Tuesday, October 28, 2008 2:02 PM
12:40 PM
byebye!!~ ♥juz wakke up n0rt long.. waiting for mummy and dajie to come back?? and papa too.~ wiish can get from hym more money!! than later think no time post ler.. BUSY with packing things liaos.. cos some of the things no space put..~ i already take oudd alot things sehh.. i never bring shirt. =P cos mye jie sae go there buy!! hahas.. bring all long john and sweater niia.~ never even bring jacket lia0s. only got windbreaker.~ BUT still mye lagguge not SPACE!!! freak siia. tonight need reach airport at 10pm.. so think i 7plus go oudd. reach there about 8plus.. hahas..thinking why so early we go? go there walk walk loo..and maybe eating dinner there ma.. hahas.. wEEeee~ mUmmy, Dajie, erjiE, sAnjie, wEiming, r0ny && ryAn going to airport t0o..~ hahas.. 11daes not at home siia~ feeling a bit anxious..~ =P anyway~ still can msg mi worr.!! i will reply... but in diff number. kekex. if not i bored dao sia00.. =X ** so happy that A'N'D is back!!~ _ www.x-and-x.blogspot.com _ Labels: GOODBYE~, iie will surly MISS you guys
Monday, October 27, 2008 7:25 PM
♥juz come back from lot 1.. went to meet peijun and yiting.. cos yiting sae wanna watch hsm3.. before going.. i went to change some china money.. change hao ler went to buy ticket.. omgg. is 2.50pm derhh.. still early.. so we went shop shop loox. aft before walking in chat lot about NPCC..~ kekex. and some things about china & taiwan's trip.. maybe going fetch yiting and trevor when they come back.. or maybe when they go.. cos they maybe also come fetch us.. kekexx. yiting keep asking us buy present sioo..hahas. than went in.. to the cinema.. while watching nort really pay attention on that movie.. keep toking nniaa. hahas. after the movie ends, we went to walk walk.. than went home.. taking bus.. take 1 big roundd.. than went home.. packed some china things.. omgg.. no space to put some things. dunno how to do siia. but i die die will bring mye PSP go.. kekex. cos vivian sae plae tgt? hahas.. waiting for peijun k0l mi.. than pack tgt tmr things.. now while waiting come and post something.. thinking of wanna go BAND tmr ma.. hiias.. maybe pei yiting go.. cos she sae no one pei her.. phew..~ go band till 4pm than rush home pack??? than go AIRPORT!! zZz.. hahas.. maybe not going. but peijun COMFIRM going.. hahas... think not going.. dun feel to go ler. looking towards tmr.. @ airport.. kekex. **yiting.. dun worry i will sure buy something back for ue..** (even if i forget everyone's present i also wont forget ur's !!) hahas.. now nothing to do..~ went to see last tyme EX derh blog.. =X - weiming I MISS IT!!!! Labels: # having a messy mind, dunno what to do
10:26 AM
♥wEeee.~ tmr q0iinqq china lerx. quite excitedd.?? hahas.. meeting peijun at airport.. @ 8plus? seriously.. haven pack hao.~ a little bit no mood to pack.. hias.. ltr MUST pack lia0s. no matter got mood ma.. dunno how to put mye windbreaker siia..~ bag no space ler.. lagguge also.~ sain.. meeting peijun ltr.. go buy some things and change more china money.. omqq. i thinkk i bring $1000++ niia.. hiias.. so less.. no choice.. try to take from papa more. kekex. than go change more.. can have a big SHOPPING there.. kekex. 11 daes of oversea trip.. 11 daes of MISS..~ would miss alot of BAND training.. when 8thnov come back.. 11nov than got training... but 11nov i got dental appointment!! ARHH! ending here lerx. need go pack somethings than meet up peijun liaos. will come post tmr before i go airport.. hahas. anyway if wanna contact mi, sms mye 8188**** i will reply u using 8320**** hahas. cos is prepaid.! kekex. Labels: # having a messy mind, dunno what to do
Sunday, October 26, 2008 5:58 PM
♥ytd.. went to vivo.. brought things to china.. spent $200++ to $300..kekexx. totaly spent for china trip, $500++?? l0ls..~ hiias.. still wan go change more china money.. now only got $900 plus china money.. changing till $2000 lyke tat bahh.. hiias.. now alot things in mye mind.. dunno what to do.. hiias.. wiish things would be settled before i go china bah! but dun think will..~ HIIAS..! @.@ finally done mye blog.. SORRY.! deleted some of ur blog links. if wan mi re link back, DO TAG MI. Labels: # having a messy mind, dunno what to do
Saturday, October 25, 2008 8:18 PM
year end exam marks. ♥ YEAR-END EXAM RESULT. ;( English - 60 Chinese - 61 Maths - 56 Science - 39 Geography - 51 History - 65 Literature - 51 D&T - 75 Home Economics - 64 Art - 75 Civics & Moral Education - C IT - A Total: 597/1000 Percentage: 59.7 PROMOTED to S2 Normal(A) teacher's c0mment: HuiMin is a responsible class welfare representative. She carries out her duty faithfully. she needs to show the same faithfulness to her studies to be a winner. -SCIENCE fail becos of some reason, physic got ZERO marks. -Freaking unhappy with mye marks. ** MUST STUDY LER..!** #cannot lyke now.. pass by luck.. kekex. (cos this yr i totally never study at all ;PPP) SHHH.. don tell ppl.. kekex.
Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:01 PM
♥T0dae went to sk0l.. Having m0n assemble le than went to tak our instrument.. Haha. Wait till everything settle at f0yer le, than went to have a break. Mi, chewmwi, peijun, hui juan and frens went to tak shijie's time drive c0ver.. THAN HE CRY! Wth l0r Dun0 wat the hell he thinking.. Zzz.. Haha aft that went to MI.. Than at MI we set up the instruments and all things... Aft awhile we having lunch... WAH... VERY SPICY siia... i tak ONE sotong or fish ball to eat... thn aft tat i nid to drink ONE WHOLE bottle of mineral water =.=... wth.. hehe i did not eat all the foods i give someone to eat =X... aft finishing the food i going to throw into the dustbin den suddenly pei jun cum and pull me back and throw it to the dustbin where alvin is taking on his hand... today we gone through alot for rehearsal feeling tired now...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 7:44 PM
♥HAPPY BIRHTDAY TO SAN JIE! :DD C0ol t0dae went to band... Mr ho keep sh0oting mi. Zzz. Sain. Than aft tat bl0w still half way feelig braces pain. Mr ho ask me dun plae anym0re.. Than he us my instrument... Lols. End le thn g0 bus inter saw alvin T.T was sh0ck! Haha. He keep l0oking at mi seh. Till i get down the bus he also keep l0oking. Lols. Aft tat g0ing home saw papa.. Haha..
Monday, October 20, 2008 7:39 PM
♥Phew. T0dae went to kayaking wib s0me frens. Sh0ick! Partner shijie~ hahas. Quite fun leh. Plae till half way then raining.. Haha.. Went to a side than plae with sea water. Lols. Aft rain d0n have le. Went to the centre of the sea wash leg T.T lols. Aft that gg bath that tyme saw amanda's shirt tear! Lols? Than went back sk0l eat le go vivo shop. Haha.
Sunday, October 19, 2008 7:18 PM
♥HAPPY BIRTHDAE TO G.S KOR KOR :DD i year older le w0r. Haha. L0ng tyme nv chat with ya ler =D
12:46 PM
all pass..~ ♥hiias. here to post a short one? teeth pain pain.. ;S no moodd post lia0os.. passedd all mye subject accept SCIENCE.. but counted lucky lia0os.. i thought i will fail alot.. cos did'nt study..;PPP p.s p.s than now science fail niia.. heng ar.. but than about 2 subject.. is juz pass niia.. the rest still not badd..~ next year must study liaos.. cannot also count by luckk~ kekexx. must STUDY STUDY STUDY.! wiish cAN get up NA next yr arr..~ Labels: it would never change no matter u lyke it or not, mii is mii
Saturday, October 18, 2008 11:52 PM
hiias.. ♥ytd.. actually gort CHINA TRIP meeting.. but end up cancel.. than went to NPCC.. (without wearing FULL-UNIFORM) after that.. go for training.. omgg.. march dao siao..!!! hand freaking pain liaos still dun hab break.. no choice.. continew..~ during P.T.. play with NCC people.. hiias.. peijun came and plae with qian hui and mii.. than accidentally hit dao qian hui's hand.. cos that peijun pull super hardd..~ than teeth loosen?? lols. freaking pain loox..~ after that NCO ask mi why.. i keep saying NOTHIN!! hahas.. after that when going home.. Jiahui NCO found oudd.. than askk mi todae go see dentist.. hahas.. so juz now went.. dentist ask mi don knock dao again.. if not later drop T.T than he changed mye braces fur mi too.. cos mye braces string drop oudd ytd nite?? lols. now braces change liaos.. got rubber derh.. freaking pain.. dunno can blow clarinet ma.. hiias.. if cant.. going fancy drill lia0s.. now hand cramp.. freaking pain.. not cos inject liaos.. is worst than inject.. T.T.
