Sunday, March 30, 2008 2:35 PM
Mr calvin performance.. ♥yesterdaE.. we went for traning at the morning.. thann at aroundd 5pm.. teacher let us home early..c0z we going for mr calvin concert... at marina bay there...hahas.. reachh therre aroundd 7.40pm..juz nice the concert start..than after a while.. got a break.. we go oudd than saw mr calvin.. we bought a flower for mr calvin.. than we give it to him.. l0ls... thann we go backk for concert.. we continew seeing.. thann.. we saw shijie sleep..l0ls..after that concert.. we went to a near by place to eat..after eating.. is about 11pluss PM le.. thann verii late liaos.. yuan ling niidd to go home.. as well as soo yuen.. so mi eng chee er an yuan ling andd soo yuen go tak 106 to bukit batok.. thann mr calvin and his gf come join us.. OMG.. all couple onlii mi.. l0ls.. in the bus ii was coveredd by 3 couples..hahas... ii sleep in the BUS sio.. keke.. when i wake upp.. mr calvin gone liaos. l0ls.. than ahile later reach yuan linq andd soo yuen house there lerhx. than left eng chee er an.. we 3 go bukit batok interchange.. than when reach there.. we dunno still got train ma.. so we run to see... than eng chee walk home.. as he stay near there.. mii andd er an saw theres last train.!! than we verii happie.. or says heng..hahas.. than we go for the last train.. is 12am plus le... l0ls... when ii reach CCK ii go first.. er an still in the bus.. he going to AMK.. as he stay there.=D he call mi reach home k0l himm..l0ls..than i okae.. hahas.. ii reach CCK ii see still got 300 bus ma.. in the end hav.. so i take loo.. when i reach home.. is 1 am le..hahas.. so i msg er an tell him i reach home lerx. after that ii go bath lerh than sleep le loox.
2:24 PM
the verii fisrt perf0rmance..~ ♥fridae m0rning..6.45am reachh sk0l.. thann fall in.. after that pratice our formation andd music awhile.. thann lorry come andd take all drum go clememti there.. c0z we gonna a perf0rmace.. that is our verii first performance'08.. everyone of the bandd members was in our band full uniform..hahas..than after that we takk sk0l bus to there too.. when reach there.. immediately perform liaos.. l0ls. ii was damm scaredd.. as iim standing at the first one siio.. l0ls..but when perform still okaes larhx. c0z alot traning lerx make till ii rmb all..hahas... thann after the performance.. mye teacher in change come andd tell us we did verii well.. andd also we hadd done a good job.. as she recive alot of good comment from our sk0l mate and teachers...but we belive we could still did better..=Dafter that teacher giv oudd some breadd andd noodles.. hahas...after eating.. fall in awhile than go upp bus backk to sk0l lerhx... thann go home.. but we did not go home.. c0z that dae was pei jun birthdae toos. hahas...than we go celebrate.. they go eat pizza siio..ii go also but cant eat..(sickk) =( l0ls.. after that they buy cake liao than go playgroundd eat.. no plate all that than they also lazy use handd.. some got eat some never.. thann we play the cake lols.. thann go home lerhx. wAt a boring birthdae..l0ls..
