Saturday, May 31, 2008 1:22 PM
erjie birthday party ♥ HAPPIE 21ST BIIRTHDAE TO MYE ER JIE !! =D hahas..todae.. in the morning wake upp than plae maple withh alvin le.. at mye dajie house.. than after thatt about 12pm lyke that went home.. hahas.. prepare some things. than at around 2pm.. shijie, peijun andd alvin come mye house.. hahas.. diiaos de lor.. all go mye room 'li siao' =.=.. thann after that they plae with mye nephew for awhile.. about 4plus to 5pm lyke that.. shijie saw wanna plae roller-blade.. so he askedd his papa/mama to tak to mye house his blade..=.= lame hor..lols.. when he take liao.. mii andd shijie wear roller-blade go downn.. hell lor.. mye blade d0n hab break behind.. super easy fall. lols.. thann alvin cycle mye bicycle down.. c0z mye jie having BBQ at mye house near by parkk. thann mye jie k0l us to bring those balloon down.. lols.. than withh so mani balloon on handd.. ii fall down.. lols.. somemore at the slop.. lols.. but still continew blasding to the parkk.. when we were at there.. we pass those balloons to mye jie le than mii and shijie blade to peijun house andd peii peijun go her house tak her bicycle.. than alvin cycle there..l0ls..on the way to her house.. shijie fall down.. lols.. than when we reachh her house.. we ask for water.. she sae her house no sweet drink nvm.. ask got COLD plain water ma.. she also sae don hav.. =.= lols.. so no choice haha... we decided not to drinkk.. keke.. than after that we go backk to the park for BBQ.. when we were backk we set down to eat somethings.. than cycle/blade aroundd..haha.. at about 8plus.. ii askk mye jiejie to cut the cake le.. c0z shijie they all wan go backk lerhx.. than when she cut hao le.. she sayy we still small so must eat big big wan.. lols.. endd upp the first cake was given to alvin.. lols.. super bigg one also.. hahas.. than we decided to half eat half walk back to mye house.. lols.. when i reachh mye house.. alvin andd shijie take their things.. thann ii pei themm to CCK MRT station.. than alvin take mrt home.. shijie take 302 home.. mii andd peijun take 300 back home.. hahas.. thann peijun haven go home.. she went to mye house chat with wei ming.. hahas.. after awhile.. weiming k0l us to go backk to BBQ there.. so we go.. thann wheenn we at there mi weiming bing(shanjie) andd peijunn sit down there tok alot of craps.. somemore at that time alvin on k0l with mii.. hahas.. than he tok with weiming.. l0ls.. at around 12plus peijun go home.. thann ii stay at the park with weiming theyy all till 4plus am.. keep ganna 'li siao' at there.. lols.. thann 4plus am we went home.. mye jie friendd at mye house downstair chaattt.. ii go home SLEEP.. lols.. thann 5plus lyke that i sleep.. around 12 plus pm than i wake upp =X lols..
