Monday, June 30, 2008 5:20 PM
miss elaine.. ♥hiias.. at this point of tyme. i'm simply miissing someone... who is a tresure to mi.. but till now than i tresure... her name is.. ch0ng elaine faye.. all of us miiss her lot.. there's some reason whye she left the sk0l.. and left us..
Sunday, June 29, 2008 3:05 PM
went to sentosa...=XX ♥hahas..t0dae went to sentosa with trevor, yiting, peijun, wenting andd sandra..~ actually n0rt going there derhh.. is wan to go AMK hub buy PSP.. but end up trevor k0l us go.. than go lor.. c0z we also nothing to do..hahas..at first meet them at vivo city.. we went to see pet while waiting for sandra.. hahas.. than when she reaching.. we went to buy ticket first.. after that we went to sentosa and plae.. kekex. can sae quite fun bahhx =X took quite a lot of picture also.. after going there.. playedd awhile.. but quite boredd. than trevor sae go T3.. hahas.. so we went loo.. reachh there quite fast..~ thann at there took picture liao.. shop shop awhile than went back ler.. went to bukit gombak to eat dinner..hahas.. than we k0led alvin.. c0z near his house.. but he sae d0n wanna cum down.. than when in the fone.. yiting sae his soundd weirdd weirdd derhh. O.O than we was lyke.. O.O l0ls.. after eating.. went home.. but mi and peijun peii yiting they all take MRT till bukit batok ler.. than go back CCK.. hahas.. reach home at about 10pm plus.. =D
Friday, June 27, 2008 10:53 PM
sec 3 take over.. ♥wahaha..t0dae is the first tyme sec 3 taking over our squadd...quite funn bahhs. learnedd some basic drills.. hahas.. mark NCO andd khalisa NCO take over myee squad..kekex. they teachedd 1 of the drill.. ''check T,L,V'' l0ls. than we was making fun of somethinqqy.. hahas.. we sae.. sound lyke ''ti alvin =X'' hahas.. after that.. mark NCO sae wanna give us a break.. before he has complete his wordd.. leris and claire run to the water cooler le. =.= l0ls.. nvm.. the secondd tyme.. was Ms Teng wan to dissmiss us ler.. than k0l us do a nice one.. after doing.. leris again.. run up first.. while Ms Teng has n0rt complete her words. l0ls.. she has become the crown of that dae.. l0ls... going thought all those thinqqyy.. sec 3 take over squadd.. is actually quite fun also.. hahass.. at first we thounght if they tak over it would sure become dam boredd.. kekex..
Saturday, June 21, 2008 10:29 PM
juz came back from camp~ ♥hahas. juz came backk from camp nort long~ quite fun yeah.. hahas.. dae 1, we went to sk0l quite early.. c0z mye papa drive mi there...hahas. than actually mye father driving peijun there also.. but she wale upp late..than nv loo..than when we at sk0l.. they k0l us change to full uniform.. so change loo.. than fall in.. check bag!! wat the hell.>~ endd up cant bring tibits..!!! then all ganna conviscate(dunno how to spell)..!`~ l0ls. than went up go put our things at eng rm 1.. we help some people tak things that untill veri heavy.. so amanda ching NCO theyy all came to help us tak.. still sae they become our maids =.= l0ls. after that.. fall in back to foyer.. than after that need to create a group name.. ii in khalisah NCO group.. l0ls.. than got a boyy wanna cheat so he write down our name..l0ls. he went to write from khalisah become car lisa LOLS. so out ground name become car.. brand lisa.. l0ls.. hahas. at nitez. after dinnerr went to bathh. so suang.. our ground onlii got 7-8 gurls.. so every one got 1 rm to baths.. l0ls.. after that got nitez maze..~ waa.. that jiahui NCO sae till so scary what got lizard all that inside.. endd upp THERES NOTHING~~ l0ls.. actually i also no theres nothing =X it is inpossible for them to put lizard all that inside.~~ hahas.. than i sae to her ''WA.. crocodile.." than she sae.. ya lor alot chipmunks inside.=.= dae 2,wake up ler do P.T..~ super lame.. still got success clap that we did at sec 1 camp~ l0ls..aft P.T went to eat breakfast...than change to full U.. given oudd name tagg..hahas.. after that change back to P.T attire...than got fancy drills... mi and peijun was learning flag..