Monday, March 24, 2008 10:10 PM
PAIN..! ♥hiias...t0dae went to sk0l... still n0rmal.. but when go to maths.. ii tell mr liew sae ii cant go for his detention c0z of bandd.. than he ask mii write 500 lines '' ii will go for every extra lesson '' than ii sae okae l00hx.. lyke ii scaredd.=X heheex.. thann ii at lesson write 300plus le.. after sk0l done the rest.. now ii have done all hehex... thann after doing all.. iie went for sectional band.. omqq.. suddenly stomach dam pain lyke hell.. but just '' REN '' than after go band.. it was raning cats andd doqqs..=X but mii enqq chee andd trev0r juz walk in the rain oudd.. thann yunni they all nv walk in rain. c0z they wearing uniform..kekexx. but after that dam coldd siia... c0z of the rain.. they still wanna go eat.. thann ii go with themm l0hxx. d0n wan PS they all... hahas.. eat hao le.. ii rush h0me =X c0z stomach realli cannot tahen le.. thann ii go toliet after reaching home.. l0ls.. thann ii realise.. mye jie hav the same sickness as mi..=D thann mye mama ask mi eat her medicion.. kekex.. tmr having bandd.. dunn0 wan go ma.. hiias... better go larhx. c0z mostly got new formation.. juz use mye jie de mediction to ta han loohz. hiias.. =( dunn0 how wouldd ii go for mye tmr traning.. sure veri PAIN..! =(( who can help mii siia.. HIIAS..!!~
Sunday, March 23, 2008 11:29 PM
learn to be serious.. ♥hiias.. juz n0w.. thinking though everything that has happen... than iie realise we are not serious at all in bandd.. so ii thinkk ii will try to be more serious in bandd not to be keep fooling around.. no matter how ii hate daryl.. will juz listen to him than put a (.) at the end.. anyway... will be serious in band andd to put in more effort.. juz wan to win a SLIVER a least for SYF..!!! im sorries for all those traning that was fooling around and not serious.. ii promise ii will change andd be serious in always.. ALL THE BEST FOR SYF..!! juz wan to say sorrie to er an andd all the band teacher, instruter andd members t0o..!~
12:17 PM
Wakakaka.!! ♥Wakakaka..!! yesterdae band..we did quite badd in the morning.. but after awhile dunno whye..suddenly we improve..hahas.. thann we did verii good.. Mr Calvin give us early lunch... after that... we went back for traning... that daryl come le.. mi and yunni they all veri bu happie. we gib him attitiude.. than he wan put a chair in between for the line he puttedd wrong.. lols... we all down there laughting.. haha.!!!! thann he verii PS.. face damm blackk.. we see his face black we more happie.!! hahas.. after that.. we go to the fieldd.. is going to rain soon.. but that idoit daryl still wan us go... still say what even if rains.. we still need to be at fielddd... untill we finish our formation.. thann say what wan see us in the rain.. we all all veri happy to be in the rain lohx.! hahas.. than we all laugh all the way... when the lightning comes.. cher call us go in.. he also no choice.. c0z he is juz nothing.! but a pool of shit.! than when every0ne running in.. onlii mi and yunni walking in..l0ls.. thann he no choice but to gib a black face...lols. after that c0z of raning.. we cannot go any formation.. we juz go andd change our shirt size.. c0z some of them cannot wear im the wan.. l0ls.. thann we go change.. the ppl keep saying i can wear.. XL size.. but than cher k0l mi juz go take L and try.. c0z mye skirt reallii losse... lols. than ii take L go try.. bec0me just nice.. hahas.. thann take L lor.. when go eat dinner.. we go coffee shop find mr calvin andd er an they all actually wan go eat with them de.. but how we knoe that daryl also there... than we see him also don wan eat with them le.. than we tell er an and mr calvin we go eat at west mall...~ hahas..!! YEAHH..!!! from mondae onwards to SYF..!! all extra lesson or punishment will we excuse.!! hahas.. we can d0n need to go..c0z go traning..!! hehe... no needd go for mon detention..hehex. andd wedd remider..!! keke..
Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:55 PM
t0dae traniinqq...hiias... ♥t0dae...meet that ben zhu at oudsidee MRT station...she sae she t0dae will reach m0re early thann mii w0rhhx. in the endd still m0re later than mii..hehexx.. t0oo badd..~~ =XX hiias..Mr Liew sae..m0ndae prepare for detention=X..c0z nv go for the wedd dunno what hell thinqq..hack care la.. also dunno wat is that...~detention l0o...ask mami write a lettle=XX hehexx. 2.30pm go for bandd.. whenn f0rmation.. theres 4 r0lls... im standing in the 3rd roll first 1.. than other 3 roll all follow mye roll de dressinq.. because onlii mye roll got the first pers0n that is mi.. hell la.. ii always follow the rite marker.. Mr Calvin k0l mi to do so.. but than in the endd.. Mr Calvin ask mi walk forwardd.. ok fine.!! ii walk.. ii nv did anythinq.. nor say any wordd... but how ii knoe that Daryl more gou fen.. walk to mi and scoldd mi.. ask mi more infront.. hell la.. is Mr Calvin ask mi standd there de rite.! scoldd for what hell siaa.. than walk there still continew scolding.. forget it... just show him mye worst attiude.! after that..ii reallii dam bu shuanq...ii just hack care everyone andd just do what i should do.. from just now oonwardds.. ii saw him.. ii just give him a stupid l0ok, walk away and fuck him off... towardd him this kindd of ppl no needd to respect de.. Mr Calvin scold ii still don mindd.. he scold for reason not lyke that idoit.. anyway.. wiishh he could leave our bandd ASAP..! ii hate him dam lots.!!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 9:12 PM
wakakakas..!~ ♥hiiass..t0dae wakke upp late..but that xiia0 ben zhu wake upp m0re LATE..! hahas..thann iie meet her at MRT station lia0s thann go k0l tgt..eat breakfast.. after that go f0r less0n... than t0dae f0undd oudd that MYE chemisty cher change le..!!! YEAHH...!! he lyke gibb mii detention l0hhx.. n0w he n0rt mye cher.. d0n need scaredd to get detention le..hehexx.. somemore change to a old man.. Mr Lum.. l0ls..!! sure verii b0riinqq...somemore..t0daee s0 qiao...yunni jie recess iie free periodd.. ii recess she free periiodd...WAKAKA..=Xx anyway.. finallyy iie br0ught mye gl0ves..!! hahas.. thann..after sk0l..we go for bandd...hahas...d0 f0rmati0n..t0dae de formation we do der also n0rt badd..hehexx. finally..~hehexx.. wiishs we couldd continew lyke that..but mye sax0ph0ne spoilt..ii either use charmaine, fathin or Mr Calvin derhx. hahas.. but thann als0 n0rt badd la..hahas.. thann maybe SYF usinq Mr calviin's one..keke.. afterr bandd,, go for MYE dinner with frens..hahass.. while going.. they all walk inf0rnt.. onlii mi andd yunni jie walk behind.. u knoe what happen.!! ii fall into the drain..!! but iie lyke walk staircase lyke that verii fast climbb upp..the stupiddd zhu laugh untill lyke wat sio..hahas...hell..~ l0ls..but thann also quite funny..l0ls.. henqq onlii yunni jie saw..=pp after eat finish dinner.. go backk home.. mye da jie k0l mi help her buy drinks.. at MAC... reachh lot 1.. walk till bus inter liao thann remember.. so mii andd pei jun walk backk andd buy..l0ls...after that go h0me.. that is NOW..~ hahas..
Monday, March 17, 2008 7:03 PM
fun..hahas.. ♥wakaka..t0dae never q0 f0r bandd. =XX hehexx. c0z n0 instrument... thann go eatt lunch after sk0l wiithh enqq chee papa, er an k0r k0r, yuan liinqq da sau, niinqq zhenn jie, peijun andd shi jie.. go sk0l near by c0ffee sh0pp eatt... thann after that q0 back sk0l... just nice.. yunni jie andd yuan chann came oudd fr0m their BIO.. thann they 2 go eat lunch.. we at sk0l plae da0 siia0s.. that stupidd j0evenn h0r..keep pulliinqq mye hair.. hell..~ l0ls.. after that...when going home.. da sau foundd oudd that her A maths book lost.. thann while she findinqq.. we sittinqq down there dae dreams... l0ls.. affter that.. think she still cant findd..thann went h0me.. but mi er an, shi jie, yunni, peijun, samantha andd charmaine.. we go findd GLOVES.. but in the endd.. never sell we want derhhx.. thann we go h0me l0hx. die le larhx. iie haven buy mye white gloves.. by tmr need siia.. die die.. aiiyarhhx. d0n care sk0l de ugly ma la.. just by thann see h0w le l0hxx.. if n0rt need to let that er an sc0ldd again lerhhxx. hiias... BE PREPAREDD..=X
