.. meet 3 of themm.. never wear track pants.. cos dun think i'm in fancy..but since mdm wong ask mi tuhh wear.. i brought it.. but never wear still =XX kekexx. reachh sk0l.. asked mdm wong.. she ask miie go fancy drill~ but thenn mr ho sae cannot..~ zZz.. cos clarinet not enought people.. i sae 14ppl still not enought!!!?? he sae he wan GOOD player.. T.T than no choice.. went furr bandd. but i was thinking.. go bandd furr what sioo.. cant even pplaee instrument.. cos braces plus sickk.. zZz..!! stupidd lorrss.. thurs dun feel lyke tuhh go bandd.. maybe skiping.. =XX but still depends.. hahas.. now daes band so bored.. not like last time.. so muchh funn.. ;(( ii miiss ER AN KOR, ENG CHEE PAPA, YUNNI JIE.. hahas. hiias..!!~ after banndd.. went to meet terry..!!!(claire stead) LOLs. i was sooo surpise.. hahas.. hmm.. hhee.. nice anot i dunno how sae.. =XX but he veryy veryy funny.. lols..@ bus.. mi chunyu peijun shijie leris.. we suround him..!! hahas.. he tok on fone with claire.. he complain withh claire..!! lols.. than @ mrt he hide from us..~ hahas.. thann went home.. miie and peijun sit @ mye house downstair chat.. than saw jiee.. she come back home.. than went home tgt withh jie.. reachh home.. feel so sticky.. =XX very long never soo hot liaoos. @ china is dam cold..!! hahas.. miiss there. ;D miiss william DADDY too.. ;D meeting him this sat..!!! ^^
Monday, November 24, 2008 11:49 AM
sleep @ a late time.. ♥woo.. ytd..went tuhh plae maple.. after blogging all stuff.. O.O plae maple till 4AM+ plus. =XX time fly so dam fast.. lols.. todaee went to sk0l.. takee something.. and wanted tuhh ask mdm wong something.. wanted tuhh ask i in fancy drill or bandd furr tmr.. you noe what she answer mi? ''JUST COME TMR, wear ur track pants. '' i was like. T.T wear track pants forr?? lols.. after that, went to coffee shop.. show mdm goh and mr koh.. mr koh asked mi go to him.. zZz.!! gana sae.. cos never wear sk0l U to sk0l..! lols.. after that.. went tuhh west mall.. shop shop till 6plus.. went home.. than meet peijun out again.. go see doctor.. cool.. so many ppl.. lols.. sain.. got FIVE medicine.. and ONE dae MC.. kekexx. tmr cann dun go.. HAHA.. but i will go ^^
11:17 AM
quiz (zhengwei) ♥taggedd by ZhengWei 1. Where would you go if someone sponsor you an air-ticket? anywhere that is funn ^^ 2. What's your favorite things to do? hmm..going oud withh friendd & hab fun >.< 3. Do you think money can buy happiness? T.T no ofcos.. zZz.. 4. If you were given a chances to receive something what would it be? let mye take oout mye braces ASAP =P 5. Things you can't live w/o? family and friends. 6.whats are you afraid to lose? family and friends. 7. If you win $1million US dollar,what would you do? hmm.. save it and spent it when i need it. 8. What makes you happy? going oud with friends and have fun. 9. If you have a superpower what will it be. how would i noe..>.< 10. Would you go for happiness or money? Happiness. 