~ than Sir, yi ting NCO, amanda NCO, geok lan NCO and 1 more NCO( i dunno her name) teach us.. hahas. quite fun~ =DD but ganna 'li siao' again..~~ after that plae games.. can sae quite hao wan bahh.. hahas.. after that clean upp area.. wat the hell~ we cleans 1st and 3rd floor gurls toliet.. endd up onlii 3 gur in mye groundd.. but our toilet quite clean.. so we finish the 1st.. than felix NCO k0l us go help boi cleans the boi toilet!! what the hell.. thats is mye 1st and last tyme going to boys toilet.!than after that endd ler go home..~ we wait for NCO...~ than they come down ler than they come down ler geok lan NCO and amanda NCO came andd take mye tibits lols.. c0z sir giv mi back le ma.. lols.. than endd upp all NCO tak.. l0ls.. nvm~~ keke. anyway i also lazy take home.. hahas. **from starting to the ending of the camp.. ii keep ganna 'li siao' from almost all NCOs.!**
Thursday, June 19, 2008 8:26 PM
buy camp things. ♥todae. went to sunshine with peijun.. to buy mye camping things.. hahas. then buy quite alot of tibits.. kekex. than over there sae khalisah.. than knoe that she stay super near mii,.. l0ls.. she stay at 445 i stay at 442 l0ls.. than chat awhile.. after that went home tgt.. reachh home.. pack camp things ler. than chat on phone awhile that sleep lerhx. hahas. but inside phone no alvin.. =.= c0z he nort in singapore..~ hahas.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 8:17 PM
went back to sk0l~ ♥hahas.t0dae wake upp at 5am.. juz to msg alvin..=.= c0z he wanna go to gentinqq..~~ then 7plus.. ii went back to sleep again. l0ls.. than 9am wake up.. go back sk0l.. for bandd.. than get news that we will be changing our military band to concert bandd.. hahas.. thann ii wanna change instrument.. kekes.. omqq. means every year got SYF~ l0ls.. 1 yr military 1 yr concert.~ l0ls. but at that dae super miiss bandd siia.. c0z er an and yunni came back.. hahas. that er an keep ''li siao'' mii.. =.= l0ls. than after bandd. ii went to trevor house with peijun.. but we d0n wan go in.. so went to his house near by plae groundd..kekex. wakao his house is super piink derh lorhx. l0ls. than at there playing swing..~ wakao.. ganna trevor der sab0...=( peijun still go take photo all that !! =.= after that about 6plus went back to CCK than trevor pei mi and peijun take 300 to our home.. omqq. that bus onli got 3 of us and the driver.~~ hahas.. than we pei him at the sunshine there de bus stop get down.. c0z he wanna go jurong point so tak 172 at there.. than when he get up to bus 172.. pei jun pei mii go home.. than she walk home herself.~ hahas. after that went home eat steam boat.~ kekex.
Monday, June 16, 2008 1:59 AM
blogging stuff.. ♥hahas..last few daes or ytd alvin sae mye friend list verii messy?? so i went to re-do.. LOL? go make from A-Z =.= take mi alot of tyme to do that =.= l0ls.. but never mind la.. ii also nothing to do.. onlii playing maple(private server) hiias.. now keep making blog stuff.. hahas.. errmms..if i miss uu oudd plzz tagg mii and ask mii to liinkk uu..c0z when i arrange.. ii think i excidentally deleted some of ur liinkks.. kekex. s0rries. =X do ask mii for re-liiink ya? hahas..takkecaiire.x33 nitenitez.. sweet dreams.. go plae maple awhile.. going sleep soon bahhx. nitez.! =D
Sunday, June 15, 2008 7:23 PM
erjie cook? ♥hiias..at home..nothing to do.. than juan(erjie) sae wanna cook.. thann we was lyke WHAT? juan(erjie) cook??? sure n0rt nice =XX c0z jackie, mii, weiming, bing(shanjie) andd mami at home ma.. l0ls.. thann mye dajie ask mii go her house.. so ii tell her ii going so nort eating.. she ask mi eat le than go.. bring some over for mye dajie to eat also.. after i bath hao..still n0rt cookedd yet.. than the TV having a show of xiao hai bu ben.. than we watch for awhile le.. juan(erjie) finally cook hao le.. than i eat a little niia. quite nice ^^ than after eating.. mami ask mi take sunthings to qin(dajie) so i tak cabb go.. hehexx.. thann too muchh things le.. cant tak d0wn.. than weimiing sae he follow mii down.. than when we at 1st floor.. than i knoe whye he so good.. coz he wanna smoke.! l0ls.. bastard hor hym.. l0ls...
