Tuesday, September 30, 2008 4:53 PM
Half dae of sk0l..! ♥ hahas.. todae went to sk0l as normal.. than during recess david sae his HP lost.. T.T than we did not really care..! kekexx. after that went for MT listening compre.. than going end ler sae amanda ching, david they all out side.. lyke finding people..when we went out.. amanda ching come and find mi.. ask mi got take david's fone ma.. i was lyke T.T wat for i take his fone.. zZz.. l0ls.. than after that they supect 1N1 derh people take.. than shijie noe where are they.. so we went there and look for them.. HIIAS.!!~ went there found them.. checked their back.. but don hab.. T.T 1 stupid guy go k0l his cher.. than complain so much lyke a COMPLAIN KING! after that the cher k0l us thur go find adam.. freak loo.. after that we went to take cabb to west mall.. than went to shop shop. kekexx. brought a pillow..! hahas..winnie the pooh derh? lols.. than shop shop shop.. when home.. saw dajie.. help her k0l to her companie to tell them she take 1 week MC.. zZz.. so good.. she go dentist appointment got 1 week MC.. ;( ii go also 1 dae also don hab.. zZz.. than help th-joyful-family do somethingy. hahas.. now posting.. gona go do thingy for joyful family ler. maybe tmr than come post again bahx.! ^^ the pillow i've brought.! ^^ [SWEET LITTLE SMILES]
Sunday, September 28, 2008 7:02 PM
hahas.party over.. ♥ytd.. after blogging.. went to plae.. c0z jacky they all come back ler.. at first we act nothing happen..eated steamboat.. hahas.. but sadd.. i cant eat.. i eat porriddge niia.. c0z of braces..~ zZz.. than after eaten.. erjie brought jacky to room and plae maple. than we quickly go oudd and light up the candle...than we miss called erjie.. than she use a tower to cover jacky's eyes.. when he went oud.. we prepared bomb to giv hym a surprise.. than when he come oudd.. we poke the bomb and went to take the balloon to poke it.. than all of us derh head to toe all got baby powder..!!~ zZz...after that.. we went in to mye house.. cut cake..we asked jessical to buy a type of candle that super hard to blow off derh..hahas.. jacky 2o yr oldd.. but than we put 1 big candle normal derh.. 10 small candle special dehr..! kekex.. verii funnie he blow off the cnadle need 30mins or more.!! hahas.. somemore he blow untill the cake all his serliver(duno how spell) than we don dare eat.. so asked hym to cut off the first layer of coco.. so there's no his serliver..! hahas.. after that one by one went to bath..peijun never bring clothes..!~ i lended her c0z MUST bath.. our body all powder.. hahass. than we rushed for 11.45pm derh show(painted skin).. but then all of us bath too long ler..!!! cant catch the movie.. so we went to CHEERS to buy beer =X kekexx. went home. played molopoly(duno how spell) while drinking beer.!~ hahas.. peijun and shijie mye jie scared their mama don allow them drink.. so did'nt really let them drink.. c0z they under age.. kekex.. but i got drink!! kekex. c0z mye mama allow ma.. somemore mye house.. l0ls...drinked about 2 and a half bottle of beer.. i was dam sleepy after drinking..~ zZz.. so falled asleep.. =X kekexx.. than after that.. they plaes finish ler.. i dunno why wake up awhile.. saw shijie and peijun sleep at the same bed wor..!! l0ls... but they nv drink..~ so don't think they are drunk.. hahas.. after that sleep back ler wake up peijun sae wanna go home ler.. so she went home first.. than after that shijie went home.. than mi and mye jie go watch TV.. shijie's show.. he lend us derh. ;D till now than i come blog.. ;D
Saturday, September 27, 2008 7:35 PM