12:52 PM
hiias.. ♥ytd.. actually gort CHINA TRIP meeting.. but end up cancel.. than went to NPCC.. (without wearing FULL-UNIFORM) after that.. during P.T.. play with NCC people.. hiias.. peijun came and plae with qian hui and mii.. than accidentally hit dao qian hui's hand.. cos that peijun pull super hardd..~ than teeth loosen?? lols. freaking pain loox..~ after that NCO ask mi why.. i keep saying NOTHIN!! hahas.. after that when going home.. Jiahui NCO found oudd.. than askk mi todae go see dentist.. hahas.. so juz now went.. dentist ask mi don knock dao again.. if not later drop T.T than he changed mye braces fur mi too.. cos mye braces string drop oudd ytd nite?? lols. now braces change liaos.. got rubber derh.. freaking pain.. dunno can blow clarinet ma.. hiias.. if cant.. going fancy drill lia0s.. Labels: mii is mii, nothing would change no matter u lyke it or not
Monday, October 13, 2008 4:55 PM
LOLS.! >.< ♥kekex. todae morning cant wake urp ;PP daddy waited fur mii.. zZz.. when morning assemble.. Mr k0h k0l all ppl going tie yi zhong to go find hym.. than mi and peijun went to find hym .. he pass us a paper lia0os jiu k0l us go take exam.. and see hym @ 8.30am which is after our exam..~ shiok~ exam over lia0os. >.<> went in.. i said, ''veri smelly'' than Mr k0h scold mi.. he sae i sae hym smelly..~ T.T than after that.. Mr Koh call us settle down lia0os. than he start saying his ''rule'' when we @ china.. listen listen listen..~ afther that he k0l us go take a injection @ clinic.. by this week.. c0z must be 2 week before.. than got a boy asked.. '' go take china injection ar?'' than we all laught..!! lols.. Mr k0h tell hym '' is flu injection not china injection..'' ''no such injection as china injection!'' LOLS.. hahas..thann.. peijun ask .. '' need bring wind breaker ma?'' Mr k0h reply.. '' Oh Ya.. u need to bring ur wind breaker all that'' ''it would be more colder than wat u think! not lyke air con.. can close de..'' lols.. than cher also k0l us bring gloves all that. peijun ask need bring the ''ear-fone'' that thingy? Mr k0h scold her. NO NEED LA..~ bring ur that hat lyke CONDOM derh.. juz that is wear @ diff part.. and make of diff material..~ lols..!! *EVERYONE LAUGHT LYKE MAD.." than after that Mr k0h told us that, Ms teng;D , Miss yap;D , Mr Wong and hym got go..!~ hahas.~ after that, when going home.. i used peijun fone msg yiting, ask weather mr wong good ma.. she reply mi she dunno.. coz the cher teach jia yun.. not her.. she sae if she not wrong quite good.~ than i reply her the reason i ask.. than she VERI CUTE LOR.! she reply mi.. '' WTF WTF WTF.! meaning ms teng and Miss yap nv go taiwan..'' i was lyke... T.T cant they go 2 place? lols..~ when reach home.. went to accompany nephew see doctor.. thn i also go inject.. lols.. i thought i go derh clinic i never go before.. than i write mye name all that to the nurse.. the nurse reply mi.. ''you got come before ma. but is when 1998'' i was lyke.. '' wat the hell? '' 1998?? i was only 3 yr old?! '' YOU THINK I REMEMBER MEH.! zZz.. than before going in, quite scaredd, cos shenqi sae verii pain!? >.< than when go in.. NOT PAIN @ ALL..???? LOLS.. but after awhile.. got a bit of feeling that cant rise up mye hand.. T.T now hard to type.. feeling lyke that hand verii painful.. ^.< TMR GOT BANDD..!!~ meet peijun, shijie and trevor 6.30am @ MAC... OH YA..! before i forget.. CONGRAZ WESLEY KOR..!!! _he is putting braces/rubber todae..!!_ hahas..~ dun worrie not pain derh. >.< **must belive ur mei =P**
Sunday, October 12, 2008 3:06 PM
A'n'D and F'n'C is Out ! ♥Finally found a blogkin.. but also not that nice.. zZz.. will try to find more nicer blogskin ;DD yea.! todae dajie sae wann make A'n'D back.! hahas. quite happiee.. c0z cant forgot the memorise with them..;DD dajie went to create a blog for A'n'D.. used the same link as last time.. we to look for last time de photo with A'n'D.. ;DD than msg all the member.! hahahs.. samuel kor sae wanna open BBQ for this.. lols.. than dajie sae wann create 1 more for other side friend.. which is jacky they all.. F'n'C..! l0ls.. created blog also.. than make hao ler than tell them.. i dun wanna put alvin's name derh.. mye dajie sae he got come for erjie's birthdae party..T.T so she ask mi put.. but than cancel his name..~ hiias.. no choice puttedd. ~ than now doing A'n'D derh first.. hahas. juz now.. Ms Low msg mi.. ask mi to forward the msg to YISS band member... that band is to be resume on this tues.. from 9am-12pm.. coz of the upcoming performance.. stop posting here ler.. busy with the 2 blog.. plus the joyful family blog.. hiias..end here ler. come back post tmr.! **of i can..