Friday, May 30, 2008 3:00 PM
june h0lidaes pr0gramme... ♥hiias..t0dae at dajie house playingg maple.. hahas.. c0z tmr cant plae le.. go baackk home for erjie BBQ.. thann early in the morning needd go home liaos.. c0z need to packk.. friendd will come at around 12-1 plus pm.. hahas... h0ldd dae playing maple withh that alvin =.= also can sae nort playing withh hymm.. keke.. nothing to do than playing maple.. hiias.. looking forwardd to tmr.. wiishh it wouldd be fun bahhhx.. hengg got mye friend coming plae also.. haha.. if nort sure sain dao siao.. think tmr they sure will get in mye house.. die liao lor.. now mye house is super messy... l0ls.. d0n care la.. =X after tmr.. dunno still got whenn can see themm.. c0z all got extra lesson/camps and traning.. somemore all diffenernce dae.. maybe see whenn all nothing on de.. than go oudd le lorx.hahas.. never go oudd never miindd.. at least still can tok on phone.. but if go camp or over sea... than sain liaos... nothing to do le.. even SMS.. hiias.. JUNE HOLIDAE PROGRAMME - 26th - 27th may ( sec1 LIVE! operation camp) - 31st may ( celebrate erjie 21st birthdae - BBQ ) - 2nd june ( maths extra lesson ) - 4th june ( NPCC road safety traning ) - 13th june ( g0 escape with ex-classmate ) - 14th june ( NPCC passing out parade ) - 18th june ( back to school for BAND ) - 20th - 21th june ( NPCC sec1 camp ) - 22th june ( go for fishing )
Thursday, May 29, 2008 10:36 AM
hiiass... ♥hiias.. 9 daes w0nt be going h0me.. :( from 23th may to 25th may.. staying at mye dajie house.. actually n0rt reallyy planing to go stay derhx.. but that alvinn askk mii go.. than plae maple with him =.= endd upp also never plae but do blog tgt andd make some others things.. than 26th may to 28th may got sec 1 camp.. hahas.. has quite alot of fun. ;D than now.. from 28th may to 31st may staying at mye dajie house again.. once again.. is alvin FORCE me to go de.. =.= endd upp bec0z ii go.. he get to knoe mye dajie..=.= andd even knoe her number!! hiias... 31st may go home.. than still got BBQ..(erjie 21st birthdayy) mye erjie got invite alvin,engchee,soo yuen,peijun they all.. hahas.. good that most of them are coming.. hehezz..thann ii cann plae with them lerhx. got someone peii me le..hahas.. what a tiredd june holidae is this.. all dae though nort at home.. l0ls.. but never mindd larhx. better than having a boring holidae...hhaha..
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 10:55 PM
sEc 1 camp ♥s0rries f0r n0rt blogging so long..juz came back fr0m mye sec 1 camp n0rt l0nqq.. hahas..at the camp quite funn larhx. but verii badd.. keep ganna ''li siao''... when we walking at the dunno where.=X than we toking while walking.. kimberley ma'am also follow us toking.. than ii ask ma'am who is PM Ivan.. she d0n wan tell mi.. than ask mii whye ii ask... ii sae c0z mye friend de PM is himm.. than she sae my boii friend arhhx. ii saw no..=X thann that peijun go tell ma'am..=.= still tell her ''alvin and the chipmunks'' endd upp ma'am keep k0lling mii alvin at the camp.. from the starting to the ending.=.= even ask her write comment for mii at the booklet she went to write ''HELLO ALVIN''... l0ls... than after that.. ii finally found oudd iie finally know who is ivan sir lerhx.. hahas.... thann when ma'am know ii nv surrender mye HP she never scoldd mii..keke.. but she keep saying ALVIN.. bec0z she knoe ii sure msg hymm derhx..l0ls.. hahas.. so shock.. at camp still cann sms.. l0ls.. this camp worst is our sk0l sec 3 giv those PM/SIR a verii good impression.. than when doing success clap.. they compare us with sec 3.. sae what sec 3 done 1 thousand 2 of success clap so we must not lose them.. endd upp we also needd to do so mani.. than everyone's handd cramp.. l0ls. =(( hiias..when at camp miiss a hym..now come backk quite miiss some of our ma'am/sir.. esspically kimberley/daryl/john/ivan.. those more funnii andd good ma'am/sir.. hahas.. Class 1N2 Ranger Force!
Saturday, May 24, 2008 1:41 PM
finally done. ♥yeah..finally d0ne with mye blog..hahass.. edit lia0s.. n0 l0nger the old pic on top.. keke.. change to the picture that was edited byy alvin..hahas.. still got edit alot more pictures.. lyke..... this is one of it.. hahas.. this is also one of it.. hahas.. still got alot more.. but too lazy to uploadd liaos. keke.