HAHA..! party.!! ♥ytd verii late than sleep..c0z plae DJ with shijie and ming.. than after that sleep ler.. wake up.. eat breakfast.. than plae DJ again..! haha.. not long.. ming k0l us go lot one.. then we anything.. c0z we also wanna go buy jacky's present.. ;D and also go meet peijun.. when we reached lot one.. shijie sae he wanna go buy shoes.. c0z his shoes spoilte.. than we sae go buy present first.. so went to buy.. LOLS. brought alot.. somemore verii big pack. but cant sae whats that =X after that shijie went to buy shoes.. ming and bing went to city chain to see watch.. after that actually wan go home.. but erjie k0l mi.. than i remember that we have forgotten to buy cake..!! haha.. went to look for a lot of shop for cake.. jacky lyke's coco.. so we went to find.. brought 1 big 1 small derh.. c0z 1 is to sabo hym!! kekex. than when all of us reach home.. mye erjie asked ming to bring jacky go buy ice for water.. hahas.. than we planed alot of things to sabo things.. mi shijie and peijun went to mye house beside derh staircase to use candle to make oud a happie birthdae shape. ;D than end up leh? shijie and peijun dunno how to make.. than i solo.! WTH ritezz? T.T than hand dam pain sia c0z the lighter..~ hahas..than erjie and bing went to room and make baloon..inside it got put baby powder..! hahas.. find yea? now waiting for jacky and weiming come back lia0os.. than can start playing..! hahas..tmr than come blog the rest.! ;D
Friday, September 26, 2008 11:09 PM
mother t0ngue exam ♥todae is mother tongue paper..~ after paper 1.. yiting msg mi ask mi wanna go eat after exam ma.. than i sae ok.. after that went to foyer to meet her.. than saw trevor.. so we all wait for her.. she is the slowest.. yet she meet us.. T.T than when she come.. we went to eat.. i wanna eat porridge but d0n hab.. zZz.. than eated tapo yaki..hahas.. used 2 stick to eat.. than that peijun thought is lyke that eat derh she also follow...T.T than i tell her.. is c0z i hard to bit.. c0z of braces..!! l0ls.. after that went to take bus home.. than prepare for jacky birthdae thingy tmr.. shijie went to mye house and stay.. which he is beside mi now.. T.T looking at mi blogging.. zZz.. juz now mi, shijie and mi at room watch 9pm derh show.. than shijie plae PSP.. hahas.. now nothing to blog lia0os.. waiting for tmr.. peijun come mye house ton also.. hahas.. and jie's fren.~ 1st time school friend come mye house ton..! zZz.. but so sadd.. he sleeping below mye bed.. hahas.. ending here ler. bueiis.
Thursday, September 25, 2008 4:00 PM
criies..~ ♥todae went to sk0l at the moring.. than when during assemble, claire sae Mr Eng (conseller - dunno spell rite ma) wan see mi peijun sinnie and her.. @ 8.45am.. bec0z of that LOW MEI YUN. went to tell Mr Eng that we never fren her.. she think lyke that we will fren her back meh??? so easy ar?? than went to there.. @ 8.30pm.. that LOW MEI YUN also there.. so we keep give her attitute.. than Mr Eng keep calling us patch back.. but we diedie don wan.. so no choice mi and peijun ACT that we treat her a CLASSMATE ler.. but actually in our heart we don even wan to let ppl noe tat we noe who is she.!! afteer that went to normal lesson.. but late for history.. c0z at conseller there for about 1hr 30 min to 2 hour..!! lols.. than after sk0l.. went to find Mr Koh for something.. haha.. than went to caltex.!!! WTF mi and shijie brought kit kat coco.. than i eat.. at first eat still okae.. c0z haven eat till the inside ma.. than when the biscuit. zZz teeth freaking pain.. than i still continew eating the coco without eating the biscuit. keke. than shijie eat finish ler i still eating not even half..! zZz at the west mall.. going take MRT so i throw away..~ than teeth DAM PAIN siia.. than was lyke WTF?? zZz.. no choice.. i need to tahan..! so sadd.. put braces nothing i can eat..~ onlii porridge.. hiias.. reach home.. k0rk0r brought her baby 1month cake to mye house.. so i eat 1.. but than hor!! more worst.. dam pain.. no choice nv eat throw awayy.. zZz than now blogging.. hiias.. wad thinking.. i no need to eat anything for so long siia..! only can drink somemore.! ='( **wiish can take oud braces ASAP.!**
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 7:52 PM