Friday, October 10, 2008 7:05 PM
w3nt t0 vivo once again.. ♥hiias..todae is our physic paper.. zZz 1 of the question super hard derh lorhx. zZz after exam paper is only 8.30am bahhx. i think.. still early ma.. we verii sain.. mi trevor peijun shije went to vivo and look for wind breaker.. c0z of the china trip thingy.. after that when we at there.. looking for that shop.. found lia0os, but than haven open. so we go sit down at a place.. than tok tok.. after that open ler.. we go find for thingy.. lols.. after awhile.. we all go see the hat? lols.. stupid trevor.. find a hat fur mi lyke a robber lyke that.. hahas.. than after that we went shop shop.. shop ler.. take 188 go home.. hahas.. trevor and shijie dunno whye so angry? think shijie never angry with mi.. but he angry with peijun? i think.. hahas.. than that trevor i dunno larhx.. i only noe peijun msging with hym? i think.. hahas.. ermm.. don post too much ler.. maybe going back plae maple with alicia.. hahas.. miiss that pighead of her ;D {name given by yongchuan kor to alicia} hahas. CYA.!
Thursday, October 9, 2008 10:43 AM
strange feeling? ♥hiias.. todae no sk0l.. ytd nite cant sleep.. dunno whye keep thinking about the past.. thinking whye everything is seems to be so different from now.. having a strange feeling.. dunno what i wan also.. feeling that i have something to sae out but don dare and dunno how to sae.. hiias.. juz lyke a stone is stucking in mye heart?? think while time goes.. the feeling will go also bahx.! hiias.. now only looking forwrd to the trip to china lerh bahx.! sad that shijie can't go.. but never mind larhx. still got peijun, shen qi and claudia..~ ;D
Wednesday, October 8, 2008 10:10 PM
went to jurong east there.. ♥todae went to sk0l.. peijun never bring the form to china.. l0ls.. she k0l her mother after sk0l bring here to gib mr koh.. lols.. than after that her mother verii long.. we waited about 30mins for her mother... or more than that.. T.T after that pass up ler mi trevor, shijie,peijun and peijun mum went to jurong winter time..! hahass.. went there to see wind breaker.. peijun went there to see ''long john''.. lols.. after that buy liaos. than peijun mother go home first.. mi shijie trevor peijun went to eat MAC.. than saw shijie mum.. than we went to take MRT.. siao one.. that trevor sae take MRT to AMK liaos than take back to LOT 1.. zZz.. than after that went to lot 1 awhile.. went home.. trevor go peijun home.. mi and shijie went to our own home.. hahas.. than nothing liaos. ** peijun, trevor and shijie ** pai seh wor.. ps ur.. =X
Tuesday, October 7, 2008 10:02 PM
w3nt to buy little miss tee! ;D ♥todae after exam went to pass up paper to Mr k0h..than mi and peijun is with hym liaos. updating our details.. than he k0l claudia.. than claudia sae she @ home liaos.!! >.< than Mr koh shout veri loud ''WHAT THE?'' hhahas.. than after that we went to lot one shopping.. i brought little miss tee..!!~ hahas.. peijun never buy.. coz she never bring money.. zZz.. l0ls.... after that went home.. peijun she she wanna study for tmr exam? than she go study.. i go watch SHOW that mye dajie bring over with mummy they all. hahas...
