Wednesday, July 25, 2012 11:15 PM
11:13 PM
My baby, My love .
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 12:03 PM
I call you mine '
Friday, December 16, 2011 1:03 AM
Eat all th way ! :> ♥ ![]() Makan day today ! :D . Went out to Hong kiat seafood resturant to eat ! With two awesome peeps , sherman & peijun . Eat all the way , went peijun house conitnue eating also :> Durian , rojak , satay ! Now slacking and also , looking throught th past ! Awesome day out . Okay , end here . Small update only . Hehe . Byeeeeeee !
Sunday, November 20, 2011 9:51 PM
Hellooooooo ! ♥ ![]() Bongo awesome girls :D . Yay ! Randomly back t blogging . Heh . Has been holiday so longg . Started working after mye N'level . Life of working still not bad oh ! Meet some awesome people :D Working while joking , disturbing , enjoyable . Prom night soon ! This coming wednesday . Hopefully it will be a fun night , a good goodbye . Every pretty & handsome . Snapsnap photos is a must right yeah ! Kay , end here . Hehe . Byeeeeeee , will be back soon when i'm free :') .
Thursday, August 4, 2011 10:51 PM
PRELIM ! ♥ Boohoo ! Blog now :D . Prelim starts again todayy ! MT , quite okay ? >< . After school went home sleep ! Meet lily , peijun & trevor @ lotone :D . Went manicure ! YAY . They come mye house , okay nonsese :x . Slack , eat , chat , snap :P . Tmrw SS & Math prelim & i'm not yet study ! :X . Okay , ends here . Goodluck t me . Byeeeee :P .
Tuesday, August 2, 2011 8:25 PM
Beloved . ♥ Yesterday was 'N' level MT oral ! Kinda average , not that hard , not that easy :> . Had fun chatting & fooling around with david , jianjie , benedict & peijun ! Well , heard that today's oral was hard . Lucky mine was yesterday ! Today english lesson went t HEY room for rehearsal . Bohoo , i keep forgetting steps . Jialat . Hmm . Gonna start practicing ! Math mock paper , marks improve by 14marks (Y) . Try hard ! Prelim this thurday . Okay , ends here . Think wont be blogging tmrw . Gonna chiong D&T for real . Dateline is up few days time ! N level people all complete liao D: .
Sunday, July 31, 2011 7:59 PM
FunFunFun . ♥ ![]() Yesterday was real fun during NDP rehearsal . 4n2 everyone is like madddd >< . Free food that Ms Ng treats us ! Hahahas . Know all th song & actions alr . Next saturday performance le ! High for it (Y) . Today , rot at home whole day :x . Lazy t go out anyway . Tmrw gonna start chionging D&T ! Due date is real soon liaos . Okays , nothing much , ends here !
Saturday, July 30, 2011 12:24 AM
Great ♥ ![]() School today was like only D&T & Math Mock Exam >< . Slacky , after school , meet sherman & kengyong . Then meet Chunyu , headed t Founder's Day , Kinda sianzxc . After Founder's Day , Went westmall BK slack . Then went meet Eeboonboon . Ah , long time ever since i go there le :x . Okay , slack , talk , chat . SORRY LAH D: . Homesweethome @ about 12am ! Gonna wake up tmrw early ._. For NDP rehearsal . Still don't know what t wear . LOLs . Kays , ends here . EBK says i keep posting blue words . So this blue words is for you :D . Sorry lahhhh ! I don't mean t break promise .. But what happen can't be changed ! Shall see future :D . YA , imissyou . As in those moments :) .
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 10:38 PM
Helloooooo ! ♥ Ahma's 100th day on 23rd . Didn't blog for like dayz alr ! Well , alot things happen . Hahahhaha . This friday gonna be founder's day alr ! (Y) . Okay .. Today was quite epic actually >< . Don't say much ! :x . SS lesson today was AWESOME ! I got full marks . HAHA :x . The rest was pretty fineeeeeeee :P . Ah , idk should i go anot , but well , see how ! Haha . *Like outta topic* . So long never blog , now like dk how t blog alr . LOL . Okay lah , end here , kinda tired ! Imissyou , yes , you , not him :)
Friday, July 22, 2011 11:19 PM
Sorry ! ♥ SORRY , david , lost your class 10 memory card D: . English Prelim Has over ! It wasn't that hard though , phew . School today was fine , D&T till about 7plus . Jiayu waited for me :D . After that home with david & 6others :D . Talk so loudly at MRT as if MRT was our's :x . Lost david's camera memorycard D: . Kinda guilty . Short post ! Byeeee .