put braces. ♥t0dae went to sk0l as normal.. after sk0l straight went home.. about 2.30pm reach home.. bathhedd than rush down to gombak.. for dentist appointment.. haha.. puttedd braces.. at first i thought it would be verii pain.. but end up still okae bahhx..~ ^^ but than the sound super scary..~ zZz.. l0ls.. the doctor gib mi a box of wax.. sae is got alcer.. put the wax on the braces where the alcer is.. to dont let alcer become worst/painful.. kekex.. after that went to buy waffer..! zZz also cant eat. so give mye nephew.. haha.. than went home.. eat porridge.. hiias.. can eat nothing else..~ even eat porridge also a little pain.. than eat finish ler verii tiired wanna go sleep suddenly teeth a little pain.. so go mirror checkk.. zZz the braces stuck with porridge..! haha.. so go brush teeth ler than plae com awhile going sleep liao~ :D kekexx.. tmr go sk0l dunno eat wat siia.!! think not eating~ ;D
Monday, September 22, 2008 8:27 PM
HAHA.. chinese oral.. ;D ♥t0dae.. 6am reach sk0l.. than about 7plus.. mi, claire, peijun, shijie, ivy, layping and some of frens went to meet meiyun @ foyer..~ than juz nice she juz reach. so we asked herwhy u scold claire. she sae she did'nt scold. is her cousin..~ than at 1st she tell us the gur(peixuan) is her gan jie.. end up become cousin..~ kkays. nvm.. after that.. we ask than why she come scold us.. she sae.. 'i also dunnoo..~ she got mye password.. she write derh i also dunno anything..'' so i ask.. than who is the one in the tag bored.. than she sae is her wor.. NVM! we ask for her ''cousin'' number.. she tell us her cousin SEC 1 NO HANDPHONE..! what the freak she's telling???? so NVM~ we ask fur meet up. she sae cannot, mye cousin mother don let her go out..~ than i sae.. than why she can go out plae with u wor.. still go ur house plae com while u tell mi u cant use com during sat, sun..~ than she reply mi.. nono.. i go her house post derh.. HAHAHA. wat a joke. awhile sae not she post now sae she post???? after that, sort cut. ask for meet up. no matter when. buy nxt month is a MUST.! than after that..when english lesson..ms low k0l us do our own thing.. zZz than she k0l mi oud for mye chinese oral!! =.= she help mi pratice..! zZz.. after sk0l.. went for chinese oral..~ zZz.. thought i will be the lowest of all.. but..!! i higher than peijun and claire..!! haha.. quite happie =X after that went to trevor house there plae.. than take cabb home which is now.. haha.. doing blog furr '' Joyful Family..!'' kekexx.. come post ASAP.~ =D
Sunday, September 21, 2008 9:12 PM
hiias..what a b0red dae~ ♥t0dae when wake urp.. watch TV awhile.. than online awhile.. than help papa work ler.. hiias.. work work work.. and still is work.. working half way.. meiyun msg mi.. said what.. ''erm. i am peixuan.meiyun's gan jie. i was the the one that scold ur and claire CB. and ask us can be fren back with meiyun ma?'' than i reply her. ''REALLY!? wow.. intersting.! u don even noe us yet u sae u scold us wor.!!'' than she very long than reply '' c0z i hate ppl tell lie..'' than i was thinking..~ who i the hell in this world tell lie to her?? so i juz reply. '' d0n waste mye msg, tmr u and meiyun come foyer. settle things over there. (full stop.)'' than she never reply ler.~~ after awhile peijun k0l mii.. ask mi meiyun got sent mi ma..zZz... than till about 7pm.. than finally ended work.!! hahahass..todae earn $40 niia.~ zZz.. than went to plae come..~ wEeee.. todae hold dae neber eat again..`kekex. no teeth cant eat =X hiias.. wed is coming soon..~ the MOST painful dae.. kekexx. after those thingy.. went to bathh..thann..went to plae com..which is now..!! hahas.. nothing to do.. went to meiyun's blog.. but think she change link or delete her blog~ hahas.. running away from us??? NO USE.! sk0l is FAKE derh wor..~ stupidd!! HAHAHA.. hiias.. nothing much to do.. maybe asking peijun k0l me.. to chat.. haha.. c0z we got NOTHING TO DO..~ hahas...