Monday, October 6, 2008 9:50 PM
wEnt to viv0.. ♥t0dae after exam, went to find mr k0h and mr sim.. for the china trip thingy.. after that took cab with trevor, shijie and peijun to vivo $10.90.. went there to see for lagguge.. hahas.. brought a lagguge at about $129.. but discount @ $99.99 l0ls.? after that we went to ben and jelly.. there eat ice-cream..!! hahas.. peijun and trevor never eat.. onlyy mi and shijie eat.. we 2 share spilt banna.. kekex. $14.80 lehh.. l0ls.. than went to zinc.. but 1 more bag again.. kekex.. actually $49.90 but i got the card.. discount @ $ 44.90.. hahas.. after that went home.. trevor sae he take bus home.. mi shijie and peijun took cab home also.. coz the lagguge.. $14.90.. l0ls.? than went home.. put lagguge ler than went to lot one with shijie and peijun again.. shijie go find his dad c0z his dad @ lot one working.. hahas.. somemore he wan go buy jacket.. so pei hym go lohhx. -the rest i lazy type =X- than went home lia0os.. ;D
Sunday, October 5, 2008 1:35 PM
nothing to do..~ ♥hiias.. ytd nitez after helping mye father doing some thingy ler jiu go lot 1 buy more jeans.. @ lot one saw peijun and her mother.. haha.. think she also go there buy jeans bahhx. saw her brought 3 jeans.. mii also brought 3 jeans.. after awhile went home ler.. than found some shirt that last time go genting were derh.. hahas.. than mama ask mi bring to china.. c0z would be cold there.. than todae wake up..awhile.. i ask papa how much he buy fur the lagguge.. she tell mi verii cheap nia.. than he k0l mi go buy new one.. zZz.. gib mi *some money*.. than mummy ask hym he still got china money ma.. c0z last year he got go china.. than he still got.. left about $1000++ china money.. so shoick.! he gib mi all.. hahas..than he wanna gib mi card than ask mi buy things use card to pay..!! hahas.. mummy sae don wan lar.. later i anyhow spent till a few thousand..~ l0ls.. than he sae when i going ler tell hym.. he gib mi more singapore money.. if spent not enought ask mi change to china money @ china.. l0ls.. than shijie k0led mi to go lot one.. he wanna buy jacket? but than i did'nt go.. c0z i need to do something @ home.. hahas.. than awhile later peijun k0l mi.. said her mother only give her $50 to change to china money.. zZz. l0ls.. than now shijie sae he not sure he can go china ma.. c0z too expensive ler.. !!! l0ls.. hiias. now only wish he can go bahx.! mondae which is tomm going vivo with peijun and shijie.. to buy lagguge? l0ls.. funni horz.. hahas..ending here ler.. now still on k0l with them. ;D
Saturday, October 4, 2008 2:15 PM
dental appointment.. ♥this morning wake up.. go meet peijun and shijie @ lot 1 about 9am.. c0z they pei mi go dental to check up.. hahas.. took MRT to gombak.. that stupid shijie keep li siao mi.. but cant sae he li siao wat.. T.T when we reach Q & M dental chinic.. awhile nia.. the doctor come.. than k0l mi go in.. check up niia. verii fast..~ than come oud.. make an appointment..!! zZz.. that nurse ask mi.. 4.10 can ma? i sae no.. 5.10 can ma? i sae no.. asked mi alot of date i also sae no.. l0ls.. than she ask me exam ar? i sae no also..!! hahas.. the reason is..~ i'm not in singapore..! hahas.. so she make mye appointment on 11.11 nice date yea? hahas..than when walk half way turn back to ask the nurse about brushing teeth..~ zZz she gib mi a tooth brush and some thingy small small derh.. ask mi brush everydae.. l0ls. the tooth brush verii special derh.. got time i'll upload the pic.. hahas.. after that mi shijie peijun went to lot one shop shop.. went to buy jeans.. for trip to oversae.~ hahas. peijun wanna buy but never bring money.. she ask her mother at nite bring her come buy.. T.T than went home.. shijie keep calling us don go home so early.. but i cant.. i must go home.. got to do something.. ^.<
Friday, October 3, 2008 5:09 PM
qoing to china? ♥todae during class interation time, shenqi came to mye class..~ ask mi and peijun oudd.. than ask us wanna go china ma..? we sae anything.. need to pay $1688~ hiiias.. k0l mummy she sae okae.. T.T than peijun father ask her bring back fone later than see.. l0ls. after that she go find shijie.. shijie also sae okae..! zZz.. hahas.. after sk0l went to take form than went lot one find mummy, dajie, rony, ryan and kennth mother(ex-classmate mother).. @ NTUC saw alicia..!! wakao.. she siao 1.. now freaking tall lor..!! about 170 lyke that liaos? somemore sec 1 niia.! at that time than i noe what jiahui sae was true..! hahas.. verii tiiredd larhx. lazy to post.~ hahas.. come post tmr bahx.!