11. Who do you think is the most important people in your life? Gfs,Bfs&Family 12. If you have a gf/bf would you die for her/him? No. 13. Who's the last person who hug you? hmm..*someone* 14. What is the 1 thing you want to do badly now? going oud and have a Shopping. 15. Who are you close to? family , gfs bfs. 16. Are you courageous enough to tell somebody you like him? dun think so =P 17. If you could do one thing all over again, what would it be? rewind back the time. 18. Eight things that scare you? hmm..insects, walking home alone at nite, lose of friend, retain, see mr adam =PP, dunno liaos. ^^ 19. Eight things that you like/love. sms, friends, Family, piggys, Computer, shopping, cute thingy & roller blade ! 20. Eight important things in my room? PIGGYS, Boaster, Bed, aircon, money, computer, bags & pillow 21. Eight ppl to do this questions : -PeiJun Jie -HuiJuan Jie -ChunYu Jie -AmandaKEW Mei -Wesley kor -Sherman Di -Jiahui Mei -LayPing Mei
Sunday, November 23, 2008 11:56 PM
haha.. ytd.. ♥lols.. ytd.. never went to escape withh yiting theyy all... ;( cos i'm simple SICK plus got something else tuhh do.. thann att nite.. 4am plus than sleep..~ cos toking on phone with trevor and yiting.. about fancy drill & bandd.. than 1 am plus hang k0l.. than tok tuhh weimingg all the way.. till 4 am plus than sleep.. todaee wake urp @ 11plus pm? =XX thann watchh show.., k0l MAC.. eat with jie and ming.. WENT BACK TUH MAPLE SEA..!! ^^ hahas.. cos of jie.. ;DD called shijie and peijun go DL and plae withh mi.. hahas.. just now sae tag.. huijuan jie sae she will make mye house more piggy.!! she would buy backk mi more PIGGY things.. lols.. anyway THANKS wor.. ^^ now nothing tuhh do. going back PLAE..!! ^^ goodnite everyone.!
Saturday, November 22, 2008 12:18 PM
went to find yiting they all~ ♥ytd.. at night.. about 7plus.. went oudd andd meet shijie.. brought a big dog along.. end up miie taking 2 BIG FAT DOG. that is the present furr YITING & TREVOR.. lols..so funnyy... actually meeting trevor @ wm.. than wanna go yiting house dwnstairs without telling her.. (give her a surprise..) but end upp.. they never dissmiss in airport.. they still went back tuhh sk0l.. so planing go sk0l find them derhh.. but then trevor sae meet hym @ wm.. than went to meet hym.. give hym the BIG DOGGIE.. after that went tuhh take cabb tuhh yiting house.. lols.. she come down find us..wear dao dam funny.. =XX given her her doggie also.. hhaas.. after that went tuhh find that BLUR peijun.. she wanna meet us @ bukit batok but she too late T.T than she wanna meet us tuhh yiting house.. SHE ALSO TOO LATE. x.X than went tuhh find her after yiting went home.. hahas.. finally found her.... than went home, conference withh yiting, shijie and peijun. tok about todaee escape thingy..=X but end up todaee i never go keke.. cos siick andd got to work.. (yiting, trevor, shijie, peijun.. really p.s..) anyway.. yiting brought furr mi a piggy thingyy.. T.T trevor brought furr miie 5 PIGGY thingy.. T.T mye house now is full of PIG..~ lols..
