Monday, December 31, 2007 5:36 PM
yus0f ishakk...=.=||| ♥hiias..t0dae early in the m0rninqq mye mama wake me upp..thenn ask me q0 yus0f ishakk..see weather got get to transfer ma..if never thenn buy b0oks..in the endd go there lerhhs...go their office ask..they sae dunno..askedd us to k0l the sk0l one by one andd ask..in the endd..miinqq help me k0l..thenn all sk0l sae not beiinqq transferedd..=X thenn my dajie briinqq me go sk0l b0ok sh0p andd buy text-book all that ofc0z unif0rm also larhs. thenn..buy lerhh..we go west mall eatt...eat ha0 lerh q0 l0t one..thenn go home.. later g0iing t0n...'c0unt d0wn' withh erjie,minq,cheemiinq,lily andd ahhbenqq..hahas..tmr new year lerhhs..mye xiao nephew is c0miinqq oudd from mye dajie stomach s0on..~ hahas..would yus0f ishakk been g0ood?? even not good also got to try lia0s...now surly 100% at that sk0l..thenn somemore no one peii me go...laypiinqq dunno whye keep wanna change sk0l..like never change will die.=X aiiyarhhs. even if she nv change so wat..her papa drive her to sk0l..plus we n0rt same class..{ii beliive, ii sure cann knoe more new frens over there} so what iff mye class alot of malays..malays also couldd be frens yarh? =) ermms...n0w qoiinqq prepare andd rest lerhhs...later still needd t0n...hiias...biies...see ya..*update aqaiin whenn im free*
Sunday, December 30, 2007 2:49 AM
n0 h0pe..? =X ♥hiiazz..thiinkk n0 m0re h0pe f0r transferiinqq sec0ndary sk0l lerhs larhs..anyway also 29-30 dec 2007 lia0s..if have theyy l0nqq time aq0 k0l me lerhhs..hehez..but thenn heardd themm sae yus0f ishakk als0 n0rt badd bahhs..g0dd wanna me q0 yus0f ishakk..l0ls..1)never ch0ose als0 get in 2)transfer also fail..hiiass..n0w onlii wiishh layypiinqq iis q0 sk0l by herself..thenn she cann acc0mpany me q0 sk0l..rather thenn me myself qo..but thenn scaredd derhh iis her daddy driive her t0 sk0l..s0mem0re no one peii me q0 lerhh leiis.. s0 n0w onlii cann wiishh layypiinqq papa never drive her q0 sk0l..hahas..hiiass..a feww m0re daes later sk0l re-open lia0s...needd earlyy wake upp als0..giive upp lerhh..ii wanna 'TRY' t0 w0rkk hardd iis ii cann..t0 w0rkk hardd by studiinqq hardd...=X hahas..but thenn als0 dunno cann marhhs..maybe can maybe cant...so sec 1 ii goiingg try..mye jie all that sae if can w0rk hardd to go express..? or what loo...the best is go to mye max..towardds mye g0al..=) wiishh yus0f iishakk w0uldd be quite a g0odd sk0l for me bahhs..anyway..the sk0l unif0rm also n0rt really n0rt nice..quite niice als0..(blue andd white) hahas..but their chinese namedd DAMM hardd to remember plus write..=X hehez...(maybe mye chinese t0o lann lia0s..)
Friday, December 21, 2007 3:37 PM
chanqqedd sk0l ♥hiiass..t0dae went t0 the yus0f ishak sec0ndary sk0l..thenn went t0 chanqqedd t0 other sk0l..c0z t0o far..andd ii dun really like that sk0l..their light verii dimm als0..like huntedd =XX jkjk..ii cant sae thiis type of thiinqqs..h0w if ii transfer sk0l fail...then die die..hahas..anyway ii transfer t0 untiy,teck whye,zhenqq hua andd fajar..eiither 1..hahas..if cann..ii wan q0 teck whye..! c0z als0 of frenss there..s0 g0odd..hahas..DUN AT YUSOF ISHAK can lia0s..=X anyway arhhs..need t0 wait till 31/12/2007 thenn will kn0e..onlii zhenqq hua..bef0re chirsmas ii can get t0 kn0e lia0s...hahas..s0 dun really g0rt to be scaredd als0 larhs..hahas..iif this time r0undd transfer als0 fail..means g0dd really one me g0 that sk0l lia0s lorhs..but if cann ii really dunwan..=X hiias..need verii early wake upp s0memore...so sainzz..g0 ther 4 either 1 als0 can..but n0rt yus0f ishak plz..anyway ii never ch0ose yus0f ishak at the first choice marhhs.. n0w onlii cann see the g0dd ler loos..hahas..andd dependss on the sk0l..ii onlii knoe whenn ii q0 unity ii saw alot of their studen wanna transfer oudd...andd of c0z alot of studen wanna transfer in..the onli thiinqq ii knoe is alot of yus0ffians wanna transfer oudd.. some of the is too far,dun like all that..hahas.. GODD plz give me the sk0l ii wantedd..andd a sk0l that im suit t0...mye 5years will see y0uu lerhs.! =)) ^^ GOOD LUCK TO ME...!!!