Saturday, June 14, 2008 11:38 PM
passing out parade... ♥hahas.. juz come back from passing out parade.. kekexx. hiias. early in the morning went to meet shijie.. to sk0l.. peijun never go.. c0z she over sea =(? l0ls. than when we reaching sk0l.. suddenly soo yuen mami msg mi.. to meet.. so i meet her at sk0l near by BBQ pit.. hahas.. than go sk0l tgt.. when we reach sk0l.. she den found that she forgot to bring something.. so i peii her home lohhx. after that we went to sk0l again.. than suddenly don sir sae go change into full-uniform.. we was lyke.. huh??? so early?? l0ls.. than no choice go change.. than we early fall in.. l0ls.bo liao lor.. still got people more late.. than we nite wait for them =.= after that stand to the place where passing out parade got to stand.. this is the first time felix take over us??? l0ls...okae la still nort badd.. but he seems to be lyke veri worried about us?? during the parade he keep reminding us for those things we need to do.. lols.. than got games during the passing out parade.. those sec 3 plan derhx.?? l0ls.. c0z they would be our next NCO...l0ls.. was lyke hell lor still need take off shoes?? somemore the last part more worst.. a plate? of water inside got sweet.. than we need to put our mouth or face(if u need) to pick up a sweet.. than u counted at win =.= l0ls.. but henqq.. mye face was nort in.. hahas..some people more worst.. they put saliver inside..=.= but was really heng that when was mye turn.. they changed the water. =) so mye water was clean.! hahas... wat a ''lucky dae'' l0ls.. after those things. we went for BBQ.. the food can sae is quite nice bahhx. than ii cannot finish..c0z they give too muchh le.. tell them i don wan so muchh they sae i don care =.= l0ls.. than mye chicken wing and jelly ii give to trevor.. kekex. so really take sio.. hahas.. mye aother rushbis bin.. =P l0ls. than some of mye bee hoon was given to huiling.. keke.. than after that we was FORCE to go home... =.= l0ls.. we was lyke what the hell.. so early go home for what sia.. l0ls.. but also no choice.. hiias.. so mii andd layping walk home.. c0z that shijie dunno what the hell he doing juz give us attitude.. than we d0n care hym also.. funni thing was.. mii and laypingg took 30min to walk from sk0l to caltex.. l0ls.. c0z we was lyke walking SUPER slow.. espically when we were at the part that we could look into sk0l and see them BBQ.. kekex. while we were walking.. seriouly thinking of band siia.. use to be verii noisy and fun.. but become so quite and no smile..~ hiiias... miiss.. bandd..~~ miiss er an, yunni they all...=(
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 6:47 PM
kekex. ♥t0dae went oudd to meet alvin peijun and shijie.. c0z alvin wanna go buy his camping things.. so mi shijie and peijun meet first.. than we went to take MRT.. when we at bukit gombak MRT we ask alvin get in.. hahas.. so 'qiao' he at the same door with us.. l0ls.. after that we went to west mall.. first we went to the green adventure.. c0z he wanna buy solid fuel for camp.. and can opener.. when we were at there.. got solid fuel but d0n hab can opener.. have is have.. but that kind alvin dunno how to use =.= l0ls..? so he bought the solid fuel and went to shop and save to see weather got the can opener ma.. we went there got the tagg but think no more stock???? than alvin got a super badd idea.. he went to tak oudd the tagg and find for a person that is working there and ask.. weather is there anymore stocks.. endd up the person sae no.. LOLs?? where got people so stupidd go take that tagg oudd der??? l0ls.. than since there's no where selling than we went home le lor... hahas.. what a funni dae ya?