Friday, November 21, 2008 10:47 AM
boredd morning.. ♥ytdd.. about evening.. actually wanna meet up pj go buy sum thing de.. but endd urpp jiejie calles KFC.. no choice got to eat at home.. than lazy go out liaos. after that.. erjie teach mi how to make a pencil case,HP puch all stuff.. using all HAND WORK..! >.< see very easy..but do VERY HARD.! lols..learn liaos.. now noe how ler.. but still cant do smooth like jie. hahas..at about 1am plus than go sleep.. cos of that thingy..lols.. todaeeee.. trevor they all coming backk..! >.< COOL mye piggy is backk.. lols... dunno tmr they still going escape ma.. hiias...maybe changing to wild wild wet.. cos.. erjie sae escape alot things close.. not fun liaos.. wild wild wet alot more things to plaee..hahas.. dependd bahhs. see which place ppl vote more than go there. ;DD juzz now went to lot 1 withh pj.. shop furr things to give YITINGG.. found a doggie.. super BIG.. quite cute.. than i brought it liaos.. kekex.. while waiting fur shijie to come.. phew..~ saw layping,glenda,amandaTHEIN & amandaKEW.. saw mye cousin too..lols.. than finally shijie comee.. he brought miie a MIDDLE? pillow.. (piglet) T.T lols.. quite cutee. ^^ went backk home.. nothing to do.. going to sickk??? now having flu all such thingy.. (soundd change liaos..) >.<
Thursday, November 20, 2008 12:14 PM
changing of plan ♥ytd eveningg.. daddy suddenly say i got to help him work.. ;( sobb sobb. actually gona go oudd with pj derhh. BUT, neever mindd. can earn more money.. for SAT outing..!! >.< after that.. half do half watchh Final Destination 2.. hahas.. (haven bathh;P) after that. endd workk @ 10plus PM.. but show haben endd.. so cantt bathh =XX at aboutt 12plus gona 1am.. thann iie go bathh cos show juz ended.. kekex. after bathing.. went in the room.. pack urpp somethingyy.. talkk tuuhh ming for awhile. than open music SLEEP. hahas. todaee wake urpp @ 9am plus.. startedd tuhh pack somethings at room.. cos dam messy now..~ lols. after packedd(but haven finish =X) openn com.. went to alot people's blog and see.. kekex. thann now nothing tuhh do.. so come blog.!~ >.< dunno when goingg buy books.. think next week bahhx. actually todaee going.. but dun feel like to go.. so cancel!! >.< cool.. juz now shanshan(cousin) go take PSLE result.. nortt badd worr.. she get 241..~ congrazz her.. hahas.. not she thinking what school she wanna go.. she maybe choosing Yishun Town?? good mehh =XX actually i dunno laa.. no fren there.. hahas.. thann lijun(cousin) also juz take.. she get more higher..!!>.< 257..!! lols.. dunno what sk0l she wanna go.. vivian juz msg mii.. sae 29nov go meet tour guide daddy!! hahass.. looking forward tt dae.. ^^ TOMM..!! trevor && yitingg coming back..! hahas.. mye piggy.. =XX hahas.. WAITING & WAITING.. =X but i really miss themm =X dun habb themm.. i at home rot niia..~ cant go oudd. cos that pj always cant go oudd till late or whatt..(no offence) you noe what she told miee?? she go swimming with cousin&family.. only swim for TWO HOURS.! i tell her.. rather dun go..>.< BUT when they come back i CANN go oudd till late late..!! i WONT rot anymore..!! kekezz..
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:55 PM
trevor k0l ME...!!>.< ♥woo.. ytd nitez.. 11plus.. watch alot of show with jie. about 3? cos see this one not nice.. or see before than we change..~ hahas.. at last, we watch Final Destination 1.. while we watching.. dajie went to change the com thingy.. and put on new web cam.. hahas.. after that..while watching.. TREVOR YEOW, called miie from TAIWAN..~ you noe what he told mi? he said that '' i brought 5 piggy thingy for uue.!'' i was like T.T LOLs. after hang the k0l.. i continew watching show.. jiejie go sleep first. cos next dae she got to work.. and is already 1am plus.. after watching finish.. i went to sleep too..cos jie k0l mi, tmr nite than tgt watch part 2..hahas.. todaee actually going Wild Wild Wet.. but alot ppl cant.. so change tuhh this sat.. but is going to escape ler.. which is trevor and yiting they all also cann go..haha.. cos they are back in singapore ler. TREVOR, i'm waiting.. for mye PIGGY.. hahas.. anyway.. sat ticket is FREE derh.. cos shijie mama company get derh..hahas.. ending here ler.. nothing else more to post... I"M WAITING AND WAITING~ Labels: waiiting furr myee piggys.. ^^