1:38 AM
unlucky?? ♥omqq..ii get in t0 yus0f ishak siias...ii never ch0ose..but get in there..hiiasz...but dun care la..als0 no m0re choice..but henqq laypinnqq als0 get in there..if n0rt ii really dunn0 what am ii q0iinqq to d0 lerhs l0rhs..hahas..but one sadd thiinqqs iis maybe laypiinqq q0iinqq change sk0l..omqq..dunwan larhhws.. later ii sure ti0 PS...lols... anyway...'yus0f ishak' also n0rt really the badd loo...dun need t0 be so sadd...but ii so jeal0us s0me 0f them...that get in to unity andd teck whye...al0t of concorddians. there..but never miindd..fur me..1 or 2 is enough..c0z then can kn0e more frens...if n0rt als0 the same in primary sk0l...no diiferent..maybe thiis is mye luck..hahas..FACE THE TURE.! GO FOR IT.! =) JIAYOUU JIAYOUU JIAYOUU JIAYOUU JIAYOUU....~~~~
Thursday, December 13, 2007 9:00 PM
wEeee...~ ♥hahas..yesterdae' went t0 AMK HUB..hahas..went t0 there br0ught lerh s0 shirt..=) att I.P ZONE..hahas..then after that went to sh0p andd sh0p..wEeee..thenn we saw s0me r0ller-bladiinqq sh0es...~ we went t0wardds it andd see....mye mama ask me wan buy ma..c0z always q0 ECP bladee...thenn keep rentiinqq 1hour $7 (buy 1hour free 1hour) then mye mama sae buy m0re better...~ at fiirst..an uncle that is pr0motiinqq the r0llerblade...he intr0 to us 1 pair that cann channqe then size 0f iit ar0undd $60plus..thenn acutally we wanna buy that lia0s..but when we try..we realise that it was n0rt reallyy g0odd..thenn ii went t0 see th0se that are m0re g0odd derhh..ii saw one $80 plus derhh...it seems t0 be better..then mye mama ask me to try...s0 ii try loo..then really n0rt badd so buy loo...haha..but mye cousin buy the cann chanqqe siize derh.. c0z they 3 pers0n share 1 pair =.= plus they dun reallyy kn0e h0w to skate.... after that..we went t0 see s0memore thiinqqs..thenn went t0 pay m0neyy looz..thenn went sh0ppiinqq the h0ld AMK HUB CENTRE..~ hahas...after that quite later ler...mye cousin sae wanna g0 h0me derhhs..thenn they went h0me...but me mye shanjie mye m0ther andd r0ny(nephew) went t0 lot 1 sh0ppiinqq mall..went the sh0p sh0p...hahas..thenn reallyy n0thhinqq m0re to let us sh0p le plus verii late lia0s..then we went h0me.. whenn ii reachh h0me..ii k0l minqq..WAT THE lor...he still ouddside wiithh hiis cousin..thenn never miindd loo...ask him come fiindd me dunwan go meet cousin=X aiiyarhhs. nvm..use to it ler..anyway thenn ii n0thiinqq to do...went to bathh loo...hahas.. t0dayee..whenn ii wake upp mye mama ask me g0 lot one..eat all that..thenn on that way..ii saw the watter b0ttle that ii wann...hehez..but ii dunwan ask mye mama buy..s0 ii decided..whenn sk0l re-open..get money ler thenn ii g0 buy..hahas..anyway ii als0 buy f0r next year derh sk0l baqq lia0s..pencil b0x all that als0....pen all that also prepare ha0 lia0s...hehez....c0z 19 m0re daes...SKOL RE-OPEN~~ hahas....s0 happie...cann kn0w new friendds plus no need to r0t at h0me..hehez... n0thiinqq m0re to write ler larhs..next time free thenn c0me write dunn0 will be when w0rhs. s0rriie f0r n0rt updatiinqq f0r some tiime..~ hehez..take caiires..biies. ;>
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 12:09 PM