Sunday, June 8, 2008 6:15 PM
samuel biirthdae.~ ♥ happie biirthdae to uue.!!~ (SAMUEL) wiish u be happie always..~ hahas..cya soon.! ^^
Friday, June 6, 2008 7:01 PM
went shopping with erjie..~ ♥hahas.. t0dae nothing to do..than mye juan(erjie) work half dae niia.. so mi, juan(erjie), mami and mye 2 nephew went to shopping.. hahas.. before that.. we went to eat our lunch @ crystal jade.. hahas..that was mye 2nd tyme eating that.. l0ls.. after eating.. we went shopping.. shoick sia.. go oudd with juan(erjie) she buy things nv see how much derhh..l0ls.. than she help mi pay everything i buy also.. l0ls.. after that.. buy too muchh things liaos.. so we take cabb home.. l0ls.. if n0rt no hand to take.. kekez. nothing much to post this few days.. s0rrie.~
Thursday, June 5, 2008 8:04 PM
bringg hym home.. ♥t0dae.. went to meet peijun and shijie at l0t 1 again.. than go bukit batok MAC.. we sit there till aroundd 11am lyke that we go oudsite sk0l derh play groundd there wait for alvin.. c0s he tell mi he will be ending his camp at around 12pm lyke that.. but how iii knoe we wait till raining le he still haben come oudd..than mii and shijie keep walking here andd there.. we saw mr liew.. than ii keep looking at mr liew.. untill ii fall down.. l0ls.=X but nvm.. nort veri serious.. hahas.. at about 12.45pm lyke that alvin than come oudd..=.= we wait for hym for about 1hour45mins.. l0ls.. after that we take cabb to his house.. but also do nothing there =xx.. kekez. at around 3 plus 4 plus lyke that we went home.. hahas.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008 5:00 PM
mye verii first badge.. ♥t0dae early in the m0rning went to sk0l for NPCC road safety things.. to get mye verii verii first badge.. l0ls. but si bei sain.. go there go a test than go back sk0l liaos.. dam lame la.. hell 1 is.. go there saw mao an.. that something happen last few yr.. hahas.. ''secret'' kekexx. than keep hide from hym =X but heng go there awhile niia.. l0ls... after that.. when our NCO dissmiss us.. layping once again k0l us go lan shop.. but we d0n't wan.. hehez.. we choose to go shopping.. lols.. as alvin at camp also no chatting on phone marhx. so we go chat than while chatting we walk walk to see things.. keke..
Tuesday, June 3, 2008 7:35 PM
went to camp.. ♥hahas.. todae meet peijun at lot one at around 9am.. c0z go bukit batok MAC to meet alvin.. he going for his ATC camp.. go see hym =xx lols.. than when reach there sae his sister =.= l0ls.. after that shijie sae coming meet us.. so ask shijie quick... c0z after alvin they all eat hao he going camp mi and peijun going shopping lerhx.. than awhile later shijie reach lerhx. but we also going off liaos.. lols.. he go there for nothingg??? alvin and markk went off to sk0l for their camp.. mi, peijun and shijie went to lot 1 and shoppingg.. l0ls.. than we went home. c0z also nort much things to shop larhx. l0ls. endd here lerhx. n0thing much to bl0g..kekex.
Monday, June 2, 2008 4:40 PM
extra less0n..kekez. ♥hiias..t0dae..meet up peijun at lot one.. go for maths extra lesson.. than when i reach CCK bus inter there sae amanda thien.. ii ask her she also having extra lesson?? she sae yea.. somemore we 2 de class tgt.. same cher same time.. hahas.. so mi and amanda waitedd for layping and peijun after they reachh. we went to eat breakfast at bukit batok MAC.. we 10.30am got extra lesson.. but we 11am lyke that thann reachh kekex. but mr liew also no scold.. so nv care lor.. hahas.. when endd lerhh.. layping askk mii andd peijun to go lan shop withh themm.. than we go lor.. hahas.. go there plae audi niia.. =.=l0ls.. than go home.. do nothing except for chating on fone.. lols.. |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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