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 1:55 PM
♥ todaee wake urpp, found oudd that no one was at home.. ;( papa, erjie went to work. dajie went to dental. mummy went bugis. sanjie..dunno~ than nothing to eat.. cookedd maggie myself.. than peijun k0l mii..chated with her awhile.. while chatting.. help her and wesley findd blogskin~ than saw some blogskin suit someone.. than ask peijun tell the person.. after that watched show for awhile.. than looked through some past thingy.. which i took some pic. ;DD ![]() the ILY sweet, CAN EAT..! but very long le. dun think can liaos. ![]() things that given from ALL mye ex ![]()
Monday, November 17, 2008 1:08 PM
a perfect couple ♥ytdd sleep at about 1am plus.. cos toking to Joevenn, Eng chee and Peijun @ MSN.. hahas.. cool.. a PERFECT couple was out ytd nitez.! >.< anyway i'm not allow to say out who and who haha.!! juz n0w meet peijunn andd joevenn at lot 1.. but meet peijun first.. cos joevenn at bugis there.. 2plus reach lot 1.. SHOPPING for awhile.. than waited joevenn.. about 3-4plus than he reach bahh.. than peijun saw her ex-classmate and kor.. i saw THREE of mye ex classmate.. so suay.. somemore all boii.. hahas.. after that went to eat dinner.. at MAC.. after eating, went to shop awhile.. than when going home.. taking bus.. peii joevenn to wait for his bus.. after that mi and peijun take 300 home.. wanna go up bus that time.. i remember that joevenn taken peijun E-link.. LOLs. forget return.. end up peijun use coins to go home.. HAHAHAHA.! >.< in the bus.. sae wee chongg andd yong jiaa.~~ zZz.. TWO of them again.. hahas.. ending here ler. nothing else to post.. come post again tmr bahx,!>.<
Sunday, November 16, 2008 5:00 PM
quizz.. ♥1. The person who tagged you is: ChunYu 2.Your relationship with him/her: mye qan jiejie 3.Your five impression of him/her: clever, kind, friendly and shy.. 4.The most memorable thing he/she has done for you: help mi put song in mye blog. 5.If he/she become my lover? i am not a LESBIANS.! 6.The most memorable thing he/she has said to you: nothinqq. lols. 7.If he/she becomes my lover, he/she has to improved on? WE ARE NOT A LESBIANS.! 8.If she become your enemy? I think its impossible..^.^ 9.What is it you want to tell her? All the best for u in ur express life. ;DD 10.Overall impression Good? She's very clever and smart. 11.How do you think the people around you feel about you: dunno.? l0ls 12.The character you love most about yourself? i have alot of good friendds. ;D 13.Pass this quiz to 10 person: 1)HuiJuan Jie 2)PeiJun Jie 3)Trevor Kor 4)VivianNEO Jie 5)Shijie Di 6)Shereen Jie 7)Yiting Jie 8)Eng Chee papa 9)Layping Mei 10)Jiahui Mei 14.Who is number 6 having relationsion with? Jun Hao. ii think. 15.Is number 9 a female or male? Female. 16.If number 7 and 10 together, good? They are not a LES.. 17.When was the last time you talk to number 3? before he went to TAIWAN 18.What is number 2 studying about? Same as mii. 19.Does number 1 has siblings? Yepp. 20.Does 5 and 9 get along ? ermm.. still okays bah. 21.Talk about number 2: Cheerful, playful and thick skin =P 22.Are you best friend with number 5? Yepp. ;DD 23.What is number 10 doing ? She juz come back from her class chalet? lols. -quiz asked to do from CHUNYU;D
12:09 PM