Thursday, July 21, 2011 9:43 PM
Racial Harmony Day ! ♥ Long time no post , so come post now :D . Today went school with nonya attire ! Gosh , so kinda weird . Kay , real have fun with beloved classmates . Snapsnapsnap everywhere ! <3 . Tmrw english prelim liao . JIAYOUS everyone in 4n2 . Yay . Paiseh , short post . Abit busy :x .
Monday, July 18, 2011 10:19 PM
♥ Sianzxc max , This friday Prelim is starting . I wasn't prepared yet . Cool uh ? 34days more t N level paper & i'm like still slacking -.- It's time t get serious & start studying . Events are still poping oud t distract us , for like .. NDP rehearsal & CCA awards stuff . Goddamit . I just gonna chiong mye D&T . DIE also want complete by this week . Afterwards , i'm just gonna chiong sketchbook . Start studying for math&hum . Languge , can't be helped . Science , i've said bye long time ago ! Yea , ends here . Shall try do a few pages of D&T later :)
Saturday, July 16, 2011 6:22 PM
NDP rehearsal #1 . ♥ ![]() Yay-ness ! School-ed today for NDP Rehearsal . Had fun singing along with mye class . Awesomeee . Teaching malay singing chinese is FUN ! Seriously enjoyed :D . After Rehearsal , went t BurgerKing for Lunch&Dinner . Homesweethome ! Gonna memorise : -Togther -Where i belong -Home(CHINESE&ENGLISH.V) - We will get there !
Friday, July 15, 2011 9:36 PM
Smoothy Day (Y) . ♥ ![]() Was wanting t take cab t school today , but force myself not t ! :x . School-ed , D&T 1st lesson , smooth though ! Math 2hours mock exam >< . Doing last year paper , actually not hard if i studied :> . End school , D&T for 4hours ! Hopefully i can complete artifact by next week . Mrsee , good teacher though ! Helped me t look for things i need . Unlike Hamidah always call us buy ourself ._. While going home , saw EEboonboon ! Everytime see him , he sure tell me th same thing . GOSH . MRT , saw MsTan ! Cool , she stays at CCK too . Hahahah , Homesweethome . Life getting better everyday ! Gonna start study , ZHENDE D: . Want go higher nitec english need B3 ._. Goddamit ! Jyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjy , Sherman say he will motivate me . HAHAH !
Thursday, July 14, 2011 11:39 PM
PMS Teachers . ♥ Goddamit , what's wrong with th techers today ? First lesson , MrLee pissed off just because small matters ._. Second lesson , MsYap pissed off WITHOUT reason & walked outta class . Third lesson , MrGoh like siaokia liddat -.- Recess Finally a break . MsChia best today ! I engjoyed math lessonnnnn . Sitting with sherman cause david wasn't around . Laughdieeeemeeeeeee :x . English mock , like crazy ! Sit down there 2hours -.- . 15mins break , off t SS mock . MORE CRAZY , a topic that we never even study before . I leave all blank & my answer was ; '' I dont eveen understand th question & source , how am i going t do . '' END SCHOOL LIKE FINALLY . Mummy called me , only need my help then treat me so good >< . Well , homesweethome ! Time is running short . 2more weeks t perlim alr . whatthehell D: . After perlim , 1week liddat jiu actual N level alr ! Goddamit ! Gonna start studying real soon ! I guess , study would be a good excuse , to clear you outta mye mind :D .
Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:34 PM
Fun day in school ! ♥ ![]() Every morning , it used t be erjie waking me up . But ever since after June holiday , i'm th one waking her up ! >< . Was suppose t be early today , ended up late :x . MsLin wasn't in school today , Chem , Free period (Y) . MT , MsYap PMS sibei jialat . LOL . Me , David & Jianjie talk like no teacher is around XP . SS , i saw something that really LAUGHMYASSOUT ! Hahhah . :D . & (Y) , i didn't lose skills on writing essay ! Manage t finish essay by 10mins without using textbook . MrLee say was amazing ! Because fullmarks ! Physic , today special , never sleep . Talking with david throught , he going korea D: . My class buddy gone ! Come back fast fast ohs . Hhahaha . English , David make me laugh dieeeeeeeee ! :D . I got th urge t talk t you . But i tell myself not t do so . Because , You won't appreciate what's from me . I'll force myeself t hate you , Although i know is impossible .
