Sunday, August 31, 2008 10:00 PM
went to nyny... ♥hiias... juz come backk.. went to NYNY to eat..=D with family.. hahas.. accept for that i got nothing else to sae.. so bueii..
Friday, August 29, 2008 9:58 AM
teacher's dae.. ♥todae sk0l celebrating teacher's dae.. haha.. also taking back report book.. hahas.. hengg.. none of mye subject fail..~~ wee... thing much to post todae... so juz endd here le bahhc. bueiis.
Monday, August 25, 2008 1:01 PM
s0rriess.. ♥s0rries for nort posting for so long.. wont be pposting for this few month keke.. hahas..so happiie for mye marks for this term!! mye maths from F9 went up to A1!! kekex... andd englishh also improve ler... =D n0w mother tongue also nort badd la.. from 51 go up to 60.. hhahas... but scared year endd will drop =XX keke.. wishh nort bahhx... anyway... bueiis ending here... do taggedd mii..!! wont be posting.. but still would be updating for tag.. ^^ kekex,
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 7:05 PM
changedd instrument.. ♥hahas..todaee went to bandd traning..finally, i have back the feeling that er an was there in bandd... hahas.. finally changedd mye instrument..hahas... from alto saxoph0ne changedd to clarinet... haha... mye wish come ture finally..~ =DD
Sunday, August 3, 2008 10:25 PM
sorries. ♥wouldd be coming to update andd post something next tyme.. =D s0rries. no tyme complete.. n0w at dajie house. 10 plus ler.. going home liaoo.. tml still gortt sk0l.. hahas... **if i hadd n0rt liinkk uu.. plzz tagg mii for liink..=D thankks** ** sorriees.. for the inconcience**
Friday, August 1, 2008 11:01 PM
went to pai pai.. ♥todae went to bai bai at house downstairs.. brought PSP along.. with shanjie.. than went wanna bai that type.. we put inside our pocket.. than mye jie PSP drop oudd in the drain.. LOLS.. after that become verii laggy...hahahs.... l0ls.. hengg got warrenty.. |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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