Year of piggy ♥豬, Pig born in: 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 Personality A pig is not as smart as a dog in understanding human thought. It likes sleeping and eating and becomes fat. Thus it usually features laziness and clumsiness. On the positive side, it behaves itself, has no calculation to harm others, and can bring affluence to people. Consequently, pigs were once regarded as wealth. People born in the Year of the Pig are honest and frank. They have a calm appearance and strong heart, but they lack patience and independence. As they do not like to talk in a roundabout way, they are thought to be unsociable. Luckily, they are tolerant and optimistic, so not until they become your friends can their virtue, advantages and fidelity to friendship be found. The Pigs likes: Praise, Health, Diets, Teams, Bath, Comfort, Home, Children and Pets. The Pigs Dislikes: Tiredness, Arguments, Paying Bills, Work, Hunger, Excess, Crime and Concrete. Compatible Animals: Tiger, Goat, Rabbit Your Luck In Year 2009 Overall Forecast Even with the many evil stars present, there still lies rays of luck visible. Lucky stars able to lend you a hand. Thus, pig is advised to make good relations with others. Students have good academic performance. Career adults face impediments at work. Thorough and comprehensive plans should be prepared in anticipation for this challenging Ox year. Do not invest too much this year. Never make any hasty moves or decisions. You are burdened by the hectic work schedules, so take adequate rest. Spend wisely and have tolerance with your spouse. Chronic ailments may sprout again, take heed. Avoid attending wakes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Career Career and work luck is considered alright aside from frequent obstacles in the path. Just stride with pace and avoid attempts of huge investments. Be more conservative in your expenses and plans for this year. Keep to the side of the law; do not do anything unlawful. This is also not a good year to change jobs. Love You felt exhausted and down, especially with regards to your relationship with your love ones and family members. There are constant conflicts and frustrations. Do your best to untie the knot of worries and problems. Being more tolerant, forgiving and understanding will be helpful. Then you will all be blissful. Wealth Wealth star is dim, so there may be serious loss of wealth. Watch closely on your expenses. Save early for the raining days to come. You are not to place any high hopes for any form of gambling this year, and keep to the side of the law. Speculative investments are not worst. Regular income luck is still stable. Health Mindless chores burden you, coupled with increase workload, you are almost burnout. Take more time off and open up to others. Take note of personal safety when outdoor. Drive with care and focus. Take note of rheumatoid, digestive system problem and that of the common cold. Exercise more to prevent getting ill. Copyright fr0m;; http://www.geomancyhut.com.sg/Zodiac%202009.pdf
Saturday, November 15, 2008 9:41 PM
wEnt to NAFA.. ♥todaee, wake urpp @ 6.15am.. given shijie didi about 5 wake up msg.. ask him to go NAFA with us.. after that, meet shijie andd peiijun at about 7.15am at lot one bus inter. than went to take MRT.. saw samantha.. accompany her wait fur xue jun.. than go NAFA tgt.. when reach bugis, we thought campus 1 and 3 very far.. so mi and shijie took bus to campus 3.. peijun and samantha they all walk to their campus.. when we reachhedd,, mii and shijie than realise that is juz at the oppsite.. SO NEAR..!! zZz. l0ls. than mi and shijie saw alot people wearing sk0l U.. we thought need wear siia.. luckily dun need.. PHEW..~ >.< after the lesson of CLARINET MASTER-CLASS.. went to meet peijun.. than walked 4 of us walked to bugis MRT station there.. samantha went to find her sister.. mi peijun and shijie wanna go bugis street.. SUPER FUNNY.. we went to take cab!!! end up the cab driver say.. ''bugis street is juz oppsite.!!'' what the hell lor..! laught. than we went there walk walk.. brought a T-SHIRT..$12..~ ^.^ wanna go there buy things again.. haha.. today never brought enought money.. kekex. after that great shopping.!!~ we went to take MRT.. but alot people.. so we take 1 big round back to CCK.. once reach home.. nothing to do derh..hahas.. continew pei erjie watch show.. byebye. endd lerx.