ahhma biirthdaee..~ ♥hiiaz..verii sainzz..s0 c0me here andd bl0qq..hahas..19/12 g0 sk0l take cerfiticate lia0s andd see what sk0l ii q0iinqq..20/12 q0iinqq ahhma h0use..c0z 0f early celebrate ahhma biirthdaee..~ 21/12 early in the m0rninqq 8am g0rt to rep0rt to the sk0l that im p0stedd t0..omqq s0 busyy duriinqq that peri0dd..~ but n0w iis s0 free till s0 sainzz.. hahas...q0iinqq meet jiiahhuii g0 oudd lia0s..if n0rt really will r0t at h0me..~SAINZ..c0mputer als0 n0thiinqq to plae..hahas..last few daes..dajie c0me mye h0use stays..she briiinqq her lappy..g0rt maple...haha..s0 went t0 plae maple f0r awhile..hehez..thenn that miinqq h0rzz..let xianqq xianqq(mye c0usin) teachh badd lia0s la..keep playiinqq thatt "darkness andd liqhtt" l0ls..last time g0 mye ahma h0use he let him plae awhile thenn miinqq keep playiinqq lia0s.~ lame ritezz..=.= n0w c0mputer g0rt virus..need let dajie briinqq t0 his h0use andd re-f0rmat..~ hiiaz...saiinz..s0 n0w c0m in damm laqq derh l0rhx.. dunn0 wh0 anyh0w d0wnl0add thinqqs..n0w g0rt virus..! criies..
Friday, December 7, 2007 1:25 AM
wiishh 19/12 will c0me ASAP~ ♥hiiiaz..n0w veryy saiinz..plus ahhuiis saes that if ii never c0me andd bl0qq mye bloqq will die..~ hahas.. anyway... n0w onlii thursdae..or saes.. fridae...c0z is 1am plus... =)) omqq..tmr miinqq miinqq q0iinqq mye ahh ma h0use als0 leiis..hahas..c0z we q0iinqq mye ah ma there "pai pai".. after that we q0iinqq mye ah ma h0use..thenn mye mama ask him to g0 al0nqq~~ haiizz..never miindd larhhs.. ii als0 q0 bef0re hiis ahh ma h0use DOWNSTAIRS~ l0ls. ermm..he als0 dunwann t0 go derhh..butt ganna f0rce~~ haha..!!! NO MATTER WHAT...h0w ii wiishh 19/12 will c0me ASAP..~ plus h0lidae at h0use is damm b0redd derh l0rhs...ii wann t0 sk0l re-open~~ quick quick g0 sec0ndary...~ t0dae kn0e a g0odd newss.. alvin saes he ch0ose unity as 1st choice..hahaa..ii damm scaredd that n0 one will acc0mpany me if ii g0 unityy..s0 now ii dun need to SCAREDD lerhhs..~!! hahas... hiiazz... q0iinqq sleep lerhhs larhhs., s0 als0 g0rt to endd here lia0s.. tmr meetiinqqq jiinqq fenqq..~ thenn g0 ahh ma h0usee...~ hehess.. biies... take caiires.. nitezz nitezz....
Tuesday, December 4, 2007 3:23 PM
waiitiinqq t0wardds thatt daee..~ ♥hiiasz..n0w ii dunwann anyythiinqq juz wiish that 19/12 c0me as fast as p0ssible..~ c0z ii wanna t0 kn0e what sec0ndary ii q0iinqq..andd ii wan to make m0re frens that are m0re mature all that.. s0memore stayiinqq at h0me is reallyy damm b0redd l0rhs.! n0thiinqq to d0..onlii playyiinqq c0mputerr...bef0re h0lidae..keep wantiinqq the h0lidae to come but n0w is the h0liday..damm wiishh the h0liday will endd..~ B0RED in mye everydae..~ quick quick sk0l re0pen id the best. dun care what sk0l ii q0iinqq le la.. juz wanna knoe thenn okays le..c0z ch0osen lia0s. wan chanqqe als0 cant. so what f0r thiinkiinqq so muchh...I JUZ WAN TO KNOW WHICH SKOL II GOIING =) thats all.. hahas. but still thiinkkiinqq of h0w wouldd be mye sec0ndary life..m0st of them sae it w0uldd be very differernt fr0m primary sk0l..c0z primary sk0l are childishh..but sec0ndary sk0l studen m0stly is maturedd..~ never mindd dun need thiinkk to muchh 1 m0nth later ii will kn0e it mye self..~ =X enddiinqq here lerhx. n0thiinqq m0re f0r me to write =) will update when im free and have s0methiinqq so sae..hahas. x3 |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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