Saturday, September 20, 2008 9:23 PM
wat a big fight. ♥todae.. once wake up ler.. qian hui msg mi ask mi wanna go watch movie mar. i sae cant.. c0z need to work for papa.. and would be busy for this few daes.. mon - chinese oral, tue - lit extra-lesson, wed - dental appointment, thurs - maths extra-lesson, fri-MT exam~ haha .. after that papa brought breakfast furr us.. so we eat loo.. after eating.. played com.. went to meiyun blog.. saw she scold claire CB we veri by suang.. mi ivy peijun glenda momoren* wendy all scolded her. than she delete her tag board derh everything.. than i cant plae com ler.. coz.. about 12plus help papa work ler.. so never online ler.. zZz... after that when working i help papa cutt carrot.. c0z he nid for coffee shop.. kekex. actually i juz wanna plae~ =X than after end job about 7plus.. qian hui msg mi ask mi can go oud at nite.. i was thinking think peijun cant.. so i did'nt reply.. she k0led mi i nv answer.. c0z did not heard hp rang.. after that played com... but started to scold meiyun again.. coz she then nv blame claire come blame mi... once again.. mi with 4 frens scolded her badly.. than mi and peijun cored clarie.. than we 3 plan mon, meet meiyun at foyer @ 7.45am.. settle everything. than still keep scolding.~ than meiyun ask mi and peijun can be fren back after things settle ma.. mi and peijun sae no of c0z. ;D we don wanna this kind of friends.~ =D even claire sae so..~ zZzz.. than now posting.. todae did'nt happen much thing.. but than got that SINNIE HP case.. become a FREAKING UNHAPPY DAY.! mondae wanna watch show? cum foyer. @ 7.45am ;D
Friday, September 19, 2008 2:51 PM
englishh paper..~ ♥todae went to sk0l per normal.. but then is go sk0l for exam.. reached sk0l at about 5.55am.. sk0l haven open..zZz.. than about 6am.. sk0l finally open ler.. than went in.. SLEEP..~ l0ls.. verii tiiredd.. somemore no people pei mii.. untill huijuan and huiyu came.. lols.. 3 hui tgt..~ =D after that.. went for assemble.. lols.. sinnie's HP was dropping oudd from her pocket.. than claire took it.. she also no feeling.. than i keep the phone in mye bag.. while sinnie was finding when she found that is has been lost..HAHAHA..but we neber give back.. when we going for english exma.. i thought i would sure cant do.. c0z did not study for that at all.. zZz.. but end up i still could do.. but that peijun hor.. hiias.. ytd told mi she go study.. endd up she write wronly.. the in-former letter writing d0n need to write subject she went to write..ZZzz this still never mindd.. she never even write. 'Yours sincerely' lols.. die le lor.. ms low sae lyke that will *-* about FIVE marks..!! lols.. than when going for paper 2.. i really really sincerely sae GOODLUCK to peijun.. lols.. wish her paper 2 could help her.. lols.. i was sitting at the last roll.. than claire sit beside miie. peijun sit infront of mii.. lol.. than we sit behind dam freaking hot.. than ms low give us permission to loosen our tie.. keke.. but still veri hot.. half way throught the exam.. ms low came to mi and claire and ask.. '' still veri hot hor? '' we sae ya..~ than ms low take mye exam paper and FAN mi.. LOLs.. hold class was looking..~ lols.. than ms low ask them to look infront..~ hahaha.. when the exam ends.. we return sinnie's her fone.. keke.. she was lyke.. ''phew~'' lols.. than i ask peijun how was her paper 2.. she sae soso bahh..~ haha.. than i was thinking of cos soso loo.. set by ms low derh ma..hahas.. so lucky~~ after that we went to lot one.. shop for jacky's present.. actually wanna buy 2 BIG monkey..~ but then left 2.. and nv bring enought money.. cant reserve..~ than nvm loo..~ keke.. mi shijie and peijun gona buy water bottle tgt!! kekex. now at home..~ nothing to do ler =D working at 6.30pm.. haha.. feel lyke that sleep sia after eating the medicine..~ zZz... but cant.. ltr over sleep.. than nv work than die liaos.. zZzz...