Friday, November 14, 2008 10:52 AM
happie biirthday to uue..~ xiianqq ♥ Happiie biirthdaee Xiang Xiang..!! All the best to uue.. wiish you would have a happiie holidaee too..~ Smile always. ;DD takkecaires.x33 cya soon. todaee wake urpp, n0thinqq to do.. was thinking tmr how to go NAFA only. hiias.. dun even noe where the hell izzit at.. ;( actually dunwan go.. butt.. ms low and mr ho say is a very good chance to go and learn from.. EXPERT..! zZzz.. no choice.. got to go..hiias.. was thinking whye Mr Ho and Ms Low dunwan choose shijie go.. cos they say 1 section only can 1 person go.. than ask shijie go ma.. whye ask mi.. zZz... somemore so early.. 9.30am.. got to wake up at 6plus.. 7plus must be in train there liaoo.. is so the DAM far.. hiias. asking alicia she got gana choose ma.. also dunno whether her sk0l got anot.. she also clarinet ma.. maybe she also habb.. hahas.. if have.. it would be great.! than i can meet up her.. since she stay so near mi anyway.. haha.. was thinking wear sk0l U go or home clothes.. cant even msg teacher and ask.. cos she's oversea.. HIIAS.. think wear home clothes bahhx. endd here lerrxx. takkecaiirex. come post again tmr.. (if can) ;DD Labels: iie miiss youu guyys
Thursday, November 13, 2008 12:30 PM
♥ytd 1am plus than sleep cos watch why why love part 2.. than went to room.., played with weiminqq for awhile.. kekex. than went to sleep ler.. today..zhen xin early in the morning k0l mii.. zZz.. ask mii next wed can go oudd ma..!! zZz.. i was still sleeping..=P than no choice.. wake up.. helped hym to ask peijun and vivian too.. peijun replied okay.. but vivian got netball training on that day.. =( so think changing dae again..zZz.. hiias..~ actually todae got band derh.. but teacher-in-charge (ms low) went to taiwan.. so cancel band practise..~ what the hell lor.. i already miss alot practise cos went to china.. now miss MORE cos that taiwan trip..zZz.. NVM.. i'm not in band anymore.. or says, band is no longer mye main.. i'm in fancy drill ler.. hiias..~ got to PS peijun shijie they all.. but no choice.. ;( PEIJUN && SHIJIE- if band training that time dun hab fancy drill, i will still go for band traning de.. hahas.. coss i will miss mye clarinet and saxophone..! =XX so boredd;; and so i went to look throught the blog.. ( http://yissliveoperation.blogspot.com/ ) has some memories went back.. Choices have consequences. There is No Failure Only Learning Experiences. One for All & All for One. Do it once, Do it fast, Do it right. If I can't then I must. There is always a way
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 2:52 PM
bored day.. ♥hiias.. s0 tiiredd, the stupidd trevor hor.. early in the morning 5plus AM.. msg miie.. zZz.. I AM STILL SLEEPINGG.!! l0ls.. than say they going airport.. zZz.!! LAME hor.. after that, 6plus i sleep backk. 9 plus wake up.. continew watching mye CD (why why love part 2) watch finish 2 dise de.. than come play com.. asked chunyu help mi put song.. THANKS.! >.< than n0thing to do ler.. zhen xin suddenly call miie.. ask mi i got go watch movie with them ma.. i say YES.. maybe.. kekexx. asked mi when free.. i saidd, everyday free.. since no band and school.. hahas.. than he ask mi ask vivian got go ma.. cos he dun have vivian's number..l0ls... after i asked vivian.. she say she going.. but still need see the date to comfirm. hias.. so boredd at home..~ zZz.. HP bill just come.. hiias.. $50plus.!!! cos at china got call and msg.. mummy and jiejie they all~ ;( come post tmrr if free bahhx.! hahas. takkecaiires.! -miissedd;; pe0ple wh0 went t0 taiwan. ;DD
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 11:54 PM