Thursday, October 2, 2008 4:32 PM
w3nt t0 sk0l per-normal.. ♥ t0dae..went to sk0l per-normal.. but after morning assemble got to go find cher.. c0z a a stupid guy.. zZz.. went to find hym.. at first.. peijun and shijie dunno scared for wat? act if lyke they did wrong something? l0ls.. after that we went to find the cher.. he keep saying is our fault.. but dunno why i juz keep shooting hym back by giving all rubbish reason.. kekex. end up he also got nothing to sae.!! hahas.. than SLOWLY went back to class.. zZz maths..~ sain.. than during mother tongue lesson.. actually toking with claire derh.. but mi and claire sae wesley lyke sain sain derh.. so we went over and find hym.. zZz ganna cher scold for changing place.. HAHA.. but mi and claire lie to cher sae he also in our group to do project.. zZz.. lyke so fake ya? but she still belive! l0ls.. after that lit.. ler than end sk0l liaos.. peijun went to find mr liew while mi and shijie went to caltex first.. than peijun come meet us.. than went home. than suddenly claire k0l mi.. sae maybe she can go for the birthdae party ler.. ;D hahas.. than went home. doing some blogging stuff..~ kekex. now blogging also.. ;D **wanna join our party ma??** go.. www.th-joyful-life.blogspot.com ! ;D
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 12:15 PM
family problems.. ♥hiias..ytd nite reallii happens alot of things..!~ at first..mummy ask dajie going back home ma.. or staying at our house.. than dajie sae '' wenwei have already changed the lock of the door, how to go back JE?'' (JE = jurong east) than mummy verii angry.. asked for wenwei's mum number.. than dajie crying? i giv to mummy.. than mummy called her mother.. and tok veri long. at last they decided to go JE and look for wenwei.. to make it clear. so mummy ask mi to msg wenwei loox. c0z only i hab his number other than dajie. so i msg hym and ask, can we go ur house now? we wanted to take back all qin's and 2 boys things. he reply mi ''ask her stay. i will bring everything over by this 2 daes'' so we decided not going derh. after a while.. he msg mi. saided, think ur all come now, c0z she got too much things. than we went over.. mummy k0led her mother and her mother went there too.. before we reach there, his parents is already there. waiting for us.. bing and ming also there ler. after that qin and rony went up first while we at behind. wenwei open the door as he did not noe that his parents was there too. after he saw his mum.. he was freaking angry..but we did'nt care. we juz went in and took all dajie's and 2 boys things. after that, mi, erjie, ming and sanjie went down first, we took everything down to his father car.. his father drive ming and bing home.. while mi and juan went to 7-11 to buy drink first.. mi and erjie after going 7-11, we went to took cabb.. but it was raining.. so we went in and brought and umbrella..went to the opp of 7-11 and waited for cab.. waited for about 15-20mins than got cab.. when reach CCK, meet ming and sanjie.. 4 of us tgt take everything up.. SUPER LOTS OF THINGS.! when we were at home. 11 plus, mummy, dajie rony and ryan was still not home yet. we waited, at about 12 plus.. than they come back.. mummy told us that wenwei wanted the 2 child. but dajie wont not let hym have they 2.. so dajie and mummy said, ''if he really wan, than tell him to see us in court bahx.!'' mi erjie sanjie ming all agree..~ than after that mummy cring while saying.. die die must wan the 2 child. what wenwei did for the child before? all the milk, pampers all that is paid by mye dajie from the day they born. even the pay in handphones and house is paid by dajie. he got what rights so take to 2 child!!! after that i went to sleep ler.. was really too tired. **we will never let jiefu take the 2 boys.!(rony and ryan)** |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
March 2007
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