Thursday, September 18, 2008 4:03 PM
happie biirthdae.. ♥todae went to sk0l per normal.. in the morning.. when huijuan reach sk0l.. i took oudd what peijun asked mi to rap.. keke.. than huijuan sae so qiao.. same wrapping paper.. lols.. somemore same shop buy.. but diff tyme.. haha.. after that pebbles they all come le.. all cant guess what's inside.!! mean i rapedd good enought..~ =XX zZz.. than when trev0r come.. i ask hym help mi pass present to alvin.. and peijun's also.. keke. c0z iie d0n dare to pass to hym!! =XXX was nort toking to hym about 2 month plus ler bah.. =X T0day english less0n... very funny and fun! Haha.. because 0f Rafi.. MsL0w was teaching us again h0w t0 write F0rmal and Inf0rmal letter. In F0rmal and Inf0rmal letter, we must write 0ur name in the end right?When MsL0w was teaching as 0n h0w t0 write F0rmal letter writing , MsL0w g0 and write Rafi's name.. Then Rafi c0mplain "Why everytime write my name?" Then we laugh. Actually , Rafi has a sharp v0ice. S0 y0u guys will imagine him talking in a sharp v0ice. l0ls. Then MsL0w say "Then 0k l0r. I d0nt write y0ur name 0k?" Then when MsL0w teach us Inf0rmal letter writing, She write the name Ifar. Then MsL0w smile and said "Shhh... He d0nt kn0w." Then Rafi, the sharp v0ice said " MsL0w, why y0u write my name again.!" Then MsL0w said "This is your name? I thought Ifar is a girl name? Why y0u keep saying all these is y0ur name?" Then MissL0w laugh. Then Rafi say " N0. I mean .. You write backwards.." Then MsL0w l00k sh0ck and say "Huh? Y0u say I write badw0rds?" Then Rafi say again " NO. I mean backwards." "Badwords?" Miss Low said , she was laughing at tht time. Then the whole class laugh when they 2 was t0king. "Y0u kn0w , Rafi, you cant be greedy. You cant say all of these is your name." Said MissL0w happily. Hahaha. Then we laugh laugh laugh. Then MissL0w c0mtinue less0n. haha.. iie love english tis yr.. l0ls.. c0z got Ms low.. everytime joke..~ than after end sk0l at about 1.15pm.. went to MT room there find shijie.. he sae he got MT re-test.. than after that lazy wait.. peijunn wan go buy present.. so i pei her go west mall first.. but half way at bus.. we decided not to go west mall.. change to lot one.. but mye mama go ask mi go lot one bank find her.. so i nv pei peijun go le.. i went to find mye mama.. after finding my mummy.. went to eat at lot one 24hours coffee shop to eat.. zZz.. sain.. cant eat anything.. drink water niia.. c0z 4 teeth gone..~ somemore is 2 side.~~~ zzZzz.. now quite hungry.. but cant eat.. ='( sob sob.. next week more worst put braces..~ cant even eat..! think drink also hard lia0os.. somemore mye alcer haven recover.. hiias... last but not least.. juz wanna sae.. HAPPIE 15th BIRTHDAE TO ALVIN WEE..~ may all your wish come ture..~ all the best for ur exam.. smile always..
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 8:29 PM
=( 2 teeth gone agaiin.. ♥hiias. todae aft sk0l went to west mall with peijun and shijie.. peijun went to buy friends present..~ than brought ler she sae she dunno how to rap.. zZz.. so k0led mi to rap.. actually i also dunno.. keke. any how rap loo.. maybe~ keke. aft buying present mi and shijie go home.. peijun went to woodland.. haha.. when reach home.. awhile went to gombak ler.. go there pluck 2 more teeth.. T.T dam painful loo this time derh.. i mean when plucking not pain la.. but after plucking verii pain.. make till i bo mood.. zZz.. than the nurse sae nxt wed go again.. go there to either put braces or put rubber first.. i also not sure.. but she nurse sae got to bring $1177~ zZz.. l0ls. all mye dental appointment is on wed de lor..~ zZz. somemore tis hold month derh wed i all go dentist..!! hahas.. so lucky yea? l0ls.. now at home.. verii moodless..~ hiias.. mouth so pain somemore..~ zZz.. so sain..~ no one to chat with..~ maybe sleeping early tonite bahhs. **PEIJUN.. i heven help u rap lehh. keke.**
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 7:42 PM
HAHAHA.. what a fun dae.. ♥ todae went to sk0l per normal..after mye last period of PAP(band).. qian hui and layping ask wanna go watch movie ma..but never sae watch wat movie.. actually mi and peijun plan go to buy friend present..hahas.. mi and peijun go buy present first after that than go meet qian hui and layping.. we went to buy ticket.. but dunno what to watch.. so we anyhow buy loo.. endd up buy MY SASSY GIRL.. the show starts at about 5.10pm.. we went in at about 5.o5pm..than when we were in.. there was no one inside.. at the back of the room.. we saw 4 sofa.. we went to sit down there.. keke.. without looking at our ticket.. c0z there's totally no ppl over there.. l0ls.. at first 4 of us were verii scaredd.. c0z no ppl only 4 of us.. somemore dunno that sit can sit derh ma.. l0ls.. end up we nv bother.. than watch show half way.. suddenly a man walk in.. he was the worker over there... he tols us not to sit there.. l0ls.. he k0l us go infront sit..~ lols.. that show also not that nice loo.. but we earned.. not c0z the movie c0z the VIP sit.. l0ls.. half way throught the movie.. we went to the toilet tgt.. aft going to the toilet.. qian hui sae wanna go see other room got ppl ma.. than layping was the first one who step in the room.. she look in and shout.. than run.. T.T we all gana scared so also run.. than i fall down.. l0ls.. but not serious derh fall.. keke.. than we quickly went back to our room.. continew watch awhile jiu walk away le.. without finishing the show.. c0z layping wanna go meet andy. hahas. peijun,miie,qianhui,layping shoes..~ kekex.