Tuesday, July 12, 2011 9:14 PM
A Day In School . ♥ ![]() Almost late for school today ! D&T today was , goddamit ! Friday didn't go school , Teacher anyhow help me do mye product ! Machiam all not following mye design . But well , Mrsee&Mrdavid helped up with me on explaining why product change . Alot problems pop out , but manage t solve :> . MT mock exam , idk whye ! I was enjoying doing , Hahahahhahaa . End school , talk t sherman for dam long ! But hopefullyy , He has wake up from his dream . Being positive is th main thing ! Yayyyyy . We don't waste our time on people who don't cherish us . That would only make us look like a fool . We live for ourself & not others . Being happy everyday is th minimum we can do t enjoy life ! After all , people come , people go . Old one don't go , New one will never comes . Settle down with someone who cherish you .
Monday, July 11, 2011 9:14 PM
Paikia 4n2 ! xP ♥ ![]() Drag myself up from bed today ! Reach school at 7.29am , 1more minute & i'm late >< . Okay , 4n2 paikia today , like seriously ? MT lesson ; Talk back t Ms yap till she angry dao walk outta class . PE lesson ; Playplayplay none stop :P . SS lesson ; Okay , still smooth , cause we ilovemrlee . LMAO . Chemistry lesson ; Shoot Ms lin till she diamdiam black face . Physic lesson ; Talk like there's no teacher . Disturb like whole school is our's . English lesson ; Play hangman , disturb new teacher XP . Math ASP ; Six people go only , Ms chia angrydie , cancel lesson . Boohoo , How i bet th whole office is saying about us . Anyway , It's not th first time alr ! :D No more blue words anymore . You stand nothing now .
Sunday, July 10, 2011 11:02 PM
A day out ! ♥ ![]() Yesterday went lotone for sakae ! Then badminton with th same peopless :D . Homesweethome play monopoloy . Today , was suppose t do D&T ended up going oud :x . Shop with Dajie & Erjie at JurongPoint . Cab home & headed t LotOne . Homesweethome , school tmrw , like sianxzx ! D: . OHMYGAWD , EEBOONKEAT ! You're serioursly stalker D: . Everything you know de ley . GOSH . While walking home , you came into mye mind . th path we used t walk tgt . Looking up th sky (Y) . |
Yours truly, ![]() 8thMay1995. th-xiiaopiggy@hotmail.com YusofIshakSecondarySchool. Scream Love, Linksphere, Janie, DaJie Janie, DaJie{Private} Joanne, ErJie Ice, SanJie Dajie Family ErJie&Choon WeiXiang, GodBrother ♥♥♥ {SuperLoved} GirlFRIENDs-SIXters :D ChunYu, SIXters David, AhKor Janelle, SIXters Leris, SIXters Lily, Part-Tyme PeiJun, SIXters Sherman, Babyyy! ♥♥ {Loved} EngChee, Daddy{Private} ErAn, ZhuKor Ivan JiaHuiLee, AhMei LiMei{Private} Rachel, mye Owner ShiJie, AhDi ♥ {Friends} Abigail AdamChen AmandaKew, AhMei Andy AnnabelNgo Batrisha BoonKeat BrianSoh Celene Charmine ChewMei Chirstina, QingLing Claudia{Private} Desiree EdwinOh EeTing Efah ElaineFaye Elizabeth Felix GeokLan GeokYong Glenda Hadi HuiYing, ma'am{Private} Justin Karthis MeiYun, BirthdaePartner Mervyn Nayer Pebbles, AhJie PeiRong QingYi{Private} Samantha Samuel, AhKor Serene Shahir Shereen, AhMei{Private} ShuWee SzeQin Teresa TonyJF{Private} VivianNeo, AhJie VivianTan, AhJie WeiXian Xena{Private} YiTing, AhJie{Private} ZhenWei ZhiJie BLOGSHOP ! :D Fun 'N' Crazy YISS, NPCC ASTER, auditionFAM YISS, 1N2'o8 YISS, 3N2'1o Sec1 Camp'O8 Reminisce,
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Applause, |
I Love You. |