♥ given from peijun.. there is 2 because that peijun give mi the same thing as what mye ex give mi.!!zZz.. stupidd horzz. hiias.. hahaas.. t0day wake upp, actually wanna go BAND.. but end up very tired.. so never go.. than go dental first.. at about 10.15am.. meet trevor at gomback MRT.. than went to dental.. trevor say wanna go alvin house. than i ask him help mi pass alvin the present i brought for him at china.. after that he come back dental find us.. juz nice i done with mye teeth.!! haha (purple braces) than went to MAC at bukit batok, after eating le..went to band.. T.T everyone not playing instrument.. cos painting the wall..zZz.. than play games.. mi and peijun went to see the list.. for next year class..~ phew~ went to 2N2 nest year.. hiias.. after that i give out present.. that i buy from china.. after band, went to MAC and eat again.. hahas.. than went home.. at night, trevor say he going camp at school le.. than next day go taiwan.. hahas.. so msg with him awhile.. mi and peijun call alvin, trevor and marks as ATM.. hahas. joking nia.. l0ls.. than went to sleep le.. nitenite. -anyway.. happie biirthday t0 amanda ching. ;DD
Monday, November 10, 2008 9:20 PM
pierce ear.. ♥YAY..!! t0dae wake upp.. than went to sunshine place with mummy rony and ryan. cos wanna print some photo of CHINA TRIP..~ than come back, went to meet peijun at sunshine again.. cos some photo at her HP.. after that went to lot 1 with her.. went to.. PIERCE EAR..!! kekexx. at first.. went to BLUE and peijun pierce niia.. i wanna pierce de.. but peijun say dam pain. and like got blue-black de.. than i went down look look see still got shop can pierce ma.. but end up only left GOLD HEART got.. than i went to GOLD HEART loo.. no choice.. OMG.. dam expensive.. $35 for a pair.. peijun pierce $8 for a pair niia.~ l0ls.. but mine not that pain as her..!! hahas.. so shoickk...finally pierce le.. hahas.. reach home ler, fall asleep.. ;PP EngChee PeiJun and ChunYu tok to mi.. but i never reply.!! zZz.. (sleeping) after that.. annabel msg miie.. ask mi wanna go out watch HSM3 ma.. i say i watch before le.. somemore vivian they all also.. than she say watch coffin.. hahas.. than i say OK..!;DD **People that went to CHINA, Annabel ask you wanna go watch ma..!!!** zZz.. annabel say when she first time see mi, she thought i'm AH LIAN..! T.T espically i stead with hym.~ l0ls.. but now we are quite a close friend.! >.< really happy to meet you guys as friend.. hahas..!! takkecaiires.!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008 3:30 PM
some photo of china.! ♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() we changed our shoes. cos all our size is 5.!! hahas. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hahas.. now coming post some picture that we had take in china.!! cool.. so funn down there..~ ;D SUPER coldd.. ;DD wiish can stay there longer in the HOTEL.! haha went to lot lot of places.. kn0e alot of GOOD and KIND friend.. like.. vivian neo, annabel ngo, zhen xin, shin chen, rui quan, shahir and more..~ hahas. also noe some china friend like WEIQING..~ hahas.. stayed at her house for 4 days.! ;D AND ALSO.~ our BEST tour guide Mr william.!! he treat us well, very concern about us too..;DD MISS HYM.! haha went to alot of places with hym.. hahas. enjoyed those moment of joy.~ stayed at beijing hotel sleep with PeiJun but @ xi'an changed partner cos of shenqi join in.. hahas.. so partner vivian.. went to host also with vivian.. ;D OMGG~ at the last day, i ALMOST lost mye handphone.. i dropped in the car.. but i did not noe.. kekex. luckily the next day still taking the same bus to airport..~ PHEW. come back singapore.. dam freaking hot.. lols.. super not use to it.. hahas. - lazy type so muchh larhx. ;P post those photo and u will see. ;D kekex. Labels: I MISS YOU MR WILLIAM..~ ;DD
Saturday, November 8, 2008 11:59 AM
juz come back from china. ♥n0w so tiredd.. just come back from china niia.. haha. erjie, shanjie, dajie, rony, ryan and mummy went to bring mi home from airport.. hahas.. brought alot of things!!!! OMGG..~ mye lagguge over weight.!! hahas.. ( 25.8kg) lucky is count by group.. so dun need pay money.. so tired now.. tmr wake up than come post more. byes.!~ ;DD ** YITING, i got buy things for you.!! ;D ** |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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