haha.. no ppl derh roomm~ kekex.. hiias.. tomm having dentist appointment..~ need pluck 2 more teeth lehh..!! but than ii got alcer .. somemore is 3-5 alcer at veri near.. zZz freaking pain..~ think still can pluck bahh. if got pluck really die~ later more and more alcer..~ zZz.. saiinz.. this fridae eng exam ler.. hiias.. still haven study niiaa..so worriedd about this 2 thingyy..~
Monday, September 15, 2008 7:31 PM
d0n wanna care anymore..~ ♥hiias.. from todae onwards, i've decided to put down every single things. i d0n wanna care are we still friends anymore. if we are still friend. good for us. if we are nort. than i'll treat as i never knoe u. as ytd really happens alot of things that make us enought worry about. i d0n wanna add stress into myself. and the exams are getting nearer and nearer.. this friday would be english ler.. it's time to study and nort to think about those. i had think it throught, it is point less for mi to keep trying to be friend with u. since u had never think of being friend back together. . i had let everything down. althought the stone in mye heart was n0rt taken it oud yet. but i belive it would sure gets oud one dae. **PEIJUN and MEIYUN** your d0n need to do anymore silly thingyy to make us become friends back ler. it is either impossible or it's juz too hard. anyway thanks for helping so much. but i really d0n wan continew with this. wish u understand what i am trying to sae.
Sunday, September 14, 2008 4:22 PM
hiias.. family problem.. zZz.. ♥hiias.. todae hor.. mye dajie suddenly msg mye erjie.. sae that can she come back and stay at our house.. than dajie still got forwardd to mi what mye so k0l ''dajiefu'' sent to her derh.. hiias.. afther that..at about 7pm plus.. mi erjie sanjie and mummy trying to contact dajie.. but than she d0n wan answer or reply us.. make us verii worrie.. than mummy sae wait she go bath than go look up for dajie at her house.. than i anything loo..afther mummy bath hao.. mi erjie, mummy and boii boii (nephew) went to dajie house andd look for her.. when reachh there.. we knock the door.. she a few min later than open.. she was crying at that time.. than we went in.. she d0n wan tok anything juz went back to the room and lie on bed while crying.. mummy keep asking her to go home with us but than she don wan.. she wan settle things with wenwei(dajiefu) first.. than no choice ask her wan eat what we go down buy for her.. she d0n wan. somemore she hold dae nv eat ler.. also dunno tmr she got energy to work ma.. hiias.. dajie and jiefu has married for 3 years le.. and had born 2 kids.. but this 3 yr they also dunno fight for how many tymes lerh.. hiias.. when we went home..boii boii(nephew) went down the cabb and juz run.. almost car accident.. but heng mummy hold hym tight.. somemore that car drive verii fast.. not a normal speed...hiias.. todae mye family was realli verii badd luckk.. wish wont happen again.. **qin.. if u wanna come back.. we will sure welcome you.. and mummy would be more happy.. she don need worry for u now and than.. d0n worry for rony and ryan.. we will help u to take care derh..