Sunday, March 16, 2008 8:53 PM
perf0rmace f0r SYF.>! ♥hiias.SYF is c0miinqq in a few weeks times...thann got perf0rmace..!! hahas... ii still got 1 sonqq haven mem0rize siia..die lia0s..f0rmation still need ''dance'' hhahas...mondae dunno wan go for extra upper brass traninqq or go do GEO pr0ject...maybe half half hehe.. c0z by tuesdae need knoe all sonqqss...than mondae MUST knoe le..hiias.. tmr sk0l re-open le..can say good can sae badd..ahhas...c0z can play withh ninqq zhen le..hehe..can bully her lia0s..=XX l0ls.. but thann also damm tiiredd agaiinzz... h0mew0rkkk do wan liaos..left GEO..hahas... tmr must ch0nqq at sk0l.. performace.!!~ 28.3.08 - sp0rts dae perf0rmace.. 4.4.08 - spech dae performace.. 10.4.08 - prepare for SYF.. 12.4.08 - SYF...!! ^^
Saturday, March 15, 2008 8:41 PM
w0ndrful...~ ♥YEAHHS.!! finallyy Mr Calvin was dam happiie about todae de traninqq.. we did damm well..! hahas.. GREAT..! yesterdae was so badd.. but todae so good..hahas.. wiishh we couldd keep it upp till the endd.. and just DON WAN the people to keep k0llinqq police sae what we veri noisy.. hell lor.. nnot nosiy how to win SYF..!! hahas.. anyway... we decided to hack care themm..~~ they wanna c0mplain GO AHEAD.! hahas.. YIMB..! JIAYOU..! we have did a good job... hiias.. t0dae c0me backk.. mama ask mi knoe mii s0methings about mye EX.. but iie dunn0 what to sae...so...just act blur in everytime...hehexx..and ii have decided.. FORGET HIM AND BE MYE SELF..! hehexx. even friiendd also d0n wan to be with him le.. =XXX n0w ii feel m0re good.. c0z ii have mye ZHU FAMILY..!!~ hehexx. =DD ''l0vedd'' anyway...ii also DON WAN to tok about past le.. just hack care..just wanna to do mye best for mye SYF andd acheive somethinqq...hehe..!!!=XX
Friday, March 14, 2008 10:30 PM
hiias..''put in m0re eff0rt.!'' ♥hiias..t0dae als0 got 1 goodd news andd 1 badd but not that badd de news..hahas.. anyway... t0dae is mye xiia0 nephew biirthdae..~ hhehexx. but t0o badd cannot celebrate with him.. got bandd traninqq..~~ hiiass... h0weva.. happiie 1 m0nth t0 mye xiia0 nephew(Ryan Yeo Jun Xianq)~ t0dae traininq..m0rninqq..VERI GOOD..~ but thann... after lunchh... hiiass... bec0me DAM BADD.! hiias.. Mr Calvin still angry till go oudd fr0m sk0l...andd just went backk.. than er an takes 0ver.. hiias.. s0 many pe0ple n0rt seri0us...thann make untill bandd lyke what..somemore n0w cannot give that punishment.! hell la.. if lyke that bandd still k0l bandd ma? if is concert bandd still never mindd.. but than is military bannd leii.! n0w the bandd is dam messy..3 m0re weeks onlii.. but some pe0ple still cant get to be serious... YIMB..!!! let mii plzz uue.. get m0re serious.. andd put in ur eff0rt... ii am sure ue can d0 it..!! lets just try our best tgt..~ 3 m0re weeks..!! SYF will be here.... JIAYOUU...
Monday, March 10, 2008 5:29 PM
h0wever i am still i..~ ♥hahas...s0 l0nq never c0me andd p0st lerhhx. 0n 26/02/08 theres 2 thinggs happen w0rhhs. 1st ENG CHEE PAPA biirthdae..~ hahas..Mr calvin treats us eat dinner...weee..,hahas.. the first time w0rhs...0mqq that nite iie was first time so late go home.. but surprise thing is mye mother never sc0ldd niias.. 0nlii mye erjie nagg..hahas... hiias.. 2nd thinqq wass ii break upp withh miinqq...hehexx.. reas0n... ii wish t0 keep pers0nal.=X anyway d0n need ask wh0 ask for break...it d0es n0rt matter... u think is mi than is mi u think him than him l0hxx.=) h0wever..this thing did n0t affect mii... i am still mi..=) n0w ii have mye 0wn freed0m.. where ever iie go. iie d0 d0nt need t0 rep0rt at0 any0ne lerhx.! it's a good news hahas...even if iie d0n have him.. ii still have all mye frens.. they are just lyke mye sisters br0thersss... all are much m0re better than stead... anyway... iie always belive this... FRENS c0uldd be 4eva but STEAD minght n0rt be...=) |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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