Friday, May 23, 2008 10:11 PM
l0nqq time nv blog lia0s.. ♥hiias..l0nqq time never c0me bl0gg lia0s..keke.. yeahh.. june holidae startedd le..!! hahas.. can play lia0s.. but sadd thing.. every week got s0mething on.. and need to go back sk0l.. 1st week got camp.. 2nd week got extra lesson(maths) andd NPCC road safety thing... 3rd week gort NPCC passing up parade..4th week gort NPCC camp.. sian.. l0ls.. d0n have 1 week that d0n need go back sk0l.. ytd.. saw jiahao at lot 1.. he is still the same small size as last year.. l0ls.. but he bec0me more cuter le.. keke.. see when free wan meet him up and pass him his present.. so long liao.. still did'nt get a change to pass him his present.. and also haven pass to alicia her present also..hahas.. **jiahui..** whenn uu free? wanna meet upp.. meeting jiahao also.. pass to jiahao andd alicia their present..
Thursday, May 8, 2008 11:16 PM
mye biirthdaee.. ♥hahas..todaee wentt to buikit gombakk to celebrate mii andd meiyun's biirthdae.. c0z we 2 same dae.. hahas.. @ hillgrove gardenn... thann when we at there... go buy cake.. than go the garden there.. but waiting for layping they all.. so mi meiyun andd trevor went to bukit gombak MRT station there waitt.. while waiting.. ii remember that alvin staying at gombak also.. hahas.. so ii went to sms him.. ask hym where he stayy... he tell mii blk 369.. l0ls.. thann juz nice infront mi niia.. hahas.. after that.. layping last min sae she nort coming le.. than we weent to alvin house oppsite buy drinks.. thann he look down.. we findding which house is he in..l0ls.. after awhile.. we went back to hillgrove to eat cake.. eat hao cake le we go alvin house.. keke.. 1st time went in to his house.. l0ls...he also keep playing maple =.= l0ls.. than we keep 'li siao' him.. keke.. but endd upp ii get 'li siao' =.= hahas.. after that.. we go homee liaoos... conference againn.. kekezxz.. d0n need sae la.. almost everydae we conference derhhzx. keke.. have a quite good birtthdayy.. keke.. ii l0vess uuex33 muackkz.
Saturday, May 3, 2008 10:02 PM
early celebrate biirthdaee...~ ♥hahas.. todae is the dae that ii early celebrates mye biirthdae.. invitedd friendds to come mye house.. but sadd nort mani of them come.. but neverless ii have a happie dae.. ii invitedd alvin, eng chee, soo yuen, trevor, peijun, shijie, jiahui, alicia, lay ping, huiling andd more.. hahas...but endd upp.. alvinn never come.. he stomachh nort feeling well.. at first quite dissapointedd.. but think thought.. he also nort don wan come on purpose..haha.. so did'nt realli mindd. =D eng chee soo yuen they all came.. thann when they come.. they went to mye room and plae with mye nephew.. than after that mye mama ask them go eat.. eat liaos.. mye jie sae open SAW 4 let them watch.. lols.. tthann endd upp...... all lyke don dare watchh..l0ls.. onlii engg chee watch till verii good..hahas.. after watching finishh.. cut cake.. when cutting cake.. mye nephew run oudd from room.. endd up he have a biig fall.. lols.. a dam big bum on his headd.. lols.. thann they go mye room plae poker..=.= (money) l0ls.. all d0n hav muchh coins.. thann they went to change from mye piggy bankk..=( l0ls.. but never miindd larhhx. as long as we hadd run =D kekex.. after that.. soo yuenn andd eng chee went off firstt.. hahas.. c0z soo yuen needd go home early.. thann engg chee peii her.. than about 7pm plus.. trevor they all also wan go home le.. than ii pei themm go oudd. actually onlii wan peii till lot 1 niia.. but see trevor so ke lian 1 person go backk bukit batok to tak bus home.. so i decided to peii hym to bukit batok.. haha.. than go tak MRT.. after that.. at bukit batok le.. peii hym wait for 77 liaoos.. thann ii tak MRT backk to cck.. thann take 300 back home.. hahas.. when reachh home.. as usual.. confenence.. withh alvin, trevor andd peiijunn.. enddiing mye post here le.. hahas.. anyway ii have quite a good party =D |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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