Saturday, September 13, 2008 1:32 AM
hahas.. bo liaos... ♥haha.. internet juz been make hao by jacky.. l0ls.. went to access internet ytdd.. but thenn haben make hao.. than juz now jacky come mye house make hao ler.. =D but than now verii late lia0s.. juz come tag tag something.. hahas.. if not scared mye blog dieing soonn..~ kekex.. ending here lerx. come and blog tmr bahh..(think so) CYA.. nitenite..
Friday, September 12, 2008 12:34 PM
finding blogskins.. ♥hiias.. this few daes finding for blogskin..kekex.. c0z nothing to do bahhx. and current blogskin also nort that nice.. hiias.. exam is coming soon.. 19/9 exam ler.. also headache whart to buyy for frens their birthdae present.. espically jacky's.. l0ls.. juan(erjie) sae he opening BBQ.. k0l mi invite shijie they all come also.. T.T than next week maybe going shopping with erjie they all.. plus peijun and shijie along..hahas.. tonite erjie sae wanna eat steamboat.. hiias.. keep eating.~ T.T ytd eat pizza we all about 9pm than go and eat.. than when we haven finish our food... the pizza hut no ppl le.. accept the pizza hut people.. hahs.. this is the first tyme i go eat untill left mi and frens the last one.. hahas..
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:26 PM
went for appointment.. ♥hahas.. t0dae after sk0l went to dentist appointment.. T.T the doctor sae in order to put braces.. i got to pluckk SIX teeth.. than i was.. ehh okae.. l0ls.. but todae he help mii pluck 2teeth niia.. hahas.. when he is plugging.. verii funnii..~ he sae mye baby teeth verii cute.. people baby teeth should be easily pluckk oudd but mine verii hard.. hahahs.. after that.. pluck oudd le, the nurse gib mii 3 medicine.. T.T than when wanna pay.. the nurse sae ''todae is FREE'' i was lyke.. l0ls.. so good ar.. hahas... than after that went to eat.. than went home.. that is now.. which i got nothing better to do.. l0ls.. so ending here le.. see when free than come blog.. hahas.. nitenite..
Monday, September 8, 2008 12:44 PM
finallyy... ♥haha.. now at IT... nothing to do.. so come post something.. kekes.. sainzz..this wedd going dentist for PLUCK TEETH!!! l0ls.. c0z wanna put braces... last thurs than went down to orchard for x-ray... hahas... but nvm... kekex.. hiias.. tio PS from CHONG PEI JUN..!! she sae wanna go put braces also.. endd up she nv... ii put niia.. badd hor.. zZzzz... hahas... ending here lerhhx... bueiis... ^^
Sunday, September 7, 2008 12:54 AM
went to causeway... ♥hahas... todae went to lot 1 and meet shijie.. go buy something.. after that weming k0l miie.. ask mi wan go causeway eat steamboat ma.. than actually nort going.. but after that still gone.. hahas.. but while going super boaredd...~ mye PSP weiming playing..~ than i nothing to do.. haha.. than went there meet jackie they all.. =D after that when going home,.. jackie they all planing for chrismas and BBQ for jackie birthdae.. haha and ask miie to ask shijie they all come also.. hahas.. but maybe toning.. so see they can ma.. =S
Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:47 AM
fun..? ♥hahas... shijie andd peiijun they all juz went home.. hahas.. they come mye house here for playing..!! =XX kekex.. came here mii andd mye jiejie they all sell thingyy at mye house downstairs market.. =D peijun shijie they all come.. than after that come mye house here play candle all tat.. keke..!! than 11plus pm k0l MAC delivery to mye house.. than endd up shijie they all went home.. l0ls.. WEIMING 1 person eat 3 ppl food... haha.. c0z i also nv eat, reason: too late eat le cant sleep =XX keke... ending here le.. going sleep lia0s... ^^
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 10:50 PM
reborn.. ♥todae went for dental appointment.. hahas.. after that meet peijun go sunshine.. to reborn.. =D when meet her.. her mother go along.. lols.. nvm~~ after that we both reborn.. she cut her hair till DAM FUNNI...! kekex.. ps to sae tat.. =D hiias.. $170 juz gone lyke tat.. bec0z of reborn T.T somemore mye hair reborn lyke nv reborn... c0z at first is quite stright ler.. kekezx but peijun's super obvious... +.+ ending here ler.. hahas... |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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